I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 71: 71

When the cat suddenly said this, Lin Lan was silent.

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She can coax the kitten's trust, coax it to stay in the cage, coax it to eat happily and grow up well. But when he heard that his mother cat was dead, Lin Lan suddenly didn't want to cheat her.

"It can't eat." So after a while of silence, Lin Lan said directly, "little Hydrangea, listen to me. Your mother died because she was seriously injured. She can't eat any more."

The matter between the kitten and the mother cat is not as easy to deal with as huamaoqiuqiu and Uncle Li who died of illness. The kitten saw the death of the mother cat with her own eyes, not like Qiuqiu who didn't see anything. Even if she doesn't understand it now, she will understand it later.

The most important thing is that this kitten will definitely continue to eat like this before she understands the truth of death. Eating anything will save more than half of her behavior, which is absolutely impossible.

"Little Hydrangea, do you know what death means? If you die, you won't move, cry, get up and lick your hair, let alone eat. "

The bleak cry of a milk cat suddenly came from the compartment. It was loud and sorrowful. Wang Jiayi, who had been staring at there all the time, was startled. Subconsciously, she stood up and wanted to go there.

It's just that as soon as I got to the door of the compartment, the door opened itself first. She saw Lan Lan holding a small cage with a hydrangea cat in one hand, and the other hand carrying the belt of the female cat's body. When she saw her outside, she came directly.

"Jiayi." Lin Lan handed all the things to Wang Jiayi, and then went to get the gloves and spades and other tools for arranging the garden. She said directly, "let's go. Since you are determined to raise the little Hydrangea ball, which is also the body of the female cat you brought back in person, let's do all the things behind. Let's send her mother to meow star with the little Hydrangea ball."

The 3-month-old little Hydrangea cat lies in the cage and cries to the cloth bag with the female cat. It doesn't stop until the cloth bag and the cat cage are carried together. Its small body is closely attached to the cloth bag across the cage.

Wang Jiayi doesn't know how many times her eyes are red. What she can do now is to put the little Hydrangea closer to her mother. No matter how close it is, the cat corpse has begun to rot gradually. The little Hydrangea whose whole body has been cleaned and disinfected can't be like before.

"So Does it really matter? " Walking on the road, Wang Jiayi doesn't know what to say. After that, she has to watch the mother cat buried in the soil. Will it bring psychological shadow to the kitten.

Lin Lan looked back at her and put her eyes back on the road: "then you look down on the cat. Although Hydrangea is a kitten, it is also a real stray cat. The mother cat who sheltered it died. If we didn't take it away, the cat might be confused for a while, but it would still understand how it happened quickly. As the offspring of stray cats, death should be the least unusual and the best thing they can do to avoid. "

As Wang Jiayi breathes, she suddenly remembers that Lin Lan would move cat food to feed the stray cats every once in a while. After that, song Xinmin often went to help. Only because she was coquettish and responsible for the food in the teahouse, she never went. Now I think that everyone in the shop knows more about the stray cats than she does.

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Take a look at this bony kitten, and then look at the body of the female cat sealed in the bag. When I went to the pet clinic, Dr. Liu took a look at the body of the cat and said that it was a fight with other animals that seriously injured her to death. The young lady, who was used to the elegance and beauty of pet cats, suddenly realized that the environment of stray cats was more cruel than she imagined.

The two humans walked on the road in silence, and the hydrangea cat lying in the cage was still. It was leaning on her mother's side, and her little head couldn't understand.

Mingming's mother took it to look for food when she could still move. They fought for food as usual. When her mother gave it the food, she told it that she was tired and wanted to sleep. Why didn't she wake up after lying down.

Later, his mother couldn't move, so he went to find food by himself and brought it back to his mother as his mother did to him, but his mother never ate it.

Until it was suddenly caught by the two legged animals that came out, a two legged animal who could talk to it told it that his mother was dead. He told it carefully that he would not lick his hair, teach him to hunt, move and shout. Hydrangea, who has been hunting alone, suddenly understood the meaning of death.

In fact, when I was with my mother, I didn't see it. It's just that Hydrangea never realized that it was just a kitten protected by her mother.

The two legged beast told him that in the future his name would be Hydrangea, and another two legged beast would feed and take care of him instead of his mother. In exchange, they would help his mother send him to meow star and let him say goodbye to his mother.

What is farewell? Hydrangea doesn't know. Where is meow star? Bipedal tells it that it is a world where all cats will never be hungry and all cats will never have to worry about food. Hydrangea is now doing the job of sending her mother to meow star. Bipedal says, it's also a farewell.

When Lin Lan and Wang Jiayi stop at a quiet corner that few people walk through, they dig a small tomb for the female cat and send it in. During this period, the kitten in the cat cage is watching without blinking. Only when the female cat is buried in the pit and filled with earth, she cries constantly, and the rest of the time is very quiet.After this little ceremony, they packed up their tools and went back.

"I told Hydrangea that you will take care of it instead of its mother. You will always be together." When Lin Lan raised the cage and handed it to Wang Jiayi, she suddenly said, "Jiayi, you have to count your words carefully. Hydrangea is really good."

Wang Jiayi holding the cage did not speak, just red eyes hard nod.

In the teahouse, Cheng Fengyang was empty in the morning and almost empty in the afternoon. Fortunately, Xiao Song's staff told him that this time he would not go out for a long time, and it would only be an hour at most. Designer Cheng just sat down to wait for the cat.

Sure enough, the workload should be appropriately reduced. If this goes on, the daughter-in-law will not be able to catch up.

With the cat in his arms, designer Cheng raised his hand to roll the cat from head to tail, frowning and reflecting that he shouldn't let the company make a list for him.

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During this period, of course, he was not idle. He learned what Lin Lan was doing today from Song Xinmin, who had been familiar with him for a long time. He went shopping with the young lady and brought back a kitten. Now the second time he went out was to collect the body for the kitten's mother.

I only hate that I'm always a little late. Otherwise, with this physical work, I'm sure he can follow me!

The young man in the strangler's hand made a bigger move to turn the silver in his arms into a white cat cake.

At this time, the bell of the teahouse door rang, and it was the two men who came back, carrying the kitten with sad expression, obviously because they were sad about the mother cat.

Cheng Fengyang didn't like Lin Lan's expression. Subconsciously, he asked Xiao Song in the water bar for two cups of milk tea for them.

"Everyone is happy." Put the teacup on the table where they sat, Cheng Fengyang pointed to the kitten in the cage beside him and said, "you did a good deed today, didn't you? To help a baby cat have a better new life is not counting, but also for its mother to do after care. In the future, both kittens and you can continue to live a happy life. Why are you so unhappy? Is there anything unpleasant about it? "

Lin Lan and Wang Jiayi are all in a daze. They all look up at him.

It seems to be true that when they met Hydrangea, the female cat had already died, and there was no such regret that the treatment was ineffective. What's more, they saved a kitten in danger for the female cat, so that she could not continue to live a life-threatening wandering life.

"In the future, Hydrangea will go home with Miss Wang, live a rich cat's life, and turn over from the bottom to the upper class. What's the unhappiness?"

Cheng Fengyang's last sentence completely amused the two girls, especially Wang Jiayi herself. While laughing, she suddenly said: "yes, it seems that it is true."

His witty words broke up their worries and soon became clear.

"That's it, hydrangea." Wang Jiayi gently patted the cat cage beside her, "after you and silver obediently come home with me, I will always accompany you."

Hydrangea is not a teahouse cat, but because the first lady is in the shop, she should stay in the teahouse until she leaves. The first lady takes the initiative to deduct the food expenses from her salary. Of course, Lin Lan has no opinion about it.

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Having solved the problem of Hydrangea, she felt that the first lady should now face a new problem.

"I don't know if the delicate silver and the small but fierce Hydrangea can get along? The character of these two cats can be said to be totally extreme. " Gradually changed to eat melon mode, store manager Lin and designer Cheng murmured about the new program, "do you think these two cats look like the rich and powerful young lady on TV and the strong and independent bitter love flower are in the eaves of a wealthy family?"

Cheng Fengyang was very happy when he heard it. He immediately said, "I'll make five bets. According to the routine of TV series, in the early stage, the rich and noble young lady will win a lot, and in the later stage, the strong and bitter flower will win." He is in the same state of mind with Lin Lan now, but he is also puzzled, "if the two cats under the eaves don't agree with the excrement shovelling officer, it will be very difficult. Don't you plan to remind her to pay attention immediately?"

"Don't be in a hurry." Lin Lan shakes her head. She still remembers why she was pulled out to go shopping by the young lady this morning. "She has more important things to do now than the two cats."

In the teahouse during the day, the happiness faded away in the evening when she closed the shop and returned home. Wang Jiayi went back to her house with the hydrangea ball. After closing the door, her face was only uneasy.

Looking down at the little Hydrangea she took home to take care of herself, Wang Jiayi's eyes turned red.

She took the cat out of the cage and put it in her arms. She sat on the sofa and struggled for a while, but still picked up her mobile phone and pressed a series of very familiar numbers.

The speed of telephone connection is faster than expected. Originally, she thought that her new strange card number would wait for a long time when she called her father's private mobile phone. As a result, she was connected in less than two seconds.

Is it Jiayi? 】It was Dad's voice, a little anxious, a little excited. She realized that she had not seen her for a long time 】

[give it to me! 】Before the man finished, he was robbed of his cell phone, and the woman's voice came from inside! Baby, you don't call home for nearly half a year. Don't you know we will worry? Suddenly call back is money spent? Mom will transfer it to you right away It's all your father's fault. I told you at the beginning that one million is not enough for you 】What nonsense! 】You can hear Wang's father's bad temper from a distance. [at the beginning, you all agreed to let her change it. Now, as soon as you get the phone call, you immediately change your tune. I'm the only one in my family to be a bad person? Ask your daughter's new card number. I'll transfer the money to her right away. It's almost enough to be a waiter for more than two months. 】

[sister, my parents are always jealous. He said that if you have time to contact Cao Yuze and return the video to yihangfa, you won't even send one to their circle of friends. It's nearly half a year now. You've taken the initiative to contact your family. It's not easy. 】

in a flash, Wang Jiayi's tears rolled down.

"Dad, mom, brother --" listening to the concern of her family and looking down at the hydrangea ball in her arms, Wang Jiayi has never felt ashamed for herself like this moment, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry - I always let you worry about me, but I don't feel it at all, I'm sorry --"

as soon as she answered the phone, she came back to her daily life after she left home, complaining that only Guan was left in the end The words of the heart, what these mean, Wang Jiayi knows better than anyone.

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At this moment, except for apologizing, she doesn't know what to say for her self willed.

Her sudden apology and sad cry made the other end of the phone panic.

Why did you cry all of a sudden? Who bullied you? Good girl, don't be afraid, there's a father! Dad, go to your side right away! 】

[mom and your brother will be there soon, baby, don't cry, tell mom what happened, we will help you immediately! 】

listening to the anxious voice on the phone, Wang Jiayi's tears are more fierce.

"No, no one bullied me!" She sobbed and shook her head. "Dad, I miss you! I really want to see you

The little sister, who had not seen her for nearly half a year, cried and called to say that she missed them. The Wangs were not willing to delay, so they immediately drove to Xicheng.

They know the place where their daughter lives now. When Wang Jiayi didn't know it, she had come to see it several times secretly, and the drivers were familiar with it.

Just different from the previous wait-and-see, this time, the Wangs all formally appeared. When the dark Maybach stopped at the bottom of the building, it shocked many passers-by after work.

Lin Youyu, who slowly closed the canteen and was ready to go upstairs for dinner, was also startled. When he found that all the people in the car had entered the second floor of his small building, he realized later that it was the rich lady's family who had found him.

After returning home, he couldn't wait to share it with the rest of the family, and felt his head to express his feelings: "Oh, it's really delayed. Last winter, it was almost summer, so someone came to pick it up."

"Young man, he is willful. However, although Xiao Wang is a little bit coquettish and stubborn, he has a good character and is not a person who can't bear hardships. " Granny Lin sat there and said, "it's good to make up now. There's nothing that can't be said about the whole family."

Wang Xiuzhi in the kitchen, after listening, looked at the same girl who helped with the meal: "this is to say that Xiao Wang will go back soon?"

"Mom and Dad, I'm not going back for the time being." On the second floor, Wang Jiayi, who had been crying bitterly, shook her head at her parents' hands. "Now I have something I want to do. I want to help those stray cats, and I want to continue learning with LAN LAN."

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