Chapter 35: [Side Story] Don’t bother saving the world (2)

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It’s the fifth day of full-scale wall repair. 

Two days left until the start of the stage. 

“Everyone, you’re doing great!” 

I shouted as I climbed to the repair site of the fort wall. 

“Have these while you take some rest.” 

Behind me, the servants of the manor house climbed up the walls, carrying drinks and snacks. 

Everyone who was sweating and clinging to the wall repairing shouted cheers. 

“Yes! Food~!” 

“Cheers to His Highness! He knows how to spend money for his men!” 

“But Your Highness, where’s the alcohol?”
“Shut up. Hurry up eating and get back to work!” 

As I shouted out loud, everyone giggled and took their share of the snack. 

Everyone chatted, quenched their thirst, and ate snacks. I watched the scene from a distance. 

It's an urgent situation, but humans are not machines. Without adequate rest, efficiency plummets. 

“How’s the repair going?” 

I asked while bringing a drink to the head of the masons' union myself. The head of the union accepted the cup with a sense of thankfulness and smiled brightly. 

“Thanks to Your Highness’ workforce reinforcement, we will be able to finish the repair in time. In two more days, the fort wall repair will be finished.” 

He was right. I did pour a lot of support into reinforcement. 

All the workers that could possibly be hired were mobilized, and even the soldiers in the city were put to work. 

“As you can see, the foundation has been completely restored and the steel frame has been rebuilt. Now, the repair will be complete after laying bricks and adding iron plates on the outside.” 

“You’ve done great.” 

The hardest task was now completed. 

After congratulating the head of the masons' union once more, I turned around. Among the people who came with me was the head of the alchemists’ union. 

“Sorry to keep you waiting. We will install it today.” 

At my words, the head of the alchemists’ union took out a blue magic scroll from his pocket with his eyes twinkling. 

“Will we finally be able to put this to use?!” 

It was the summoning magic scroll. 

It was the item that could be used to install the defense tower we obtained during the last dungeon exploration. 

I was planning on installing it right after the foundation repair was finished, but I just heard that it was complete so I might as well install it right now. 

I received the decrypted scroll. As I did, a system window appeared in my sight. 


[Would you like to use ‘Summoning Scroll: Auto Defense Turret’?] 

- Yes/No 


The answer was obviously yes. 


As soon as I selected the ‘Yes’ option, the scroll in front of my eyes started to burn with a blue flame, and the blue particles flowed from the remaining scroll and permeated into my body. 


[Ash (EX) acquired a player skill!] > Summoning Magic: Auto Defense Turret 

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You’re mine now, Auto Defense Turret! 

I smiled happily and called the head of the masons' union standing behind me. 

“Head of the masons’ union!” 

“Yes, Your Highness.” 

“Could you gather the materials I’m going to mention now? You’ll be able to find them around here.” 

“Of course, Your Highness. It’ll be a pleasure.” 

After a while, the materials I ordered piled up on top of the wall. 

These are pieces of stone and steel. And this is the junk left over from construction works. 

‘That should be enough.’ 

I didn't have to worry about quality because I only needed to match the exact amount of ingredients. 

‘And the last material needed was an R-rank or higher magic core.’ 

I took out the ‘Standard Advanced Magic Core (R)’ from my inner pocket. This was the item from the reward box the other day. With this, all the required materials were gathered. 

‘And the location… should be around here.’ 


[Summoning Magic: Auto Defense Turret] 

- All the required materials have been prepared. 

- The level of the summoned unit is the same as that of the summoner. Only one summoned unit can be used at a time. 

- Please specify the location for installation. 


In the system window, the entire bird-eye view of the fort wall was unfolded like a 3D drawing, and places, where turrets could be installed, were displayed. 

I put my hand on the nearest one among them. I want it here! 


The materials piled up in front of me rose all at once into the air. 

The union leaders who were watching, as well as the workers and soldiers, were frightened and stepped back. 

Clunk! Thud! Click! 

The rising stones and steel frames were split into small pieces, and eventually, they fell onto the wall and were assembled into a single structure. 

‘Reminds me of Tetris—’ 

Watching the process of the tiny pieces being put together to form a structure, I thought to myself. It’s an interesting sight indeed. 

A few minutes later, the installation of the Auto Defense Turret was completed. 

As I looked up at the giant completed turret, I put on a satisfied smile. 

The people around it exclaimed in unison. 

It was designed like a naval gun installed on a WWII warship on Earth. The barrel of the gun was enormous, and so was its battery. 


I clapped without realizing it. It felt like a part of my heart was being filled with satisfaction just by looking at it. 

“This is the magical construction technique that was lost hundreds of years ago…?” 

The head of the alchemists’ union standing behind me muttered with his mouth wide open. I nodded. 

“I’ll be bringing more of these scrolls often, so I can entrust you with the research.” 

At my words, the head of the alchemists’ union nodded vigorously. 

Haha. If you like being shoved around like that you’re gonna be crying later on. 

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“Now, now! Thanks to you, the defense line is getting stronger!” 

I smirked as I pounded the automatic turret with my fingertips in front of the workers. 

“Keep up the good work!” 


As they raised their drinks and snacks in their hands, everyone cheered in unison. 

The atmosphere here was very good. It would be nice if it stayed like this in the future. 


* * *

[Translator: Dawn]

[Proofreader: Alissa]

Join our discord for release updates!

* * *


Next, we headed to the smithy. 

The heat emanating from the fire pot was hot. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I stepped inside. 

“Is it finished?” 

I got straight to the point and asked the question. The blacksmiths’ union leader bowed to me. 

“I was waiting for your visit, Your Highness.” 

The union leader held out a piece of armor hung on a rack to me. 

“Here it is.” 

It was a metal armor with a transparent blue light. 

Taking a dry gulp, I examined the detailed options of the armor. 


[Specter’s Armor (SR) Lv.30] 

- Class: Armor - Defense: 50-55 - Durability: 12/12 - Increases the unit’s physical resistance by 33%. - The unit acquires the characteristic [Specter mode]. 

It was armor made using the ‘Magic Core of the Specter Knight (SR)’ obtained as a reward from the previous stage as a key material. 

It had decent defense and the options were great. It was attached with physical resistance and the [Specter mode] ability. 


[Specter mode Lv.1] - Cannot be interfered with by physical means for 5 seconds. The unit will be immune to all attacks, but it also cannot attack other units. 


Simply put, you become a ghost for 5 seconds. You won’t receive any attacks, but you won’t be able to attack either. 

It was actually more useful than I expected. 

‘The fact that its durability is so low is kind of a downside though.’ 

This armor has very poor durability compared to the decent stats that it provides. I’ll actually have to try hard to keep my eyes on its durability, or else it might break during battle. 


After confirming all the options on the armor, I called Lucas. 

Lucas, who was mesmerized by the armor, quickly ran toward me. 

I handed the armor to him with a grin. 

“Try it on.” 

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“Yes, Your Highness!” 

Lucas hurriedly went inside with his armor and came out a few minutes later fully dressed. 


I whistled without realizing it. 

The energy that the armor showed was completely different when it was actually equipped on a knight than when it was merely on display. As Lucas put it on himself, the armor looked absolutely stunning. 

“How is it, do you like it?” 

“It cannot get better than this.” 

Lucas grinned as he clenched his fists equipped with gauntlets. 

“I’ll put this to good use, Your Highness.” 

“Of course you will. I personally ordered it for you. You better put it to good use.” 

I decided to mention it. Ahem. 

I also nodded to the head of the blacksmiths’ union. 

“Thank you for smithing such great armor.” 

“It was a pleasure since I haven’t been able to handle this good of a material.” 

The head of the union bowed deeply. The union leader's eyes were full of pride. 

“If you leave an order to me again, I will do my absolute best to deliver you the best product. Please order often, Your Highness.” 

"I’ll make sure to." 

Until the end of the game, the blacksmiths’ manufactured equipment will remain very important for the offense. That of course means that I will come often. 

All the blacksmiths in the smithy bowed to us as we left. 

“Let’s head to the west of the city.” 

Checking the last schedule of the day, I adjusted my clothes. 

“Because we have the most important event.” 

* * * 

This evening. 

On the western field of the fortified city. 

Boom! B-Boom! 

Gunfires honoring the dead echoed in the air. 

A funeral was held. It was a funeral for the soldiers who lost their lives in the last stage. 

The new coffins were covered in the dirt beneath the orderly rows of tombstones. 

The number of deaths in the last stage was not very high. I was a little confused about whether this was good or bad. 

Hymns rang out, and priests sprinkled holy water on each grave. 

I bowed my head to every single newly made grave. 

Everything went by in an instant. After the funeral, I stood on a hill overlooking the cemetery and looked down. 

The graves of those my commands had killed were lined. 


A dreary wind blew. I don't smoke, but this was the moment I realized why people smoke. 

“A significant portion of the city’s budget is devoted to funerals, huh…” 

An old man’s voice came from behind. Hm? I looked back. 

“And I heard you even granted post-death support. A huge expense expected from a royal family.” 

“Earl of the Frontier?” 

Earl Cross was slowly walking toward me. 

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I thought he'd stay in that old mansion all day, but to think he'd come all the way here on his own. 

As I blinked my eyes in surprise, the Earl clicked his tongue. 

“However, this is the monster frontline, young Lord. It is a place where the lives of people are swept away like a dam in a heavy storm.” 


I was momentarily speechless at the advice of the former lord but soon managed to change the topic. 

“Did you come all the way here to talk about something like that? Or what, have you run out of alcohol?” 

“I am always running low on alcohol. Sometimes I come all the way here by myself to buy some. But I’m not here for that today.” 

Standing next to me, the Earl looked down at the graves with emotionless eyes. 

“I’ve asked the opinions of my old comrades, who were once my private soldiers. I asked them if they were willing to help in protecting the city.” 


He was talking about the veteran soldiers of the Cross family. I took a dry gulp without realizing it. 

“And the answer was?” 

“They all said they will come back to protect the city.” 

I raised my hands up high. Yes! 

“This is the happiest I’ve been this week, Earl!” 

With this, the problem of troop shortage was solved immediately. 

The Earl shook his head slightly as he looked at me filled with delight. 

“I’m not sure how helpful those old friends will be, but… For now, they are working on getting armed once again. I’ll hand over the right to command to you. Please, be careful with them. They are all just as old as me.” 

“Thank you so much, Earl. Really.”
I was wondering what to do because the Earl was so stubbornly unwilling to help, but he came to help in the end. 

Honestly, I didn’t expect this at all, but I am very thankful for that. 

“No need to thank me. You can thank my friends.” 

“But, Earl, it’s all thanks to you for asking them for that favor. Thank you.” 

I grabbed the Earl’s hand and squeezed it tightly. The Earl gently shook off my hand as if it was a burden. 

“Looks like I’ve done everything I can do to help.” 

The Earl looked at the city with dim eyes. 

“Take care of the city, new lord. Good luck.” 

“Thank you for your cooperation, Earl. I’ll do my best from now on.” 

I smiled. 

“If I ever need your wisdom in the future, I know where to go.” 

“Wisdom, huh… Just make sure to bring a drink or two.” 

“I'm worried about your health, so I'll send you plenty of good medicine instead.” 

“No thanks. If you’re going to send something like that then just don’t send anything!” 

After a smile, the Earl waved his hand roughly and started walking south. 

I’m guessing he’s going back to his orchard. 

I wanted to stop him. 

Even though he is old, Earl Cross was a commander who had defended this front his entire life. He would definitely be of great help in defense. 

However, he had already lost too many precious things in this city. 

That was why I couldn’t stop him as I watched him get further and further away. 

Thinking that I could talk more and listen to his advice as a lord next time. 

"Little did I know, that 'next opportunity' would never come." 

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