"...How did you know?"

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Junior, who had been silent, looked at me with trembling eyes.

"How... did you know that I was hiding my abilities?"


"Even the most powerful wizards... Even my own grandmother didn't notice."

"I just have a good sense for this kind of thing."

Such system adjustments were necessary if one were to make it through a game with a difficulty level this monstrous. I gestured to Junior, who was sitting cross-legged opposite me.

"Reveal all your abilities, Junior. If you do, I'll pay a fair price."


Junior, who had kept her lips tightly sealed, looked straight at me. I gave her a broad grin.

"Don't you want to make a lot of money?"


The revealed true stats of Jupiter Junior were as follows:

[Jupiter Junior(SSR)]

- Level: 35

- Title: None

- Job: Advanced Elementalist

- Strength 15 Agility 17 Intelligence 35 Stamina 13 Magic Power 35

[Acquired Skills]

> Passive: Elemental Conductor

> Skill 1: Elemental Outburst

> Skill 2: Elemental Fusion

> Ultimate: ??? (Unlock after 3rd job promotion)

She was actually at level 35, having completed her second job promotion. Her second skill was also unlocked. Why on earth was she hiding this?

The 2nd skill, Elemental Fusion, was a skill that could combine the elements she could wield, dealing area damage.

This was the wide-range magic skill I was so desperately searching for. Hooray!

'She still seems to be hiding something.'

I observed Junior, who was in the process of signing the contract.

Junior was focusing on the contract, seemingly unaware of my gaze.

Well, if she's going to this length to hide her abilities, it's probably better to leave her be.

I don't even know what her situation is yet.

"You'll be paid weekly during the four-week trial period. After the trial period ends, you'll be paid in a lump sum for the remaining 11 months."

Junior, having finished signing the contract, returned it to me for confirmation.

"Is my understanding correct, your highness?"


Like her grandmother, she has a sharp eye for money. I had a hard time trying to get every penny possible until the end of the negotiation.

'Every time I hire a wizard, a big chunk of money flies away.'

But the tactical value of a wizard is comparable to that of a fighter jet in the modern world.

This expenditure is within acceptable bounds. I nodded, finishing the seal on the contract.

"With this, the contract is complete... but a bit late to ask, yet, one question."

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"Junior. Have you ever shot someone with magic?"

Junior hesitated.

"Um... your highness? I don't understand the intention behind your question."

"I'm not trying to pry into your past."

I raised my hand.

"This place is the monster front, but our immediate enemy is human. That's why I'm asking."

Our immediate enemy - that is, the Nightcrawler squad occupying our base camp.

"We must venture forth for PvP, to fight against humans."

I asked Junior out of concern that she might feel uncomfortable casting spells against humans.

"No, no, Your Highness. That's not what I mean..."

However, Junior's response was slightly different from what I expected.

"Aren't spells typically cast at people?"


"Swords, spears, bows, they are all the same. Most human weapons are designed to target other humans."

That's right.

Maybe, this is the rational view.

"Have I ever cast a spell at a person? Of course. Spells were created for that very purpose."


"It's a bit ironic that your first assignment on the monster-fighting front line is to kill people."

Junior, with the contract tucked under her arm, gave a slight smirk.

"To be honest with you, I'm confident."

"...I see."

Only then do I fully realize.

This is not the world I used to live in.

A world filled with war and death, absolutely harsh, completely different from Earth.

Even the ethics of killing people will be different from my shallow perspective.



I think of Damien.

I remember the fearful eyes of the child who hesitates to shoot at people.

That's why... I'm still thinking.

Even in this world, killing someone should not be a pleasant thing.

'I kill monsters to protect people.'

Who should I protect, and who should I kill as a monster?

I must never let go of this question.


I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them.

Nightcrawler Squad.

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They obstructed my strategy, made Jupiter suffer from magic overload, clear enemies of ours.

Those guys- we have no choice but to clear a path, even if it means killing them.

Murder is not the first option. But if it's self-defense, there's no reason to hesitate.

'If necessary, I'll shoot.'

I steeled myself and faced Junior.

"I'll tell you about the enemies you'll have to face this time."

I informed her about the formation of the Nightcrawler Squad, the number of wizards among them, their properties, and their expected level.

"You'll want to be prepared. One of their wizards was the one who hurt your grandmother."

"That's unfortunate."

At the news that they were the ones who injured her grandmother, Junior's eyes flashed with fierce anger.

"If I had been there, I would have turned the tables on them."


"Don't worry, Your Highness."

Junior spun a bear-like charm in her hand and then caught it neatly.

"I'll take them out, including my grandmother's share."

Not because she's an SSR-grade wizard, but because she's Jupiter's granddaughter.

So, I believed in her. I nodded heavily in response.


The next day.

Free exploration Zone 3. [Northern Fortress].

The main party of five, minus Godhand, and the remaining members of the Shadow Squad, nine in total, had come here for exploration.

The purpose was multifaceted, with one being a field test for Jupiter Junior.


And Junior's ability was impeccable.

Boom! Bababoom!

Being able to freely use the three attributes of water, wind, and lightning, and having a large output volume was impressive.

Indeed, worthy of an SSR-rated wizard.

Every time Junior lightly swung her wand-wielding hand, a water curtain poured out, gusts of wind howled, and lightning struck.



The horde of ghouls charging along the north outer fortress of the Lake Kingdom were shattered by the magic.

'Ugh, disgusting.'

Actually seeing the ghouls was quite... eerie.

The monsters up until now were clearly alien beings. But ghouls resembled humans quite closely.

It was somewhat painful to see these creatures howling in groups and charging at us.

Would it feel like this to be swept up in a zombie apocalypse?


Of course, all these creatures, in front of the one-sided magic bombardment of a capable wizard, couldn't even approach and were being shattered.


Among them, there were specially enhanced individuals as well.

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Tanker-types with excessively developed muscles, agile ones charging quickly, buffer-types that put area-wide rage buffs on surrounding ghouls, and so on.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Thud, thud, thud-!

But every time such a special individual stood out, Damien and the archers of the Shadow Squad sniped and knocked them down.

'Having brought many is convenient.'

With a party of nine, there was more flexibility. Sure, we had to share the experience points, but it was safe.

"How is it, Your Highness?"

A while later, when the monster wave ended without much difficulty, Junior turned to me with a smile.

"Would this suffice as verification of my abilities?"

"It is sufficient. There's no shortage in assigning you the role of main party's magic attacker."

She was slightly behind Jupiter in terms of sheer destructive power.

But Junior had the advantage in most other aspects.

Both Skill 1 and Skill 2 could be used as either a single-target or area-of-effect, and she had a variety of attributes to boot.

'I've got a good card.'

I nodded in satisfaction. With this, the first objective of this exploration was achieved.

'And the second objective is to identify the types of ghouls.'

I approached the heap of ghoul corpses.

'The characteristics of ghouls are determined depending on who the Lord is.'

A rotten smell wafted from the monsters.

There was no need to painstakingly inspect them by hand. I had already checked their names via the system window.

'Frost Ghoul.'

It was odd to attach an attribute even to a ghoul. But anyway, it was a frost ghoul.

And among the vampire lords, there was only one with a frost attribute.


No doubt about it.

It seemed that the king of the vampires would have to intervene personally. I bit my lower lip.

'It's a mess, but it's better than no information at all.'

I just have to formulate a strategy diligently before the stage starts.

But for now, reclaiming our base camp is the priority.

"Your Majesty!"

That's when Bodybag, who I had sent out for reconnaissance in a different direction, returned.

As a kinetic sorcerer, Bodybag could conduct aerial reconnaissance.

Floating in the air, Bodybag landed with a thud in front of me.

Bowing slightly at the waist towards me, Bodybag reported.

"I have roughly finished surveying the terrain around here."

"How is it? Do you think you can carry out the task as I directed?"

"Yes. It seems quite feasible."


The purpose of this free exploration was also to scout the terrain for the operation to be carried out in the future.

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'Reclaiming the base camp operation.'

Fortunately, the terrain conditions were cleared as per the reconnaissance results.

This made it possible to carry out the operation I had planned. I was relieved.

With this, all three objectives of this free exploration were achieved.

"Everyone, good job! Let's head back!"

Since we can't use the base camp, we have to retreat by returning to the teleport gate at the start of Zone 3.

I stepped forward, and the party members followed me in droves.


Walking along the wall of the northern castle, I suddenly looked down.

The square of the city covered in darkness was visible. Behind those alleyways, the base camp occupied by the enemies must be hidden.

The Nightcrawler squad.

And the Pied Piper, Crown.

'Just wait a little. I'll come to take it back soon.'

And just like you guys have screwed me over, I'll return the favor.

With a renewed vow, I moved on.

The moment to confront them was fast approaching.


[End of Free Exploration!]

[Level Up Characters]

>Main Party

- Lucas(SSR) Lv.38 (↑1)

- Jupiter Junior(SSR) Lv.36 (↑1)

- Damien(N) Lv.33 (↑1)

>Sub Party 1

- Oldgirl(R) Lv.30 (↑1)

- Skull(N) Lv.27 (↑1)

- Burnout(SR) Lv.26 (↑2)

[Acquired Items]

- Intermediate Magic Potion: 2

- Gale Enchant Scroll: 1

- Lower Bloodline Magic Stone: 65



Right before returning to the surface after the exploration,

Jupiter Junior covered her mouth and coughed.

"Cough, cough!"

When she took her hand away from her mouth, there was a bit of blood on her palm.


Looking quietly at her hand, Jupiter Junior clenched her fist.

And as if nothing had happened, she stepped into the teleport gate.

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