The Empress was speaking to the Duke of Yongning and Madame Shen, and had them stay behind when Jun Enze left the Yongle Rear Hall. The Second Prince had been escorted out earlier, and Jun Enze was all alone without even a servant at his side.

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Jun Enze’s legs were weak and his mind was in chaos.

His father had been exiled to Lingnan. It’s said that there was a miasma there that could poison perfectly healthy people to death. He would rather die than go there, and his father was also reluctant to have him suffer hardship. His father had begged the Duke of Yongning, who finally let Jun Enze stay in the Yongning residence. Although Jun Enze was living on others’ charity, it was still better than going to Lingnan. What’s more, he was a favorite companion of a prince, precious beyond words. No one dared look down on him. Among all the sons of noble families, he was quite outstanding.

But now, it was all gone.

He had angered the Emperor and the Second Prince could not save him. For the Second Prince, it was just a crime of teasing a noble daughter but for him, it was the sin of abetting a prince. 

Jun Enze knew that there was no way to save the situation at this point. Before long, he would have to travel thousands of li to the miasma-filled Lingnan. He had no desire to go back to the banquet so he sat down in an inconspicuous nook by Taiye Lake. In front of him, Taiye Lake was covered in ice fragments that sparkled from the light of the lakeside lanterns. On the opposite side of the lake stood layer upon layer of palaces. The richly ornamented buildings with their green tiles, flying rafters, and splendid lights were reflected in the lake, just like the heavenly Jade Lake.

In the past, he could still believe that he belonged here. But today, heaven had thrown him back into the secular world, like it had all been a dream.

A faint sigh came from behind him.

“Fourth Highness?” Jun Enze was astonished as he turned around and saw the Fourth Prince, Xue Yunhong, standing behind him.

The Fourth Prince always got along with the Second Prince but the Fourth Prince was gentle as jade and not talkative. He was not like them who always got in trouble. Back then, it was the Fourth Prince’s sharp eyes that had seen Jun Linghuan there.

At that time, Xue Yunhong had said with a smile, “If Fifth Brother loses this child, I’m afraid that Father will firmly blame him again.”

Xue Yunsu was astonished. “Xue Yan brought her out? How do you know?”

“I saw it, perhaps I misunderstood,” Xue Yunhong smiled and shook his head. “If Second Brother is curious, just ask. I drank too much wine and now I have a headache from the wind. I’ll take my leave first.”

Jun Enze had some misgivings. If Fourth Highness had gone back to rest earlier, why was he sober now?

Seeing his doubtful expression, Xue Yunhong smiled and said lightly, “I was resting just now when I heard the noise and came out to have a look. I heard that something happened with you and Second Brother. I was worried and came to see you.”

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Jun Enze looked grateful and tears began to fall. “Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. It’s just that, from now on, we will never have the chance to meet again.” 

“How can that be?” Xue Yunhong said in surprise. 

“Lingnan is so far away. I won’t have any chance to come back,” Jun Enze said.

Xue Yunhong shook his head. “As long as Second Brother doesn’t want to part with you, what does it matter how far away it is?”

Jun Enze was stunned. “You mean……”

Xue Yunhong said gently, “You have been accompanying the Second Prince since childhood, who can compare with this kind of friendship? When it is time to leave, find an excuse to meet with Second Brother. The Emperor will not forbid you from saying goodbye. At that time, cry with him. Second Brother is so soft-hearted, he will definitely remember you and not let you suffer in Lingnan for too long.” 

Jun Enze gradually looked happier.

That’s right! How did he forget? He may not be the master of his own destiny, but the nobles in the palace are different!

Xue Yunhong saw that he was listening and couldn’t help laughing again. He urged, “When the time comes, just say you don’t want to part with Second Brother and that Xue Yan harmed you. Second Brother hates Xue Yan. He will definitely take responsibility and find a way to allow you to return.”

Jun Enze promptly memorized every word and repeatedly thanked Xue Yunhong for his suggestion.

“What suggestion?” Xue Yunhong smiled. “I just don’t want you to leave like this, so I thought up an idea for you.”

The Second Prince had a deep friendship with him and the Fourth Prince was also reluctant to see him leave! Jun Enze immediately became smug. Sure enough, all his years of currying favor were useful. 

“Now that you’ve figured it out, let’s go back to the banquet,” Xue Yunhong said. “It’s windy by the lake and you’re dressed in thin clothes. Don’t freeze.”

Jun Enze naturally did not have any doubts about the Fourth Prince. He saluted and took his leave. 

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There was no need to worry since he would have plenty of opportunities to come back. He still had a few good friends among the nobles. He had to hurry back and contact them.

Xue Yunhong watched him leave with a smile. “A wise man uses strategy and a fool uses strength,” he chuckled and said to himself. “The classics never lead me astray.”

With just the Second Prince’s abilities and no powerful maternal family, how could he save Jun Enze? He had Jun Enze beg the Second Prince just to squeeze out the last bit of usefulness from that trash, and intensify the conflict between the Second Prince and Xue Yan. 

Xue Yunhong clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the brightly lit lake. The light of countless lanterns reflected in his eyes but illuminated no warmth.

He never had to use his own hands to deal with anyone. Borrowing others’ strength was the first lesson his mother had taught him on being a ruler. 

Just like the year he was born. Xue Yan and he were both born at the same time. His mother had been an unknown and unfavored concubine while Xue Yan’s mother, Consort Rong, had been the outstanding favorite. The Empress had already been childless for many years, and everyone watched Consort Rong’s belly. His mother was able to borrow power from all sides and make Consort Rong die suddenly. Xue Yan fell out of favor, and the gazes that had originally belonged to Xue Yan now fell on him.

Now he also has this skill. With the help of those brainless idiots, he could trap Xue Yan and push him further out of favor without shedding a single drop of blood. 

As his mother once said, old enemies need to be exterminated to prevent planting the root of their future disaster. It’s just that those idiots were like inferior iron swords; just a few swings and the blades bent before the killing blow.

Xue Yunhong looked at the lake full of lights and sighed in disappointment.

In the middle of the imperial city stood a seven-story pagoda. There was a magnificent temple in front of the pagoda full of Buddha niches. An unending stream of devotees had burned incense the day before yesterday. At night, the monks kept watch and knocked on wooden fish in the side hall. Beat by beat, it reverberated into the night.

It was already very late. The gong of the night watch rang out in the distance. 

Xue Yan knelt in the center of the Buddhist hall and looked up at a golden Buddha statue that was several zhang tall. The Buddha’s features were kind, his expression compassionate, and his eyes were slightly lowered as he gazed down in front of him. Around him were one hundred and eight statues of luohan, each one distinct. Their eyes were open and their figures swayed in the flickering candlelight. 

Xue Yan locked eyes with the Buddha. He looked calmly for a while before suddenly letting out a breathy laugh.

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“Aren’t I foolish,” he mumbled to himself, his voice so soft only he could hear. “A person like me, what am I worth?”

He had to admit that he had fallen so crudely today because he lost his mind for a moment and did something irrational. This had never happened before because in the past, his life had always been the same. He had never met anyone like Jun Huailang.

But this was also a stroke of luck. The Eastern Depot was waiting for the day he became a dog in the water, and he was also waiting for an opportunity to make the Eastern Depot fully trust him.

His intellect told him that this was his chance.

Xue Yan just needed to wait quietly for everyone to punish him. Their methods of punishment were nothing new and he never had the habit of explaining himself. He just had to wait for the punishment to end and rely on the smell of his blood to attract the pack of wolves in the Eastern Depot.

But this time was different.

When Jun Linghuan disappeared, he felt flustered. His mind went completely blank, and all he could think of was Jun Huailang. He could guess what kind of reaction Jun Huailang would have, so the first thing he thought of was not how to take advantage of the situation. Instead, he wanted to follow the tracks and find Jun Linghuan. But Consort Shu had sent someone to fetch Jun Linghuan back to eat dim sum at that very moment. Xue Yan bumped into them and was detained on the spot.

Everyone who rushed over to criticize him — the impenetrable Imperial Guards and the furious Emperor Qingping — this scene was not unfamiliar to Xue Yan. He could even say it was commonplace. The difference this time was that, not long after, he saw Jun Huailang, who had rushed over so anxiously. At that moment, Xue Yan felt something squeezing his chest and he couldn’t breathe.

For the first time, he wanted to explain himself.

Xue Yan had never felt this urge before in his life. Everyone only wanted to punish him and no one ever wanted to listen to his excuses. Xue Yan also had no interest in wasting his breath. But this time, he wanted to tell Jun Huailang that he didn’t intend this.

In the end, Xue Yan didn’t say anything.

Whether he intended to or not, it was his negligence that lost Jun Huailang’s sister. Seeing Jun Huailang’s anxious expression, he just wanted Jun Huailang to blame him and reprimand him. Xue Yan even wanted to find a way to punish himself to offset the sadness he had brought.

But Jun Huailang…… still didn’t.

As a spectator, Xue Yan watched as Jun Huailang exonerated him step by step, found the person who stole Jun Linghuan away, and returned his innocence.

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Innocence. It was such a strange and funny word. Xue Yan always thought that something like innocence wasn’t important. Whether he actually did something or not didn’t matter. What mattered to him was whether the final outcome could be exploited.

He never knew that it was human nature to go towards the light. He never cared about his innocence before because he never cared about other people.

When the Eastern Depot received news that Xue Yan was unjustly punished, they immediately sent Xiao Weizi over. Although there was a discrepancy with their intelligence — Xue Yan was not flogged and only had to kneel in the temple as punishment — Xiao Weizi still passed on Wu Shunhai’s words. He said that Eunuch Wu felt sorry for Xue Yan being punished for no reason, and that he would find a day to come meet him.

“Although the Fifth Prince did not suffer a severe punishment, when I looked at his face there was something amiss,” Xiao Weizi said when he reported back to Wu Shunhai.

Wu Shunhai asked, “What is amiss?”

Xiao Weizi contemplated for a long time but could tell what it was. “I always feel like something isn’t right. His eyes are somewhat empty and he seems to be thinking about something. It’s as if a demon has snatched away half of his soul.”

Wu Shunhai laughed when he heard this.

“Sounds like the little rabbit has been forced into a corner and is thinking about biting back,” he said nonchalantly. “A demon snatching a soul? Read more books. Talking about gods and demons will make the Eastern Depot into a laughingstock. Only uncultured people speak such nonsense.”

Xiao Weizi scratched the back of his head and didn’t dare refute Eunuch Wu’s words. He agreed a few times and retreated.

But…… he still felt that something was missing. The Fifth Prince’s expression didn’t have any intense hatred or teeth-gritting rage. It was just empty, as if his soul really had been snatched away. 

On further reflection, how could an evil demon be bold enough to snatch someone in front of the Buddha?


[1] 里 traditional unit of distance, about 500 meters. [2] 瑶池 a lake on Mount Kunlun, home to Queen Mother of the West (an old and important Chinese goddess associated with Taoism) [3] 您 respectful form of you. [4] 兵不血刃 lit. no blood on soldiers’ blades; an effortless victory. [5] 木鱼 a wooden bell or woodblock used in East Asian Buddhist ceremonies. [6] 丈 traditional unit of length, about 3.3 meters or 10 feet. [7] 罗汉 arhats, followers of Buddha who have reached enlightenment

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