Chapter 109: A battle of Sincerity [unedited]

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“It’s okay, I have Livya.”

“….,” Sigren’s expression turned sulky.

“Huh? You’re also here, too?”

“I wish I hadn’t gone.”

Was he disappointed that I mentioned Livya first? His cute attitude made me laugh for a moment. 

After that, the day went normal. After the party was over, I went into the mansion a little later than usual.

I wrote a letter to Abel. I wrote in detail about the things related to the crown prince and what had happened in the capital during that time. Writing all these things, I somehow felt a little proud. Without Abel, hadn’t I done a lot on my own?! Of course, I didn’t write this kind of feeling in the letter. In addition to those matters, I wrote that sooner or later I would investigate the darkness. I wanted to go to see the dead land in person.

After a while, a reply came. At this rate, he probably replied right after he read my letter.

[Fiona, the work in Heilon is piled up. I don’t think I could go to the capital for a while. Investigating the dead land is very difficult, no matter how hard you work. However, I won’t stop you. I’ll send you a dog shit that can help you out for that matter.]

I blinked my eyes in wonder. A dog? It was not a real dog, is it?

[FYI, Sigren’s permit to enter Heilon Mansion is only until 8 pm.]

Of course it was. 

Unfortunately, there was no information on ‘the dog shit’ he mentioned. What the hell was the dog shit he talked about? 

I read the last line.

[Good job, Fiona.]


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When I read that sentence, I was a little embarrassed. Did my letter give the impression that I wanted to be praised?

Anyway, it felt pretty good though. 


if you read this on other websites, it means it was stolen. Read the translation only on

“You couldn’t. No.”

Livya tried to hide me behind her. The luxurious perfume that was popular recently in the capital entered my nose. 

“I have nothing to do with Lady Livya Priscilla, don’t i?”

The hell hiding up, the opponent was Arrendt Clovis. But weren’t they on good terms? I remembered the relationship between these two. There was a very, very short plot in the novel that they were business partners in the past. What would that one sentence in the novel look like in this reality? I was a little curious. 

“Are you two close?”

“How could that be possible?” [Livya]

“Is that even possible?” [Arrendt]

“….” At least I knew the two of the get along well.

“Marquis, what business do you have with me?”

Arrendt smiled habitually. “I have a question for you.”

“Lady Fiona, Marquis Clovis is particularly not a good person to be close to.”

Livya crossed her arms, displeased, next to me. It seemed that she really didn’t like Arrendt. Looking at her personality, I think it might be because they were so similar…?

Arrendt ignored LIvya’s words. “Well, to tell you in advance, my question may confuse you a bit.”

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“Is that so?”

“But I prefer to talk to you alone.”

I gave a look to Livya that I would be fine. With my unspoken consent, she then left.

As Livya left, Arrendt quickly added some words. “Oh also, by the way, it can be little unpleasant.”

This guy. “Then don’t ask it.”

“I aplogize in advance, but I would.”

Damn, no luck? Then could I hit him one time? Though, he definitely won’t agree.

“Lady Fiona, have we seen each other before?”

I remembered at least my novel was not a third-rate written work. What was that question?

“We’ve met at the flower park.”

“No, before that.”

I looked at him in wonder. Have I met Arrendt before?


Arrendt looked at me suspiciously for a moment. 

“Why are you asking this question?”

He laughed softly. “I cannot give you an answer.”

“Now, i understand why you’ve said it would be an offensive question.”

Normally, I would have just left, but I showed my patience. He was one of the main characters, I didn’t dislike him ‘objectively’.

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“One more thing, do you know anything about darkness?”

“Not really. I think we should do some research.”


“Why on earth are you asking this question?”

In the story, Arrendt was someone who has a pretty big influence on Fiona. First of all, the two have a cooperative relationship studying the darkness. Second, Fiona had a crush on Arrendt. Of course, later on, she was dumped. 

“Actually, I’m suspicious of you, Lady, because of this darkness matter.”

Was this guy for real?

I thought about Arrendt’s involvement. But there was nothing in particular.

“Then, why?”

“You can’t tell the reason to the person you’re suspicious of, right?”

“I tell you, that is stupid.’

Arrend grinned.

“I apologized.”

“What are you suspecting?”

“Lady’s true identity.”

I flinched as if I was pricked. Did he know I was not the real Fiona? But Arrendt’s next question was much more unexpected.

“Excuse me, but are you a person?”

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“Now you’re doubting that I am a human?”


I put on my sociable smile. “If you get hit by me one, won’t you know?”

Let’s hit that bastard once.

Unexpectedly, Arrend made a very apologetic face. At least for me, it seemed sincere.

“I really don’t mean to offend you.”

“Well, it offended me. So explain.”

“Later… I’ll tell you everything when my thoughts are sorted out.”

I honestly couldn’t grasp Arrendt’s intention no matter how hard I tried. He was a guy with a secret that even the original author could not understand. His first question then appeared on my mind. Have I ever seen him before? But I didn’t think I had. 

“Oh, I’ve got to go. His Highness the Prince is staring at me.”

I turned my head around. Indeed, Sigren was coming this way. 

For a guy who doubted me and asked if I was a person, he still greeted me politely and surprisingly left quickly.

Ah, let’s forget him. I have no idea what he was thinking. 

While I looked at Arrendt’s back, Sigren stood beside me.

“What were you talking about?”

One question appeared.

I leaned against him as if I had lost my strength.

“I don’t even know.”

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