What do they mean, good for men?

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Rong Si thoughtfully looked at the comment. Then, he looked down and saw Su Jiu’s embarrassed expression. Suddenly wanting to laugh, he coughed lightly. “Good for men? In what way?”

This was more or less intentional.

Su Jiu gritted her teeth and punched him in the chest. “You already know the answer!”

Rong Si couldn’t help but laugh. He meaningfully looked at her. “In that case, I’ll have to eat more.”

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“Rong Si!” Su Jiu blushed and glared at him.

“Didn’t you say it first?”

Su Jiu gritted her teeth again, not knowing how to refute him. No, no! She had to read the comments carefully next time. Otherwise, it would be as awkward as it was now!

Rong Si didn’t seem to want to give up so easily. He deliberately said, “I don’t know if the fans are right. Perhaps, we won’t know until we try.”

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His words seemed to have a hidden meaning behind them. Su Jiu could not pretend not to understand even if she wanted to.

She wanted to bite him.

And she did. She picked up his hand and bit the back of it.

However, she didn’t bite him hard. She couldn’t bear to actually bite him. Rong Si, on the other hand, looked indulgent and even enjoyable as he let her bite him.

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Su Jiu took only a small bite before letting go of him. Rong Si raised his eyebrows. “Are you done biting? Then… is it my turn?”

“Huh?” Su Jiu was stunned. Before she could understand what he meant, her vision suddenly darkened.

Rong Si leaned down, one hand on the back of the chair, the other cupping her face. He lowered his head and sealed her rose-red lips with a kiss.


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Rong Si still had work to do, so he did not stay in the hotel for long. After confirming that nothing was wrong with Su Jiu anymore, he left the hotel in relief and boarded a flight overseas.

Thank you for reading on

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