Chapter 26: Heilon (Unedited)

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“Let’s talk for a moment.”

Sigren then entered the room with a firm expression on his face. I thought he wanted to talk in front of the door, but I guessed, he changed his mind? II hesitated a bit and eventually took a few steps back. He then grabbed my shoulder and spoke in a low voice.

“You’re going to leave?”


“Don’t answer me with ‘uh-huh’. How can you decide that so quickly without saying a word?”

“The Duke said I’m now an adult so he told me to do what I wanted to do?”

Sigren mumbled harsh words towards Abel with his head bowed. If Abel heard it, he would immediately bang Sigren’s head on the floor.

I lightly patted Sigren’s cheek.

“You have to use good words.”

“Is that all you have to say to me now?”

“What else is there?”

“You.. Did you forget that we’ve ben together life and death for five years?” Sigren gritted his teeth.

“Oh.. you’re sad.”

Well, it was understandable. I was the only one who could call Sigren a friend. Of course, he would be sad when I said I’d leave.

I smiled, gently stroking SIgren’s fine black hair.

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“Okay, I’ll write a letter to you.”

“That is not the problem here.”

Sigren grabbed my shoulders and shook them slightly as he was trying to wake me up.

I think I would lose my mind.

“Then, what’s the matter?”

“Everything, from one to ten.”

I looked at him and gently blinked. As he reacted so intently, I became calm. 

“Sigren, are you thinking we’d be together forever?”


When I asked, Sigren looked strangled.

“We’re both adults. No matter how close we are as a childhood friends, it’s natural at one point of our life our road would splitt.”

When I went to college, I lose contact with my friends in elementary, middle, and high school. Although this world had no such concept of alumni, my point was still counted. 

Sigren laughed as if in dismay.

“You’re too cold.”

“Could you describe me as rational?”

“Do you plan to stay in the capital all the time?”

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“I don’t know. First of all, I just want to go somewhere warm.”

I hope he did not make a sad face. He was not a child anymore. Did he really believe that he would be able to spend time with me all the time? 

I felt it was just his response because he couldn’t go to the capital. The capital was like the home that sought his life. It was Sigren’s hometown, but it was also a place where he had to avoid at the same time. However, if it went according to the original, he could come to the capital anyway.

I reached out and wrapped around Sigren’s cheeks.

“Don’t be sad Sigren. Wherever I am, I will always be on your side.”

Sigren looked at me with gloomy sunken eyes. I

I made eye contact with him and spoke in a calm tone, “Tell me you need help. I would come to you.”

“If I ask you to stay here with me?”

That was no good. If he was stuck in Heilon, the story couldn’t proceed at all.

“Except that.” Smiled brightly.

“You’re … so contradictory.”

“Wherever you are, except that. Isn’t it good that you have friend you could ask for help when there is a crisis in your life?”

Sigren sighed lightly.



“What do you think of me?”

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“I regard you as the most precious thing in the world.”

“Then what would you do if i left for somewhere?”

“Of course I’ll see you off hoping you’re safe. I’ll run to you if you need help.”


Sigren looked at me with a look that he was slowly getting angry. As expected, he was becoming more and more like Abel as the days go by.

“Forget it. I’m a fool asking for you a question.”

I let out a small sigh at the cold reaction.

“You’re sometimes too cold.”

“That’s what i’m going to say.”

“Never mind. Let’s stop talking.

He was a grown man now, but he was still a child.

I looked at Sigren for a moment, then turned around, slowly walked towards my bed, trying to find my blanket. My shoulders were shivering for some reason. So, I wanted to wrap my blanket around my body. But I couldn’t remember where it was. I think the maids washed it and put it somewhere, but I didn’t know where. 

Then, something fell lightly on my shoulder. I turned my head slightly to check that it was the blanket I had just been looking for. It must have been Sigrid who found this in the room. I smiled inwardly. Even if we were upset with our childhood friends, we would do anything for them.

“Sigren, thank you for finding me…”


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At that moment, a warmth wrapped around my back with the sound of my name being called. It wasn’t just the warmth of the blanket. There were two strong arms stretched out over the blankets wrapped around my shoulders. Then a low voiced echoed in my ear with a sigh.

“If you were going to leave this place, then just stay in the capital.”


Sigren had grown rapidly in recent years. He had grown so much taller than me. He hugged me from behind, but I felt like I was trapped in SIgren’s arms.

“Why all of a sudden?”

 Wasn’t he upset I was going to the capital?

“Come to think of it, it’s nothing new. Isn’t it like this all the time? Wherever you are, I will definitely…”

Suddenly, the young image of Sigren, who blushed and said he would definitely come to meet me, overlaps with his current words.

“—follow you.”

After saying that, Sigren’s hands slowly fell away. Even though I was covered with a blanket, my shoulder trembled a little as his body temperature went away.

Finally, Sigren whispered as if he swore. “So, wait for me in the capital.”


The door was closed.

Then I took a deep breath and stared at the door Sigren had just closed.

It was a death flag if the protagonist did something he didn’t usually do. 

I trembled with unknown anxiety.

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