Jun Huailang loathed himself from the bottom of his heart.

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He hated his own weak heart to the point where his teeth ached, but he still couldn’t stand by and watch Xue Yan be attacked from all sides.[1] Ultimately he didn’t believe that Xue Yan still had any reason to detest and humiliate his sister like he had in the previous life. This way of thinking made him fight with himself.

He gritted his teeth and told himself to give Xue Yan one last chance. Find Linghuan first and ask what happened. If Xue Yan had truly gone too far, then he would be sure to repay Xue Yan back a hundredfold. Henceforth, he would never be so weak and impulsive again.

This is the last time, Jun Huailang tremblingly told himself.

Emperor Qingping thought Jun Huailang’s request was just because overly anxious about his sister. Without hesitation he permitted it, saying, “Then you must be careful. Ling Fu, send a few Imperial Guards to follow the heir.”

Ling Fu immediately complied.

Having obtained the Emperor’s permission, Jun Huailang turned around and left with a squadron of Imperial Guards. Except for the brightly lit western corner gate, the rest of the palace only had one lantern hanging every five paces. His surroundings immediately became dark as he walked out.

Jun Huailang looked around, forcing himself to calm down and think about where Jun Linghuan could have gone. Just then, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. He turned and found Jun Xiaowu and Xue Yunhuan both running over.

“I asked my mother for a favor. She’s also worried about you so she allowed the two of us to come,” Xue Yan said.

Jun Xiaowu patted Jun Huailang’s shoulder. He called the squad leader over to report which places had been searched. Jun Huailang calmed down and gave them a grateful look. The squad leader said that because the situation was urgent, he had ordered his men to search all the paths along the west corner. There had been no sign of Jun Linghuan on any of the surrounding paths. He had also sent people to search the nearby palaces to no avail.

In other words, all the places Jun Linghuan could have gone on her own had been searched. 

“The search just now was indeed too broad, but the imperial city is too large. This one thinks that since the Little Miss is still young, she is unlikely to go to places that are too dark.” The squadron leader apologized, then continued, “This one will send people to search all the areas immediately. Ling Fu-gonggong[2] also sent some eunuchs to help…”

“It’s too slow,” Jun Huailang suddenly interrupted.

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“Lord Heir, you mean…?” The squad leader was taken aback.

Jun Huailang thought for a moment. “Are there any abandoned palaces or places where no one usually goes nearby?”

The squad leader pondered, “There is nothing near the imperial garden. But the Cold Palace is located one li[3] to the east. The young lady isn’t likely to go there, is she?”

Jun Huailang considered it and said, “Arrange the search according to your original plan. Just give me a few men and I will go to the Cold Palace to have a look.”

Although the squad leader of the Imperial Guards was puzzled, he still obeyed the orders and dispatched a small team of guards to lead the way for Jun Huailang.

“Ge, why are you going to the Cold Palace?” Jun Xiaowu asked. “Linghuan is terrified of deserted places, don’t you know that?”

After all, today was the Emperor’s Thousand Year Banquet. No matter how much guts the palace servants had, they would not lead a noble to run around the palace. So there was only one possibility — that Jun Linghuan wandered off by herself.

Jun Huailang replied, “That’s why I’m going; to confirm it.”

In his previous life, he didn’t even know Jun Linghuan had gone missing, so it was clear she had not been in danger and was eventually found. What he cared about the most was whether Xue Yan was the one to hide Jun Linghuan. If Xue Yan really hid her, then she would definitely be hidden in a place where no one went and no one thought Jun Linghuan would go to. 

What happened in the previous life could not happen again.

Two hours ago.

At the Thousand Year Banquet, Consort Shu’s side was the most lively. She had always been the most favored among all the imperial concubines, and had an arrogant temper. Those in the palace who had children and were unfavored, even if they did not curry favor with the Empress, would still seek favor with her.

The flock of concubines swarmed like butterflies. Their fragrances were so strong Jun Linghuan kept sneezing. Halfway through the banquet, she wanted to go out and get some air. But through the rear hall’s lattice window she saw her eldest brother and second brother chatting happily, so she restrained herself.

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Gege[4] hasn’t seen second-gege for a long time. If I go to him, he will be distracted taking care of me.

Jun Linghuan endured for a while longer. Then she saw Xue Yan, who was sitting diagonally in front of Jun Huailang, stand up.

It’s Fifth Prince-gege! My brother said before that Fifth Prince-gege is also a real brother to me. Also, Fifth Prince-gege is a good person! Last time he helped me light calming incense for gege. After that, he also asked me for more incense and lit some for gege every day. Sure enough, gege was able to sleep well starting from that day.

It was as if Jun Linghuan had been granted a great reprieve. She hurriedly tugged on Consort Shu’s sleeve and whispered, “Gumu,[5] I want to go play with Fifth Prince-gege.”

Consort Shu was surrounded by a group of concubines and eating fruit unenthusiastically. Hearing what Jun Linghuan said, she recalled who the Fifth Prince was and froze. Next to her, Lady Zhang, the second prince’s birth mother overheard. She laughed meaningfully and said, “Little Miss Jun, you’re young and ignorant. You can’t say such things, that person is an evil star who can eat children…”

Consort Shu frowned and interrupted, “What are you doing, saying such strange, mystical things to frighten her?”

Consort Shu didn’t believe in the supernatural. She didn’t like Xue Yan, but it was purely because the Emperor loathed him. In the palace, if the Emperor didn’t like someone, anything that person did would be ill-fated, it had nothing to do with gods and spirits. Lady Zhang didn’t dare provoke her and shut up in embarrassment.

But Jun Linghuan asked ignorantly, “Gumu, what is an evil star?”

Consort Shu was irritated. She didn’t want these cynical women to lead her niece astray. “Call Xue Yan over,” she ordered Diancui. Then she said to Jun Linghuan, “It’s nothing, bomu[6] is talking nonsense.”

Lady Zhang’s face turned green at being called bomu. She was a little young to be called bomu, but within the concubines, she was indeed the oldest. She had been in her twenties when she gave birth to the Second Prince. Now she was in her forties and her status was still low. It was extremely embarrassing for her to mingle among these exquisite flower-like concubines. Consort Shu had clearly mocked her, but Lady Zhang dared not retort. She could only pretend not to understand. 

Several young concubines nearby gathered together and tittered softly.

Diancui brought Xue Yan to the rear hall not long after. Consort Shu didn’t make him wait under the scrutiny of the concubines for long, she raised her chin and said lightly, “Take Linghuan out to get some air.”

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Xue Yan looked at Jun Linghuan and saw the little girl staring at him with big shining eyes.

“Yes,” he agreed.

Jun Linghuan immediately followed him happily. Xue Yan saluted Consort Shu and the Empress, then turned around and left. 

Jun Linghuan breathed a sigh of relief when the two of them walked out of the hall. She looked up and smiled at Xue Yan, saying, “Thank you Fifth Prince-gege!”

Xue Yan glanced down at her indifferently. Although the little girl was young, there was a hint of her brother in her appearance. When encountering Jun Huailang’s smile, he couldn’t help thinking of his deep warm eyes and feeling weak at the knees.

“Where do you want to go?” he asked.

Jun Linghuan thought about it, and remembered that the imperial garden was always fun. She pulled Xue Yan’s sleeve and led him to the imperial garden. The imperial garden was only a few zhang[7] away from Yongle Hall so they arrived within a few minutes.

But in the winter, the plants in the imperial garden had withered. Even the small lotus pond was frozen. This was Jun Linghuan’s first time coming to the imperial garden in the winter. Seeing this scene she let out a sound of disappointment. “Ah! It’s usually not like this,” she said.

Jun Linghuan truly regarded Xue Yan as a new friend and wanted to show him the beautiful sights she had seen. But Xue Yan evidently was not a fitting companion — he had no interest in watching the scenery and rarely talked with people. Xue Yan stood at her side unenthusiastically and didn’t respond.

All of a sudden, Jun Linghuan cheered. “There are flowers there!”

Xue Yan glanced in the direction she pointed. Outside the red walls of the imperial garden bloomed a group of dazzling plum trees. Palace lanterns twinkled like stars among the red plum blossoms, shining with a warm yellow glow.

“Fifth Prince-gege, I want to go there and have a look!” Jun Linghuan said.

Xue Yan hummed lightly and followed her over. He didn’t have any intent of treating her like a friend, he was just following Consort Shu’s orders to take care of the child. But Jun Linghuan pulled her new friend with great enthusiasm all the way out of the west corner gate of the imperial garden to the edge of the plum grove.

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Once there, Jun Linghuan was so fascinated by the exquisite lanterns that she couldn’t even exclaim. The plum blossom grove stretched several zhang and a small lake lay in the middle. In the center of the lake stood a tall Taihu stone.[8] A small pavilion of white jade was carved on top of the stone, and at the very top of the pavilion dangled an especially magnificent lantern.

As soon as she saw the lantern, Jun Linghuan was completely transfixed.

“Wow,” she gasped belatedly.

Xue Yan had originally stood back, waiting to take the little girl back when she had seen enough. But unexpectedly, she stood there for a long time. Her mouth, which had been chattering nonstop, fell silent. He glanced down at her. Her eyes were originally quite similar to Jun Huailang’s eyes. In the resplendent glow of the lanterns, they became even more like his.

Xue Yan was entranced. He suddenly thought for no reason, This is Jun Huailang’s younger sister.

He looked in the direction that Jun Linghuan was looking at. Among the thousands of monotonous palace lanterns, there was one that stood out. The lantern she was looking at really was pretty.

“Want it?” Xue Yan asked abruptly.



[1] 众矢之的 lit. target of a multitude of arrows; the butt of public criticism. [2] 公公 term of address for eunuch. [3] 里 traditional unit of distance, about 500 meters. [4] 哥哥 older brother, can also be used to address older men of the same generation not related by blood. [5] 姑母 paternal aunt [6] 伯母 term of address for the wife of father’s elder brother; aunt [7] 丈 traditional unit for length, about 3.3 meters. [8] 太湖石 a type of limestone prized for its unusual shapes

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