I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 15: 15

Although it has been scheduled to open a shop, it's not that the shop just appears in front of us.

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Not to mention the time it takes to get through the walls, carry out all kinds of decoration, and follow-up errands to handle all kinds of business licenses after getting the shop. Now, there is still a month to wait for the two tenants to move out of the shop.

Lin Lan had plenty of time to get the right kitten, but first of all, it was more important for her to learn how to make tea and the eight cats in her family.

Lin Lan plans to make all seven cats except snow become tea house members, so some basic training is essential.

After getting her parents' approval, she went upstairs to her new house. There was only an open room with simple clothes. In a sunny room, it was a place for cats to rest. In addition to the cat nest and cat climbing frame, there were all kinds of toys for cats on the ground.

Today, snowflake went out with the cat boss, so there are only seven kittens in the house. Mother black cat is lying lazily on the top of the cat's climbing frame, basking in the sunshine outside, with her tail swinging leisurely. Obviously, she is very relaxed.

But the kittens on the ground are not so steady and quiet. Three months later, the kittens' body has been significantly strengthened, and they will be curious about everything in the world. Apart from sleeping, they are always exploring and playing.

The cubs are naturally very lively.

Just like now, there is a puppet cat mixed in a pile of small black cats, and some of them have fun chasing a wool ball.

Almost as soon as the gate rang, all the cats in the room looked warily in the direction of the gate. As soon as Lin Lan's figure appeared, all the kittens, except the steady black cat mother, came running in a swarm.

"Meow, meow!" (mom, mom!) As the only long haired cat in the cat pile, and a little white sapphire among the black clumps at present, he rushes towards Lin Lan happily. However, his speed is much slower than that of other older little black cats. Before he rushes forward, he is left behind by the little black cat and falls down.

"Meow, meow, meow!" "Mi Wu!" (LAN LAN, LAN LAN! Here you are *N

the little black cats who first step around to her feet keep calling at her, and the milk cat sounds one after another.

"Let's see if you guys are naughty." Funny will run the slowest puppet cat picked up on his knee, has been squatting to talk to the kittens Lin Lan looked at the kittens, "I just smell the smell of the room, there is no very heavy taste, that we have learned to use the toilet, are very powerful yo."

As the excrement shoveling officer knows, the smell of cat excrement is very strong. Before getting used to the smell, every time you clean the litter, you will have all kinds of discomfort.

Lin lancai was also like this when he raised Xuehua. Because he was a novice of Xiaobai, he honestly worked as a dung shoveling officer for Baimao for a while.

But her mother, Wang Xiuzhi, didn't like the smell very much. She took the cat to the bathroom and taught a cat how to squat on the toilet.

Since then, there has been no cat litter at home. Besides the toilet, there is no subtle smell at home.

Lin Lan admired her mother very much. At least she didn't think she could do it at that time. So that now sapphire settled in the old Lin's house, Lin Lan just need to tell snow, white cat is very obedient to teach this little puppet how to use the toilet.

"Meow! Meow (mom, I taught it! I taught them to use the toilet

The puppet cat lying on her knees looks up at her, and its mouth is constantly mewing for credit. As a large cat, the three month old puppet is no smaller than the five month old black cat around. At this time, its long hair is very fluffy and hanging on her body. It is as beautiful as the blue eyes polished by a craftsman. It stares at her closely, and its small pink mouth makes a coquettish sound It's really cute.

"Lanbao is great!" Lin Lan can't help but roll along his little head. It feels great. Suddenly, he has an inexplicable premonition -

when the cat teahouse opens, the sapphire that will grow up in a circle may become the number one cat in it.

Cough, I can't think about it any more. It's too early to say that.

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"I have something to tell you." Lin Lan looked at her kittens sitting in front of her eyes, and the corner of her eyes also saw the black cat mother who had trotted over, "it's about hunting in the future."

Hunting! Foraging!

The most important key words in cat life have been put forward. Many cats' tails instinctively stand up, and their small ears are pointed.

"Cough!" As the cat's mother sat down and looked at her seriously, Lin Lan cleared her throat and made her expression and tone more serious. "In order to get more cat food and canned cat food, and more delicious dried fish, kittens, I need your help!"

The afternoon sun is just right. In the abandoned residential area, a group of stray cats are still lying on the roof, lazily basking in the sun.

So you want me to help you find other cats that look like these

On the ground, the cat's big foot stepped on a piece of color printing paper which was taken out by a small orchid. On it were printed pictures of various valuable pet cats. Close by, you can still smell the smell of ink just printed out."Yes, you and your companions must have seen something similar among these cats? Generally, they have the experience of getting along with human beings, which can better help me get food from other human beings. In return, I will adopt them and take care of them until I die of old age. " Lin Lan went out to the old place. He took the words that he said to the black cats in the small building before and said to the cat boss again, "if you can, I really hope you will come too. The promise is also effective."

Cat boss did not want to refuse: "Wow!" (bipedal house is not going! I don't want to be locked up!)

It's a life of unrestrained love for freedom!

However, it was expected that the cat boss would not agree, and Lin Lan was not surprised. He nodded and did not mention this. He said another condition: "you help me find the cats above and persuade them to follow me. I will also repay you. How about three big packs of cat food for each kitten I get? It's about the size of that mound. "

It refers to a pile of waste bricks piled on the corner of the abandoned residential buildings. Lin Lan gives a description to the cat boss.

It's no accident. The civet cat agreed. It's safer for a bipedal animal to take the initiative to feed than for it to sneak into the house with other cats.

Stray cats have a hard time.

It's not only the risk of being found eating illegally and then being beaten or even killed, it's more likely that the food you eat will be poisoned and die on the way, but also the risk of going to the roadside garbage can and sometimes competing with stray dogs for food These are the dangers that stray cats will encounter, and it's easy to lose their lives.

A cat that can be adopted by human beings is not worried about food, not to mention the wind and rain, and can endure the cold. It is undoubtedly comfortable and happy to see the outside world through the window in the house with the heating on in the snowy winter.

It's just that for the sake of food and so-called safety, a stray cat like cat boss, who loves the wild more, will not shrink his paws and be locked up in the same place.

But he doesn't want to, and there will always be other cats willing to, and he doesn't find food every time.

Lin Lan's demands are actually beneficial to cats. As long as the kittens on the paper can be sent to Lin Lan, other cats who do not want to be kept in captivity can also get food, and the cat boss can't refuse at all.

"That's settled. If the kitten comes, you can let the cat come by yourself, or you can tell Xuehua to let me pick it up by myself." Lin Lan said, "by the way, it's getting colder and colder recently. It's about to start winter. Is your place still warm? Do you want me to make some simple cat nests for you? In addition to cat food, I took some old clothes this time. You can take them away. "

Of course, it is necessary to keep warm. Lin Lan will take as many cats as he can. Every winter, he will take away many of his companions. If he can't store enough fat to keep warm, stray cats can't survive the arrival of spring.

"If it's too cold in winter, please come to me. I have a spare room, which is enough for you." A busy life to the end, holding snow goodbye Lin Lan finally subconsciously want to reach out and touch the cat's head, but it deftly dodged, she said embarrassed, "aha, sorry, easy to do."

Civet cat did not speak, just squatting there quietly looking at her, Lin Lan inexplicably know it is not angry.

Waving to the stray cats, Lin Lan went back with the white cat in her arms.

Because it was the second round trip, Lin Lan, who was already familiar with the road conditions, no longer took the road section when he first came, but knew where there was a shorter path. Catwalk can really be faster, but it's for cats. People don't have the ability to follow them.

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Lin Lan, who is familiar with the road conditions, only has to turn two streets and cross a sports square to see his own small building in the opposite street.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon. When Lin Lan walks through the square, he finds that there are not many people. It's nothing if he thinks it's only Thursday today. There are really many people here on Saturday and weekend.

Because she was walking on the road with a cat in her arms, from time to time, passers-by would cast curious eyes on her, and some of the cats she liked were ready to move towards the snowflakes in her arms, but no one really stretched out their hands after all.

Snow is quietly held by Lin Lan, leaning on the embrace of the owner, full of a sense of security of the white cat is very calm, not afraid of pedestrians around.

But holding it, Lin Lan thought of a problem. It seems that she hasn't measured her body length and weight for a long time, and so have the kittens she brought back. They haven't recorded it, so they should write it down.

As soon as she got home, Xuehua took the initiative to jump from Lin Lan's arms. The familiar environment at home made her very relaxed, because all the other kittens moved to the new house. Only Xuehua, as the eldest son of the first cat in the old Lin family, was left in the place where she lived for more than four years. Although Lao Lin's family dotes on Lan Bao, the second son of the cat, who is more beautiful and lovely, after all, the more snow it is.

Almost five-year-old adult cats, temperament has been very stable, for the family also raised other kittens thing also accept very quickly, there is no Aboriginal and later generations of the terrible scene of water and fire.

Lin Lan looks at the white cat with a smile and begins to play in the living room. She enters the room and goes to the desk. She finds a cowhide notebook in the drawer.Lin Lan bought this notebook four years ago. Because she didn't know how to keep a cat, she specially got a notebook to record the data of snowflakes. There are some standard data copied from other materials, such as how long a cat is, how important it is to be healthy, and so on.

"How much more? Recently, in order to take care of the taste of the kitten, we have changed a lot of cat meal recipes, and snowflake has also eaten a lot. Today, it's a bit heavy to carry it. " With one hand in front of his face and the other hand habitually taking out an empty plastic bag from the belly of the table, Lin Lan threw it directly into the living room without looking at it. Then he went back to the bedside to sit and read the previous records.

A few minutes later, there was a sound of plastic bags clattering in the living room, and soon the sound disappeared.

Lin Lan immediately got up from the bedside and walked out of the room with a notebook in one hand. On the open floor of the living room, a cat got into the empty plastic. Lin Lan picked up the bag with the empty hand and put it on the electronic scale in the porch.

The electronic scale quickly displayed the data: [4.5kg]

"last time, the weight was 3.8kg and the length was 30cm. This time, the meat was really long." Lin Lan brush record data, "yes, all in the normal range, no gain nor decrease."

A series of actions were so easy that she finished all the work and then called out a lie trough.

"I don't have to cheat him into weighing like before!" Looking at the cat still staying in the plastic, Lin Lan held his head in both hands, "I can already talk to it, just move my mouth, why do you work so hard!"

The white cat in the bag didn't know her collapse at all. She was still very happy in it and called to her: "meow..." (LAN LAN, have fun! One more time!)

You silly cat!

Lin Lan didn't make this mistake again when she went to measure the length and weight of sapphire and the black cat family. However, the snowflake that followed her heel took the plastic bag with her to the new house, which directly led to these kittens rushing forward and then drilling in.

Lin Lan, who can translate their meow, listens to the "ha ha ha, have fun" all over her ears and looks at the little black balls in the plastic bags. She can't help but die.

A group of silly little kittens who just walk away!

Since we are going to open a teahouse, we need to learn the craft of tea and snacks as soon as possible. After busy entering the cat channel, Lin Lan went to Xiaozhang's milk tea shop the next day to learn the craft.

Xiao Zhang's skill of making things is not very good. She teaches people in an orderly way, which makes it a lot easier for Lin Lan to learn. She can make several kinds of milk tea in one day.

She can't help but secretly sigh, contact just know, no wonder milk tea everywhere, learn really no technical content ah. It's estimated that it won't take her three days to complete the formula of milk tea in this shop.

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Lin Lan is learning to make milk tea on her own, but Xiao Zhang is stunned and surprised.

Why is it so much better for the landlady's daughter to make a cup of milk tea than he did!?

"Boss, give me a glass of strawberry flavor pearl milk tea, and a cup of Matcha milk green!" Outside the shop, a guest on a small electric donkey came to the door temporarily, "cold, not hot!"

Xiao Zhang subconsciously took the two cups that Lin Lan had just adjusted to seal the mouth, and put a straw into the milk green cup as required.

The guest took a sip and was very satisfied: "it's really good. My wife didn't cheat me! Boss, your improved formula tastes better than before. I'll come again next time! "

Then he ran away on his electric donkey, as if in a hurry to send the rest of the cup to his family.

Xiao Zhang didn't come to explain from beginning to end

He looked sadly at Lin Lan, who was still mixing milk behind him, and harvested the other side's speechless and funny eyes: "what am I doing? Don't you know all about how I make milk tea? How to match fructose and milk? I'll teach you several times. You're not sure what can I do? "

It's easy to make the taste of milk tea just right, but it's hard to make the sharp tongue feel happy. Obviously Lin Lan has this talent, but Xiao Zhang doesn't.

So Xiao Zhang is very sad but helpless.

The person behind still stabs his heart: "I have learned milk tea almost. You can teach me how to bake cakes and waffles tomorrow."

Not to mention store manager Xiao Zhang's worrying experience, Lin Lan, who learned the refreshment course very easily, received the news from the cat boss two days later. They found the cat she wanted, and they had convinced her to go home with her.

"Really? Or two? Great, thank you Lin Lan didn't ask much about it, so he picked up the hand-held pet bag and ran out.

"Lan Lan, where are you going?" Wang Xiuzhi, who happened to meet her daughter and rushed out, did not understand and asked.

Just then, the girl had already run a long way, and the voice in the corridor was "go to pick up the cat!" It's very loud.

Today is the weekend, many people come to the square for a walk and play.Cheng Fengyang leads the dog and walks with his daughter's sister Cheng Xingyu.

Her sister is now counting her 5-year-old daughter: "you were the one who wanted to come out to play before, but now you are the one who shouts and hugs. Li Mengmeng, you are already a big child in kindergarten. Do you want to keep your word?"

It's strange that little girl should pay attention to you.

Cheng Feng Yang pretends to look left and right, and make complaints about his sister's training lines.

Sure enough, the little girl was not moved at all, even hugged her mother's neck: "no, no, I won't come down! Mom, my legs are tired. I have to be hugged by mom! "

"And your legs are tired?" Cheng Xingyu is about to be laughed at by his daughter's naughty spirit, "it's OK, I'm not tired after running down."

Daughter is not deceived: "Mom, I am not only tired legs, my feet still hurt."

Cheng Fengyang hears that he has a stomachache. He almost can't help laughing. Then he encounters his sister's fierce stare.

"Mom is tired too. Let your uncle do it." Cheng Xingyu makes an effort to throw his 40 Jin burden to his younger brother.

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"No, I'm still holding the stars!" Cheng Fengyang immediately refused, and quickly brought disaster to the East, "Hey, dream, look! There are people blowing bubbles over there. There are so many bubbles! "

The little girl was quickly attracted attention. She followed the direction and soon saw a toy stand not far from the opposite. The vendor was selling long stick shaped bubble blowing toys. With a flick of her hand, a large number of bubbles flew out of a bubble hole.

"Wow -" needless to say, the little girl directly broke away from her mother's arms and ran towards the toy stall with her short legs.

Although he solved the problem that the child refused to go down, Cheng Xingyu was not grateful to his brother, and even glared at him: "why do you lead her to see that, and then yell to buy something!"

Shopping is not the key, the key is not long after shopping, the little girl is not interested in throwing it away.

This is the biggest headache for adults, and it is also the most unsolved place so far.

"It doesn't matter. It's not expensive anyway. Just buy it for your children." Single dogs don't understand the pain of parents with children, so they don't like it.

Cheng Xingyu just sneered: "OK, then you can buy it for her."

He can buy it. Ten yuan at most.

Later, as my mother guessed, my uncle bought a bubble stick for my niece. My niece took the thing in her hand and threw it three times. The next moment, she was attracted by the parent-child car coming slowly next door.

"Mom, mom! I'll take that one! " Put the bubble stick into Cheng Xingyu's hand, and the little girl runs there.

My mother was very calm in the whole process. She put the bubble stick back into her brother's hand without expression: "you bought it, you can play by yourself." And then he went after his daughter.

Leaving Cheng Fengyang with the bubble stick in his hand, he can't laugh or cry at all. Did he buy toys for himself?

Cheng Fengyang looks down at the dog rope in his hand. The clean and beautiful border shepherd on the other end of the rope is wagging his tail at him. After more than a month's treatment, the injury and hair on the buttocks of the border shepherd star have all grown up, and he is willing to come out to play.

At this time, when the owner stares at him, he shakes his head and gives him a "woof" with his tail, but his eyes look at the bubble stick in his other hand.

"You want to play this?" Cheng Fengyang saw the dog's gaze and couldn't help shaking it.

The dog wagged its tail more merrily.

The sunshine of early winter makes today's Square very warm, and the people bathed in it walk around comfortably. On the broad square, a young man in casual clothes shakes the bubble stick in his hand and laughs wildly. Countless colorful bubbles are blown out by the wind under his running. Behind him, a border shepherd runs and chases bubbles from time to time. One person and one dog have a good time .

Until he grinned and ran to amuse the dog, Lin Lan, who was carrying a cat cage across the square, ran into him head-on.

The author has something to say:

Yes, the sand sculpture above is the male owner.

In the market life, both men and women are ordinary citizens. There is no such lofty identity as president or rich family. They are just two ordinary people who get to know each other and then fall in love and get married.

But the point is the kittens.

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