I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 40: 40

Being urged to get married as soon as the Chinese New Year comes is a reserved program for modern Chinese young people.

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Today's young men and women have more ideas than those elders who find the right person when they are young. There are also many 30-year-old single people.

As the children get older and older, the parents who are used to their own mode of life are not in a hurry. They are not satisfied with their children's sermons. The seven great aunts and eight great aunts are also in the battle together, which makes the young people as miserable as the Monkey Sun who has been recited the curse, but they can't escape.

"It's miserable." Lin Lan Zaba looked at him sympathetically and said, "come on, just for a while. It's OK to survive."

The worried Xu Xiangfei couldn't help looking at her: "young master, you don't seem to have this trouble."

Strictly speaking, the daughter of the landlord's family is not a few years younger than herself. When he moved to the building, she was still working in mordu, and she didn't see each other several times a year. That is to say, this year, she didn't go out to work, so they met a little more. It's a matter of fact that they became friends from a few sides.

This face relaxed appearance, is not early in the devil have found the object?

"Yes, I did, but I divided it before I came back." Lin Lan waved his hand and said frankly, "my family has a small population, and my parents and relatives are open-minded. They don't care much about this. No one is in a hurry."

"Deceiving, how can there be middle-aged and old people who don't care about this?" Xu Xiangfei's face is unbelievable. He looks back with round eyes. Her expression is the same as Er ha Gouzi in his hand.

"Isn't that obvious?" Lin Lan also took it for granted, "it's not a matter of minutes if I want to find someone to get married on my terms. I don't have to worry about not getting married at all."

The young and beautiful girl was standing there, behind which was a six story building. Xu Xiangfei only felt that he had been stabbed heavily in the chest.

Yes, she is worried about marriage. As long as she sends out a message, even the family living in the opposite district will have a bunch of men of the right age to take the initiative to send them to the door!

"Young master, has anyone ever said that you are a little narcissistic?" Injured Xu Xiangfei covers her heart and accuses her of staring at her.

"Nonsense, I'm not." Lin Lan seriously refuted her tenant, "after all, everything I said is true."

The poor single dog, who is about to face an army of marriage reminders, regrets why he said this to others.

"I lost. Goodbye!" Xu Xiangfei bowed his head toward her and made a fist embracing gesture. He turned around and left, "little master, see you later!"

"Woof, woof!" With the master's action of pulling the rope, husky, who was pulled away, also yelled at her twice.

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"Easy to say, easy to say." Lin Lan smiles and waves to the person and dog who starts from the street. Unlike other renters who rush to the station, this one, because of this big dog, charter a car to go home every year. Anyway, life has always been very natural and unrestrained. "See you next year, Xu Xiangfei, and coke!"

When the tenants of a building are walking, new year's Eve comes as scheduled.

By this time, several members of the old Cheng family had been far away from the West City for two or three days.

There are no shopping malls, no Internet cafes, and no playground. Some of them only have the network cable that was pulled up a few years ago, the decorated big house in their hometown, and the cable TV that can't let the program go forward or backward at will.

In the spacious farmhouse, Cheng Fengyang is like a piece of dried salted fish slumped on the sofa. His eyes seem to be focused on his eyes. The drama channel on TV, which is being watched with relish by his elders, has actually been wandering in the sky.

Outside the house, a few kids were playing and running in the snowy yard, fighting in the snow, with a border shepherd and a rhubarb dog in the middle.

Naturally, the frontier herdsmen are the stars brought back by Cheng Fengyang. Their family has returned to their hometown, and they have private cars. Of course, they don't leave their dogs at home alone. The rhubarb dog is a dog owned by Cheng's grandfather. He is not good at guarding the house. Sometimes he takes over the work of rural cats and meddles with a few mice.

Unlike the old Lin family, whose relatives are all in Xicheng, the members of the old Cheng family are more prosperous. When he was young, old Cheng gave birth to three sons, including his grandfather Cheng Fengyang. Later, the three sons left home to develop their own lives. Cheng Fengyang's grandfather took root in Xicheng. Together with his wife, he built a quadrangle in the then backward Xicheng circle.

Grandfather Cheng doesn't have the same fortune as grandfather Lin. he made a fortune by doing business and bought a house. He and his wife worked together to build a house on their own. Maybe it's because they fought so hard when they were young that they both died when they were less than 70 years old. Only Cheng's father and his family were left to guard the courtyard and continue to live a plain life of neither poverty nor wealth until the later government planned the urban area. Although the other two brothers are still alive, they are all suffering from illness at an advanced age.

In contrast, Mr. Cheng and Mrs. Cheng, who have been staying in their hometown, are both in their nineties, but they are very strong and healthy. They can walk around the fields without breathing.

The eldest of the family is still alive. Naturally, all the children of the Cheng family will go back to their hometown in the countryside every Spring Festival.At this time of the year, this more and more open farmyard is very busy. The big and small peas are running around in and out of the house.

"Uncle Fengyang! Uncle Fengyang

Cheng Fengyang is loveless. A few diced beans, who had been snowballing in the yard before, all run over. The seven-year-old boy, who is the leader, bumps into the arms of the young man paralyzed on the sofa like a firefight. The momentum like a calf makes Cheng Fengyang almost breathless.

"What are you doing, Cheng Xiaozhuang?" The little boy's mother was also present, and immediately scolded, "I don't know that uncle Fengyang twisted his foot two days ago and it still hurts. You hit him! Apologize

The excited little boy shrunk his neck and said: "sorry, uncle Fengyang, I hurt you."

"It's OK, it's OK." Cheng Fengyang, who bared his teeth, stretched out his hand to make a comeback. "It's normal for children to have no sense of propriety. Don't scold me, sister-in-law."

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"Don't get used to them, Fengyang." Xiao Zhuang's mother doesn't give her son any mending. She is often annoyed by the skin kids at home. "You're twisted because you're involved by these smelly kids. You should give them tight skin if you don't stop celebrating the new year."

Just in the courtyard, a few kids who are crazy and happy shrink their necks in a moment. They are pitiful. They either watch Cheng Fengyang or Xiao Zhuang's mother.

When it comes to sprained feet, Cheng Fengyang also laments his bad luck. First, he was injured by hot pot red oil before he went back to his hometown. He managed to stay at home for a few days and took care of it. The next day he came back to his hometown, he was directly twisted by the bear children of his relatives.

It's a bad time, isn't it?

There were tears in my heart, but on my face, I still had to hang the elder's smile: "it's OK, sister-in-law, don't be angry, they all know that they are wrong. You see, these days, they dare not go to the ditch in the field to jump around. It's progress. Well, Xiaozhuang, Mingming and Tongtong, what can I do for you? " Didn't you go crazy with the dog before?

Xiaozhuang's Mingming immediately took the lead to speak: "Uncle Fengyang, just now Xiaozhuang said you brought pad back! We want to watch cartoons. Can you get them for us? "

Oh, I think of cartoon when I'm tired of playing with snow.

"OK, I'll show you." Cheng Fengyang's bag is on the side cabinet table in the living room. It's not far or near. If he is not injured, he can get it soon, but it's a little difficult now.

"I'll take it. Fengyang, sit down!" Xiao Zhuang's mother stopped him when she saw that he was going to take it by herself.

"No, I don't think it's necessary. I'm always paralyzed. I'm tired of bone pain. Let me move, sister-in-law." Cheng Fengyang waved his hand. He had already got up from the sofa. One injured leg was half hanging, and the other was jumping towards the wall.

Finally, he jumps to the side cabinet with one leg. Cheng Fengyang just reaches for his bag and hears a series of laughter from the children behind him. In the middle of the laughter, Cheng Xiaozhuang says, "grandfather and mother, look at the stars and rhubarb, they are learning from Uncle Yang!" Yell, where don't understand the reason, he immediately seconds speed back.

I saw the border shepherd and rhubarb dog, who came in with the children, hanging behind him, each carrying a front paw to learn how to walk.

"Hey! Two bad things Cheng Fengyang raised his hand to fight. The two dogs immediately turned around and ran away, but even if they ran away, they still carried a paw and limped away.

In an instant, all the people in the living room burst into laughter.

I'm so angry. Even the dog learns to laugh at him when he's hurt!

"It also proves that both stars and rhubarb like you very much, Fengyang." Great grandfather smiles to appease his angry grandson, "if you don't get close to people, you don't want them to learn."

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"Forget the closeness, granddad." Heavy grandson heart tired, back to the sofa, continue a face of life can't love, "I'm now a tiger down the sun by dog bullying ah."

His appearance only attracted more laughter from the elders.

"Yang Yang will be twenty-six this year, and twenty-seven in one night." Granny Cheng looks at her great grandson with a loving smile. Among the great grandsons, she is the best-looking, but she still hasn't returned her girlfriend. "I can't procrastinate any more. It's time to find a daughter-in-law next year."

"It's not." Hearing the topic of interest, Xiao Zhuang Ma, who adjusted the cartoon for the children, also answered with a smile, "your cousins, except Xiao Hui and Ping Ping, who are still studying, either have talked about the object or are married. In a few years, you can't delay any more."

"Yang Yang, do you have a girl you like?" Cheng Tai's grandfather was also concerned.

Of course, there is one, but people don't like him yet. Cheng Fengyang thought in his heart, but his words were not like this.

"Don't worry, my Lord. It's not easy for me to find my daughter-in-law." He deliberately straightened his back, and his new year's clothes made the young man's facial features look more and more handsome. He pretended to brush his bangs smartly. "You see I'm so handsome and have such good conditions. It's not a matter of minutes to want a daughter-in-law? Wait, I'm sure I'll bring a beautiful daughter-in-law back to my elders! "

"Oh! Uncle Fengyang is so narcissistic Cheng Xiaozhuang, who watched the cartoon, suddenly turned his head and made a face at his uncle, "don't be shy!""Son of a bitch, if you talk more, you'll be punished!"

There was another burst of laughter in the busy living room.

"It's getting late. The second grandfather's family should be almost here." At this time, little Zhuang Ma looked at the sky outside the house and suddenly said, "too milk, I went to the kitchen to light a fire and cook dinner."

"Let your mother, Fengyang's mother and Mingming's mother go together. More people work together. It's faster." Granny asked, "remember to take out all three stoves before making a fire and drive out all the cats sleeping in them."


As night fell, Cheng er's grandfather and his family came into the old house, just in time for dinner. This time, the old Cheng's family got together.

The elders and the juniors get together, and this reunion dinner is full of three round tables. The relatives sit together eating vegetables and chatting. The background music is still the Spring Festival Gala that has already started.

Even if many people don't like to watch the Spring Festival Gala, they still like to tune to this channel when they turn on the TV. It's also a pleasure to listen to a voice.

Among his peers, Cheng Fengyang, who is not married, naturally can not be squeezed into the heaviest table of taiyetainai. Moreover, because he is a single dog, he is once again squeezed out of the table of brothers and sisters with a family because of the lack of population, and reduced to the same table with a group of children.

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No, it's not.

I've escaped all kinds of daughter-in-law topics of elders and married peers.

Cheng Fengyang said that he had a good time at the new year's Eve dinner. These kids won't talk about those topics, will they?

As it turns out, he was happy too soon.

"Uncle Fengyang, when will you marry your daughter-in-law?" A 15-year-old cousin was grabbing his job and blinking at him. "My mother said that you will be 27 after tonight. It's very big. Haven't you got a daughter-in-law yet? "

Cheng Fengyang immediately felt that the drumsticks in his hands were not fragrant. He taunted his nephew and said, "don't worry about the adult's business."

"Uncle Fengyang, you are so bad!" My nephew, who was already in the third grade of junior high school, burst out laughing. "It's too bad that I haven't got a wife at the age of 27. When my father was your age, I was 3 years old!"

Cheng Fengyang silently looks at his cousin, who is just in the second phase of the project. He puts down his chopsticks. He just laughs at his cousin, a bear child who is a single dog. He shows his vigilance. Seeing him stand up, he is ready to run away at any time. But soon he found that the uncle did not come to beat him, but turned away: "I go to the toilet."

Leaning on crutches, the young man walked through the table as if nothing had happened and walked to the door of the living room.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found out the number of his college classmates who worked in the experimental middle school in the telephone book, and pressed the dial key.

In a few seconds.

"Hello, Junzi. Happy New Year Hey, man, it's been a good year How can I compare with you? I'm already a gold medal teacher. My social status is enviable Let's talk about it. Let's get together when we have time By the way, I'd like to ask you a little thing here... "

In a flash of time, two days have passed.

On New Year's Eve, my cousin, who had laughed at my cousin for not having a daughter-in-law, had already forgotten all about it. Before my cousin left, he quietly received a Shunfeng express in his hometown and took out a dozen thick test papers and exercises from the city key experimental middle school from the package to his parents. After that, he was shocked and indignant, and finally realized the seriousness of the consequences.

What is he doing to provoke a single dog without a daughter-in-law? It's not worth it in the world!

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