I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 57: 57

Keeping pets can really change people's mental outlook, especially single people, such as Miss Wei.

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A single dog who didn't even find an object has now taken on the responsibility of grandma cat. At this time, she studies all kinds of matters needing attention in the family.

"I don't know what kind of kitten will be born a month later? If you grow up so lovely every year, its children should be beautiful, too? "

Looking at the hairy cat with a big neck in the bag, Miss Wei's eyes were full of longing.

Looking at such eyes, manager Lin stopped talking. She recalled the scene when she only picked up sapphire last year. She was sick for more than a month. It took her a lot of effort and energy to save it. Although granny Wei is unlikely to deliver sick cats, a litter of them is enough for her to drink.

Even if the kitten will be given away in the future, with a responsible attitude, it can only be sent out after three months of raising the kitten.

"Hard work for you, come on." Finally, manager Lin can only encourage his tenants.

It's only a month later that grandma's career has just begun.

In the teahouse, after solving the ball incident that song Xinmin met with Pat cat boss, peace returned.

Manager Lin's focus is on the kittens in the teahouse Well, to be exact, it's the opening of the teahouse. The cats go to brainwash the new cats No, the process of persuasion.

Lin Lan's arrangement for gray, the leopard cat, is like this. For the first three days, she let the cat out of the cage when there was no one in the shop, let it go out for activities or make exploratory contact with other cats, and when it is familiar with the whole teahouse environment, she will not pay attention to whether there are guests in the teahouse.

For the leopard cat, who is still on guard against human beings, the only one who can touch and hold it is Lin Lan. After getting familiar with the cat climbing on the teahouse wall, as long as a stranger comes in, the cat will leave the ground for the first time and hide on the high shelf close to the ceiling. It is afraid of people, not to mention Lin Lan's warning. It will not give strangers a chance to touch it. Of course, there is no way for the cat to scratch the guest event.

Because of the strong control of song Xinmin and Wang Jiayi, manager Lin also changed the leisure place where he always basks in the sun in the window to a small corner near the leopard cat.

Before throwing the pot Bah, it's the long web article that Yu Lingling borrowed from her account. It took junior high school students a few days to read it all. The day before yesterday, they came here with great interest to be an excellent class representative. They summed up the whole plot of the story and told Lin Lan.

Today, the winter vacation of junior high school students is over, and the school officially begins with schoolbags. At this moment, the school is just the scene of a large-scale horror movie full of people.

So, on the surface, Lin Lan made a pot of tea and sat there intently brushing his mobile phone. In fact, he was listening to the conversations of the cats overhead.

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Today, gray, the leopard cat, is also hiding in the high cat climbing frame to avoid the strange human coming in from time to time. After a few days of adaptation and the terrible human comforting that won't hurt himself, he won't be nervous and uneasy here. Even if a human with short eyes wants to catch it, it can easily avoid their Wuzhishan and jump to a high place to look down on them.

Hum, stupid human, don't try to touch it.

The kitten with leopard print all over her looks down at the tea customer, but she doesn't notice that her tail is swinging around leisurely.

When I came to the teahouse, it was the most comfortable and relaxing time for the leopard cat. There was a magical human who could talk to it. She would also provide delicious food and would never beat it. She would comb and massage it. Although she let her six black cats beat her at the beginning, and forced them to give her a hug, gray felt that it was not unforgivable that she had been waiting on her for so long.

Just like now, this human being is protecting it. After releasing it from the cage, she would always sit down near it and stop other humans from coming to hold it.

The little leopard cat is lying on the cat climbing frame, with its small head on the edge, keeping a high and cold expression while overlooking the human below.

All the other cats here seem to call her Lan Lan?

If this human can treat it like this all the time in the future, and let it call her along with them, it's not that

LAN LAN, she's super nice and gentle to us, isn't she

All of a sudden, there was a cat. It lay down next to itself, clawing at the edge of the climbing frame and looking down.

Leopard cat looks at it. It's a long and thin cat with the same body shape as it. It can fight without threat. It also sniffs the smell of it. Although it has some strange human smell, it's the one below that has the strongest smell and doesn't hate it.

So the leopard cat didn't move.

It seems that the same people here are very enthusiastic. Every time it is fixed, there will always be a cat coming to smell it. But gray, who has always been on guard before, will not let people close to him. Of course, he will not let the cat close to him. No matter who comes, he will subconsciously avoid it. In recent days, it has improved.Who are you Gray looks at the cat next to him with his tail.

My name is pudding. It's my mother's name The cat who came over replied that it was Abyssinia cat pudding, one of the only two domestic cats in the teahouse who had no wandering experience at present.

The pudding, which has been kept by the family since childhood and has never been wandering, is very gentle. The soft smell without aggression makes the leopard cat have no idea of vigilance and escape. Instead, it adapts to each other's friendly expression and communicates with each other.

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In other words, leopard cat is interested in its current owner, Lin Lan, and is willing to ask for information from Abyssinian cat.

The pudding goes on: (I heard Lan Lan say that you were picked up in the cat shop like me. My mother has been very kind to me since she picked me up. Later, in order to protect me, she sent me to Lanlan.)

Leopard cat suddenly stood up: (how can you call a human mother! My mother can never beat me, and there is no unpleasant smell on her body!)

(that's because I was born because I was taken away by my mother to take care of myself because of my weakness. Not every human has a smell that we hate Gray, where are you going!)

Before the pudding was finished, leopard cat ran away and hid in another place.

Manager Lin, sitting at the bottom, pokes at his mobile phone. Oh, the pudding failed. It's a good start, but the topic has stepped on thunder.

Gray would have had a human mother who loved her very much. As a result, because of the smell problem, her mother became a stepmother. The conflict between man and cat has become a childhood shadow of little leopard cat. It's really troublesome.

But there's no way. Once the kitten's character has been shaped, it's really not easy to change it again. We can only take it slowly.

In the other corner of the teahouse, a pair of cat eyes watched the direction the leopard cat left.

(LAN LAN is right. The new meow is a little hard to deal with.)

All the time, there are other cats under observation who communicate silently. Cats with different personalities have different opinions.

(the new comer just sticks to Lan Lan these days. He's scheming. He hates it.)

(don't say that. When he is advised to hunt cans with us, he won't just stick to LAN LAN.)

(that is, you can't give up even if it's just for the sake of small fish.)

Kittens exchange information, actively prepare for war, ready to capture the stubborn leopard cat. Among the cats, only the black cat Legion was very slack. They were either held by tea customers to ask for cans, or they were lying around yawning lazily.

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Persuading leopard cat? What's that?

LAN LAN has said before that it's OK to have a beating for disobedience. What's the use of persuading so much trouble?

It's the only official cat violence organization in the teahouse. It's so simple and rude today.

Manager Lin, who understands the meaning of black cats, also wipes his sweat and orders seriously that their "Wuquan" is the last trump card, which can't be used until the last moment. Now it's better to let other breeds of cats who have experienced domestic cats just try "Wenquan".

The leading kitten pudding persuasion failed, and the follow-up kittens continued to follow up.

In the afternoon, another tea customer came in, and the ringing of the bell at the gate made the leopard cat lying on the high ground shaking its triangular ears.

All of a sudden, it smelled a fresh smell from its nose.

That's the taste of food!

Leopard cat opened her eyes and stood up. Facing the smell, you can see a silver graduals standing in front of it with a dried fish in its mouth and wagging its tail.

(hey, newcomer, would you like to try this? It's delicious!)

Although gray is slightly vigilant, his eyes are still staring at the food. The tempting smell of the cat makes him lick his mouth.

Silver layer cat candy put the cat bar in front of gray, just about to have the next action, a tea customer on the ground has been very excited to cry.

"Oh, milk candy, you have love. I said, why did you suddenly snatch dried fish from my hand? Was it for my companion?" The tea customer looked at the two cats curiously, and his eyes focused on the leopard cat. After two rounds of shuttle, he was very surprised. "When did this shop enter the leopard cat? It's so beautiful! Kitty, would you like a can? I have more here! "

It's nothing to be robbed of dried fish by a cat. The tea maker said that there are other magic tools to lure cats.

After the can of cat was opened, it swayed around the leopard cat. The meat in the can smelled better.

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Gray didn't move. He was watching the people below.

Do you want to eat Seeing that it didn't move, the candy suggested, and then jumped off the climbing frame three or two times. As a demonstration, the whole cat began to rub the tea customer's legs. From time to time, it would stand up and pull the customer's trousers to make a coquettish meow.

Leopard cat shouts no for a long time, and the tea customer is attracted by the silver layer again almost immediately, and directly gives the canned milk candy to eat.

Milk candy did not say patronize their own to eat, but eat a few mouthfuls, then toward the top of the leopard cat called up.

(look, Canning is easy, isn't it? You also come down together, as long as you listen to Lan Lan's advice and don't catch people, you can definitely eat a whole can of a cat!)

The kitten's posture of calling friends to share while eating was so cute that the tea customer's blood trough was empty again. She couldn't help reaching out and touching it again. She was happy to praise: "the milk candy is really good. She also knows how to leave good things to her companions. It's really a little angel!"Manager Lin, who knows all the truth

When he looked up again, Lin Lan saw that leopard cat had left the original cat climbing position and hid in a more hidden place.

Obviously, the food persuasion also failed.

However, the dried fish with the sugar disappeared.

Seeing this, Lin Lan can't help bending his lips.

The project of persuading leopard cat to join the teahouse team is still going on. The kittens who used to eat and sleep in the teahouse seem to find new fun. They pounce forward and then gather around gray, so that Lin Lan can see some scenes of coke from time to time.

There is no obvious effect of persuading people to be closer to each other, but it is true that leopard cats become more and more familiar with other cats.

In addition to making the cats work hard, the human side didn't say anything and didn't do anything. After that, Lin Lan began to let song or Jiayi take turns to deliver food to the leopard cat, and let it get used to the smell of other people to realize that most human beings don't beat cats.

In this daily life, Xicheng gradually enters the early spring of March.

At the beginning of the spring flower, Lin Lan receives a call from Cheng Fengyang, who finally has time to rest after serving Party A's father.

LAN LAN, let's go out for dinner! 】The voice of the people on the phone is bright and cheerful, [we have been working overtime these days, but we have no time to have a good meal. Let's go to the restaurant and eat grilled fish together! I have a business I want to introduce to you! 】

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