I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 31: 31

"I don't seem to have helped much." Cheng Fengyang said with a bitter smile, "even if you don't have me, you can handle it yourself."

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He was half happy and half frustrated. He was glad that the girl he liked was very strong, but he was also frustrated that he was not strong enough to solve her problems first.

"No such thing!" Lin Lan immediately retorted, "if it wasn't for your reminding today, I couldn't remember to charge immediately."

She didn't want to make money when she opened the cat teahouse. As long as she didn't lose money, she would win. So she ran it casually and easily had some small problems.

With the ability to communicate with cats, it's easier for Lin Lan to get some rare cats than others, but it doesn't mean that she will only be happy after she gets them. When it is very clear that there will be many kinds of cats in teahouses in the future, it is natural that we will consider the following hidden dangers. In particular, the last time he went to the police station to send a wallet, he almost had something to do with the murder case. Lin Lanxin was still worried, and of course he was more active and left behind.

But having a backhand doesn't mean that you will be able to react quickly, or even not panic at all.

Cheng Fengyang can block in front of her at the first time, give her enough time to deal with the problem, let her solve the problem completely, Lin Lan is very grateful.

"Thank you, Cheng Fengyang." Thinking of this, Lin Lan smiles more brightly, "it's good to know you!"

Although the incident of sending her wallet gave her a lot of fright, she really felt very lucky to meet and get to know the person in front of her.

But in this way, it's too shabby to invite him to make a string at night. I'd better go to a formal restaurant

"No, no! It's all right Just thinking about her smile, the beautiful young man quickly recalled, "I just like to eat kebabs. You can fill a big table for me and let me open my stomach to eat!"

I'm kidding. It's more formal to go to a formal restaurant for a meal. It's easier to get close to the ground. Designer Cheng, who has lived for more than 20 years and is in the wake of his love brain, is quietly saying "little 99" in his heart.

I love kebabs so much Linlan see him so insist, nodding at the same time is secretly determined, must be entertained at night, must let the back street of the barbecue boss out to look after the family!

In the cat teahouse, Lin Lan and Cheng Fengyang are talking behind the water bar. Outside the teahouse, Wang Jiayao, who is forced out by Cao Yuze, is crying out with resentment.

"What are you doing, brother Yuze? You hurt me!" The coquettish girl cried out.

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Cao Yuze quickly let go and saw the girl kneading the light red seal on her wrist. Originally, she was holding her breath, which made her feel helpless.

"Jia, how can you be here?" He asked in a low voice, "at this time, you should wait for the new year in your home, right?" Otherwise, I would like to invite some familiar friends to go shopping, like this kind of village in the city. Usually, this girl may not even look at it.

"I want you to take care of it!" Wang Jiaqiu, who was pinched and hurt, now felt very wronged and glared at him with red eyes. "I'm kind enough to help you find the cat. I'll call you the first time and tell you that you still treat me like this. I'll never talk to you again!"

Pupil style speech and bad temper.

Cao Yuze's helplessness added another point: "are you having trouble with your family again? I don't have any money. Come here to play? "

"I, I don't have no money!" Wang Jiatuo immediately choked his neck and argued, but his voice was too low under the clear eyes of his acquaintances. "This time it's dad. He's gone too far In a word, I won't go back if he doesn't admit his mistake! "

Cao Yuze didn't pay attention to the situation of other families in order to find cats these days, but as a friend he had known since childhood, he was very clear about Wang Jiaqiu's situation. The girl fell into the water once when she was a child, which led to a serious illness. She was very weak all the time. She was pampered for a long time, and did not recover completely until she was an adult.

But also because of the sick body, her family cherished her too much. The teachers and students who had been called in the school all told her not to care with a sick girl. After a long time, she was naive and self-sufficient. When she was an adult, she was still a child.

There is no bad heart. If she scolds her severely, she will be able to listen to it and be restrained. But a person who is used to being egocentric can't get better all of a sudden. Sometimes, her willful and impolite behavior is also a headache. Just like her performance in the teahouse, she went over the owner's house to take him to the cat without saying a word of greeting. During that time, she wanted to argue with others. Cao Yuze was confused and speechless.

Fortunately, people don't care.

But that's not the point.

"What did Uncle Wang do wrong this time?" Cao Yuze also sympathizes with the Wang family's elders. Wang Jiaxiang is always making trouble out of nothing, but in the end, the elders apologize to her and coax her.

To be honest, he is a little No, he doesn't envy it. It's not worth being happy to be cultivated like this.

Wang Jiatuo didn't realize it. When he heard this, he immediately shook it out like beans: "brother Yuze, Dad, he's too much! I graduated from university this year. He even said that he would send me to a closed school to continue to study. He cut off my pocket money. He also said that I must bear hardships and have a long memory! This is what a father does to his daughter! What did I do wrong? If I want to bully me, my family supports me. I have inquired about the school for a long time. The people in the school have to do their own laundry and cooking. They have to go out for exercises every day, just like soldiers. They can only eat the school canteen every day. It's just like prison. I won't go! "Cao Yuze, who washed clothes and folded quilts by himself in his college years, but had never cooked a meal It seems that Uncle Wang is also aware of his daughter's situation and wants to use force to break it.

"Anyway, if they don't apologize, I won't go back!" Wang Jiashu looked angry, as if she thought of something. She warned, "brother Yuze, you are not allowed to tell my family about me here. Otherwise, otherwise... "

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She wanted to find a way to threaten Cao Yuze. She found that she didn't seem to be able to threaten Cao Yuze. She looked around and saw the cat bag he was carrying in his hand. She suddenly found a breakthrough.

"Otherwise, I'll take away your Weiwei and let manager Lin train Weiwei so that he only likes you, but I don't like you!"


Although it's not the same thing at all, Cao Yuze, who has just recovered the cat, subconsciously tightens the cat on his hand. He has a little headache. Let such a young lady who doesn't know the hardships of the world live in the environment of a village in the city. He doesn't know it. Now he not only knows the other party, but also helps him find the cat. He can't really care about everything.

"OK, I won't tell them." Cao Yuze said helplessly, "but you have to promise that I can't run around and stay in the rented house at ordinary times..."

"That's the teahouse I always stay in." Pointing to the cat teahouse not far behind, Wang Jiazhu excitedly shared with him, "did you see the conditions for buying cats that manager Lin said before? I like a ginger in her shop. I want it! But the store manager said that I couldn't get the kitten's consent. Now I'm learning to take care of it and stay with it every day! By the way, the house I rent and the building where the teahouse is located are owned by manager Lin himself. Don't worry about my safety. I'm not stupid. How can I run around

Also, innocence doesn't mean being stupid.

It was manager Lin who was the owner of the building that surprised Cao Yuze, but he was soon relieved when he recalled the casual way of management he saw in the teahouse.

Isn't it that you dare to be so lax if you can't earn money and set such strict rules for buying cats? If it's a shop that wants to make money and holds such a good cat training method, it won't do it at all.

Think of this, Cao Yuze heart move, a want to give Lin store manager pull some business idea emerge, but soon down again.

It will be two weeks before the Chinese New Year. It's not too late to mention these things after the new year.

"You know it yourself." When Cao Yuze took the cat bag with him, he looked at Wang Jiaqiu, "when you were a child, you were too weak to go out to play. This time you are going to stay outside for a long time. You should pay more attention to all aspects. At home, you should be more careful in speaking and doing things. Manager Lin is a good person. If you have a good relationship with her, you won't lose. "

"You're shivering, brother Yuze. Go home with your Weiwei." Wang Jiatuo was the most impatient to listen to these nagging advice. From childhood, most of them heard that their ears were raw. "I'm an adult now. I know how to do things."

Would you run away from home if you knew?

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Cao Yuze said goodbye to her and went back to his car with his cat bag.

Wang saw the car driving on the road and left him alone. He went back to the teahouse happily. She was very happy to help her brother find the cat, but she didn't reveal where she lived and won't be taken back to school.

At the other end of the road, Cao Yuze called the Wang family.

"Is it Aunt Wang I'm Cao Yuze. Good afternoon I've found the child She's very good. She's playing with cats in a cat cafe, but she's losing her temper and refuses to go home I can't tell you where she is in the west city next door. I promise what she can't say. I can only tell you that she's living well by herself now She's learning to raise a cat now. She already has a sense of caring for people. Maybe next time we meet, we'll be surprised Oh, don't worry. You don't have to say that I will take care of it. After all, Jiaqiu is my sister who has been playing with me since I was a child. "

After a phone call, Cao Yuze let out a deep breath.

Turning his head, he looked at the cat bag with the safety belt tied to the front passenger seat. The Silver Tiger spot inside was sitting quietly. His round eyes looked curiously at the scenery in the front window through the small window. Cao Yuze's look softened suddenly.

"Just a minute, vivi. We'll be at our new home soon. We'll live there and never go back. "

At 5 p.m., the cat teahouse closed on time. Lin Lan ignored some customers' complaints that it should be open until 7 or 8 p.m. and what to do with the staff.

When all the guests are gone, Cheng Fengyang says goodbye and says that he wants to go home and change his clothes. When there are only his own people left, Lin Lan holds the puppet cat running to her and announces with a bitter expression: "comrades, why don't we take away the weekly cat show? Too many guests, so tired. "

At present, she is the only one who can make tea at the water bar. Xiao Song is able to learn, but the taste is not as good as her. Some picky tea makers who only want to eat and drink instead of cats will protest and make Lin Lan feel painful and proud.

But there are too many people at the weekend. She doesn't want to be so tired!The manager of the shop said that she didn't want to live as a social animal. She only wanted to open the cat teahouse to keep up with her parents' leisure shop. Why is it so hot that it doesn't look like a cat!

"No! There will be a lot less customers! " Tang Xiaoya immediately objected, the fun of every weekend can not be lost like this, "store manager, you open a shop to do business, do not want to make money, the store manager is not a good shovel excrement officer! The more money you have, the more canned cat food you can buy! "

Lin Lan lowered his head to think about today's turnover, lost in thought.

Song Xinmin doesn't have any opinions. Being busy one day a week is totally acceptable, but the store manager wants to be more relaxed. Of course, he works as a part-time employee. Besides praising or praising, the salary will not change anyway.

"Well, it should be once every two weeks." Just think of Tang Meizi's words. The kittens' daily food expenses are really a problem. After making the decision directly, she turns to the party who still has objection. "In other words, the general unit was very busy before the new year. How can you still have time to work part-time at the weekend?"

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Hearing this question, Tang Xiaoya's face was downy: "every month I take six days off. If this broken company still let me work overtime for the so-called Spring Festival holiday, my mother will immediately resign." When it comes to the end, the tone is ferocious.

There was a sudden silence at the scene. After a while, Lin Lan said: "well, what? Now you have a more and more harmonious relationship with mercury. If you work hard for a while, maybe you can really marry it home. Are you sure you want to move here? "

"Of course! I'll be able to move in soon after my lease ends next Wednesday! " Mentioning the beloved Maine cat, Tang Xiaoya was immediately happy. "No accident, I can get a small promotion next year, and my salary can be increased. When I move here, I can save a large amount of cat food for him." Maine cats are very edible. If you don't earn more, how can you afford to raise them.

It's true love.

Not only Lin Lan, but also song Xinmin, who had heard that Tang Xiaoya was working part-time for a Maine, was secretly feeling.

Three people are talking, the door was gently pushed open.

"Sorry, we're closed." Song Xinmin immediately went to say hello.

"I'm looking for Lin Lan." The person who came in was Qian Xuan, a tenant on the fourth floor. The girl's face was tired. When she saw Lin Lan, her face just showed some smile.

"What's the matter? You look tired. " Lin Lan rushed to meet him.

"Don't mention it. It's not continuous overtime." Qian Xuan stepped on the shoe membrane, found a cushion and sat down. She was so tired that she didn't care about her image. "It's like this every year. In order to make holiday for the Chinese new year, the company is either 956 or 957, and I'm 957. I work overtime for a week."

It's miserable. Lin Lan and Tang Xiaoya show sympathy for her at the same time.

"Don't say that, I have something to ask for you." Qian Xuan waved her hand and said, "the company named me to attend the annual report meeting at the headquarters of mordu. I have to go there for three days. I can't take Niuniu there. Can I put Niuniu here for foster care?"

The author has something to say:

Baiyin likes to call slaves, and Niuniu also likes to call slaves. Miss Wang is also in the Department of pampering.

The three of them make up today's synopsis.

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