There was witchcraft in the palace. No matter which dynasty or reign, this was an enormous taboo. Any concubine who used this to harm others could not escape death, no matter how favored they were or how prominent their family background was. Witchcraft was the most serious offense in the palace. 

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Yet, today’s incident involved a prince. The prince used witchcraft to curse a concubine, who was even his own titular mother. This kind of sinister thing happening in the imperial household, if word got out, would trample the imperial family’s reputation into the ground. Upon hearing Diancui’s words, the Emperor and Consort Shu’s expressions changed.

Consort Shu was startled. She blurted out, “How is this possible! Where did you find it?”

Emperor Qingping looked incredulous, then furious. He sprung up from his seat and said angrily, “Where is Xue Yan? Bring him to see me!”

After speaking, he strode out. Consort Shu hurriedly followed him. She said hastily, “Your Majesty, there must be a misunderstanding. Please quell your anger first…”

Lately she had begun to understand that child’s character. She knew that he would definitely not do this sort of thing. Besides, Xue Yan and her had no quarrels between them. They got along well these days, why would he set a poisonous curse on her?

But who would put such a vile thing in Xue Yan’s rooms!

“A curse has been laid on your head, yet you still want to protect him?” Emperor Qingping stopped and turned around to angrily rebuke her. 

He looked enraged, his eyes were ice-cold. In Consort Shu’s ten years in the harem, he had rarely lost his temper at her this severely. Consort Shu was taken aback by his anger. She froze in place, not daring to speak anymore.

Emperor Qingping ignored her. He flicked his sleeves, turned around, and went to the west side hall. A group of servants ran to catch up to him. It didn’t take long for the mighty group of people to squeeze into the small storeroom in the west hall.

Consort Shu was so alarmed she couldn’t stand. Jun Huailang quickly went up to support her. He quietly comforted her, saying, “Don’t be afraid, everything will be fine”

Consort Shu grabbed his hand. “Xue Yan isn’t that kind of person, is he?” she murmured, holding Jun Huailang’s hand tightly. “Besides, this consort has never treated him harshly. He wouldn’t hurt me like this.”

Jun Huailang held her hand back. He knew that Consort Shu was scared. She was afraid that witchcraft would take her life and she was afraid of being betrayed. Indeed, Xue Yan would not do such a thing. But the witchcraft was real and the betrayal was real. It’s just that this curse and betrayal came from a person closer to Consort Shu.

Jun Huailang smoothed a hand on her back. He did not say much and helped her walk out slowly. “Gumu, don’t be afraid. Xue Yan wouldn’t do that. For the time being, let us go take a look and see who is trying to harm him and harm us.”

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Consort Shu nodded. With his coaxing and assistance, she managed to calm down and followed him to the west hall storeroom. As soon as they entered, they saw a dense crowd of people kneeling inside. Ling Fu knelt alongside, holding a box and not daring to move. Emperor Qingping held a stack of papers in his hands. He looked extremely angry. Xue Yan stood nearby without saying a word.

Seeing Consort Shu come in, Emperor Qingping raised his hand and threw the papers at her. “Look! This happened in your palace and you didn’t notice at all!” He said angrily.

Consort Shu was taken aback by this sudden attack and instinctively hid behind Jun Huailang. But the papers did not land on her. Jun Huailang raised his head and saw the silent Xue Yan move, blocking them with his body. The stack of papers fell on him. 

His back was straight, his stature was tall, and his shoulders were broad and level. Although he stood there alone, he exuded an inexplicable sense of steadiness.

Xue Yan quietly crouched down and collected the scattered paper. He looked directly at Emperor Qingping and said mildly, “Answering Father, this son did not write it. Someone else imitated my handwriting.”

Starting from when Jun Huailang entered the palace, this was the first time he had seen Xue Yan explain himself. He had grown accustomed to the other’s silence. In any case, Xue Yan was still a prince. Even though Emperor Qingping punished him without justification, his life would never be threatened. As time passed, Xue Yan seemed to have gotten used to it and gave up on speaking for himself.

But today he opened his mouth.

However, Emperor Qingping clearly didn’t believe Xue Yan. He said angrily, “You didn’t write it? What proof do you have that you didn’t write this?”

“Although the shapes of these characters are similar, the strength in the brushstroke is different from my usual style. One look, and you can tell it is forged.” Xue Yan offered the stack of paper to Emperor Qingping and said, “If Father doesn’t believe this son, homework written by my own hand can be fetched from the study.”

Emperor Qingping sneered. “Then how did this appear in your storeroom?”

“This son’s subordinate was not the only one holding the key to the storeroom.” Xue Yan lightly glanced at Diancui.

Those eyes were pale and uniquely penetrating. One passing glance, and a chill ran down Diancui’s back. It was as if he had seen through all the shameful secrets she held. Her kneeling legs couldn’t help trembling.

“What, could it be that Consort Shu’s people framed you?” Emperor Qingping laughed coldly as if he had heard a joke.

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At that moment, Consort Shu, who had been frightened into silence just now, spoke. “Your Majesty, may this consort see what is written on it?” She asked.

Emperor Qingping paused and handed over the stack of papers in his hand. Written on the paper was all the times Consort Shu had treated Xue Yan harshly. The list exceeded several pages. It was all complete nonsense, but the times and places were very comprehensive as if it had actually happened.

On the final page, it said that Consort Shu only had herself to blame for the curse.

Consort Shu read the pile of preposterous words. She was just about to defend Xue Yan when she heard Emperor Qingping reproach her. “Consort Shu, if you are dissatisfied with my arrangement, just say it plainly. Why all this covert behavior?”

Although he didn’t care about Xue Yan being humiliated, he didn’t like people who played tricks behind his back. Especially since Consort Shu looked so innocent, he didn’t expect her to be so vicious behind the scenes. Could it be that her artlessness in front of him had all been an act?

This was Emperor Qingping’s most sensitive spot.

Consort Shu looked at him in disbelief at the reprimand. She opened her mouth, but seeing the reproach and certainty in Emperor Qingping’s eyes, the explanation withered in her mouth.

Jun Huailang felt her hand trembling in his. Under the cover of his sleeves, Jun Huailang calmly patted her arm in comfort. “Your Majesty, this subject should not interfere in this matter… but is it possible for me to take a look at the effigy?” He asked.

Emperor Qingping frowned. “Why do you want to look at that thing? I will order someone to burn it at once, to avoid disaster.”

But Jun Huailang shook his head. His tone was mild and gentle as he started to placate Emperor Qingping. 

“Answering Your Majesty, this effigy was sewn by human hands. It may be possible to find clues in the fabric, stitches, or workmanship. In addition, a name and bazi are written on the effigy. It is difficult to write on fabric, so that person’s handwriting style will be exposed. This subject has been studying alongside Fifth Highness for a while, hence I am familiar with his handwriting.”

In his previous life, Jun Huailang had served as an official under Emperor Qingping for several years. He had reluctantly picked up a few tricks. He knew how to talk to the Emperor and the best way to get him to listen.

Sure enough, Emperor Qingping’s expression softened a little. He waved his hand and said, “Have a look. Remember to keep your distance.”

Jun Huailang nodded. He again patted Consort Shu lightly, before walking forward. When he passed by the kneeling Diancui, he stopped and casually asked, “Diancui-gugu, the key has been in your possession these past few days. You haven’t touched the papers and effigy, have you?”

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Diancui quickly shook her head and protested her innocence. “This maid didn’t even know about that thing, naturally I haven’t touched it! Prior to meeting the Emperor and Madame today, I didn’t even enter the storeroom door. How would I have the chance to touch that filthy thing!”

Jun Huailang smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid, it’s good that you didn’t touch it.”

Flatly denying it now would make it even more difficult to evade later, when ironclad evidence was laid in front of her.

Jun Huailang walked to the box containing the effigy. He bent over and inspected it carefully. The storeroom was completely silent. The servants didn’t even dare breathe loudly. Jun Huailang examined it silently for a while, then suddenly let out a sound of surprise. He asked, puzzled, “Why does this effigy smell so familiar?”

As he said that, he reached out to pick up the effigy. Before he could touch it, another hand grabbed his wrist.

Jun Huailang looked up and saw Xue Yan arrogantly looking down at him. “Father said to keep your distance,” he said.

When did Xue Yan become someone who would listen to Emperor Qingping’s every command? Xue Yan’s expression clearly informed him that it was Xue Yan who forbade him from touching the effigy.

Jun Huailang was somewhat speechless. 

After reincarnating, he had a better understanding of supernatural powers than ordinary people. He was not afraid of these kinds of manmade objects. Besides, he rarely had a chance to act. Now that he had planned out the play step by step and the conditions were right, why did Xue Yan interrupt his performance?

He glanced at Xue Yan reproachfully, then stretched out his other hand. If he didn’t pick up that object, how could he get the Emperor and Consort Shu to compare the scent? He had deliberately placed the western region incense pills bestowed by Consort Shu on Diancui, just for this moment.

But before he could take it, Xue Yan reached out and took the effigy first. Jun Huailang felt a little dissatisfied.

When I want to touch it, you block me brazenly in front of the Emperor, but when you want to pick it up, it’s fine?

But since this had come to this, Jun Huailang had no choice but to continue acting according to his original plan. He used Xue Yan’s act of holding the effigy to smell it again.

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“That’s right, this scent is very familiar,” he said. “It is actually similar to the scent of the fragrance pouch I gave Diancui-gugu.”

The kneeling Diancui was alarmed. 

“… This… Your Highness must be mistaken, right?” She frantically touched the side of her waist, where a pouch was hanging. This was the one-of-a-kind pouch made by Jun Linghuan, only given to members of Mingluan Palace.

“How can this fragrance be on that thing? Besides, everyone has this fragrance pouch!” Diancui said anxiously.

“Diancui-gugu is Gumu’s senior maid. You grew up with her and followed her to the palace. How can you be given the same thing as the others?” Jun Huailang said, looking at Diancui. Each word was spoken slowly and clearly.

Diancui started shaking from a guilty conscience upon hearing this.

“I picked those incense pills out of the storeroom. It was a tribute from the western regions. It only needs to be carried for the scent to cover the whole body, and it will linger on anything you touch for half a month. In the entire palace, only Diancui-gugu has these pills.” Jun Huailang looked down at her. “Zheng Guangde, you know about this matter. Take the fragrance pouch from Diancui-gugu’s body and compare it.”

Zheng Guangde hurried forward, trembling. 

Diancui panicked. She covered the pouch at her waist with both hands and refused to hand it over. The two of them struggled. It was obvious to everyone present that Diancui was suspect.

“Diancui-gugu, could it be that the effigy and papers came from your hands?” Jun Huailang asked. He sneered inward but pretended to be surprised. “You clearly just said that you didn’t touch this evil thing today?”


[1] 姑母 paternal aunt [2] 生辰八字 the year, month, date and hour of a person’s birth (each one is 2 characters for a total of 8) used for horoscopes [3] 姑姑 used to address older women. In this story, most of the characters use “gumu” for blood related & “gugu” for non-blood related aunties.


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