Meanwhile, Cain was busily moving around. It was because he had a job to do for his lovely woman. He headed to the mansion of the man with whom Yuria and Fren had quarreled after going to the villa.

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He had hid his presence and left her side, but still, Cain was watching Yuria’s every move. It was because he was worried that something might happen to her while he wasn’t there. Thanks to this, Cain was able to understand her situation even though he was not with Yuria. He didn’t even show up when Yuria was in danger, he was waiting for her to call him.

In his heart, he wanted to get rid of the guy who looked worse than chewed gum, who dared to covet Yuria without knowing his place, but since she didn’t call him, he couldn’t reveal himself recklessly.

Even though he was still a newborn, if it’s Fren, he’d be able to protect Yuria from a bastard like him. But he was still young and clumsy. Knowing Fren’s condition, Yuria must have felt trapped.

With someone’s sudden intervention, Yuria and Fren’s location changed and they got out of danger, but Cain didn’t want to end it like that. Without knowing his place the land coveted his lovely woman and had to pay for it.

The demon quietly appeared in front of the man. The man was surprised at Cain’s sudden appearance in the dark and tried to scream, but no sound came out as if he were blocked.

“Okay, what should I do to you?”

Should I pluck the eyes that were filled with Yuria’s figure?

Or should I separate that useless head from his body?

If not, should I break his limbs so that he can’t even crawl on all fours like a beast?

Cain had no intention to kindly explain to someone who did not know his place why he had appeared or what he had done wrong. He quietly informed the man of his future. Cain’s voice, emanating from the darkness, was rasping and murderous. Hearing such a voice, the man felt an instinctive primal fear.

When Cain looked at him, his body trembled like a herbivore in front of a beast. The energy that naturally flowed from the demon entangled the man’s body.

“You don’t have to answer.”

Because the decision is mine.

If possible, he wanted to be Yuria’s option, but he didn’t know if she would sweetly feel compassion for a person who was less than a grain of sand on the sidewalk.

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Yes, even worrying about it wasn’t worth the time. All of his time had to flow to Yuria.

So, let’s do it all.

But it would be better to leave the head. It was such a shame to kill him painlessly. With a single gesture of Cain’s hand, blood flowed from the man’s eyes. At the same time, with a flat sound, the man’s limbs were deformedly twisted. Along with it, Cain erased all traces of himself. The man wouldn’t remember him.

Soon Cain disappeared as quietly as he had come.


* * *


As Fren’s awakening was over, Cain left saying he had business to do, and Yuria was able to return home. However, perhaps it was the aftermath of awakening, part of the house was destroyed. The exterior had collapsed and exposed the inside. However, Yuria decided to be relieved that it was not completely broken and not to the extent that it could not do its job.

As long as Fren was okay, it was fine even if the house was ruined. The house could be rebuilt, but Fren couldn’t. Yuria cautiously approached the kid, who was lying on the bed. His face was relaxed as he slept, exhaling even breaths as if nothing had happened.

‘Thank god…’ It all ended safely. Until Fren opened his eyes, she wouldn’t be able to completely relax. Yuria sat quietly by the bed and watched him, hoping that her warmth would reach Fren and make him feel a little better. At that time, Cain, who had been away for a while, returned. He had something in his hand.

“What is that?” Yuria had a puzzled expression on her face.

“You are too small.” He had brought things for Yuria. Small things are cute, but Yuria was too small. If he held her in his hand, he might wrap her whole. So she had to gain weight. So that she would grow well. He was sure she would still be lovely and adorable being all plump. With that thought in mind, Cain brought a bunch of food for her while he was away.

“…Of course I’m on the small side.”

“So eat.” Cain proudly piled the food he had brought on the table. There was so much, it was hard to count the items with the fingers.

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“Do you want me to eat this bunch- I mean, all of this food?”

She was grateful that he had brought this food for her, since she couldn’t even take care of her meal because she was too engrossed with Fren, but it was too much. However, it was a waste to throw away the leftovers, and there was no proper place to store them.

“Is it not enough?”

That could be the case. It wasn’t enough for one meal. Cain nodded his head as if he was convinced.

“No, it’s too much.” Yuria shook her head.

“This?” Cain made a face as if he couldn’t understand.

It was because she was small, her stomach seemed small, too. Seeing how she cried because she had to eat this much. She was so adorable that he almost reached out and patted her, but he restrained himself because he was afraid that Yuria would be too surprised.

“Yes. So if it’s okay… Would you like to eat together?”

Thinking about it, he always helped Fren, but she never properly expressed her gratitude. She needed to do something as a -thank you.- And besides, Cain wasn’t able to eat properly either after being by Fren’s side.

“…That’s good.”

It felt uncomfortable to eat the food of someone who was much smaller and weaker than he, but what could he do? She seemed to have a hard time eating it all because it was a lot.

“Next time, I’ll treat you to a proper meal.” Because there was nothing else she could do for Cain.

“With those hands?” Cain widened his eyes and looked at Yuria as if he had heard something really surprising.

“Do you have a prob– I mean, is there something wrong with my hands?”

“How can you make food with those tiny, soft hands?”

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‘What if you get hurt?’ He couldn’t know if her tiny wrists would break under the weight of the heavy food. Although she was a strong woman who could touch him, she only looked infinitely weak in Cain’s eyes.

“…I have done well so far.” Yuria said with a bewildered expression on her face, not knowing how to react to Cain’s question.

“I’m glad you haven’t been hurt so far.” It was a real miracle, a blessing. Cain was greatly admiring.

Yuria looked at the scene with a strange expression and quickly organized the food Cain brought to eat. There was so much that it was impossible to arrange everything at once on the table.

“Please go on, I didn’t prepare it but…” Yuria said with an awkward expression feeling mild embarrassment.

“That’s fine.” Cain sat down on the chair.

Yuria looked into Cain’s eyes and picked up the spoon first. She didn’t realize it until she smelled the food, but she was starving. She had to take good care of herself until Fren came to his senses.

Cain quietly watched Yuria eating. It was strange to be able to hold a fork with that little hand, pick up food and eat it. He wondered what could fit in that tiny little mouth, but more than he expected, food went in like it was a squirrel’s mouth. Protruding round cheeks were wobbling playfully. How lovely those munching lips. Even the most delicious cherry fruit would not be more desirable than Yuria’s lips.

On a sudden impulse, Cain reached out and tapped Yuria’s cheek with his finger. As if asking why, she looked straight at him, still with food in her mouth. The round eyes were brighter and more transparent than those of a deer. No other jewel in the world would be more beautiful than Yuria’s eyes.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Yuria barely swallowed the food in her mouth and asked with clear eyes.

“…There is something else that looks more delicious.”

‘I wish I could ask you for that pink cheek just once.’ How luscious it looked, it was enough to stir a darker appetite.

“What?” Yuria tilted her head waiting for the next words, but since it didn’t come, she decided to let it go.

After a while, Yuria finished her meal. With Cain’s help, all the food on the table was gone. After eating, they had to clean. Then, suddenly, Yuria had a question.

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“By the way, where did you get this?”

‘I don’t think you would have made it yourself. Then did you buy it? But aren’t you a demon? Do demons have money?’

Thinking about his previous statements, it seemed that he had just recently passed over to the human world.

“I got it.”

“Yes? You didn’t buy it?”

“It looked delicious, so I asked for it, and they gave it to me.”

Yuria was troubled by Cain’s account. ‘How am I supposed to take that?’ Listening to the content, it almost felt like it was stolen. But even so, there was nothing she could do about it, so Yuria decided to just pretend she didn’t know.

“Well, I should do some cleaning first,” said Yuria, feeling bothered by the ruined house after watching Fren for a while.

“I’ll help too,” Cain said, worried that Yuria might fall over while cleaning. In the first place, he didn’t want to entrust Yuria to a difficult and dangerous job like cleaning. She had to only hold pretty and precious things in her hands.

“No, it’s okay.” Either way, Yuria shook her head. She could not have Cain, the guest, do the cleaning.

However, Cain seemed to dislike it, and, like a grumpy child, stood motionless and stared at Yuria. It was a clear protest.

“All right. Then wipe the floor please.”

Yuria put the mop in Cain’s hand.

She soon deeply regretted her decision.

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