I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 43: 43

A few minutes later, in the old house of the Lin family, the young lady sitting on the sofa with jinjila in her arms was already smiling. The TV on the wall was broadcasting the variety show during the New Year Festival, mixed with her laughter from time to time. She could not see the emotion of crying on the second floor.

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"Come on, Xiao Wang, eat fruit!" Wang Xiuzhi took the cut fruit plate to the tea table and warmly entertained the girl.

"Thank you, aunt Lin." Wang Jiatuo immediately got up to thank him, a little embarrassed on his face, "I didn't say to bring some gifts when I visited suddenly..."

"No, No." Lin's mother waved her hand again and again. "You're a little girl here. It's lonely. Come here for a meal. There's no need to do that. My Lan Lan teahouse has been under your care these days. "

"Miss Wang, just sit here and watch TV." Lin Lan also said with a smile, "I will call song Xinmin up later."

Wang Jiayi yelled. There's no reason not to let Comrade Song come. Why don't you join us.

As soon as I made a phone call, I found that the family had already gone out to collect the wind, but I promised that I would come at dinner time.

"Won't song come?" Lin Mu who heard the phone asked.

"Well, in the evening." Lin Lan returned.

"That's just right." Lin's mother said as she went to the kitchen, "when I fry all the meatballs out, I'll make a pot of braised lion and serve it on the table at night. Old man, is the oil pan hot

"It's hot!" Father Lin's voice came from the kitchen, "it's starting to explode!"

With the sound of Zila frying, bursts of fragrance also came from the kitchen.

Lin's mother had already entered the kitchen. The two people sitting in the living room couldn't see the scene inside, but they could hear her and Lin's father's voice: "Why are your dough always big and small? Let's go. I'll be here. Go to mom's room and see if you can help me. The old lady said earlier that you should help her paste paper-cut on the balcony. Go quickly. "

The father of Lin, who was despised for his craftsmanship, came out dejected and met his daughter's smiling face: "Dad, you failed again?"

Lin Youyu is not convinced. He looks back at the kitchen and complains in a low voice: "in fact, what's the relationship between bigger and smaller? Isn't it the same when it's fried?"

But he was still heard in the kitchen: "old man, what do you say?"

"No! I'm going to help mom stick up the window The old father opened the door and ran away, leaving his daughter standing in the same place with a smile.

The air is filled with the smell of fried meatballs. Wang Jiayi holds jinjila in her arms and looks at the interaction of the Lin family. The embarrassment that had been relaxed because of the cat suddenly comes up again. Now she is sitting on someone else's sofa, holding someone else's cat, eating someone else's fruit, watching someone else's TV, and being invited to dinner. It's time to prepare

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"Meow --" (LAN LAN, it's delicious. I want to eat it!)

Jinjila, who has been sitting in Wang Jiatuo's arms, can't bear the fragrance and starts to meow restlessly. Seeing Lin Lan ignore it, Baiyin turns her head and presses her paw on Wang Jiatuo's shoulder, making a coquettish cry.

"Meow!" Slave, go and get me that food

It's impossible to eat a lion's head, and it's impossible to bark again.

"Silver seems hungry." Seeing the little cat's uneasiness and the fact that the eldest lady was busy with everyone, Lin Lan timely suggested, "do you want to accompany me to feed the cat and play with them?"

Big and small sister immediately in front of a bright: "can you?"

"Of course. All of them have just taken a bath. They are fragrant and soft

Now the teahouse doesn't open, but she can see the cats again, which is equivalent to a private shop! How excited!

As a result, Wang Jiayi happily follows Lin Lan and shifts her position. She has no sense of foresight that she is about to be ordered by manager Lin to set up the cat rice basin and wash the basin together.

As night gradually falls, when Comrade Song, who is going out to collect the wind, appears, the old Lin family will have dinner.

It's an experience that Wang Jiayi has never tried to celebrate the new year in other people's homes. People here don't have the crystal ceiling restaurant that she often sees at home, nor do they have the craftsmanship of a senior chef. What she sees on the table are ordinary dishes, but they are also delicious and warm.

"Xiao Wang, Xiao Song, all come to eat!" The elders invited them to pick up the dishes, with gentle kindness between their eyebrows and eyes.

"Thank you, Granny Lin!" Song Xinmin saw that his grandmother gave him a chicken leg, and quickly said thanks.

"Snow!" Lin Lan, sitting across from her, is lowering her head and scolding the big white cat under the table and chair, "you have eaten a lot of dried fish snacks before. Today, your eating has exceeded the standard. You can't ask your grandfather for food any more!"

The white garden cat purred at her, and even ran to Lin Lan's feet and rolled up.

"It's no use being coquettish!" Lin Lan is not moved, "come out, if you steal today, I will give all your snacks tomorrow to lanbao to eat!"

Coquettish useless, but also almost back deduction rations, big white cat bashful eyebrow drooping eyes ran to the living room area of the heating pad, the old honest really there dish into a ball, looking at the counsellor. All the cats around them turned to look at it. Although they looked at it, their expressions were very cold, but somehow there was a kind of light schadenfreude.Then Lin Lan looked up at the old father again: "Dad, you are also a little determined. Don't give it away as soon as it is coquettish. You will suffer if you eat a bad stomach."

Pretending to look left and right, father Lin can only laugh two times, which makes his wife and mother turn white.

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Wang Jiayi can't help laughing secretly. The room with the heating on is warm and pleasant. The new year's Eve is so happy that it will be more lively tomorrow night.

The eldest lady guessed correctly that the new year's Eve dinner of Lao Lin's family was more abundant, not only for people, but also for cats.

On New Year's Eve, she came to knock on the door with all the new year's gifts. Of course, so did song Xinmin. After they came in, they just paid new year's respects to each other and were called by manager Lin to feed the cat together.

Only by feeding these little guys first, they won't be attracted by the food on the table, and they can't help but secretly pick up vegetables.

"Store manager, today's cat meal is so luxurious!" Song Xinmin, who helped feed the cat, identified some intentionally unbroken pieces of meat in the cat meal. He was surprised when he found that the quality of the food was very high. "It's really a new year's dinner. Even if it's given to people, it's also a luxury meal!"

"Yes, once a year. I'll give them a tooth beating ceremony." Lin Lan returned.

The first lady didn't know much about maofan: "they all seem to like it. Is this maofan very good? I used to see other people's pets feed a lot of food, they are raw meat, raw and cooked which is good

"Well, all of them can be fed." Song Xinmin said, "but that's the feeding method of the local tyrant's family. Those raw bones and meat still have to make sure that there are no parasites and other things inside. It's not suitable for us and other civilians."

"Don't stare at them for dinner. Come and sit down. It's time for us to have dinner!" In the dining room area, Wang Xiuzhi greets the young people to have dinner.

The three immediately responded and took their seats.

"Wow, what a feast! There's my favorite salted duck

"Braised lion's head is delicious!"

"Duck leg is mine. You are not allowed to rob me."

"What a big man and grab something to eat!"

In the interval, Lin Youyu, the head of the family, raised his glass and stood up.

"Come on, I hope all of us here will be prosperous in the new year, the better! Cheers

Everyone also stood up together: "cheers

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"Cheers! Cheers On the balcony, the cockatoo, locked in a cage, flapped its wings and cried out, "here you are! Here you are

People looked back at it and burst into laughter.

On New Year's Eve, the house is full of fire. Only a few of the residents in the small building are on. The balcony of the third floor is on. Standing downstairs, you can hear the laughter pouring out.

The people in the building didn't notice that there was a black car downstairs. They quietly stopped, opened the window, listened to the laughter for a long time, and finally closed it slowly.

"I'm really worried about that girl." In the car, a lady sighed, with a happy smile on her face.

"No, Yuze heard that the child was crying again. He was afraid that she would stay at home and cry all the time on New Year's Eve. Now it's not in vain." The middle-aged gentleman next to the lady also laughed and shook his head. "Sure enough, people still have to make progress, and now they get along well with others?"

The young man sitting in the co pilot looked back at them, and his face was five points similar to Wang Jiayi's: "Mom and Dad, do you really just listen under the building like this? Why don't you go up and see your sister? "

It was the Wang family in the next city who sneaked in on New Year's Eve because they were worried that something might happen to their lovely girl.

"See what?" Seeing that his daughter had nothing to do with it, he still had a new year's Eve dinner at other people's home. Wang's father put away his soft heart and said, "just make sure she's OK. This girl's temperament was spoiled by you when she was a child. Now it's hard to have a chance to break it right. I don't allow you to make trouble at this juncture. All your previous achievements are wasted, but it's not over with you. "

The lady and the young man looked at each other and couldn't help but mourn for their spoiled sister. The family couldn't teach her, so dad was determined to let the society teach her how to be a man.

"Drive, go back." Wang Fu said, the driver started the car and drove to the road, "we should have a quiet New Year's Eve dinner without a little girl."

When the engine of the car rings, Wang Jiayi, who hears it on the third floor, feels familiar. When she looks back through the balcony window, she can only see the sporadic traffic on the road.

Illusion, how can cruel parents find it?

She shook her head and put the idea behind her. She turned to drink with Lin Lan and song Xinmin.

After dinner, Miss Wang didn't rush to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. She just helped to put the tables and chairs back in place. Then she went to the living room with Lin Lan to sit on the heating mat and enjoy the happiness of being surrounded by cats.

She and song Xinmin went home after playing twelve o'clock ShouSui successfully.

Lin Lan sees them off at the door. Song Xinmin greets them and leaves. Wang Jiajiao hesitates a little. She doesn't know whether it's because she's drunk or smoked by the heat. The young lady's face is red and her eyes are bright."Lin Lan, can I call you Lan Lan?" Wang Jiayi is really happy today, "I want to make a friend with you, you can also call me Jiayi."

Hear her words, Lin Lan suddenly some envy, the girl always put their likes and dislikes on the face, not the family gave enough to overflow love, can't cultivate such a character.

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"Of course, Jiayi, I'm glad to be your friend." She responded with a smile, deliberately joking, "but you can get a discount when you go to a teahouse, but silver won't give you a free ride."

"I didn't make friends with you for that!" "I just think you and your family are good people. I'll be happy to make friends with you," she said angrily

On New Year's Eve, Comrade Song sent a good man card. On New Year's Eve, Miss Song sent a good man card.

Lin Lan can't help touching his face. Does he really have a good face?

"It's getting late. Go back to bed."

Coax away the young lady, Lin Lan just turned back and closed the door. At 12 o'clock in the morning, her parents couldn't hold on to go to bed. There were only a group of night owls in the living room staring at her.

"Meow --" the orange cat gentleman suddenly called. LAN LAN, can I come into your room and sleep with you

Although kitten doesn't know about human festivals, it instinctively knows that it can eat a lot of delicious food on this day, and it can also make some requests, which are generally agreed.

Lin Lan was so stunned that she heard more cats calling.

LAN LAN, I want to sleep with you too

(me too! I want to sleep in your room

I want it too! I want it too

"Yes! that 's ok! I know! " Quickly stop their all kinds of meow, Lin Lan stretched out his hand to surrender, "come in to sleep, but don't disturb me, and don't disturb the things in my room, you know?"

After that, there was a string of meow people's assurance.

So when Lin Lan came into his room, he was followed by a group of cats.

In fact, she nodded bald. Snow and lambao usually sleep with her, and the duet snores a lot. Now there are more than ten cats Forget it. I'll sleep together tonight and make up for it tomorrow.

The daughter of the landlord's family fell into the sweet trouble of a large group of cats taking the initiative to accompany her to sleep. She may suffer from insomnia caused by the snoring of the Quartet. Outside the building, the Spring Festival is still forcing her to work night shift to maintain the server. Miss Yuanwei really wants to sleep.

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