I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

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[Translator: Dawn ]

[Proofreader: Alissa ]

Chapter 15: [Side Story] At the Black Lake

Lucas carefully opened up his mouth to speak.


I got a little nervous. All kinds of plans came to my mind as to what excuses I had to make to keep this guy following my orders.  


“I simply move as Your Highness orders. There are no questions to ask for me.” 

Said Lucas. 

“I am Your Highness’s sword and shield. I simply cut down and block as you order me to.” 


I was speechless. 

There was no way that he didn’t have any doubts or questions. But he’s saying that he trusts me more than anything. 

I was even a little impressed. Sob. Lucas, you…! I'll have to give you a lot of bonuses after this one. 

“Alright, Lucas!” 

I exclaimed confidently, pointing inside the gate. 

“Then are you prepared to enter the jaws of hell with me?” 

Lucas nodded his head with a stiff face. 

“I shall gladly go to the bottoms of hell if it’s with you, Your Highness.” 

You’re probably unaware of it, but we’ve already broken through Hell, Lucas. 

And we will do it again, together this time too. 

Without saying those words out loud, I just tapped Lucas on the shoulder. Lucas also smiled faintly. 

We finished our preparations a moment later. There weren’t too many things to prepare for, since we were planning on just a simple scout mission. 

I walked up to the gate. A system window appeared in front of my view. 

[Teleport Gate] 

- Please choose your destination. 

> Lakeside Ferry 

> (Unopened Area) 

> (Unopened Area) 

> … 

There is only one place I can go to through the gate right now. ‘Lakeside Ferry’. 

As I clear the dungeon, the places I can go to will gradually increase. I selected the Lakeside Ferry and activated the gate. 

As the magic door began to spin, Lucas stood in front of the gate first. 

“I’ll head in first, Your Highness. If there are enemies beyond this gate, I shall clean them up beforehand.” 

“You don’t have to worry, the other side of the gate will be safe.” 

“Still, just in case. Now then.” 

Then he jumped into the gate. It's like he is the incarnation of sincerity. 


I took a deep breath and followed him. 


My vision was distorted, and a feeling of floating in the air enveloped my whole body. 

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Soon, the world turned black. 

* * * 

[Now Loading… Teleporting.] 

[Heroes can become stronger by receiving strong equipment. Equipment can be obtained from dungeons or made at the forge.] 

What the… Don’t be popping a tip window like that out of nowhere! Stop pretending to be a friendly game now! 

* * * 


A bright light flashed, and I arrived on the other side of the gate. 

As my vision came back, I saw a lake with a dark blue water surface. 

“We’re at the right place.” 

I got a little sick, but other than that, everything was fine. 

I straightened up and looked around. It is next to the old ferry on the lake shore. A fluttering lake right in front of me. 

This Black Lake is the source of the monsters. A hell that vomits nightmares. 

It is a dungeon blocking the southern end of the world. 


The Black Lake swirled slowly and exuded turbulent energy much like an abyss. 

I looked into the lake as if possessed without knowing it. 

“Your Highness!” 

Lucas's urgent voice was heard. 

Surprised, I looked in his direction. Lucas's back was visible at the end of the ferry. 

“What, what is it?” 

“Look, over there…!”
Lucas raised his hand with a pale face and pointed to one side of the lake. I looked in that direction too. 

And then I frowned seeing what was going on. 

The water surface of the Black Lake started foaming and cracking. 

Thud! Thud! Thud!
All at once, they stomped their feet, and the monsters began to rise. 

Clunk! Clunk! 

They were hollow, rusty armors. 

Grasping their rusty weapons, the armored monsters crawled out of the lake with a grotesque metallic noise. 

In the empty helmet, the pale will o’ the wisp fluttered. 

An army of phantoms in armor. 

I clenched my teeth and muttered. 

“Living Armors Legion…!”
It had to be these bastards, huh?! 

The stage composition of <Empire Defense> has some degree of randomness. 

The enemies in the early stages are randomly selected from several low-level monster corps. 

However, it does not deviate from the category of low-level monsters. It means that there are no ridiculously difficult monsters like in the tutorial. 

…Except for this one case, I mean… 

‘Why, just why?!’ 

I ground my teeth. 

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‘It had to be the Living Armors!’ 

It would’ve been fine if I was up against goblins, mermaids, or even wyverns. 

Among the many low-level monsters, the Living Armors had to be randomly selected. 

I kept my composure and turned on the stage information window. Because of our encounter with the enemy, the enemy information was displayed properly. 

[Enemy Information - STAGE 1] 

- Lv.? ???: 1 

- Lv.5 Living Armor Assaulter: 1052 

The ‘???’ displayed on the top must be the boss monster. 

The rest of them had a whooping number of over 1000. They’re low-level at least, I guess. 

Thud! Thud! Thud! 

The scene where thousands of armored monsters crawl through the water was bizarre and grotesque. 

The monsters that had gathered in the northern part of the lake did not delay and began to advance north. In the direction of Crossroad. 

“So those… are the monsters that we have to stop this time.” 


“Your Highness?” 

As I was noticeably frozen, Lucas turned to look at me with a worried face. 

“Are you okay? You’re noticeably pale. Are you perhaps feeling unwell…?” 


I think I said this too back in the tutorial. 

It couldn’t be helped. I really don’t have anything else to say other than this. 

I looked at Lucas and spoke out in a serious, candid, and solemn manner. 

“We’re fucked, again. Shit.” 

* * * 

[Translator: Dawn ] 

[Proofreader: Alissa ] 

Join our discord for release updates! 

* * *  

While playing <Empire Defense>, I reset the game 741 times. 

There was no other way than to reset the game once I couldn’t see the possibility of clearing it anymore. 

The reason for the reset was different for every run. From reasons related to early development issues such as, if Lucas died, or if my first party was annihilated, 

To reasons related to management issues such as messing up the city’s finances, having a facility that I fully invested my resources in destroyed, or not getting high-rank heroes due to bad luck. 

However, I did try my best to not give up as much as possible. 

Because I could learn even in unfavorable situations, and I could use that experience to my advantage in the next run. 

But there was this one case. One case that made me reset the game with no remorse the moment I saw it happen. 

That is when the monster species of Stage 1 was the Living Armor Legion. 

In that case, it was a game over no matter how hard I tried, and even if I cleared it, the aftermath would be so huge that I had to reset after anyway. 

I tried to clear it up to ten times, but after that, I just reset the game as soon as I saw the Living Armors. 

‘When it comes to Stage 1, the most troublesome monster corps are these armored bastards.’ 

I rubbed my aching forehead with my fingertips. 

The Living Armors are literally monsters made of armor. The core is the ghost inside them. 

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Therefore, they are resilient against physical attacks. 

Most of the soldiers defending the fortress are ordinary humans. 

Unlike Lucas, they can't cut the monster's core, or use magic like Lily or Jupiter. They have to fight normally with a spear and sword. 

And what would happen if 1000 phantoms with hard armor come pouring in? 

Other monsters would at least die when they’re hit by swords, spears, or even cannons. But the Living Armors don’t die that easily. 

Their armors are strong, and since they are ghosts, blades don’t really work well against them. 

If we were to face them head-on, we won’t be able to avoid severe damage. 

It becomes easier after the owned characters, parties, and defensive battle equipment get stronger later in the game, but… 

As it is still Stage 1, everything we have is at a disadvantage. 

‘It just had to not be those damned Living Armors!’ 

I could even feel some malice at this point. It’s like someone was deliberately trying to ruin the game for me… 


After reconnaissance, Lucas and I immediately entered the gate and returned to Crossroad. I brought up the stage information window again. 

[STAGE 1] 

- Until the start: 2 days 23 hours 

Three days until the stage begins. 

This meant that after 3 days, those monsters will reach all the way here. It’s pretty tight, but it’s still enough time to prepare for defense. 

I’ll just have to try everything I can. 


I shouted as soon as I entered the mansion. Aider quickly ran toward me as he fixed the glasses on his face. 

“Did you call for me, m’lord!” 

“How’s the state of the troops in the city?” 

“Crossroad currently employs 526 men on the front line!” 

In the last few years, after the invasion of monsters subsided, the number of resident troops in the fortress was about 3,000. 

Most of them were lost in the tutorial stage. 

Although more than a hundred mercenaries were added, the military situation was still very dire. 

‘Ash, you stupid bastard!’ 

I once again cursed this stupid prince who had lent me his body. Damn it! 

If it was another monster corps, it would be very easy even with the current amount of troops, but against the Living Armor Legion, this was not enough. 

“How many troops can be recruited?” 

“All the mercenaries who came to the city have already been hired. I'll hire more people as they come, but…” 

“There are no more mercenaries to hire, is that what you’re saying?” 

“In this city at least. Yesss.” 

“Then send a patrol to a nearby city and borrow troops! Say that I promise to give them twice the usual weekly wage!” 

Of course—Crossroad was a fortress standing alone in the world's southernmost remote area. 

It takes several days for a round trip to a nearby city. But it's still better to do it than not. 

“And send a messenger to the main Empire too. Let them know that the monsters have begun to mobilize, and ask for maximum reinforcements.” 

Aider, who was writing down my words, paused and glanced at me. 

“...Are you sure about that, m’loord?” 

Asking for support from the Empire triggers some fatal 'event' that happens midway through the game. 

That was why I tried my best to endure without reinforcement, but there’s no other choice now! I have to survive at least! 

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“It’s fine, call’em in!” 

“And call in all the carpenters, masons, blacksmiths, and alchemists in the city. Actually, this isn’t a call-in. This is conscription.” 

Crossroad is the world's largest magic crystal producer. 

A significant number of production workers were working in magic crystal processing. I was thinking of using them too. 

“But if you do that, the magic crystal production line will cease…” 

“The city’s about to be in shambles, the magic crystal production isn’t what’s important right now! Cease the line and bring them in!” 

“Understood. Conscription will be carried out right awayyy.” 

After giving several more orders, I gave my last order. 

“And, summon all the party members.” 

“There are a total of 9 heroes that can fight. How would you like to organize the party?” 


I opened the system window. 

Then I put the five heroes that I pulled recently, including Jupiter, into one party. 

And I put Lucas, Demian, Lily, and myself into the main party. 

“This is how the party will be formed. Deliver this information while convening.” 

“Ms. Lily is currently having trouble with moving…” 

“Now’s not the time to consider that.” 

I'm sorry for Lily, who was about to retire because of her injury. But right now, this isn’t a comfortable situation for me to put an R-rank mage in the back. 

“There’s not much time. Follow the instructions now!” 


Aider ran out of the mansion. 

After ordering Lucas to prepare for battle as soon as the party members arrive, I returned to my room in the mansion. 

Sitting on the bed, I floated the system window in the air. 

I kept thinking about it and couldn't decide… But it seems that I can't afford that anymore. 

‘Class Choice’ 

From the list of available classes, I ended up choosing the last one. 


The difficulty of this game right now is not normal. 

Not only was the Spider Queen in the tutorial stronger—the fact that the Living Armor Legion, the worst type of monster at the beginning of the game, appeared right away. 

The more difficult the game, the more variable is needed. 

So I decided to gamble. I decided to create a variable using a hidden class I saw for the first time. 

[Would you like to choose your class as ‘Beginner Commander’?] 

- Yes/No 

Fine, I’ll say yes, you bastard. 

With my fingertips shaking, I carefully touched the yes button. 

[Ash (EX)’s class has been changed to ‘Beginner Commander’!] 

I heard a sound effect congratulating me on choosing my class. 


“Wh-what is this?!” 

My eyes opened wide after seeing the system message that appeared right after. 

What the hell is this now?! 

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