The next day, I woke up with a unique feeling of clarity in the morning from a good night’s sleep.

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“Nyaaaah.” (Hahhh.)

I rubbed my eyes with my front paws. I was used to it now, so I looked around.


The place where I lay is for cats only.


It was a soft sofa that was obviously made for a cat’s size. Covered with a velvet material, it felt great against the skin.


Clean water and snacks in the shape of churros were neatly placed in a bowl right in 

front of her.


‘… What happened yesterday… It feels like a dream.’

Well, like a dream, yet it was the same situation now.


I was rolling on the market floor just two days ago, who would have thought I would now be receiving such luxurious treatment.


A peaceful atmosphere lingered in the warm, sunny room.


I drank water and finished the snacks frantically and washed my face cat-style.


As I was sitting on the sofa after getting dressed and reflecting on what happened yesterday, the door opened with a creaking sound.


Standing at the door was the man who had been at the top of my blacklist overnight.



You’ve got a good chance, son. I have thousands to say!


I ran fast in front of him and kicked him in the leg with my cheeks bulging.

Of course I wasn’t sick or anything, but it was the least I could do to express my dissatisfaction with him.


“Good morning, Ms. Cat. Did you sleep well last night?”


“Meow!” (I don’t know, you idiot!)


“Yesterday, someone set up a smoke screen near the prince’s bedroom and tried to break in. Did you see anyone suspicious?”


A suspicious person?


I rolled my eyes upwards in thought to remember if there was an intruder. 


But no matter how much I thought about it, no strange person came to mind.


I shook my head, and he apologized to me belatedly.

“I’m sorry about yesterday. You must have been surprised?”


Yes, I was surprised. I was treated as a psychopath and threatened equally.


If the prince is such a scary guy, he should have informed her in advance!


“Actually, it was unexpected for me, too. The sleeping pills… If you are resistant and strong to the pills, you need to wake up in the morning to feel refreshed. Perhaps the intruder had disturbed him. He is too sensitive to touch and sound.”


‘…… Uh, I think it was because of my kiss.’

In fact, before my body changed, Prince Sulayman seemed to be in a deep sleep that no one could disrupt him.


 ‘Maybe this guy doesn’t know that I had turned into a human last night?’

Apparently, he misunderstood that I had escaped the room because I was afraid of the intruder.


There wasn’t a crowd either.


It happened not long after Aziz left, and when I met him again, I was in the form of a cat.


My personification was not observed since the guards had entered the room at the end of the catification.


It was when I was moaning and thinking.


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Aziz, who flashed a nice smile, asked me again.

“By the way, did you try kissing yesterday? If there are any small changes, please let me know.”


‘Should I tell the truth?’


However, I sensed that something was lurking under his smiling face, so I hesitated for a moment and shook my head.


“Nyaaah.” (No. Nothing happened?)


First off, he didn’t look like a villain, but I thought I needed a little more time to trust him.


‘Let’s take a look at the situation and then we’ll talk again.’

I was afraid to meet Sulayman again right away, but it was also necessary to get used to this palace.


Aziz sighed in disappointment and gently stroked my fur.


“It’s okay. It can’t be fulfilled on the first try. Let’s go slowly. I’ll try harder so that you can find a human form.”

I tilted my head as the sweet words came out of his mouth.


Aziz was a strange guy and I had no idea whether he was a good guy or a bad guy.


“I have to leave soon. I will be late for tea time.”


“Miyong……?” (Tea time……?)


“Yes. Someone desperately wants to see you.”


Tea time with the cat.


I laughed out loud when I thought of myself sitting side by side with people, sipping milk instead of tea.


“Nyaan, nyaan?” (Who invited me?)


“He is a beautiful and noble man. A bit troublesome and he might hurt your head a bit, but I’m sure Ms. Cat will like it. Right?”


“Nyan.” (Hmm.)

I glanced at him and thought for a moment.


‘What should I do?’

I was told that they were taking me to another place after last night, and I didn’t really like it at all. 


But it was also true that more information was needed about this place.


“Meow.” (Okay, I’ll go.)

He smiled with courage when I answered.

“It’s a bit far from the tea time place, so I’ll take you there myself.”


“Meow…” (By the way…)

Aziz carefully lifted my body and held me in his arms.


He slowly walked towards the place where the unknown visitor was waiting


After passing through the long corridors and stairs, and past strict guards, the tea time place we reached was an open garden.


“Nyaha……” (Wow………)

I burst into admiration when I saw such a beautiful place unexpectedly.


The garden was surrounded by a dense grove of trees and was rich in itself. Various kinds of birds chirping and flying gave the illusion of entering the forest. Clean air mixed with the scent of fresh grass.


And as soon as you stepped in, it was the right temperature, as if you had turned on the air conditioner.


The natural beauty of the garden, which was hard to believe that it was really in the palace, really captured my heart.


I lost my mind and looked at the scenery around me

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As I watched, Aziz smiled.

“Isn’t it a nice place? I love this place too.”


Nod nod


I don’t know about anything else, but I agree with you.


After that, I walked along the promenade and leisurely enjoyed the scenery.


After a while, a tea table appeared next to a small pond where the water flowed calmly.

What was meant to be seen now came into view.


‘… Who is that person?’


Frowning, I looked closely and saw a woman lying in a long armchair.


The woman, who laid down for a long time and took a peaceful nap, was surprisingly beautiful.


Her curly red hair, dark, healthy skin, and a dress that wrapped around her body accentuated her voluptuous figure and made her look more attractive.


“There are a lot of cats,” she said.


Around her, about ten cats were seated in a circle around her armchair.


It was a scene where anyone could easily guess that she was the woman who owned the cats.


“Wait a minute, please.”


“Meow.” (Yeah.)

Aziz, who put me down on the floor, looked at me belatedly.


The resting woman yawned and sat up.

“It’s a little late, Aziz.”


“I see the precious Hurrem Sultana.”

At the same time, Aziz kneeled down and kissed the back of the woman’s hand and put her hand on his forehead.


It was also a polite way of greeting that the servant offered to his master.


‘If she is a sultana… She’s the queen here, isn’t she?’

Unexpectedly, I was confronted with the greatest power in this kingdom, and I shrank.

Aziz, who came back to me again, introduced me to her.


“Dear Sultana, this is the cat of prophecy, the incarnation of Ashtar that I found.”


“Hmm,” Hurrem beckoned as if she wanted to see me closer.


Aziz lifted me up and laid me down on the tea table.


Naturally, when Hurrem met my eyes, I swallowed my saliva as I faced the tremendous charisma she emitted.


“Your impression is kind of scary, but… You’re a great person.”

Hurrem had a strange charm that even made a woman’s heart pound.


Hurrem’s lips moved slowly as I lowered my head to hide my red face.


I’m straight. 


“White hair and odd eyes. It’s small and cute.”

At that moment, Hurrem’s eyes were filled with malicious curiosity.


“But Aziz, is this a man or a woman?”

I had no choice but to make a silly face at her words.


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“You have dozens of cats, and you can’t tell the gender easily?”


“I don’t know if you’re going to reply to the sultana in that way, Aziz?”


“I am not afraid of such things. Why would I be with someone I know so well?”


“Hmm, I don’t know. Shall I cut off your arm as a test?”


“Do as you please.”

It was a terrifying threat, but no emotions were in his eyes, Aziz stood before the Sultana.

I’d rather laugh with my nose.


And looking at him like that, Hurrem’s eyes folded into a half-moon shape.


“If you want to die, just tell me. I will consider your request and make it as comfortable as possible.”

Hurrem giggled in a very pleasant manner.


‘What is this, I’m scared…’


A sultana who enjoys threatening her rebellious servants…


How come it seems like I’m the only person here who isn’t fine?


“That’s all you have to do with your jokes. Cats are spirits, so they can hear all these conversations. You must still be shaking.”


“No nagging, but it’s a bit too good to give her to anyone else. Do you want me to just eat it up?”


‘… What are you going to eat?’


I wonder if there’s a strange food culture in this world if cats are eaten.


I became very doubtful of them.


‘I’m not delicious!’ 


There isn’t much meat either! 


With a serious expression on my face, I raised my front paws and crossed them in an X, then pretended to have a slender pink belly.


Hurrem and Aziz’s expression grew fainter when they saw my serious performance.


‘Did I make any mistakes…?’


“Meow, meow!”



The two burst out laughing side by side and continued to laugh as they left the garden.


“Oh, this cat is cute.”


“She has a rare charm. Aziz has never seen such a beautiful person in his life.”


‘No, I’m ugly!!’


Impatiently, I put my front paws on my cheeks and hung them down the sides, making an ugly expression as much as I could.


But that action had the opposite effect of what I wanted.


“Well, can I take this?  I want to add it to my cat harem. Why don’t you use your ability to find another cat?”


What’s a cat harem? 


Does it look like a cat hotel?


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As I stretched out my imagination wings, Aziz, who sighed, opened his mouth.


“There can be no other cat. Please keep your dignity. Isn’t she like a gift prepared by God for your son?


“But I truly want it. He’s my son, but honestly, it’s a waste to give it to such a hard boy.”


‘What? Her son?’

My eyes widened and I remembered what I heard in Prince Sulayman’s room yesterday.


“This is a sign that belongs to the sultana, but is it my mother’s prank?”

Ah, that must mean that the present sultana is his mother.


As I understood the situation one step behind, I stared sideways at Hurrem’s face.


Oh, that’s right.


There were many similarities in appearance to Sulayman, with whom she had a short but intense encounter yesterday.


Clear features, dark, smooth and healthy skin.


And if you look at it for a long time, you’ll get a twitch in your eyes.


“If it doesn’t change with my son’s kiss… What are you going to do then? Huh?”


“I think we still need to do more research. In the meantime, it will be a priority to weaken Prince Sulayman’s curse.”


“Yeah, it might be better to put out the urgent fire first.”


“When I visited in the morning, I saw that the prince’s spirit had stabilized considerably. Increasing the time and frequency of contact will definitely make a difference.”

I perked up my ears and focused on their conversation.


‘Something is a little odd.’

To be precise, the part of ‘increasing the time and number of contact’ caught my interest.


‘I don’t think I’ll have to face that scary prince again…?’


But for now, there was no other way.

Because Prince Sulayman was the only way for me to turn into a human.


Oh, my God.


“Nyaah.” (Ha, I can’t help it.)


Where is the point that I don’t have to live as a cat for the rest of my life?


Someday, I’ll be completely human.


I don’t know when that will come.


‘I’m not scared when he is sleeping, so I’ll have to ask Aziz to increase the intensity of sleeping pills.’


The moment I was about to start talking to Aziz, I saw a man walking straight toward us from afar.


“Who is it?”

The silhouette that looked familiar to me gradually approached, and I took a breath.


No, I took a deep breath.


A man of good build with red eyes shining amongst his satin-like black hair.


The man dressed in an ascetic black suit painted with ink…

“You are here? Mother.”


Oh, my God!


He was Prince Sulayman, who held a knife to my neck yesterday.

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