Chapter 35

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Yuria and Fren reacted differently to Cain’s unexpected bomb-like remarks, as he casually revealed his fatherhood, Yuria was worried that Fren would be overly shocked by Cain’s words, and Fren quite simply ignored them.

“Yuri, that’s weird,” Fren said, while snuggling his face in Yuria’s arms with a frail expression.

Fren’s reaction to Cain’s announcement was pretty monotone, since he had previously suspected it to some extent. His suspicions began after his awakening, when he was able to better sense energy and noticed that his energy was the same as Cain’s. Finding out Cain was his father didn’t mean much to Fren, after all, no blood related relative could ever be as precious to him as Yuria, who had reached out to him in his most difficult time. It was Yuria who lifted him from the darkness, showing him the light. It was Yuria who gave him warmth, and made him feel safe. Not some biological father who left him to fend for himself, completely ignorant of his existence until now.

“…Fren.” Yuria struggled to call out to Fren, his refusal showed the wounds he had suffered in the past. The fact that his father, who he thought was dead, was actually alive and appeared in front of him, so suddenly. It was a difficult thing to ask Fren to accept his new father, because she knew how difficult Fren’s life was until now. But even so, it was a fact that could not be ignored. Whether it was meant to be that their relationship would be broken, Yuria still needed Cain’s help for Fren’s wellbeing.

Yuria paused, before trying to console Fren and explain about Cain’s existence and why he was unaware of Fren, in the least hurtful way possible, but before that, Cain spoke faster.

“I didn’t expect you to have any courtesy towards your father, but you’re acting pretty spoiled,” Cain muttered indifferently.

At that, Fren threateningly glared at Cain again; however, his body was still trembling pitifully in Yuria’s arms. That’s why Yuria didn’t notice Fren’s glare, only Cain did, and rather than feeling threatened he just looked dumbfounded.

“I’m sorry, Fren.” Yuria apologized, the moment Fren woke up, he was greeted with such a shocking fact. He must have felt quite shocked. If she had known that Cain would suddenly reveal the truth in such a way, she would’ve spoken to him beforehand, and advised him to wait until Fren recovers at least to some extent before telling him.

“No, Fren didn’t hear anything.” Fren deliberately raised his hands and covered his ears, pretending not to hear Yuria. He was scared that her ‘sorry’ meant he would have to follow his father consequently, leaving Yuria.

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“I didn’t want to let you know this way.” Yuria spoke remorsefully as she tightly wrapped Fren in her arms, clearly conveying the sincere regret she held for not properly telling Fren. Fren on the other hand, despite feeling comforted by Yuria’s hug, was not relieved in the slightest. Judging from Yuria’s current attitude, it seemed that not only did she already know that this person was his father, but had also completely accepted it, and the possibility of them separating.

“Fren has no father. Fren only Yuri son.” Fren declared in a more determined voice, worried Yuria would let go of his hand. The person was a father he didn’t even know existed until now, thus Fren wouldn’t hesitate to abandon his biological father in order to be with Yuria.

“Fren,” Yuria sympathized with Fren, considering Cain’s random appearance that caused Fren abundant anxiousness and fear that she would leave him, Yuria understood why Fren was so adamantly denying his father’s existence. Nonetheless, Yuria had no intention of letting Fren go just because his biological father appeared. She had already conveyed to Cain her intentions to stay with Fren.

“Fren is my son. So don’t worry,” Yuria consoled the trembling Fren in her arms.

“So that…”

“But Cain is Fren’s father.”

Fren’s face contorted in dissatisfaction. “No. Fren doesn’t have a father. Father threw Fren away.” It really didn’t matter if Cain had really abandoned him or not, as long as Fren used that as a reason, he could sever his relationship with Cain. Fren was desperately clinging to Yuria, convinced that anyone would only create a wedge between them.

“I’m sorry, but I never abandoned you, kiddo.” He had left Fren alone until now simply because he was unaware of his existence, not because he abandoned him. Being hated by Fren didn’t matter, but he didn’t feel comfortable being misunderstood like that. Fren shook his head ignoring Cain’s words, no matter what he said, there was no way he would acknowledge him as his father. All he needed was Yuria. There was no need for anyone other than her, if it was up to him, they would all disappear.

Yuria opined with Cain, “Cain is right. Cain didn’t abandon you he just didn’t know that Fren existed.”

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“. . .”

Fren kept his mouth shut and didn’t say anything.

Cain knew Fren didn’t want to accept him as a father; however this didn’t matter to Cain, he just needed a reason to stay by Yuria’s side. Thus, he had to change the topic, and quietly opened his mouth while looking at the two of them. “It doesn’t really matter whether you acknowledge me as your father or not, kiddo. But if it goes on like this, you’re going to put her in danger.”

“What… do you mean?” Fren, who had deliberately ignored Cain’s existence, responded immediately to the words that suggested that Yuria might be in danger.

“Even though you’re a hybrid, you have devil’s blood running through you. Besides, the energy inside must have gotten stronger thanks to the first awakening. If you don’t properly control that energy, Yuria will get hurt.”

“…I can do that by myself,” Fren refuted.

“Even when you’re losing energy like this?”

If it were any other human being, Yuria would have suffered from being affected by Fren’s energy. For some reason, Yuria didn’t seem to be affected in the slightest, yet at least. Of course, Fren was trying to control his energy to make sure Yuria didn’t get hurt, but by Cain’s standards, it was definitely clumsy. Originally, devils were born with some knowledge of how to use energy that they trained while in the mother’s womb. However, since Fren was born in the belly of a human woman, he didn’t have a chance to learn such things. As a result, even at this moment, Fren’s energy had lost its direction and was scattered around.

Fren attempted to object,”That…”

“She’s not affected by your aura right now, but it’s because of her uniqueness, not because of your unskilled control,” Cain said firmly. Fren was unable to say anything against that, so kept his mouth shut. He didn’t want to admit Cain was right, if he acknowledged his words as the truth, it would mean he accepted his help. Despite Fren’s overflowing hatred for Cain, this was about Yuria, so he couldn’t fake ignorance. What if what he said was true? Fren wished to eliminate even the slightest of chances that Yuria could get hurt, even if it was a 0.0001% chance. Fren knew Cain was fond of Yuria, and was unlikely to lie about her, hence Fren figured he should believe Cain. Nonetheless, Fren still didn’t want Cain to be remotely close to Yuria for the fear that he would take Yuria away. Fren debated the decision tirelessly in his head, realizing that his selfishness could hurt Yuria if he chose wrong.

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“You’re not pretending to be immature, you are immature.” Cain said coolly after reading the hesitation on Fren’s face. Fren only glared at Cain with an angry expression in response, powerless to refute his words.

“Fren, I’m fine. Do whatever you want.” Yuria honestly wanted to hold onto Cain. As a human being, she knew very little about devils, and as a result was incapable of properly helping Fren if anything happened to him in the future. With Cain, it would be different. Above all else (fatherhood included), Cain’s help was desperately needed, for Fren’s safety.

“…Okay,” Fren answered in a rather dejected voice. Yuria told him to do whatever he wanted, but he saw her true feelings hidden behind those words, and even if he didn’t, he still would’ve chosen Yuria in the end. Because what he wanted the most was to please Yuria.

“Thank you, Fren.” Yuria replied gratefully, knowing that it was a very difficult choice for Fren, and tenderly patted Fren’s head.

Cain’s expression morphed into a dissatisfied one, looking at the sight of their warm embrace. It was laughable. That little brat had chosen all for himself, why did Yuria have to say thank you? Cain couldn’t understand it, but apart from that, he envied the affection contained in Yuria’s every gesture towards Fren.

The kid recognized Cain’s gaze and hugged Yuria even tighter with the desire to own her entire world, refusing to concede even the smallest of things. In the middle of the bloody nerve battle between the two, Yuria opened her mouth.

“More than that, Fren, aren’t you hungry?” Yuria questioned, although the relationship between Fren and Cain had not been resolved yet, at least the important issues were now somewhat sorted, so all that remained were worries concerning Fren.

“…All I need is Yuri, mom,” Fren stated, staying with Yuria was the one thing that mattered to Fren, in comparison hunger wasn’t a problem.

“I guess I’m a little hungry.”

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“Then Fren is hungry too.”

Knowing Fren, Yuria couldn’t say she didn’t need to eat. “Then rest here. I will prepare the meal.”

Fren was barely awake, so she wanted to stay by his side, but that didn’t mean she could starve him. At Yuria’s words, Fren quietly nodded, choosing to stay put as he didn’t want to be a burden to her.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” Cain asked, worried that she might get hurt.

Making food with those little hands.

“I think… staying still helps.” Yuria gently refused, while apologizing in her head.

I’m sorry, but it’s true.

She needed to make food for Fren, who had been starving for a few days, as soon as possible, but if Cain came out to help and created more work, it would inevitably take longer to prepare the meal. At Yuria’s cold words, Cain put on a sullen expression, but he listened to Yuria obediently, and stayed where he was.

While Yuria was preparing the meal, Fren and Cain were both sitting idly. Fren, who had a childlike expression on his face when he was with Yuria, was completely expressionless beside Cain. Cain quietly watched Yuria cooking, engrossing himself in her image, suddenly, Fren’s voice could be heard in his ears.

“…Don’t expect me to treat you like a father.” His words were so cold that his previous child-like tone seemed like an illusion.

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