"Everyone's gathered."

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I nodded, taking in the group of hero characters assembled in the reception room.

There had been a bit of a ruckus, but, one way or another, the three parties I'd originally envisioned were all here.

"From now on, I will explain the base camp recapture operation."

They all looked at me, their eyes gleaming. I met each one of their gazes.

"The participating parties are my main party, the Shadow Squad, and Dion's Mercenaries. Three in all."

The main party - myself, Lucas, Evangeline, Damien, and Jupiter Junior.

Then there's the Shadow Squad, led by Godhand, and Dion's Mercenaries, led by Dion himself.

All together, we had a strength of 15.

This was a record-breaking number of people to be deployed in the dungeon under the lake.

'The Dion's Mercenaries are the most unpredictable.'

I glanced at Dion's Mercenaries, made up of only N-rank newbies.

For the past week, Dion's Mercenaries had been through hellish hardcore training.

They had attempted the autonomous exploration of Zone 2 again and again.

They'd fled four times after failing, and one time, they nearly got wiped out.

But in the end, they succeeded in clearing it on their own.

In this process, they leveled up significantly, and more importantly, the five of them accumulated immense experience and synced as a team.

'Even though they were hastily put together, they're capable enough to be of use on the field.'

Meaning they possessed enough combat power to be deployed in this operation.

For today, their equipment was completely updated yesterday, and they even received new military uniforms.

Now they're all giddy in their new outfits and equipment, these chicklings.

'Well, if we're talking about uncertainty, none of the parties are without it.'

I also looked over the other two parties.

Godhand had just recently returned from an injury, and the main party hadn't properly synced after a new wizard joined.

'We did carry out a simple exploration of Zone 3 with the two parties combined. But that's it.'

There's always uncertainty everywhere.


'Overcoming that uncertainty is what I must do.'

There's no more time to debate conditions. I raised my voice.

"I'm giving the operation orders now!"

Once again, Aider brought over the blackboard he had previously drawn on.

I explained, pointing at the illustration on the blackboard.

"The main party and Dion's Mercenaries will move together. Both parties will take the teleport gate straight into the heart of the enemy lines."

A surprise assault, via the teleport gate leading to the base camp.

I'd like to deliver an immediate blow if possible, but it won't be easy.

"Nine times out of ten, they'll be prepared too. A fierce resistance is expected. We might take some heavy damage."

We have to withstand their prepared crossfire.

I nodded at our party's tank line.

"But we need to draw their attention."

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That's right.

In this operation, we are the bait.

"Now, and... the Shadow Squad."

I turned my gaze to Godhand and the elf children.

"I apologize to Godhand, who just returned, but you'll have to take on the toughest task."

Godhand asked nervously,

"You mean there's a task more difficult than charging into enemy lines and absorbing their attacks?"


This was the crux of our strategy.

I smirked as I explained what the Shadow Squad had to do.

"What you need to do is..."


After the briefing was over,

The audience room, vacated by the Shadow Squad.

The main party and the Dion Mercenaries were prepping for the battle, checking their equipment.


I approached one of them cautiously.

Damien was checking six magical rifles laid out on the floor.


"Oh, Your Highness."

Our eyes met for a moment.

"Can you shoot?"


It was something Damien hadn't been able to do till now.

To shoot a person.

If this was not possible, there's no point in bringing him to this battle. And it would pose a problem for his tactical usage in the future.

Damien lowered his head deeply and then looked up at me with a determined face.

"I will shoot. If it's your command."

"Have you made up your mind?"


"There's no need to push yourself. I don't intend to break your principles."

"Principles... it's not about that."

Lowering his eyes, Damien spat out frankly,

"I'm just scared."

"Of killing people?"


Damien stared at his own hands.

"When I pull the trigger at a person. It feels like something inside me... will change forever."


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I gently gripped Damien's shoulder.

"There's no need to take lives. With your skills, you could just as well incapacitate without killing."

He didn't need to aim for a lethal shot with his sniper rifle.

He could just as well aim for hands or legs, to incapacitate and make them incapable of fighting.

"Damien, I don't know what kind of sniper you'll grow into."

I smiled faintly.

"But whatever path you choose, you're the ace of our party. Never forget that."

Damien stared blankly at me, and then slowly nodded.

"...Yes, Your Highness."


I patted Damien's shoulder and checked the clock.

10 PM.

There was still some time until the operation commencement at 2 AM.

"Aider! Please prepare some bedding in the spare room. So we can catch some sleep."

After delegating a task to Aider, I instructed the party members.

"Let's all get some sleep. Don't doze off in the enemy camp later."

A hazy moon had risen in the window.

I murmured while staring at the bright moonlight,

"It's going to be a very long night."


And then, 2 AM.

Operation time.

In the backyard of the mansion, in front of the teleport gate, a total of 10 people from the main party and the Dion mercenary group had gathered.

I assigned the order of entry.

"Evangeline, take the lead. Lucas, follow right behind."

"Sure thing!"

"Yes, my lord."

"As soon as the teleportation ends, an attack could come. Be prepared to defend as soon as you enter."

Both Evangeline and Lucas were equipped with shields, their gear selection reflecting the fact that they were entering enemy territory.

"Next is Junior. You'll need to cast protective magic. Cast in advance before entering."

"Leave it to me."

Junior gave a wink. Trustworthy indeed, she was an SSR grade.

"Damien and I will go in after."

Upon our eyes meeting, Damien silently nodded.

Damien was responsible for neutralizing enemy ranged attackers and cannons. I was in charge of all other dirty tricks.

"After us, the Dion mercenaries. As I've explained beforehand, enter in the order specified."

Three warrior-class members of the Dion mercenaries went in first. They deployed their shields, solidifying additional defensive formations.

Lastly, two rogue-class members holding items to be used on the scene entered. That was the arrangement.

"Alright, there's no need to delay. Let's begin."

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I nodded at Lucas and Evangeline.

"Go in!"

"We're going in!"

"See you soon~!"

Lucas and Evangeline jumped one after another into the spinning teleport gate.

"Well, me too."

Next, Junior waved her hand before hopping into the gate.

I turned around and smiled.

"Let's get this over with quickly. Let's go!"

I hurled myself into the gate.

Bright light filled my sight.



[Now Loading...]

[Tip - NPCs in dungeons have various relationships with each other. Using them well is a shortcut to conquering the dungeon.]

I want to make use of some NPCs!

Send me some NPCs I can interact with, not just the hostile ones that shoot arrows and magic at me!



As soon as I passed through the teleport gate, I pulled out my staff, 'Maestro,' and pointed it forward.

In front of me, Lucas and Evangeline, who had arrived earlier, raised their shields and scanned their surroundings with sharp eyes.

Junior was also casting her elemental magic with a slightly tenser face than usual.




A tense silence lingered.

The base camp was shrouded in deep darkness.

The bonfire at the center of the camp was weak, just maintaining its flames.

'Isn't there anyone?'

As I scanned the quiet base camp with my eyes, I swallowed hard.

'No one? Really?'

No, no. That can't be.

These guys had been waiting here since long before we broke through Zone 3. They wouldn't just leave.

If anything, it's the opposite.

Clank! Clank! Clank!


From all corners of the construction site, about a dozen NPCs rushed out, aiming their bows and crossbows at us.

I gave a bitter smile. This felt eerily familiar. Hadn't we been in a similar situation before?

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"I didn't think they'd dare to charge us here..."

Just then, a familiar baritone voice echoed in the air.

"I didn't expect you to march right in."

Looking in the direction of the voice, a man dressed like a bard with a black top hat and a playful grin approached us step by step.


The captain of the Nightcrawler squad.

"And what gives you the courage to walk right into the lion's den, 'Player'?"

"Stop calling me a player. I have a proper name, you know."

I introduced myself, pointing a finger at my chest.

"My name is Ash. Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack."

"Everblack...? Hmm, sounds familiar."

"Of course, you must have heard about the Great Everblack Empire. I am the third prince of that kingdom. If you want to show some respect, you might as well bow down."

At that moment, Crown, who had been tilting his head, snapped his fingers.

"Aha, you mean that petty kingdom on the outskirts?"


"It must've been a long time in your world for that tiny kingdom to dare call itself an empire. Every time I hear this... it reminds me how old I'm getting."

I frowned, puzzled and frustrated.

It's been a hundred years since the Everblack Empire seized power over the continent.

They're a superpower that reigns over half of the world.

And he's calling them a petty kingdom? When did he get this outdated?

'Is he seriously hundreds of years old or what?'

"Anyway, there's no need for more conversation."

As Crown raised his hand, the weapons in the hands of the Nightcrawler members tensed, ready to fire at any moment.

"It's about time we resume the slaughter that was interrupted last time, isn't it? You even walked straight into our headquarters... Are you prepared to die?"

In response to Crown's taunting, I replied coolly.

"No. I have no such resolution."


Behind me, Damien jumped out of the teleport gate, immediately pointing his magic gun. Behind him, the warriors of the Dion mercenary group formed a line with their shields.

Lastly, Dion and a female rogue arrived, carrying hefty equipment.

Dion immediately set up and activated the equipment he was carrying.


It was the SR grade defense artifact that Lilly and the alchemists had been working on all day.

The Anti-Missile Barrier.

It's one of the best defensive artifacts in local warfare, slowing down enemy projectiles and reducing damage.


Crown, having realized the identity of our artifact, let out a sound of admiration.

"You should be the ones thinking carefully."

I chuckled.

"An enemy has arrived at the headquarters. The headquarters looks to be on the verge of being robbed and ruined. You should quickly surrender and run away!"

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