Chapter 67: Change

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When a person goes to an unfamiliar place, not knowing anyone who lived there, inevitably the person would feel lonely. That included me. Strictly speaking, Heilon wasn’t my hometown, the Capital was, but Heilon was the place where I had lived the longest. So, emotionally, I was more attached to Heilon. In other words, I was bored just resting by myself. I didn’t have many friends of my age in the capital. The only friend I had was Sigren. Therefore, in such a situation, as my feelings were jumbled, naturally, I came to visit Sigren frequently.

“Am I not disturbing you?”


Whenever I came, Sigren was always at the practice hall. 

“You’ve been training a lot these days.”

“Modified monsters appeared in the forest near the capital. So, I’ll have to train myself as much as I can. Those guys and I might participate in the subjugation squad.”

“But don’t be too harsh. You already have a lot of enemies in the palace.”

I knew well how Sigren trained. Because I saw it often in Heilon. Soldiers under his command always crawled around the gym on training days in a half-dead state. They looked like zombies.

“You’re already too late. You know, I’m not very sociable.”

Yeah, that was the problem. Sigren didn’t open up and didn’t even make an effort to talk. Even though there were people who admired him in Heilon, no one could be called his friend. 

This kind of personality, it would not have been strange if I had only heard of this from a novel. He was the male lead, so naturally, there were a lot of people who admired him. He obviously has now checked off that little box. But if closely looked at …. Male protagonists or whatever, they always seemed lonely and had no friends to confide with. 

Sigren definitely had feelings. There must be a problem that he could not tell me, who was a friend of the opposite sex.

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I should’ve made a friend for Sigren when writing the novel. 

In the original plot, the focus was only on the relationship with the female protagonist. This was natural as the book was a romance novel. But in real life, a person didn’t just need a lover to love passionately. A human needed a reliable friend to have their back. And I was sure Sigren would get his true love, be honored, be wealthy in the future, but I also knew those would not be his only source of happiness. 

Ah, I still wanted him to be the happiest. 

“Sigren, I’ve said this a lot…”

“You want me to have everything and be happy?” He replied as if he knew what I wanted to say.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Thank you for your concern, Fiona. But it’s honestly impossible for me to try to trust others now.”

Sigren was still very wary of others because of his childhood. At best, Abel and I would be the only people he could trust.

Sigren sighed as he looked at my face. 

“Don’t make that face.”

“What do I look like?”

He poked my cheek with his finger. “You look sad for me. Well, you are always like that when you see me.”

“Really?” I subconsciously touched my face with my hand.

“Yes, anyway, I know what you want to say.”

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If so, that was good. So I nodded quietly. “And Fiona, since you brought it up, I say..”

“What is it?”

Sigren grinned. “You also don’t have any friends other than me.”

“….” As soon as I heard that, I covered my head. I couldn’t deny it. Yeah! I didn’t have friends either.

“You’re poking me in a very painful spot.”

“So, you shouldn’t be nagging me right now.”

“You’re right.”

The order was wrong. I should have made friends first, then I show Sigren while saying ‘Look, it’s such a happy thing to have friends.’, once I could use myself as an example, wouldn’t Sigren be able to trust others?

Sigren narrowed his eyes. “Fiona, you must be thinking something strange right now.”

I pretended to be innocent. “No, I’m thinking a very good thought.”

“I know you’re worried, but sometimes you think too much for me.”

“I didn’t think of anything weird.”

Sigren responded indifferently. “I’ll take care of my personal human relationship, you don’t have to care about it.”

“Yeah, I know. Because you always do everything well.”

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Despite my acceptance, Sigren did not lose his doubts. But I smiled at him. “I’ll show you the true definition of socializing.”

Sigren patted my head. “As expected, your thoughts have been splashing in a strange way.”

Haha, don’t hate it too much. This is all because I care about you.

“I get it. Anyway, are you truly going to start your activities in the capital now?”

“Yeah, and I’ll have to deal with the invitation first.”

“So, you’ll be busy in the future.”


“Then, don’t come to my palace for a while.”

What a congratulatory order. 

I looked at him with my eyes wide hearing his unexpected words. 

“As expected, I interrupted you, didn’t I?”

I looked into his eyes. 

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What did he mean don’t come to his palace? Maybe I was annoying? I did mention one or two sticking points. Was it because I kept coming and complaining, nagging him to make friends?

Sigren shook his head lightly. “Don’t think anything weird. And no, you did not interrupt me.”

“Then why?”

“This time, a new knight has been assigned to my palace.’


“The knight is from the Erez family.”

The Marquis of Erez. They were a representative family that supported the Crown Prince. So, a member of that family came into Sigren’s palace now? The intention was too blatant.

“Are they going to spy on you?”

“It seems so. I was actually trying to kick him out.. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to nitpick about.”

“I see.”

“So, don’t try to enter my palace for a while. Just in case.” 

Sigren continued to talk unenthusiastically. 

“At least until I kick him out.”

Seeing my dear friend’s expression, I felt a little sympathy for the “Knight of the Erez family.”

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