I Became The Younger Sister Of A Dying Woman - Chapter 22

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lurelia11-13 minutes 21.12.2022

Chapter 22: That’s the One I’ll Wear

“……all over her body?”

It was a split second before Hernan’s fist connected with Izekiel’s cheek. With a loud thud, Izekiel’s body slammed into the corridor wall and then slumped down to the floor.

Hernan’s imagination flashed through a number of scenes he didn’t want to think about.

Izekiel and Linzel making love in a space and time where he was absent.

Now it was not only his heart that was racing, but also his head.

“Phew! You still have those punching hands.”

Izekiel spat out a mouthful of blood.

Hernan bent down and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.

“Tell me the truth, what did you do to her?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“You said you saw her body.”

Izekiel laughed in disbelief.

“And you know I’m looking at your body right now?”


“That’s the kind of body I’m talking about, you know, the arm you can see through her sleeves and stuff.”

Hernan’s clenched hands dropped to his sides.

‘I was too hasty.’

Izekiel might be kind to women, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed a life of debauchery.

Hernan blew out a dry breath and growled, “Stop talking in circles and get to the point.”

So Izekiel finally got to the point.

“I think Lady Linzel is being abused.”

“Abused……?” Hernan repeated the unfamiliar word.

“I hate to say this to your face, but…….”

“Tell me.”

“Lady Letty didn’t want to be your bride, so she forced Linzel to marry you.”

“Perhaps the reason she has so many bruises on her body is because she was mistreated by someone in her family.”

Hernan couldn’t believe it.

He’d never really seen the bruises on her body before, and she seemed so happy. Linzel didn’t give off any negative vibes. She was even quite frank.

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If she had really been abused, wouldn’t she have let it be known?

Even if it was a small message, like a gesture.

“If the misunderstanding is resolved, loosen your grip and apologize. Because it feels like my lips have burst thanks to you.”

Izekiel tapped Hernan’s hand that had been gripping onto him.

“……I’m sorry.”

Hernan pushed himself up from where he’d been kneeling as he pinned Izekiel to the floor. For once, he actually felt sorry to Izekiel.

” You apologized to me quickly, so I forgive you this time.”


“How about you? Make sure you listen to what people say. Don’t take things the wrong way.”

Hernan didn’t answer.

In retrospect, hadn’t Izekiel said something that could have been misunderstood?

The fire was still burning inside him.

But there was no point in arguing. Hernan turned to leave.

He was going to ask Linzel directly about the abuse.

But then he remembered something Linzel had said.

‘Hernan, do you think it would be possible to arrange a meeting between the four of us, me and Letty, and you and Izekiel?’

Since he was talking to Izekiel, he could do her that favor.

Hernan’s lips parted.

“By the way, Izekiel. Are you free tomorrow?”


“Linzel wants to meet with the four of us, you, me, and Letty.”


“Well…… yeah.”

“Okay. You arrange the time and place and let me know.”

That’s when Linzel’s other words came back to mind.

‘I want Your Highness to wear a Three-Piece Suit!’

It occurred to him that he didn’t have a good three-piece suit in his wardrobe. The ones that were there were old, frayed, or out of fashion.

Tomorrow, he decided, he would have to go to Izekiel’s favorite shop, Montblanc, himself.

He rescheduled the appointment.

“Izekiel. Instead of tomorrow, how about the day after?”

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“It doesn’t matter, but I’m free that day after four in the afternoon.”

“I see.”

Hernan strode off without a second thought.

Izekiel stared after him and rubbed a hand across his throbbing cheek.

“You’ve grown up, little brother. Hitting your brother’s cheek for a girl.”

He wasn’t angry at Hernan’s punch. Because he knew. He knew that his use of the word “body” could be misunderstood.

His words were poorly formulated, and he had lost his cool a bit when he spoke of abuse.

He would be more careful next time, because he didn’t want to get beaten up by his brother again.

“By the way, there will be four of us.”

‘I’ll keep an eye on Letty at that meeting,’ he thought.

‘And maybe I should go see Annette.’

It was a strange first meeting. Izekiel decided he should dress up in something nice to meet them.

* * * 

The next day, early in the morning, there was a visitor to Montblanc.

The man walked directly through the shop’s glass doors, taking long strides and coming to a stop in front of Annette, who was standing at the counter.

A shiver ran down her spine as he stared down at her with his piercing eyes. The man was staring at her, unblinking.

He introduced himself as Hernan.

He was the Second Prince of the Empire, a man with a reputation as a war demon and a killer.

He had been on the battlefields since childhood, and few people knew his face, except those in the palace.

Fearful rumors followed Hernan like a shadow.

That he could kill with a glance, that he had a huge scar on his face. That he gives off an aura so vicious it makes passing dogs bark……..

Annette swallowed hard, remembering the many rumors she had heard about Hernan.

Whatever the truth may be regarding the other rumors, the one about Hernan being able to kill with his eyes…… seemed possible.

‘I might be the one who loses it, instead of the dog…….’

A thin shiver ran down Annette’s spine.

She didn’t know why this man, who usually ordered his clothes through an aide, had come to her today.

Had he come to buy clothes to match those of Izekiel again?

Anette barely managed a smile.

“Yo-Your Highness Hernan, thank you for visiting our shop. It is an honor to meet you.”

“What’s your name?”

“It’s Annette.”

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“Yes, Anette. The reason I’m here today is to buy a three piece suit.”

“Well, if it’s a three-piece, then…… give me a minute. I’ll bring you something that might be suitable for your Highness.”

Hernan nodded slightly.

“Uh. And bring some things Izekiel might like.”

As soon as he said that, Anette had a hunch.

‘Today, once again, you want the things of His Highness Izekiel.’

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Anette didn’t ask why and began to walk towards the back of the shop.

When it came to royalty and nobility, it was better not to ask and not to try to find out.

Ignorance was often bliss.

It was a rule she had learnt over the years of being a madam of the shop.

Once Annette had put some distance between her and Hernan, she felt like she could breathe properly.

It was hard enough to breathe in front of Hernan, who loomed over her.

Oh, no. It would be better to get rid of the overwhelming customer sooner rather than later.

Annette’s busy hands picked out a three-piece that Hernan-or rather, Izekiel-would love.

Before long, Annette and the staff, pushing racks of clothes, reappeared on the center floor.

Hernan stood where he was, unmoving.

“Your Highness Hernan, we have brought what you asked for.”

Instead of answering, Hernan stared off into the distance. His gaze landed on a wall of glass.

“From now on, I am not here. Remember that.”

Annette scratched her head.

“What are you talking about?”

But Hernan walked away without explaining.

He walked to a wall in the shop where a thick, black curtain sagged.

Hernan ducked behind the curtain, as if he was very familiar with it. As if it wasn’t the first time he’d hidden himself there.

Soon, the sound of a chime was heard.

A rattle.

“Annette, I’m back.”

It was Izekiel, greeting her warmly.

Annette returned the greeting out of habit.

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“Thank you for coming to my shop, Your Highness Izekiel.”

But then she thought.

‘Aha. Highness Hernan must have sensed the presence of Highness Izekiel. He’s an amazing soldier.’

Meanwhile, Izekiel was browsing the shop like he was at home. He spotted a rack with a variety of different three-piece sets.

“Oh. What is this? Did you know I was coming?”

“Well, it’s…….”

“I was just thinking about getting a new three-piece suit.”

Anette broke out in a cold sweat. But she couldn’t say she’d brought them out for Hernan.

Anette made a modest excuse.

“A bunch of nice three-pieces just came in, and I was organizing them….. for the window display.”

“Really? I’m just in time.”

Izekiel looked at the three piece suits, one by one.

“Anette. A three-piece consists of a jacket, a vest, and a pair of trousers. Do you know which one is the most important?”

“The jacket?” Annette answered.

“No, the vest – because it’s the centerpiece of the outfit.”

Next, Izekiel picked out a complete three-piece set.

The navy blue jacket and trousers were simple, but the vest had golden embroidery.

Izekiel’s silver eyes lit up as he looked at it.

“I have an important appointment tomorrow, so I was wondering if you could send me these clothes by tonight? You know my measurements, don’t you?”

“Yes, Your Highness Izekiel, of course.”

“Thank you. Anette. I have work to do, so I’ll be leaving early today.”

“Take care.”

True to his fashionista form, he took one look and quickly picked out an outfit for himself.

He left the shop as if he had something really urgent to do.

A few minutes after he left, Hernan reappeared from behind the curtain.

He had heard every word of Annette and Izekiel’s conversation, and his gaze was fixed on the navy blue three piece suit.

Annette couldn’t believe it.

‘This can’t be…… that Prince Hernan is going to take the clothes that Izekiel has chosen.’

Her disbelieving imagination soon became reality.

“Anette. That’s the one I’ll wear. A navy blue three-piece.”

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