I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 28: 28

Less than a day after Wang Jiaxiang stayed in his newly rented suite, people began to lose their seats.

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If she didn't fall out with her family, her original plan was to come to Xicheng in the spring of the new year, rent a suite in a high-end hotel in the city center, and then visit all the famous scenic spots in Xicheng, and then go back home to do other things.

Now, the plan is all ahead of time. It's still a cold winter.

If you knew earlier, you might as well book a ticket to Hainan for the winter This idea also passed in the brain for a while, Wang Jiatuo gave up on his own.

This time, she resisted her family. Her deputy card had been stopped by her parents. She could only eat her own savings. She really wanted to go to Hainan. With her extravagance, she might lose all the money left in a month.

Thinking about the only one million yuan he had on his card, Wang sighed sadly, feeling that he was too poor to have such a little money.

In the past six months, she had to control herself and never buy clothes and bags. In order not to let the family find, not to rent a hotel to stay, but to hide more.

Hum, mom and Dad, they can't imagine that she didn't rent a hotel or a high-end residential area. Instead, she went to a building in a village in the city and rented a house, right?

And the rent here is really cheap. She used to stay in a luxury hotel for a few days, but she could stay here for a few months, which saved a lot of money.

Looking back on his thrifty behavior of moving all the furniture and appliances in his apartment here to save money without lowering the quality of life, Wang Jiatuo felt that he was very wise.

As long as she is honest and stays in the rental house for a few more months, the more than one million yuan will definitely be enough for her to spend half a year!

The innocent young lady thought so, and on the first night she came in, she still held her fist and made up her mind.

…… Then the next morning, he ran out and strolled around.

As early as I followed the agent to look at the house, Wang Jiaxiang noticed the cat teahouse under the building. The bright and warm interior style of the all clear glass shop suddenly stood out in the ordinary shops around, such as cigarette hotels and snack bars. Today, she couldn't control her curiosity and pushed the door to come in without walking a few steps downstairs.

When the young lady stood in the shop, song Xinmin welcomed her for the first time: "welcome to the cat teahouse!"

The memory of meeting with the agent two days ago is still there. Wang Jiazhu was almost shocked to see this familiar face. Before Ming Ming, he was still renting, but now one of them has become a guest and the other a shop assistant.

Comrade Song, who has long experienced many battles, has no embarrassment at all. He still serves with a full smile: "is this the first time a guest comes to a teahouse? Please wash your hands here. "

Wang looked at him suspiciously, and finally went to do the disinfection work.

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After washing the gloves and putting on the shoe film, the young lady steps into the leisure area of the teahouse. Song Xinmin is just about to give a warm introduction. She has already waved her hand without looking back: "just a set of the most expensive single meal."

Ignoring the rejected waiter, the young lady looked around at the environment of the teahouse. The wooden or cloth wooden wooden tables and chairs were sitting idly with some guests drinking tea and chatting. The smell of fruit and milk mixed together was not boring.

On both sides of the solid wall, on the other side of the water bar, there is a wall mounted large screen TV, on which some cat videos are played in a low voice. On the other side of the wall, there are tables and chairs in half, and two high wooden wheels in the other half.

A graceful silver grey Maine cat is trotting on a large running wheel, elegant as if walking after dinner.

Another smaller running wheel is faster. There is a big black cat on the fast running wheel. The smooth movement is full of the beauty of power.

Next to the two wheels, there are several cats, big and small, shaking their heads with the action of the cats in the wheels, as if they were in line.

On the wall behind the wheel, Wang Jiazhu saw an eye-catching tip, which read: "cat diet and weight loss area. During the wheel running, please don't hold the cat at will.". (electric eye Bixin. JPG)

the young lady's face is a little dull. She didn't expect that the cat cafe is such a magic shop, and the cat in it would take the initiative to lose weight and burn calories. She is more conscious than others!

After looking at the kittens in line for a while, Wang Jiaxuan suddenly felt that something had rubbed his legs. As soon as he subconsciously lowered his head, he heard a cat cry.

"Meow." A snow-white jinjila appeared in front of her at some time. After rubbing her for a few times, she fell to the ground and hit her belly with a very lovely roll.

"Wow, how lovely!" Wang Jiazhu, whose blood trough was cleared instantly, couldn't do it on the spot. She was hit by the cat!

Because her parents dislike that cats and dogs will lose their hair, so she has no pets in her family. Wang Jiaqiu has seen other people's cats and dogs in the home of her classmates or friends at most. Although they are very beautiful and lovely, she doesn't feel much about them. She can't even understand why some people pet them like their own children.Until now, when she saw this ginger, she seemed to understand.

is not adorable with white hair, and has a pair of blue eyes with a large eye that is painted with eye liner. It is as clean as a moving snowball. When it snows at her, Wang Jiayi gives up and gives her the cat in her arms.

The little cute Mao is long, soft and smooth, with a pleasant shampoo flavor. Obviously, she is taken care of carefully every day, and the young lady is more happy when she is held in her arms.

Instead of watching other cats run to lose weight, Wang Jiaxiang takes the cat to a cloth sofa style table and chair, intending to concentrate on hugging the cat.

Delicate lady, beautiful and elegant Persian cat, not to mention, the combination of the two really match.

When Lin Lan brought a large tray of delicate refreshments to Wang Jiazhu's table, the young lady was still happily sucking the cat, but jinjila in her arms was gradually in a state of impatience.

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Jinjila sold her silver to this female guest. As a result, she didn't wait for delicious food for a long time. She got up from her arms impatiently, gave her a meow and jumped away without looking back.

voice still Jiao Jiao, like a little cute make complaints about themselves, only in the vicinity of Lan Lan heard the Tucao: (after a half day, I did not give me a small fish, PAH, slag slave!

Carrying the tray of Linlan all over a shock, this just how long, this kitten has been a pile of cat slave used to so powerful eyes?

And the girl who was suddenly abandoned by the cat on the other side was confused: "what's the matter? Why did you leave all of a sudden? " It's like a poor straight man who was suddenly separated by his girlfriend but didn't know why.

"Well, guest." As a store manager, at this time can only come forward to fill, "my silver is so uncertain, maybe you can try to use some food or play to attract its attention again."

In terms of spending money, the first lady is a little bit transparent, and the well maintained jade hand is a wave of pride: "take all the cat snacks in your store, and ask for the best!"

So a few minutes later, Miss Wang leaned on the sofa with her legs up gracefully, holding a bone china teacup in her hand and drinking tea with her head down. In her arms, she was holding jinjila, who was gnawing hard with her two claws on the cod. With snacks, the kitten is allowed to let the other side along the hair belly, as long as it does not interfere with how things are OK.

Lin Lan didn't think about how much of the kitten's moral integrity could be left in the face of food. She just looked down at the kitten in her arms when she once again gave her snacks and toys like cat Mint: "silver, if you finish all these snacks, remember to line up at the runner."

The Persian cat, who was gnawing at the dried fish in his arms, was stiff. He looked at it pitifully and mewed in a flattering way: "Lan Lan, I eat less. Can I stop running? I'm so tired.)

The young lady keenly feels that her little cute has been bullied. She shows her displeasure on the spot. When she protects the cat in her arms, she will not be satisfied. But Lin Lan is faster than her.

"It's no use being coquettish. You don't want to be sick because you eat too much. You still have to run the circle. Kittens are not fat or thin. After they become fat, they can't even rob other cats. "

"Meow!" It was a scream like meow, and it was obvious that silver recalled some painful memories.

Lin Lan didn't care about it, but looked at Wang Jiazhu with a smile: "guest, thank you very much for your love of silver, but please pay attention not to feed too much, which will cause gastrointestinal diseases. On the premise that you don't want to feed another cat, even if you want to buy cans and snacks, we won't sell them to you any more. "

“…… Oh, well Until the person had already left, the eldest lady answered vaguely and looked down at the kitten in her arms. She reached out and rubbed its head. "I'm sorry, silver. I don't know you can't feed too much. When you finish eating, I'll run with you."

The young lady, who is a little arrogant and not bad for money, patiently accompanies the cat to spend the whole day in the teahouse. When the teahouse is about to close, she unexpectedly asks Lin Lan to buy a cat: "manager, I sincerely want it. How much do you want to sell it to me?"

"Don't worry, guests. You'll listen to our trading rules before you talk about anything else." Lin Lan told Wang Jiaqiu the rules of leading the cat that he had said before, but ignored the surprised expression of the young lady. Instead, he reached out to call jinjila, held her in his arms and asked in a low voice, "how about silver? I've been playing with you all day. Do you want to go home with her? "

Baiyin looked at Lin Lan, then looked up at Wang Jiatuo, who was a little nervous. He tilted his head and paused for a while: "meow!" (no! This slave can't do it. You will take care of me before LAN LAN!)

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What a real kitten! It's not the first time that Lin Lan feels this way. The former owner of the cat is probably a cat slave of the same level as Qian Xuan on the fourth floor.

"Silver, what does it say?" Wang Jiaxiang is not surprised why the store manager understands the meaning of cat. She has visited the police dog training camp before and has a deeper understanding of the tacit understanding between small animals and people. It is very simple for people like the store manager who can train cats to understand the mind of cats.Lin Lan patted the Persian cat's head: "light meow is not good, you express yourself to the guests, OK nod, no shake your head."

Then the first lady was disappointed to see the kitten shaking her head.

"Jinjila is a kind of pet cat that needs careful care, not only in terms of health, but also in terms of combing and maintaining its long hair every day, especially the snow-white one like silver. If the house is not clean, it is easy to get dirty hair. This kind of cat also has the habit of cleanliness. If it gets dirty, it will be irritable. " Lin Lan explained to the disappointed young lady in a soft voice, "if the guests really like it and want to make Baiyin willing to go with you, they have to pay more energy than you take care of other cats."

If she didn't understand the cat's words, intuitively understand their various needs, and be reasonable, she would be crazy to raise so many valuable cats.

It's rare to have such a favorite. Of course, Miss Wang won't easily admit defeat. After being rejected by kitten, she came to the teahouse every day to report. For a moment, jinjila became a private cat.

The first lady began to seriously learn how to serve a jinjila, from the daily combing to the feeding ratio. Although she was clumsy and often disliked by the cat, she really worked hard.

Unconsciously, a few days passed and it was the weekend.

Tang Xiaoya, an hourly worker, arrived at the store on time. Today, she came and gave a surprise.

"Manager, are you looking for a new kitten?"

In the old house upstairs, the new cat has been brought to the teahouse with the cat and the cage this weekend.

"Well, I just brought it last week. It's still in the adaptation period." Looking at Tang Xiaoya, who has been circling around the cage, Lin Lan said with a smile, "let them stay in the teahouse for a few days, learn how to get along with other cats and guests on the spot, and then let them formally enter the teahouse."

"Gee, it's just like the pre job staff training." Tang Xiaoya said and laughed. She said casually that she didn't know it was the truth.

Lin Lan Xiaoxiao didn't continue this topic, but introduced Xiao Song to her. After the two employees got to know each other, they were busy together and soon officially opened.

According to the old rule, the first one on the scene is Miss Wang upstairs.

She is familiar with the way, enters the door to disinfect the shoe membrane, hugs jinjila who is waiting for her to come, hugs her and kisses her: "little silver, we meet again."

"Meow." (slow to death, slave! Lanlan said that you always comb my hair. How can you do it so slowly!)

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"Ah, are you coquetting me? How lovely, my silver darling

"Meow!" Don't come and suck me! Comb my hair first. Comb my hair. Do you hear me, you stupid slave!)

"Xiaozhaozhao is also great! You can do more! "

There, Lin Lan, who writes about the interaction between someone who is a cat slave and a cat, has no expression and pretends not to know. He bows his head and concentrates on his own business.

But Tang Xiaoya took a few curious glances and went to his new companion Comrade Xiao Song to murmur for a while. He understood the whole story and had a good feeling for Wang Jiaqiu in his eyes.

After all, she is also the one who is going to marry Maine cat to go home. We are all on the way. We are all comrades.

As soon as Tang Xiaoya thinks so, the next moment Miss Wang does what she likes.

"Why? Is this the new cat in the store? " After spending a lot of time waiting on the cat owner to comb his hair, Wang Jiatuo, who also took care of the shape, came with the cat in her arms and saw three cages on the table near the water bar.

Tang Xiaoya just wanted to smile and answer yes. When the cat in the shop had a new companion, the young lady frowned and said, "what, a native cat?"

At the first sight of an orange civet cat that can be seen everywhere in the cage, Wang Jialuo immediately gave up his voice. Look at the second cage. It's a black and white cow cat. Although it's very cute, it can't change the fact that it's a native cat.

In the early morning, when there were few guests in the teahouse, it became quiet.

"Manager, you are so good at training cats. How can you get native cats into the store?" Holding a valuable pet cat's daughter ignorant, still a naive face issued doubts. In her impression, no matter friends or classmates, they all have noble pets at home, and the eldest lady instinctively looks down on the Garden Cats everywhere.

Tang Xiaoya completely cold face, skin smile meat don't smile ground connect up: "guest, words can't say so, native cat how?"? Everyone is made in China. It's really unnecessary to discriminate against varieties. "

Wang's face turned red in a flash, and he pointed to Tang Xiaoya with one finger: "you, you..." I want to swear, but I can't find a word.

With a sneer, Tang Xiaoya was about to continue to open her arms. One hand was on her shoulder. Lin Lan came from behind: "Miss Wang, you can see that there is not only a lovely garden cat, but also a beautiful Silver Tiger spot and a short one."

The tense atmosphere had room to turn around. The young lady who knew she was wrong and would not quarrel snorted and looked at the cage with a beautiful short. Originally, she just wanted to make a casual comment. But when she saw the cat, she was immediately surprised and said, "eh? This cat? ""What happened to the cat?" Her reaction led the other three to turn their attention and ask subconsciously.

Wang Jiatuo lowered his head to get close to the cage and looked up and down at the beautiful kitten inside as if he wanted to confirm it carefully. His expression was uncertain.

"This cat It's like the one I lost at my friend's house. "

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