In the afternoon, it was time for the princes to practice martial arts. Behind Wenhua Hall, there was a training ground so large you could race horses on it. On this day, straw figures and archery targets were set up on the grounds and the place had been arranged for the princes to practice archery.

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Jun Huailang felt a headache coming when he saw the bow and arrows. In his past and present lives, he only learned some martial arts for self-defense and basically never learned archery. In Chang’an, the children of aristocratic families only used archery for hunting and banquet festivities. He particularly disliked showing off in these types of events, so he always kept quiet and never practiced this skill.

But the princes had stricter requirements. Horseback archery was a required skill. 

When they arrived at the training grounds, Xue Yunhuan happily pulled Jun Huailang over to choose arrows. He went back and forth, hefting all the bows in his hand and insisted on finding the heaviest one. He reluctantly settled on a half-stone[1] bow under the instructor’s persuasion. 

“Sooner or later, I’ll be able to draw a one-stone bow!” Xue Yunhuan took the bow and bragged. “At that time, I will ask Father to let me go fight at the border!”

Jun Huailang asked Fuyi to choose a lighter bow and laughed when he heard Xue Yunhuan’s boast. “Is the ability to shoot an arrow all you need to become a general? Don’t make His Majesty angry, he’ll scold you again.”

Xue Yunhuan pouted.

All the princes and their companions in the palace had practiced archery before, only Jun Huailang never learned. After a brief explanation, the instructor had the princes practice by themselves. The princes scattered to their respective positions, each person facing their own target. Jun Huailang whispered to Xue Yunhuan that he had never learned archery, so Xue Yunhuan intentionally stood by his side.

Xue Yunhuan patted his chest and assured Jun Huailang, “I’m good at archery! Just watch my movements and copy me.”

Jun Huailang reluctantly felt relieved. While everyone started practicing, he stood there and watched Xue Yunhuan shoot a few arrows. Unlike the other princes, Xue Yunhuan hit the center of the target with every arrow, which could be considered outstanding.

After watching several shots, Jun Huailang imitated Xue Yunhuan’s movements and drew the bow and arrow, aiming at the target. The bow was already heavy in his hand. He didn’t expect that drawing the bow would be even more arduous. The bowstring was stiff and taunt, it dug into the palm of Jun Huailang’s hand. He drew halfway and couldn’t lift it any further.

Sure enough, watching others do something is one thing, doing it yourself is another thing entirely. Jun Huailang felt a bit annoyed. He regretted preferring peace and quiet to activities in his past life. If he had learned in the past, he wouldn’t be such an embarrassment now.

He lifted the bow with difficulty and tried to let loose a few arrows. Just then, a hand caught his elbow.

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Jun Huailang turned his head and saw Xue Yan standing beside him. Xue Yan’s amber eyes were lowered, the calm and indifferent gaze resting on the bow and arrow in his hand. 

This close, Jun Huailang could see his long and thick eyelashes. Such deep and exquisite features were not common in people of the Central Plains. [2] That appearance, coupled with his pale eyes and indifferent expression, gave Xue Yan a unique masculine aura and sense of aggressiveness. In addition, he was a bit taller than Jun Huailang. Startled by his closeness, Jun Huailang couldn’t help but shy away.

But Xue Yan’s hand held him in place.

“Drawing the bow like this will cause an injury,” Xue Yan said.

Only then did Jun Huailang realize that Xue Yan was on the other side of him. He had been so preoccupied learning from Xue Yunhuan that he didn’t even notice anyone else.

Oh, so he came to teach me how to shoot……

Before Jun Huailang could speak, Xue Yan propped up his elbow with one hand and straightened his arm. Xue Yan’s other hand tugged at the center of the bowstring. Jun Huailang was almost surrounded by Xue Yan’s arms with this move. Although there wasn’t much physical contact, he still felt engulfed by a dangerous aura. 

It was like his territory was being invaded by another male animal. Jun Huailang found it hard to breathe.

“Raise your elbow. Pull the bowstring to the front of your neck,” Xue Yan said. He pressed on Jun Huailang’s shoulders and made his body turn sideways. He also pinched Jun Huailang’s shoulders and made him straighten his back. Under Xue Yan’s manipulations, Jun Huailang was forced to assume a standard archery posture. 

“Draw the bowstring fully,” Xue Yan said again.

Jun Huailang exerted his full strength and his arms began to tremble slightly. But for people who have never touched a bow before, it was almost impossible to fully draw a bow on their first attempt.

It was different for Xue Yan. He had trained in the army since he was a child. Forget not being able to draw a bow, if his arrow wasn’t accurate enough, he would receive a beating from the drill master. Under that iron hand, any bow could be drawn, no matter how heavy.

Although Jun Huailang looked focused in front of him, the half-drawn bowstring remained fixed in place. Xue Yan was a bit puzzled. Did he not hear what I said?

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But then he saw the seemingly motionless arm of the little peacock begin to tremble from exertion.

The corners of Xue Yan’s mouth couldn’t help lifting.

This beautiful and delicate little peacock really was nothing like the people he saw at the border. He had nothing to do with leading soldiers into battle or shooting arrows, nor did he have any need for it. 

Xue Yan placed one hand on the bow and held Jun Huailang’s string drawing hand with the other. He pulled and easily drew the bowstring back fully. In the wake of this action, Jun Huailang was left completely embraced in Xue Yan’s arms.

Xue Yan’s original intention was to help him draw the bow, but an inappropriate thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

The little peacock fit perfectly in his arms. In particular, the clean and soothing woody scent engulfed him. It was addicting.

Xue Yan soon came back to his senses. He felt a little guilty and glanced down at Jun Huailang. Jun Huailang had not noticed at all. He was looking intently at the target and wondering how to aim. 

Xue Yan settled down. He guided Jun Huailang’s arm and helped him aim at the bullseye.

“Good.” After aiming, Xue Yan let go.

Jun Huailang released the arrow. The arrow pierced through the air. Although it was slightly offset by Jun Huailang’s strength, it still landed on the target with a thunk.

Xue Yunhuan, who had been watching nervously the whole time, couldn’t resist cheering. “It hit!”

Jun Huailang’s eyes also lit up in surprise, and a smile appeared on his face. The arrow really hit home! Although it was mostly due to Xue Yan’s contribution, the arrow had still been shot by his own hand. Hitting the target gave him an unfamiliar sense of accomplishment.

Xue Yan could see Jun Huailang’s shining eyes when he looked down. Jun Huailang was naturally outstanding, his disposition was cold and he usually looked cool and untouchable. But at this moment, his smile was like a flower blooming in the melting snow. One couldn’t help but want to make him smile again and keep this smile forever.

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“Another shot?” Xue Yan asked.

Jun Huailang, who had previously never been interested in archery, nodded and said, “Okay!”

Xue Yan drew an arrow from the quiver by their side. He placed the arrow on Jun Huailang’s bow in one smooth practiced arc.

At that moment, the instructor frowned. “Your Highness,” he raised his voice and walked over. “Why aren’t you in your own position?”[3]

All the princes and companions stopped and looked over when they heard the reprimand. This instructor had always liked the Fourth Prince. His family had also frequently aligned itself with the Xu Family of the Fourth Prince’s mother, Yi Jieyu, so he always favored Xue Yunhong. As for the Fifth Prince, he was the dreaded evil star. In addition, he had stolen the limelight from the Fourth Prince when he first arrived, so the instructor always acted like he didn’t exist and did not teach him.

Now, seeing the Fifth Prince teaching others how to shoot, the instructor was a bit resentful.

“Your Highness, you should practice more by yourself,” he said in a respectful but critical tone. “It should be noted that the desire to lecture others shows poor moral character. Just focus on your own practice, this official will teach the other princes. Please withdraw.”

Xue Yunsu laughed out loud. “He’s still in class, but he’s trying to teach other people?” He said. “It seems like Shifu[4] isn’t qualified to teach you, might as well not come here anymore.”

Xue Yan glanced at him. He let go of the bow Jun Huailang was holding and stuffed the arrow in Jun Huailang’s hand. Then Xue Yan stepped forward and, with one hand, took the instructor’s bow from his hand.

The instructor’s bow was one-and-a-half stones heavy, and the bowstring was extremely taut. It was difficult to draw even for the instructor. The instructor instinctively tried to draw back when Xue Yan took the bow, but Xue Yan’s movements were nimble and powerful. By the time the instructor’s hand moved backwards, the bow had already fallen into Xue Yan’s hands.

Then he met Xue Yan’s cold glance.

Xue Yan drew an arrow, raised the bow, and pulled the string all the way back in one swift motion. Without even taking aim, his hand lifted and the arrow shot out with a whoosh and sank into the center of the target.

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He was standing at an angle, not facing the target. For a moment, everyone watching was stunned. Xue Yunhuan exclaimed and looked at Xue Yan with newfound admiration.

Xue Yan drew another arrow and shot a glance at the instructor. 

The instructor had an ugly expression on his face. From such a tricky angle and without taking aim, Xue Yan had hit the bullseye at lightning speed. Even the instructor couldn’t do that with such a heavy bow. 

Naturally, he didn’t know that in Yan Prefecture, Xue Yan had never learned the flowery fists and fancy footwork of the capital. What he faced was the fierce and unpredictable Tujue army. In the flames of war and rain of arrows, he had pierced through the head of their leader with a single arrow.

The instructor read the undisguised scorn in Xue Yan’s eyes.

Before everyone could recover, Xue Yan let loose the second arrow. 

This time, there was a sharp crack of wood. The second arrow passed through the tail of the first arrow, splitting the slender wooden shaft in half. The two arrows slammed into the bullseye, but as the crowd watched, the first arrowhead pierced through the back of the target and fell to the ground with a thud.

For a moment, the training ground was so silent they could have heard a pin drop. All the laughing bystanders were flabbergasted, looking at the arrow that had been split in two, laying on the ground in the distance.

After a while, Xue Yan scoffed softly. 

“Shifu,” he said unhurriedly, his voice cold and indifferent. “Am I qualified to teach him now?”


[1] 石 Stone is a unit of weight. It varies depending on the dynasty but in the Song Dynasty 1 stone was about 60 kg or 130 lb. [2] 中原 Geographically, the Central Plains is the middle and lower regions of the Yellow River. Culturally, it is considered the birthplace of Han Chinese civilization. [3] 您 respectful form of you. [4] 师傅 a master of their craft. Master martial artists, especially those who teach, are often called by this title.

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