I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 17: 17

No matter how pitiful jinjila, as a short legged cat, would be under the double education of the black-and-white garden cat with long legs, Lin Lan has planned to move all the pots of catgrass raised on the balcony of her home to the balcony of her new house.

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Not only that, she also ordered a lot of cat grass seeds, ready to cultivate a few more pots.

There are two long haired cats at home now. As the king of losing hair among kittens, Lin Lan must consider this aspect.

Both long haired cats and short haired cats have hair loss, and the spring and autumn of each year is their hair changing season.

How often do cats lose their hair? There is a joke on the Internet, which is called "twice a year, once for half a year". Although it is an exaggeration, it is also a reminder to those who want to raise cats that they really want to be a dung shoveling officer. This is absolutely unavoidable.

How does the cat feel during the large-scale hair change? Lin Lan has a real experience after developing snowflake into a big cat.

Home clothes, sofa, bed, curtain And so on, as long as it's easy to stick, there's cat hair everywhere. Lin Lan is still impressed by the picture that her favorite black woollen coat was covered with white hair, as if she had just picked it up from the garbage can.

My mother was very angry about the cat's hair, and she often roared. The whole family carefully accompanied her to do the hair removal activities. It was clear that the hair was lost by the cat, but the anger was all directed at them, aggrieved.

Then Lin Lan began to pay attention to the fact that cats lose their hair. She couldn't do without it. When she went out, her clothes were all covered with hair, and her mother's roar had the effect of spiritual fear, so she had to try her best to solve the problem of how to reduce cat hair loss?

Nutritious cat meal and regular combing of cat hair are very good anti hair means. If possible, you can also get a vacuum cleaner to open a low-power spa to make a whole body refreshing for the cat. The effect is very good.

Moreover, because of the clean nature of cats, they often lick off their own cat hair. However, snowflakes always spit out hair balls during the hair changing period.

At this time, catgrass will come in handy. Snowflake on the balcony has been planted in the cat grass safely spent four years, the family is very easy to raise.

But now the situation is different. There are eleven cats in the family.

Fortunately, when Lin Lan began to pick up cats on a large scale, it was early winter, and he barely avoided the cat changing season. If it happened to be autumn The picture was too beautiful for her to imagine.

It rained only yesterday in Xicheng, and the sun didn't shine today. The next morning was also overcast. Lin Lan moved the potted plants to the new house one by one.

"Meow, meow!" (LAN LAN, what is this!)

A curious little black cat immediately gathered around and asked, they haven't seen it yet.

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"Meow..." (it's a kind of grass, which can not only make your stomach ache, but also spit out the fur you eat.)

Mother black cat came up at this time and answered the children's questions.

"Your mother is right." Lin Lan reached out and touched one of the small heads. "It's good grass for cats. Humans call them Oatmeal sprouts or catgrass. Because the cat eat it can help digest food, avoid gastrointestinal dyspepsia, can also be added to the cat's body beneficial vitamins and minerals Well, you don't have to look at me like this. Anyway, you just need to know that it's a good thing. Listen to your mother. If you feel sick, you can take a bite. "

Sure enough, some human terms are still too difficult for cats. Lin Lan reflects on himself and must make language more childish next time.

The little black cats immediately began to play with catgrass, apparently taking them as new toys that can eat and play.

Lin Lan doesn't care. Anyway, if it goes too far, there will be a cat mother watching. If she really eats up all the cat grass that can be used as herb resources, she won't allow it.

Now she has other things to do.

Lin Lan's new house is empty except for a sunny bedroom used for cat sleeping and activities. Let them scatter the happy living room also only has the cat toy which scatters on the ground, appears very spacious at the same time, is also very suitable to jump randomly to run.

Leaving the balcony, she pushed the door to another locked room, from which she moved out a large cardboard box.

Some kittens see the carton and excited, swish and run, want to jump inside.

"It's a box for things, not for you to play with." As Lin Lan said, she reluctantly took out the kitten that jumped in And then they took it out And then they took it out She gave up, "OK, you drill, just don't break it."

Taking out all the things in the big carton, Lin Lan let the cats who love to drill the box jump in and out. He put a special brush glove on his hand and yelled at a long haired cat on the balcony.

"Silver, come and comb!"

In an instant, the jinjila came rushing like a small short legged shell.

The fur color of jinjila cat is mostly white and yellow. Pet stores usually call it golden and silver. So Lin Lan named the cat silver, which is simple and easy to remember.At this time, the cat, who was beaten only yesterday, regained its spirits after eating and drinking enough. When he heard that he was going to provide grooming service for it, it was flying fast.

"Meow!" (comb, comb!)

Lin Lan just dragged the cushion out of the box and sat down. The white Persian cat in front of her was lying down on all fours and waiting for service. Her big fluffy tail was very happy.

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Hairy kittens, it is best to comb once a day, on the one hand to reduce the frequency of their hair everywhere, on the other hand, to keep their appearance beautiful. Humans love long, smooth hair, and so do cats.

Lin Lan's right hand, wearing a brush glove, gently rolled down the cat's head. He even combed his tail. The soft comb made of silica gel glided gently between his fur. The Persian cat was so comfortable that he began to snore. He didn't want to resist at all. Lin Lan turned him over and continued to comb his hair, and rubbed his stomach Times.

"Hululu..." (so comfortable, so comfortable...)

Lin Lan can't help laughing when she listens to jinjila's comfortable snoring. In fact, she is also very cool. Like a bath worker, he rubbed the whole body of the cat, and a thick layer of cat hair accumulated on Lin Lan's brush gloves. Lin Lan held the edge of the hair layer, and a glove shaped hair cake was completely torn off.

"Look, I comb you every day and lose hair every day." Lin Lan dragged a plastic square storage box, opened the lid of the box, and gathered white, gray, and a small part of black and golden red cat hair balls or cakes inside. These are all the cat hair collected by Lin Lan when she combed the kittens. "Tut Tut, look at you, how long have you gathered so much?"

When snowflakes shed hair, Lin Lan had the habit of collecting cat hair for them. After gathering in a pile, he would find someone to process it into wool, and then weave it into all kinds of small things. Now that we have so many cats in one go, we can't lose the cat's fur. We can weave a big blanket in the future.

Lin · thrift becomes a habit. LAN says that she will not let go of any of the fruits of her hard work.

"Meow, meow, meow!" All over the body No, after brushing her hair, ginger said that she was not satisfied. After she got up, she still yelled at her, stood up with a pair of short claws and tried to pull her arm. "Meow -"

I can understand its meaning without translation, and I want to be rolled again.

"Don't worry. Sit well. It's not over." After brushing her hair with gloves, Lin Lan picked up a pet comb and began to give silver the final look of a lady. It was rough before, but now it's fine.

A few minutes later, an elegant and beautiful white and silver ginger appeared in front of Lin Lan.

"Yes, it is. It's a lovely and charming cat. You'll never have to worry about eating fish in the future." Lin Lan is very satisfied with the shape of silver at this time. When the teahouse opens, she will put it on the cat climbing rack in the window. A few casual poses will surely attract a lot of cats.

That is to say, if someone doesn't go to work now and has a lot of time to wait on the cat, then he has so much leisure to do modeling for the cat.

"Meow Meow (slave, you No, LAN LAN, it's very kind of you

As soon as she was happy, she forgot the pain. After noticing the murderous spirit of the black cat's mother not far away, she immediately changed her address with a flattering tone.

Lin Lan almost laughs and lets the cat go. Jinjila runs away very quickly for fear that the black cat will catch up with her and beat her again. The more Lin Lan looks at coke, the more she looks at it.

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Turning her head, she reached for the only adult black cat on her lap and touched its head. "Mo Mo Mo is really amazing. She will take the initiative to protect me. Thank you."

The black cat sat on her lap and looked up at her. The green vertical pupil was also gentle. She gently responded to the cat's cry: "meow Meow (LAN LAN, I will always protect you. You have given us a place to live and enough food, and my children and I will always guard you.)

Lin langdun was stunned when she received such a straightforward expression from the little animal. When she recovered, she quickly blinked, but her lips could not help bending up. Lin Lan lowered his head close to the black cat and put his forehead on top of his head: "thank you, I will protect you all my life."

Whether it's snow or ink, it's an angel in her life.

Human cat forehead against the intimate rub did not last long, was interrupted by a group of kittens.

"Meow, meow, meow!" Mom, I want it too

"Meow!" (LAN LAN, me too!)

The shrill voice of the suckling cat came one after another. Little black Tuan Zi and puppet Tuan Zi jumped or climbed up to Lin Lan's legs. One of them wanted to get the forehead of a dung shoveling officer, and then they were photographed by black cat's mother mercilessly.

"Meow! Ha All down, no up

The threatening black cat is full of momentum. At most, half of the six-month-old black cat and three-month-old puppet are scared away. Lin Lan strained his face and didn't dare to say a word, for fear that he would snicker.

Sure enough, no matter what the cat is, it's more or less possessive of its own excrement shoveling. Being a mother is no exception.Until the black cat mother hair finished Wei himself left the shovel excrement, around the cat dare to slowly and come back.

Russian Blue Cat and Siamese cat, who had never been close to each other before, approached carefully. Last night, these two pet cats had seen the fighting power of black cat. In the cat industry, female cats are respected for their strength. These male cats are not the rivals of female cats at all. Besides, they are still neutered pet male cats. They dare not make mistakes under the power of black cat Mo mo.

If you put it in a cat bowl, they and that ginger are definitely the last leftovers in the line.

"What's the matter, ash and gold? What's the problem?" Lin Lan called the new names of blue cat and Siam - well, they are still named according to their appearance. The kittens who come back in the future probably can't escape this naming rule.

"Meow..." The two cats sold to the excrement shovelling officer, which means that I hope the black cat will not beat them all.

"Is it so serious? Don't worry, Mo Mo is not the kind of cat who likes to beat cats at will. "

With a wry smile, Lin Lan reached out and touched the heads of the two cats. At the same time, he suddenly had the most intuitive concept of the status of the cats at home.

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In fact, these lovely and expensive pet cats all live at the bottom, while in the eyes of human beings, the worthless rural black cat actually stands at the top of the pyramid.

The days passed slowly in the process of daily cat grooming and kitten training. The day after the lease of the clothing store expired, Lin Lan called Cheng Fengyang and asked him to come and see the shop. Although the milk tea shop next door will expire in about ten days, the pattern of the two adjacent shops is the same. You can see what the milk tea shop looks like by looking at the clothing shop.

Cheng Fengyang came as promised. He not only looked at the structure of the shop under the clothing store, but also turned to the back of the small building and looked at it carefully.

Lin Lan saw that he also carried a tool kit. After opening it, she did not dare to express her opinions casually with all kinds of unknowingly sharp measuring tools. All the way, she obediently led him around the shop and the small building.

"There used to be a narrow courtyard surrounded by walls behind this building." After a circle, Cheng Fengyang was a little surprised.

"Yes, but as you can see, it's too narrow. It's useless. It's used for storing sundries." If it wasn't for the designer's request, Lin Lan would not have thought of going back. It was a narrow road with two people walking side by side at most. It was said that when my grandfather started the building, he originally wanted to build a reserved place for a flower bed around him. Later, he felt troublesome and started to build a wall, which was regarded as enclosure.

After all these years, they didn't know how many things they had put in. They couldn't get in completely, so that they had to walk around the back of the fence again.

But Cheng Fengyang's eyes lit up and asked her directly, "have you ever thought about using this small backyard? The top of the yard is covered with glass, and the front and back of the shop are covered with glass doors and French windows. When the back door is opened, it is a glass greenhouse for kittens

Lin Lan can't help imagining with what he said that the bright shop with full daylight belongs to her own small backyard and the kittens who enjoy themselves in it. She can even plant a large area of catgrass in it!

This time, Lin Lan's eyes were bright, and her hands could not help clapping. She said happily: "that's a great idea! I love it

Cheng Fengyang is more happy: "let's talk about the decoration requirements of the house. Do you have any specific requirements?"

"Yes! There are many Lin Lan took out a folded piece of A4 paper from his coat pocket, "all the requirements I thought of before are written on it. You can have a look first and tell me what's wrong."

The young man took the paper from the girl and unfolded it directly. The beautiful and neat handwriting appeared on it. It was still handwritten. He couldn't help shouting out: "your handwriting is so beautiful!"

"Generally speaking, before graduating from junior high school, I always insist on practicing pen calligraphy." All of a sudden, he was praised for his good words. Lin Lan blushed, but he was in a better mood. "Cheng Fengyang, don't stand here. It's cold outside. I'll treat you to milk tea. Let's sit in the shop and have a detailed chat."

Cheng Fengyang, who originally wanted to see the milk tea shop once, immediately agreed and followed Lin Lan into the shop.

As a result, manager Zhang watched Lin Lan make milk tea in person and give the young man the newly baked egg tart to the table. Standing in the same place, he had a complicated face. You were so skilled that you didn't treat yourself as an outsider.

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