Judging by the redness, it seemed that it hadn't been long.

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I glanced at the intermediate priest.


If you use the power, they'll find out it has healing properties.


I kept trying to hide it, but it seemed I couldn't help it. I had no choice.


“Welcome to the Kingdom of Magnus. I will pray for blessings from the owner of Winter Castle, Grand Duke Lündmere.”


High-ranking nobles who visit the Holy Land first receive a blessing prayer.


During the last visit, all priests refused, saying that they could not bless the unbaptized illegitimate child, which caused a stir.


I could have prayed for him over and over again, as long as he didn't kill anyone, whether he was an illegitimate child or not.


‘If I can, I want to baptize you.’


Then you will never come to the Holy Land again.


I gathered my trembling hands together tightly and closed my eyes as if praying.


‘Dear Magnus. Please help me.’


To have the courage to face Schwarz.


I used my divine powers.


The heart area became warm. A soft, light green light emanating from my body enveloped Schwarz.


It was a healing power that relieved fatigue as well as wounds.


When I finished praying, I slowly opened my eyes.


“Since I prayed, I also used the power of healing. Are you feeling a little relieved?”


The Holy Kingdom and the Empire were quite far apart. He must have traveled a long distance, so he must have been tired.


As soon as the divine power reached him, the fatigue from traveling would have been relieved.


Although my goal was a wound on the cheek.


He touched his cheek.


The stinging pain caused by a small wound would have completely disappeared.


“The power of healing? I heard it doesn't exist in this generation.”


I glanced at the mid-level priest. As expected, he had a very surprised expression on his face.


It was a secret I hid because I didn't want to attract attention, but it was exposed to the world because of Schwarz.


It was already spilled.


"It's a rare power, but it's not as efficient as holy water."


Now that her identity has been revealed, she emphasized that it is not a big deal.

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Fortunately, Schwartz didn't ask anymore, perhaps because interest had faded.


I offered it carefully.


“Will you allow me to serve the Grand Duke?”


I was only full of desire to throw salt right away and kick it out.

[T/N: Don't know what it means]


He took his hand off his cheek and looked at me.


“What do you think of me?”


He's crazy.


I felt like my true feelings would come out, so I desperately suppressed them and smiled calmly.


“God Magnus said that everyone who visited the temple was a lamb in need of a helping hand. What help do you need?”


So, be gentle like a lamb.


Schwarz's mouth twisted slightly, as if my answer was interesting.


“… You are probably the only priest who thinks so.”


With a small murmur, he continued.


"I'll hang out with you. Show me around."


“Thank you for allowing me. Firstly, could you leave your weapon here before we move?”


His stern gaze fell on me again.


Even if he was the emperor of the empire, he had to lay down all weapons before going inside the temple, so this was the right procedure.


Because only the Paladins were allowed to use weapons in the Great Temple.


“It is forbidden to bring weapons into the temple. The safety of His Highness the Archduke will be guaranteed by the Temple.”


“Why should I believe that?”


Ah, that doubter.


Paradoxically, Schwartz did not trust anyone, so he created an assassination squad.


Since he was an illegitimate child, his life was threatened by all sorts of people from a young age.


It seemed that he was determined to find and deal with the enemy first to survive.


I knew the circumstances, but I had no intention of bending over. Because this is where lives are at stake.


"Your Highness seems to be able to fight well enough without weapons."


Because the strength of his bare hands was enormous.


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“It is difficult to deal with when the opponent comes with a sword.”


It's hard.


Even if you don't have a weapon, you've used the darkness to defeat the enemy more than once.


“If an enemy with a weapon appears, I will throw my body to protect Your Highness.”


“… With those slender arms?”


“I am the eldest daughter of Count Theodore. If I, who resembles my parents and is strong, rush in, I will be able to create gaps.”


Schwarz touched his chin, looked at me, and let out a big laugh.


Is that a yes? Don't tell me you're laughing because you're being ridiculous.


He released the sword from his waist and handed it over to the intermediate priest.


“I'll take your word for it.”


Fortunately, he seemed to hand it over to the humor of a trainee priest.


I sighed, but I was still afraid of Schwarz. He looked at me stiffly and said.


“I won’t kill you, so don’t be afraid.”


I really wish you'd keep your word.


‘I've passed a critical moment for now.’


The mere absence of the weapon gave her a feeling of relief.


But there was another crisis.


‘Where should I go?’


I thought it would be good outdoors to reduce the smell of pheromones even a little.


There was one place that came to mind.


It is a pavilion in the former Flower Garden, and at this time, it would be perfect to spread the flowers and get rid of the scent.


I moved to the flower garden of the Great Temple with Schwarz.




Not only Cassius, who was thriving at the Great Hall of the Holy Kingdom, but also cardinals scattered throughout the continent, and priests in charge of temples spread throughout the continent, all gathered together and exchanged opinions.


This meeting was getting longer because there were so many items on the agenda.


The door to the conference hall, which had been closed, opened slightly.


Through the gap, an intermediate priest carefully came in and whispered to his superior, the Cardinal.


“My Lord, the Archduke of Lundmere has come to visit.”


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Hearing the report, the cardinal was startled and answered in a loud voice without even realizing it.


“Why is that mad dog in the Holy Land?”


The cardinal, whose eyes met Cassius, covered his mouth and groaned.


“… I'm sorry, Your Holiness. Unexpected guests came, so I unknowingly committed the rudeness of shouting out loud.”


“Mad dog, who are you talking about?”


The intermediate priest responded to Cassius' gesture.


“The Grand Duke of Lundmere of the Empire. I think he's here for baptism.”


The Archduke of Lundmere. He was known for his love of blood, enough to volunteer to go to war.


In addition to that, everyone that showed hostility to him was dealt with without a mouse or a bird knowing, so he is a person who is assumed to have a close relationship with the Assassins.


Baptism was not allowed for illegitimate children. He should be held in moderation and let go.


“I think we should assign a priest to guide him.”


Cassius looked around at the priests and tapped his armrest with his fingertips.


All the priests avoided Cassius' gaze as if they had realized his intentions.


It was because the grand duke, an illegitimate son, was reluctant to everyone.


“There is no need for that, Your Holiness. Priest Sonia is already in charge of the Grand Duke Lundmere.”


Cassius's lips hardened.


“Who is with whom?”


It was a cold voice that froze the atmosphere of the conference hall.


The priests who were gathered were quite surprised.


Cassius' disposition was benign and gentle.


He had always reminded everyone of a calm lake, but now he was like a sharp, cool blade carved out of ice.

‘Well, it's because he's the Grand Duke of Lundmere.’


This was the second time the Grand Duke had visited the Holy Land.


Didn't he get into a fight with a Paladin last time, and even fight with his sword?


Although it went smoothly, it was clear that the Grand Duke had hostility toward the kingdom.


It was only natural that he was concerned about such a dangerous element, since only a trainee priest was in charge. Because if she made any mistakes, the kingdom would be held accountable.


‘No, wouldn't it be better?’


She was a probationary priest.


In case of emergency, it might be solved by putting it all on one probationary priest.

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“… She is said to have been the daughter of a count, but isn't she a probationary priest now? I am worried about an inexperienced person taking over as a guide.”


“You're right. If she were an apprentice priest, she wouldn't have learned all the manners of the Holy Kingdom.”


“He was angry the last time we didn't treat him properly. If we don't do it properly again this time, he'll definitely make a fuss.”


“If it goes wrong, I'll hold her accountable.”


It meant passing everything on to one Sonia.


The other priests all expressed similar opinions, as if they all had the same thoughts.


Cassius was greatly annoyed by the priests, who only sought their own comfort.


“What are you doing now?”


The priests fell silent at Cassius' voice full of anger.


“Trying to entrust everything to one apprentice and pass the responsibility on. Are you still priests of the Holy Kingdom?”


“Well, it's not that… It's because I'm worried that the apprentice might make a mistake with the archduke.”


“If that's the reason, you'll be able to take on Grand Duke Lundmere.”


“We… do you mean?”


“Since this is a difficult and important task, shouldn't you, the high priests, step forward?”


The priest, who had no excuses, only noticed.


Cassius was beyond disappointed with such a priest and even felt anger.


I wanted to make them pay the price for leaving the work to others.


“We were deciding on a representative priest for the Northeastern Temple. The numbers are correct, so that's good. I'll let you take charge.”


“Sir, Your Holiness…! I am old, so it is difficult to live in the rugged mountains.”


Everyone wants to be in charge of temples in wealthy cities.


If the geography is rough, the material will naturally be scarce. The meeting was getting longer because everyone was reluctant in the Northeast, where they had to live a frugal life.


Board of the long meeting, the other priests helped Cassius.


“I agree with His Holiness. As you are older, you will prefer a quiet mountain.”


“Besides, if the three of you go, you won’t be alone.”


“They are experienced people, so they will spread the word of God well.”


With everyone agreeing, it was no longer possible to refuse.


“… All right. I will accept the precious words of His Holiness.”


They reluctantly replied that they would go to the Northeast.

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