Chapter 112: A battle of Sincerity [unedited]

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“It’s in the estate of Marquis Relton.”

“Oh my god.”

The appearance of the large dead land caused a loud uproar in society. Well, it was understandable, because even when the monsters appeared somewhere, they already talked about it with the words ‘oh my god’ coming out of there over and over. 

“It’s not going to show up in the capital, is it?”

“It’s not possible. The capital has a barrier that has been maintained since the first saintess.”

“I know, but…”

“Let’s not worry about this. Besides, His Majesty has said that he had properly assembled and dispatched a force.”

Right, but the problem was that one of the forces was me. Well, rather than a problem, it was more like I was unhappy about it. The reason was when Heilon asked for military support, that man ignored us, and now he ordered us around when it was dangerous for them. 

However, I could not let my emotion influence my decision in this case.

What would Abel have done at a time like this? I won’t ask him of course, but I could guess that he would not play dumb or be ignorant about it. He was not the type of person who let things work because of emotional reasons. Besides, in this type of case, it was the civilians who actually suffer. 

I couldn’t help but sighed, feeling so hypocritical and guilty about this world. I really want this world to have a happy ending. But I also didn’t want to die. 

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That was what I meant that I was a hypocrite.

“Lady Fiona, you’ve said that you are part of the force that are going to the dead land?”

Livya appeared with two glasses of drinka in her hands.

I nodded as I took one glass from her hand. 


“I’ve heard that His Highness the Prince would lead the force.”

“I’ve never heard of that before.” I said in wonder.

“Is that so? I’ve heard that he volunteered.”

Then Livya continued after lightly wetting her lips.

“That’s why right now there are a lot of prise for him saying he is always an example in society. Recently, His Highness’s reputation is really good.”


I’ve been wondering what he was thinking recently, it turned out, that was what he was thinking. 

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“You don’t seem to be very happy? I think he volunteered because of you, Lady Fiona.”

I smiled, “I don’t want His Highness pushed himself too hard.”

“If you have the power of love, what is too hard?”

I rolled my eyes, “Oh my god, I don’t know Lady Livya could make such a joke.”

Livya gently shook the glass she was holding. “I always have this feeling that Lady Fiona has a similar thought as me. And I am right. We don’t have much faith in the feelings of love.”

I shrugged, “Well, I can’t deny it.”

“Right? It would be nice to if there is a fateful love. But, knowing that there is no such a thing, I can’t help to feel that way.”

“Lady Livya, it seems that you’ve been thinking a lot lately.”

It seemed like she’s been trying to analyze my personality. With how good her social skill was, this was a problem. I knew her very well, and I knew that, if I was not on defense, I would show my feeling without my knowing. 

“Lady Fiona’s personality is similar to mine. Isn’t that why we’re in sync?” Livya raised her glass as she smiled. 

I smiled briefly and hit her glass with my glass. Clink. A cheerful light sound rang out.

“But there is one an obvious different.”

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“What is it?”

Livya gracefully swallowed her booze and then spoke.

“You’re quite an altruistic person.”

That was… a slightly disappointing analysis.

“I’m surprise you think so. Because I don’t think there is anyone as selfish as me.”

“You speak modestly. But that is the truth, though? You even put Prince Sigren as your number one priority even though you believe the feeling ‘love’ is unreliable. You’ve cherish him.”

“He is the closest match.”

Livya knew me thoroughly. In a way that I felt that she understood me better than Sigren, whom I’ve seen for a long time. 

As you write a story, you often have one or two characters that reflect your personality. 

Don’t tell me, Livya’s is one of those characters that I subconsciously put my personality into it. I hope it didn’t.

I grinned. “But there is one thing that Lady Livya is wrong.”

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“What is it?”

“I believe in fateful love.”

At least in this world, the premise of fateful love was attached. 

“And I also believe that the person who meet that fateful person would be the happiest person in the world.”

“Oh my.”

I drank the rest of the drink.

“So, I hope that Lady Livya would also be able to meet someone like that.”

The more I thought about it, the more I regretted it. If I had known that this would happen, I would make a great and dedicated male character for her. 

Livya grinned, “Then, I would always hope that you would meet your fateful person.”


Oh my, how could I say she looked like me? That was a very poor assessment for her. She was a better and more kind person than I was. 

I shook the empty glasses lightly and grinned. “Thanks.”

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