Chapter 143

For starters, we would be— spreading it out.

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Towards those flock of demons approaching from behind us.

I spread Pigimaru’s tentacles towards the monsters leading the group.

With my position facing towards them, those monsters were now in my field of vision.

[Let’s do it.]


Pigimaru’s tentacles morphed.

Those tentacles bloomed in mid-air.

A large amount of those thin tentacles flew out in the air.

Just like countless missiles fired—-

Aiming towards those monsters kicking off the ground, those discharged tentacles chaotically assaulted.


[Gooooonnnoooooooohhhhhh—–!  Uuu! Uuuiiii! Gooooooooohhhhh!]

Several shouts of the Human-Faced blended along with the activation of my skill.

Towards the Human-Faced that were caught in my field of view.

Several tentacles were collectively “annihilated” by one of them.

By a Human-Faced that was breathing out fire.




There were still some changes that happened behind us.

My skill has been able to “reach” some of them.

I’ve successfully invoked Berserk to the monsters.

They began to attack the surrounding monsters without any distinctions.

I could feel the vibrations flowing from Slei’s body with each of her kicks to the ground.

While feeling comfortable for some reason, I muttered.

[Go, crush them.]

Incidentally, the effect of the Gem of Voice Amplification has already ended.

Unfortunately, those words I’ve said just now won’t be able to reach the monsters.

I checked the semi-transparent status floating in front of my sight.

I still have some MP to spare.

[We have quite the good start huh.]

However, we obviously couldn’t say that we have successfully subjugated them.

The monsters following behind the leading group were mercilessly trampled down by the monsters I’ve invoked on.

Bitten to shreds…

Poked holes through their bodies…


Torn into pieces…

Neither bewilderment, hesitation, nor any emotions.

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The monsters’ ear-piercing screams resounded out all over the place.

It was as if I was watching the decisive battle between fellow monsters.

I brought forth even more tentacles and chaotically lashed towards them.

It’s time for the second wave— of invoking Berserk.


That tentacle attack I used against that Smiling Mask in front of that ruins we spent a night in.

While I’ve converged the tentacles into one, I could control it more effectively compared to when I’m controlling multiple tentacles.

However, if it’s times like this where I had to fight several opponents, it would be fine even when I lose control of them.

I invoked Berserk towards several of them.



The monsters who have fallen into state again started attacking their fellow monsters.

It’s like seeing their own kind running in front of you suddenly losing its sanity and swoops down on you.

Some of the monsters were confused upon seeing this.

However, they immediately moved on to a battle for their own survival.

Survival instinct.

It’s kill rather than be killed.

That is their instinct.

I pointed towards the monsters who were fiercely fighting behind us.

That’s right…

[If you want to survive, kill as much as you want.]

Slei raises her speed.

Her eight tough hooves trample on the ground more violently.

I gazed behind our backs.

Contrary to what might have been expected.

[———It wouldn’t be that easy dealing with them huh. As I thought.]

They’re coming out of that horde.



Many more.

I can’t be bothered with the monsters that I’ve already invoked on.

The most particularly remarkable of them were the Human-Faced.

The Human-Faced crushed all the tentacles that were approaching from all sides at the same time.

As a matter of course, the monsters near them would also be unaffected with my skill.

[Uuiiiii! Uiiiiiiiiiii! Goooooooohhhhhhhhh—–!]

The fire-breathing Human-Faced in the leading group are also burning away the tentacles beside the nearby monsters.

I clicked my tongue.

[Some of the ones leading the group would be able to see through the distance of my range…]

When and in which timing should they crush those tentacles.

There should be several Human-Faced that understood this already.

There are some clever bunch mixed in among the Human-Faced huh.

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Moreover, there were even some of them protecting the Golden-eyed monsters that weren’t Human-Faced.

Having said that though, It’s more likely that these weren’t compassion to their comrades.

Yes— They were disposable pieces.

If you make your disposable pieces scatter about, it’s possible that an opening would appear on the prey’s attention.

They would use all the things that they could make use of.

I could see it—- Their ruthless plans.


Inside the mask, a smile spontaneously curved up on my mouth.

[That’s what I would also do if I were in your standpoint.]

Now then, unto the next part.

The effect of the combination of my multiple tentacles and has become less effective.

I can’t keep battling the same way.

I started bringing forth three times more new tentacles.

The number of the ones leading the group hasn’t changed much.

It’s because there would be someone replacing them after they fall.

It’s like even when a hole was created, the other parts would immediately fill in the gaps.

……..Well, fine.

Currently, I should hit those guys that were far spread out to the left and right.

They’re the newcomers who have just filled up the gaps from the leading group.


[Hi! Hiiiieeeehh!? Hiiiiiiieeeeeeehhhhhhhh!?]

Following that shriek (?), a change happened among the leading group.

A reaction that’s different from before.

“If you approach that tentacle, your allies would attack you.”

That was the understanding imprinted on their minds.

But this time, the movements of several of their comrades suddenly “stopped”.

The monsters…

“……Eh? Why did you suddenly stop attacking?”

…or so their reactions look like.

It’s different compared to before.

This “unexpectedly” temporarily stopped the monsters from moving.

Changing the fixed pattern for another fixed pattern.

It’s also a good way of making use of stacking my skills.

You could find similar techniques in martial arts, sports or even stand-up comedy.

This abruptness— is an effective means of battling.

However, I’m still fighting against Golden-eyed monsters that could immediately get back to their fierce attacks at any time.

That sudden halt had only earned me a few seconds.

Those monsters that had been paralyzed were cruelly crushed by the monsters before them without any way for them to get away…

Most of all, the Human-Faced in the leading group who have been intercepting the attacks of my tentacles—-

—Are still alive.

I looked in front of us.

The scenery hasn’t changed yet.

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Trees, forest, groves.

It’s likely that this scenery would continue for a while.

I imagine my current position in my mind.

I should have been successful in pulling them away from Seras and the others.

Thin branches blocking our path snapped apart as we continued going straight ahead.


These large amounts of monsters moving towards me weren’t the only ones that I’ve lured in huh.

I could feel presences not just from behind us.

Monsters have started gathering towards me from other directions.

I’ve already dealt with some of the monsters in the previous group after some troubles but—–

I ended up being surrounded by monsters from all directions again.

There were already some deviations from my original plan.

The plan was that I would scatter my skill towards the ones behind my back, stop their movement and pull away from them.

And once I have got a far enough distance away from them, I would hide.

After letting some time pass, I would return back and meet up where Seras and the others are…

That plan ended up bursting into bubbles though.

If possible, I would like to avoid having to fight these monsters in mid to close range.

However, in this kind of situation… It’s hard to say if I could keep it like that.

Perhaps, I need to get through the group by breaking through one point.

[Pigimaru, Slei.]

The two of them briefly responded to my call.

[Can you still go on?]

The both of them showed affirmation.

However, I could see that they’re somewhat overdoing it already.

……How long would they be able to hold on?


I saw the status display floating in front of my sight.

——This is bad.

My remaining amount of MP is steadily decreasing.

At that time…

Pitter, patter…

It began to drizzle.

The weather looks ominous.

It seems that my situation has been getting worse and worse.


The rain began to get stronger.

The weight of each raindrop also got heavier.

Raindrops began hammering down on the nearby leaves like a multitude of spears falling down on the ground.

The sound of rain blocked my hearing and dulled my sense of distance.

I made Slei pull over.

Shaking her body, Slei flung away the water off her body.

Water was dripping down the tactile part of the mask.

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I could hear a large amount of footsteps coming from a distance.

They’re approaching from all directions.

Through the curtain of rain blurring my vision, a smoke of dust floating about on the other side.

That’s what I could see from behind my Fly King’s mask.

The raindrops dripping one after another converged near the eye section of my mask and ceaseless began flowing down towards the ground…

Experience Points.

I could level up by acquiring them.

Currently, I don’t have any other means of recovering my Mp other than sleeping.

In this current battle, combining with Pigimaru is indispensable.

While we’re combined, the speed of the decrease of my MP rapidly increases.

Even if I have lots of MP, I can’t continue fighting for more than 30 minutes if my MP were to reduce this fast…

The only way that I could continue fighting is by levelling-up.

The Human-Faced which gives a large amount of experience.

If I were to keep on killing them and my level continuously increases—-

[No… As expected, that would be too absurd.]

I immediately denied the idea that came out of my mind.

Following that plan would also put myself in danger at the same time.

As far as things go, I must keep a certain margin away from the monsters.

Why is that?

It’s because of the things I understood from my investigations in the Disposal Ruins.

“If I’m not within a certain distance, I will not be able to receive the experience points from the monsters at the time it dies.”


I turned around.

[In that case, I need to go back a bit to where I came from…]

It would be a “half-limited battle” where I would fight while making sure of the distance where I could still acquire the experience points.

[……If I say I’m going to do that, will you two still follow me?]

The tentacles movements became more lively in an instant.

Slei also vigorously kicked on the ground with her forefeet.



Without any hesitation, the both of them responded in agreement.

I crook my neck to the side.



[I’m really blessed with my friends.]

There’s the sinister army of monsters chasing us from the direction where we came from.

Turning towards that direction, I would go stand off against them in the front.

Looking towards them, I noticed that there were some mud clinging on my hand.


Swinging my arm, I shook off the mud in my hand.

With the mud off my hand, I looked towards the approaching flock of monsters.

[Let’s go.]

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