Chapter 8: Memory Errors and Biased Information

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“What’s the reason?”


Letty’s eyes twinkled.


“I actually like men with good-looking faces,” Linzel said meaningfully.




“I once met a handsome man in the past, and since then my heart won’t beat unless he’s as handsome as that man from before. What a fickle heart.”


Linzel shook her head after making an excuse for her innocent heart.


She didn’t have the confidence to look away from Hernan’s wonderful face, which her heart responded so powerfully to.


“But just in time! His Highness Hernan’s face up close is really cool. So, without even noticing, my hand went his way.”


‘My hands are faster than my eyes,’ Linzel thought regretfully (but not that regretfully).


When she said that, Letty giggled. Then, as if remembering something, she clapped her hands like a seal.


“Ah! I know him.”




“The handsome old man you talked about!”



“Aren’t you talking about ‘Sir Handsome’, who was the captain of the guard? You used to talk about his handsomeness often!”


“…… what?”


It was an unexpected remark.


Because the old man she was talking about was someone Linzel met before she was possessed.


Had the real Linzel ever met a handsome man?


The original novel didn’t talk in detail about the life of the supporting character Linzel because <Don’t Love Me, Since I’m Dying> was a love story between Letty and Izekiel.


But there was something even more strange.


It was that she now couldn’t remember the face and name of the handsome man she had met before she became Linzel.


The impression she felt every time she saw his face clearly lingered, but she couldn’t think specifically about him at all.


She didn’t even remember the voice.


On the other hand, ‘Sir Handsome’, whom Letty had spoken about, came to mind in detail.


Outstanding swordsmanship skills worthy of the captain of the guard. Golden curly hair. Beautiful golden eyes that looked at Linzel.


The reason she had broken up with him was because of his feminine side.




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Could it be that Linzel’s memory seeped into her mind since she remembered him in such detail?


Come to think of it, her real parents, her brothers, friends…… everything was blurred.


It had been about 10 days since she possessed Linzel.


Did she just forget everything in the meantime?


The only thing she could remember clearly from before was the story of this novel.


Memory errors and biased information.


Linzel furrowed her eyebrows slightly. It was really strange.


“…… Linzel, I’m sorry. I won’t say anything more about the old man.”


Letty seemed to have mistaken her sister for frowning because of the story of ‘Sir Handsome’ she brought up.


Linzel replied with a smile, “No! I’m fine. Anyway, the conclusion is that I like His Highness Hernan.”


“That’s a relief.”


A faint smile lingered on Letty’s face as she said that.




“Because you didn’t feel bad because of me. And because you don’t hate the marriage you will get on my behalf.”


Linzel spoke gently to appease Letty.


“Letty is pretty, so whatever she does, she will be forgiven. I’m generous to pretty and handsome people. Of course, that doesn’t mean I only look at the appearance.”


“Yes, know!”


Letty stood up from her seat across from Linzel and approached to hug her. A nice scent emanated from her.


“You know you and I look alike, right? I think you secretly said that your face is pretty, too!”


The resemblance between twin sisters was an indisputable fact.


Linzel answered while affectionately caressing Letty’s thin back.


“You caught me. I tried to say it so that it wouldn’t be obvious.”


“Whatever it may be, don’t try to hide it from me. I would be very disappointed if you were hiding something from me.”


“Yes, I will.” Linzel continued as if she were sworn, “I won’t make you feel sad.”


“Good,” replied Letty briefly.


‘But Letty.’


Linzel just couldn’t tell her that she was not the real Linzel. The truth that she couldn’t confess lingered bitterly in her mouth.


Suddenly she wondered where the real Linzel’s soul had gone.


‘Linzel, where are you?’

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The reason why Hernan had no choice but to return to the palace was because he had promised to dine with his family.


In the luxurious dining room of the imperial palace, many dishes were placed on a large table that seemed to be enough for 20 people.


Meat dishes, vegetable dishes, even Western cuisine……. It was food that made one’s mouth water even just by looking at it.


There were a total of four people sitting around the table.


Delta, the emperor of the Kleman Empire, Angel, the empress, Izekiel, the first prince, and Hernan, the second prince.

The third prince, Illya, was absent.


It was terrible for Illya to be absent from the meal, and the emperor and his wife had thrown their metaphorical hands up in the air. They were at a loss with their third son.


(T/N: originally, it said they “raised both hands and feet.” The literal translation is “hands and feet are raised”. It means “giving up”. It’s like when you raise your hands to surrender. But here, since you’re lifting both hands and feet, it’s like an exaggeration. Like a double “surrender” or “giving up”. But, it’s used when you are giving up on someone for not meeting your expectations. This can be used in a positive or negative way.)


Inside the dining room, where only the sound of clinking dishes and chewing food was intermittently heard, it was Delta who started the conversation.


“Hernan. I heard that you often stop by the Duke of Valencia these days.”


“Yes, that’s right.”


“Is it because of the woman who will be your bride?”


Delta was very interested in his three sons.


The three sons not only have different looks, but also have different personalities, so it was fun to watch.


The news that Delta was most interested in these days was ‘Hernan’s outing’.

It was Hernan who would not get his butt up unless it was related to war or martial arts.


But now it was said that he visited the Duke of Valencia one day after another. He even paid attention to his clothes.


The sun was about to rise in the west.


Delta’s eyes stayed on Hernan’s clothes.


The top Hernan was wearing was a V-neck, but it was the first time Delta had seen him wearing a shirt that showed off his collarbone. Because Hernan usually would only wear armor and uniforms that covered his body.


What was even more surprising was that the whole reason is because of one of the twin sisters of the Duke of Valencia.


It was a fact he heard from Gatt.


It was unbelievable without hearing this from Hernan himself, thought Delta.

“Yes, that’s true.”


Hernan answered as he silently put down the tableware he was holding.


“What do you think the young lady thinks of you?”


Hernan replied without hesitation.


“I think she likes me very much. I don’t want to brag about it, but…..she said she fell in love with me at first sight.”


There were two reactions to Hernan’s confession.

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The first one:


“Oh. What a rare young lady. She fell in love with you at first sight,” Delta replied in astonishment.


The second reaction:




Empress Angel and Izekiel’s reaction was to make a strange noise in surprise.


Hernan frowned at Delta.

He was cursing with his eyes at his father, as he sometimes did to Izekiel.


‘Is that what you’re saying to your son?’


Delta let out a pleasant laugh.


“Haha. You look like me, so you have an outstanding appearance, but unlike me, you’re a fool.”


It was an irrefutable, accurate statement. Even the rats living in the imperial palace knew that he was a fool.


Hernan’s eyes narrowed further.


“She likes me anyway.”


Linzel certainly liked him.


Didn’t she say that today?


‘Okay….is that alright?’


‘Of course. It’s nice.’


‘Could you tell me one more time?’


‘It’s so good.’


The voice of Linzel who had been saying that was lingering in Hernan’s ears. At the same time, the tips of his ears turned red.


She made him realize that it’s such a pleasant thing to be told that you are liked by someone. She even said that being with him was like being in heaven.


‘Heaven. What a nice expression.’


His heart tickled when he saw her shy smile.


He didn’t hate that feeling. At least it was twice as good as the tension he felt on the bloody battlefield.


‘Is Linzel resting well?’


He suddenly wondered how she was doing.


Hernan’s thoughts were stopped by Delta’s question.


“Okay. So, what did you do with the young lady today?”


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Hernan recalled what he did with Linzel.


“I took a walk with her, and we talked.”




“Hmm. And she even caressed my face.”


“You mean Your face?”


Hernan’s head nodded slowly.


“She said she likes my face. That’s why she said that being with me makes her feel like being in heaven!”


Delta’s eyes narrowed at Hernan’s last words.


Delta knew better than anyone else how outstanding Hernan’s appearance was, since he resembled him.


It was to the point of thinking it was just a pity that the ladies of society didn’t recognize him for his good looks.


Linzel was the first woman to recognize his good looks.


And yet he didn’t like it, because…..


‘……The fact that she fell in love at first sight. Isn’t she a young lady who reveals her face too much?’


Hernan’s bride could become an empress in the distant future. He had appointed neither Izekiel nor Hernan as the crown prince.


Delta thought that it would be difficult for a woman who could become the next empress to be too lighthearted.

Angel thought similarly.


“Hernan. If that young lady is someone who only cares about fancy looks, then I’m a bit worried.”




“The important thing is that you know it.”


Angel was worried about her son.


She was afraid that he might be captivated by a strange woman that would ruin his future.


“I understand that.”

While accepting Angel’s words, Hernan brought up what he wanted to say.


“But what about liking my appearance?”


Hernan’s gaze fell.


“Even that is a first.”




“She may be the first and last person to fall in love with me.”


Before he could finish his words, there was silence.


Everyone was speechless. It was because Hernan’s words could not be denied

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