“Ah, seriously!?” Song Jin-ho grumbled, but no one paid attention.

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Instead, Yoon Ah-jung looked at Seo-ah with bewildered eyes. “You two aren’t dating?”

“We are not. Mr. Song is giving me lectures… I don’t know why anyone would say that,” Seo-ah’s expression turned apologetic. “I’m sorry, I guess there were strange rumors because of me.”

“No, it’s not that they’re strange! Rather…” Song Jin-ho shut his mouth, looking around. “Well, let’s not do this here. Let’s go upstairs and get rid of the poison first.”

“Right, right, my headache isn’t letting up.”

The poison was from a C-class monster, but it was strong enough to kill B-class hunters and affect A-class hunters.

On the other hand, Yoo Ji-an, whose front was almost entirely covered in poison, looked fine.

“Ms. Park Seo-ah, I think these guys need to be tended to.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Then, later…”

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“Let’s all go up together,” Yoo Ji-an interrupted.

Seo-ah blinked. “Me too?”

He pressed the elevator button and stared at her. She hesitated but quickly got on.

Yoo Ji-an blocked the rest out with his arm when they tried to get on. “We’ll use the stairs.”


“It’s the 84th floor. Go ahead.”

“Okay,” Seo-ah replied.

Yoo Ji-an stepped back and left her alone on the elevator.

It was only natural. If the toxic substances were spread in such a narrow space, it would be dangerous for others. In particular, Seo-ah, as an E-class hunter, could have died within minutes.

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Knowing that, despite complaining, the hunters walked to the stairwell.

“Why do I have to…?”

Song Jin-ho, who was not poisoned in the first place, felt that it was a little unfair, but Yoo Ji-an’s fierce glare forced him to go up the same way.

Kim Soo-hyuk asked, “By the way, do you also know Ms. Park Seo-ah?”

“A little.”

There was a meaningful hum from Yoon Ah-jung, but she didn’t say anything. It was a bit too scary to tease the S-class hunter.

On the other hand, Seo-ah arrived at the 84th floor comfortably.

Five seconds after, the door to the emergency stairway opened and the hunters walked in, which meant that they could climb at almost the same speed as an elevator.

The 84th floor was something of a common lounge or living room. It was equipped with a large television and sofas, a small kitchen and shower area, and entertainment facilities such as table tennis tables.

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“Ms. Park Seo-ah, please sit here first. If you want to eat anything, you can check the refrigerator,” Song Jin-ho said, pretending not to notice the eyes boring into him.

“I will, thank you.”

“As for the rest of you, wash up quickly and then throw away your clothes.”

“How annoying.”

“Can’t we just throw our clothes away?”

“You’re covered in poison! They’ll be hard to dispose of as well in that state, you know. Go on.”

A short while passed and Yoon Ah-jung came out first and collapsed onto the sofa. Song Jin-ho grumbled exasperatedly but cast ‘Recovery’ and ‘Purification’ anyway. Since she was the tank, she’d suffered the most damage out of the group.

“You don’t have any injuries, or at the very least, they’ve already healed on their own. What the hell happened?”

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“The boss was a little snake, so I must have stepped on poisonous mushrooms when I was trying to avoid its tail. I had no idea that the mushrooms themselves were monsters.”

“Ms. Seo-ah, take a good look. When someone is poisoned, hold their wrist at the pulse point and press down along the blood vessels. You will feel a… It’s hard to explain in words, but…”

“Then, can I give it a try? I think experiencing it for myself will definitely make things clearer.” Seo-ah, who was carefully watching Song Jin-ho use his healing skills, suggested.

“Sure.” He quickly gave up his seat.

Yoon Ah-jung, having suddenly been made a part of a lesson, looked at the two healers with apprehension.

“How did you join the Sun Guild?” she began.


Seo-ah knew that it was a question she would get, but she didn’t know what to answer, so she’d put off thinking about it—and she was fortunate enough that none of the people she’d met thus far didn’t ask why.

Song Jin-ho was also curious, silently waiting for her response.

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