“Meow?” (What? Lips?)

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Surprised, I jumped lightly. I looked at him with a dumbfounded look, but Aziz seemed to have no intention of taking back his words.


“Me…..Meow?!” (No…..why do I have to do that?!)


“The incarnation of Ashtar can be transformed into a human by contact with a person with the qualifications of a sultan. It’s romantic, isn’t it?”


“Meow….!” (What….!)


Don’t you usually put romantic things on sleeping princesses when the prince comes?


No matter how desperate I am, stealing a sleeping person’s lips doesn’t look right!


Agitated, I showed my teeth, and Aziz gently placed a finger on my lips.


“The prince has been put to sleep with sleeping pills. However, we shouldn’t make too much noise.”


Oh my God. You’re giving sleeping pills to a prince to do a one-time experiment.


What the hell is he?!


‘Hey! People here are scary. I’m in danger!’


In a hurry, I mobilized gestures and protested.


Aziz, who understood my clumsy gestures, replied with a cheeky look on his face.


“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of the guards out there. Ms. Cat just needs to focus on this experiment. Oh, it’s better if you don’t come out by tomorrow morning. That would be more accurate.”


No, this guy? You’re talking about other people’s business.


“Kyaoong.” (You’re gonna get hit by me this one time.)


Climbing up, I punched Aziz with my forefoot. 


“Ha ha, that’s a very sharp punch.”


Contrary to his words, he easily dodged my blow, put me on the bedside, and leisurely left the room.


I sighed deeply when I was left alone in the room with the prince who was fast asleep.


‘What the hell is that guy up to?’


‘Is he doubting me?’


I was a little worried that he might have mistook me for Astar’s incarnation or something.


‘No….it doesn’t seem like that.’


In fact, it was highly unlikely that he was suspicious of me.


Aziz didn’t seem to have any doubts about me being the person he was looking for.  


No matter how harmless kittens are, they are never left alone in the bedroom of a royal family member.


However, I still couldn’t believe I was the protagonist of this matter.


“Meow….” (Ha…..)


I pressed my front foot on my stinging temple.


After a while, when the headache subsided, I got up and walked over to the sleeping prince.


Step, step.


Seeing the chest rise and fall stably along with the sound of his breath, he seemed to be sleeping very deeply.

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“Well, if I could go back to being a person, I’d kiss you.”


Apparently, it’s a kiss between a person and a cat, so it’s nothing special.


‘Right, it’s worth it. It’s not bad to try.’


Gathering up my courage, I sneakily walked with a cat’s gait and checked the prince’s face.


“Me……” (Gasp……)


Surprised, I covered my mouth with my front foot.


‘What, he’s so handsome…!’


I had never seen a man as handsome as this dark-haired prince who was sleeping deeply.


Exotic brown skin color, high smooth nose, and even eyebrows.


Long, soft eyelashes glistened under the candlelight over his gently closed eyes.


When my gaze went down on the lips that were thick enough to look good, I swallowed my saliva without realizing it.


‘Wake up, wake up!’


I slapped my cheek with my front foot and took a deep breath with one foot on my chest.


‘Is it because he’s a prince? He’s so handsome.’


My heart was pounding even when he’s just asleep. What will I do if he wakes up?


After looking around for a while, I pressed the prince’s tall nose with my front paws.


‘….There is no movement.’


Aziz said he had been given sleeping pills, and has fallen asleep deeply.


Relaxed, I settled comfortably on his broad shoulders.


And I began to appreciate the handsome prince’s face in earnest.


‘Was it Sulayman? That’s a hard name.’


The figure of the prince who was sleeping soundly was like an angel.


It is said that it is human nature to touch something beautiful when it sees one.


I reached out my front paw and gently stroked his hair, which was ruffled in his sleep.


‘I don’t know. If other women have guts. Let’s kiss!’




Courageously, I grabbed his cheeks tightly and kissed him.




His eyebrows twitched at the kiss that could almost be called a lip smack.


However, there was no sign of change in my body over time.


A bit embarrassed, I even kissed him on the cheek, forehead and chin.


However, as time passed, there was no sign of any change from my body.


Nervous, I paced over the bed where he was lying.

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“Meow…..” (Is that it…..?)


The only thing left to try for the last time was a deep kiss.


However, there was a rather realistic restriction on kissing a kitten’s body.


‘I don’t know. This is my last try!


I closed my eyes and licked his upper and lower lip alternately.




He tossed and turned slightly, and moaned, opening his mouth slightly as if tickled.


I didn’t miss that moment, and I clicked his tongue, which came out slightly.


“Meow….?” (Ah….?)


The moment I touched the tip of his tongue.


A strange, indescribable sensation ran down the trunk of my back.


‘Wha…What’s this? feels strange.’


A strange sensation rose in me from the tip of my toe.


As soon as I took off my lips, I could see the prince frowning slightly.


“Meow….” (Ugh.…)


In an instant, a sharp convulsion spread throughout my body.


Unconsciously raising my claws, I crouched down and grabbed the bedsheet and moaned.




The sheet caught in my claws was torn off, and my throat was tightened by the pain that spread throughout my body. 


“Ugh, meow….” (Sa, save me…)


Tears dripped down from my eyes because of the pain I experienced for the first time in my life, and I eventually fell down from the bed.




I fell from a fairly high height with a dull sound, but strangely my whole body felt numb.


As the pain that seemed to last forever subsided, my blurred vision gradually regained its focus.


My head was spinning since I bumped my head when I fell.


“Ugh….my head. What….?’.


The next moment, I couldn’t help but be astonished.


Instead of the cotton paws I had become accustomed to, I saw five intact fingers.


Surprised, I raised my hand and fumbled my face.


Eyes, nose, mouth, and hair of a human person..


‘I’m really back as a human being….!!’


Excited with joy, I tried to get up, but my body wouldn’t budge.


There was no strength in my legs, so it was impossible to even stand up.


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‘What’s wrong with my body?’


Seeing that my voice was not coming out properly, it seemed that my senses had not returned properly yet.


In the end, I crawled to the ground without any benefit of returning as a person. 


‘It’s cold. Do I have anything to wear?’


If you look at transformations, when your body changes, clothes are automatically put on.


Reincarnated in a world full of realism from nothingness, I was naked, not wearing anything except for the choker on my neck. 


As I was looking around, I caught a blanket of size suitable for me to catch on the floor. 


‘That would be enough.’


I reached the target, and wrapped a large blanket around my body.


Fortunately, it was just the right size, so it completely covered my body.


I sighed softly as I grabbed the edge of the blanket so it wouldn’t fall off.


‘I’ve been successful so far. What do I do now?’


I think it’s time to get out of here and ask Aziz for help.


Is it because it’s been too long since I’ve walked on two legs?


Like a toddler taking their first step, the strength in my body did not enter my legs.


‘Legs, please move!’


It was when I was trying to get up somehow.


I could see myself reflected in the full-body mirror leaning against the wall.


As if possessed by the unexpected appearance, I approached the mirror.


Then, with my long, white fingers, I pointed to the place where the strange face was reflected.


‘Is this really me?’


I looked lost for a while staring at my beautiful appearance.


However, I soon noticed twinkling reflections reflected in the mirror and trembled.


“Who are you?”




Sulayman, who had been sleeping soundly until before, was standing behind me with a sword.


‘I…I’m scared…’


He looked down at me with cold eyes that did not contain any emotion.


His ruby red eyes shone through the smooth black hair that covered his forehead.


It was a fascinating but frightening look at the same time.


‘Appearances are so different when someone’s asleep and when they’re awake.’


I felt suffocated by the overwhelming aura that radiated from his entire body.


His gaze pierced my flesh like a needle, reaching my exposed back. I clumsily kept covering my body with a blanket.


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Nevertheless, Sulayman had an uncanny charm that made my eyes open.


A physically handsome face with a better physique than necessary. 


It was dizzying to see a solid body and well-organized abs through the open gown.


Sulayman was a man whose appearance seemed close to perfection. 


Except for the fact that he is staring at me as if he were going to stab me to death any moment. 


But when I, who looked like a normal human being, shouted ‘Meow!’ and cried like a cat, he withdrew the sword. 


“……Are you a crazy woman?”


My face, which was suddenly mistaken for a crazy person, turned red ferociously. 


‘Please, speak!’


My body has returned to a human, but why are only the words of a cat still coming out of my mouth?


I can’t walk or talk properly just like the Little Mermaid. 


It was clear that the first transformation was not intact.


It was when I was looking at the room with a sideways glance, wondering if there was a place to escape.


Another sudden abnormality occurred in my body.


“Huh, mandible….”


I pressed down on my stuffy chest when I felt my heart beating hard and blood flowing back.


Seeing that I was in a strange condition, Sulayman raised his eyebrows.


“Are you sick or something? I don’t want you to die here, so I’ll call a senator.”


…….That’s very kind of you. You’re a very generous prince.


I gnashed my teeth and glared at him with resentment.


‘Come to think of it, didn’t he say that the prince is under some kind of curse?’


Aziz said I was the only one who could save him.


You wait and see.


I don’t think you’ll ever get a chance before you start begging me!


As I was clinging to the floor and breathing heavily, I saw the prince walking to the doorstep to summon someone.


At that time, the smoke that began to bloom around me covered the room thickly.


‘What is this…?’


The guards, who sensed an abnormality due to the thick smoke that spread out to the outside, screamed.


“What..what is it? Is there an intruder?”


“Protect the prince!”


Coughing from the smoke, I waved my hands in front of my eyes.


“Me…..?” (What…..?)


The moment I looked down.


My eyes widened when I discovered the plump, jellied paws characteristic of cats.

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