I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 78: 78

Gray used to be a very "brave" cat. When his first owner abused him, he had a successful escape record. This time, because of the second injury of the cat thief, although she appeased him, the timidity of the cat still prevailed, leading to his second escape.

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It's no surprise that cats can open the door and handle. Smart cats can do it, but Lin Lan never thought it would happen to her one day.

At that time, the door handle should not be long handled. It's better to use a round handle. The cat can't jump down. When Lin Lan is introspecting herself, her father and mother are more worried than she.

"I have to find it quickly! The cat is worth more than 100000 yuan. It was stolen once, but it can't be lost again! "

My parents had a simple mind. They used to think that the cat looked like a leopard. This time, when the thief stole it, the police found out how expensive the cat was. Two or three of them could make a down payment. They have no feelings for the cat. They naturally start from the price. They really don't want the mobile RMB to be lost.

"Why did you let the cat run away?" Wang Jiayi stamped her feet anxiously, "where can I find it?"

"It's hard to find a cat when it's lost. Song Xinmin, do you know where it's gone? Let's make sure of an area and find it at once. " Tang Xiaoya urged.

This problem is really difficult, at least Xiao Song was embarrassed: "when I found out, it had already run away, only the open door and the back window. And if ash hadn't sat by and yelled at me, I wouldn't have realized that gray had run

He's the only one in the shop. It's normal that he can't take care of everything.

"It doesn't matter. It's not your responsibility. I shouldn't let you stay alone." Lin Lan first made a statement to appease song Xinmin, who was extremely upset because he lost his valuable cat. "The sun is big, we all go back to the teahouse first."

Lin Lan knows cat language, and naturally knows where these kittens usually say that they are stupid and smart. Gray's cat chooses that she is not running away today, which may be intentional.

Moreover, song Xinmin also mentioned gray before. Since this Russian blue cat was fooled by her special effects cat in the movie, she always felt that as a fellow cat, it could also be regarded as an agent meow, and took gray as an imaginary enemy to provoke him day by day. This discovery was also the first to give song a hint when leopard cat ran away.

Manager Lin quickly had a plan to deal with it, and immediately focused on ash.

"Gray, gray is gone. Do you know what happened?" Back at the teahouse, Lin Lan picked it up and began to ask the way.

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The slender and petite blue eyed cat immediately called to her: "meow! Meow (I know, I know! Today I heard it say don't stay in human territory, want to go to the wild to be a stray cat! Then after you left, he kept staring at Song's excrement shovel. At last, I saw him run away while song's excrement shovel was shoveling excrement for human beings

A crackling complaint, gray tone that is very excited, but manager Lin is for the sentence "Song shovel excrement in the human shovel excrement" face twitch, but at this time had to temporarily let go of this problem, turn to other.

"Grey, as a Russian Blue who is determined to become a special agent, I have one important task entrusted to you, which is to help me find grey the leopard cat. Are you going to accept the task? "

Lying in Lin Lan's arms, the blue cat immediately half stood up, pointed ears straight up: "meow!" Leave it to me! I recognize its smell and know where it's going

In fact, in terms of olfactory sensitivity, cats have a better sense of smell than dogs. There are more than 240 million olfactory cells in cats, which are more than 20 million olfactory cells in dogs with the best sense of smell. Unfortunately, cats have not been fully domesticated by humans so far. In terms of obedience Well, maybe there's not much obedience at all. Anyway, it's much worse than dogs. Naturally, it's more convenient for humans to use dogs to find people or things.

Now, in the case of Gray's loss, manager Lin has the honor to invite a special agent meow to help him find the cat.

"Grey, you have to think about it clearly. To accept the task, you need to go outside the teahouse to contact with the outside world. Although I will definitely protect you in the back, are you really not afraid?" Lin Lan confirmed for the last time.

At the beginning, Huihui didn't remember that he was going to the outside of the safe area. Instinctively, he shrank his neck and thought about his goal. Then he straightened up again: "meow!" (I'm a special agent meow. I'm not afraid that the outside world will pay attention to meow! I'm not afraid of being captured before. I'm much braver than gray

So in order to lose the cat event anxious other people soon saw Lin Lan holding ash will go out.

"It's not long since gray got lost. The smell is all there. I'll ask gray to help me find it. I think I can get it back soon. I'll call you if I have something to do

In order not to waste time, manager Lin explained these and went out directly.

While the stunned people are still digesting the shocking news that "Lin Lan actually used a cat to find a cat" and "when a cat can be used as a police dog", Cheng Fengyang has chased out for the first time.

"Lan Lan, wait for me. I'll accompany you. It's easier to find a cat!"

The sun is very big at noon. Basically, people are not willing to go out unless necessary. For example, there are fewer people on the street than at other times, which gives Lin Lan and gray a lot of convenience.As a domestic cat with a fixed site, Huihui is a little afraid after coming out, but after all, she remembers that she has been wandering. With the belief of "secret agent meow" and the protection of excrement shovel, Huihui can barely overcome her fear.

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"Meow!" (it goes this way!)

Smelling the residual smell of the ground, gray called to Lin Lan a few steps away. Lin Lan understood, and Cheng Fengyang, who came up next to her, could only guess the meaning from its movements.

"Well done, ash, keep looking!" Lin Lan is in the back to cheer up the kitten.

The praised ash's uneasy heart was suddenly inspired, and she was more energetic to find the smell of the cat. Following the direction of the smell clues, she jumped on the wall of a wall, bowed her head and sniffed, and then went on.

When Lin Lan saw the cat jumping on the wall, her face was stiff, but she could only follow her.

Seeing her reluctant expression, Cheng Fengyang couldn't help wondering: "what's the matter with you? Isn't it good that gray can smell gray?"

Lin Lan did not answer directly, but said: "you will know later."

After chasing ash to the back, Cheng Fengyang sees the cat jumping on the roof of a two-story residential building. In addition to hearing the cat's cry, he can't see the cat even with his neck up. Finally, Cheng Fengyang understands why Lin Lan's face changes.

We're going to start again. We're going to run after the catwalk.

What's the experience of looking for cats around in the hot summer midday sun? The parties Lin Lan and Cheng Fengyang said that it is not sweating, face hot red, lips dry skin can describe.

In any case, a muscle of gray along the smell of gray, walking a high difficulty cat road around the small half of the West City, but also with tragic after the two two two legged beast, tired of breathing, finally found Gray's trace.

This leopard cat's position is very eye-catching and easy to find.

Because it is on the top of a birch tree about six or seven meters high, meow and scream. Under the tree, there are several stray dogs barking at it.

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It has been said before that the cat's nose is very sharp. After smelling Lin Lan's smell from a long distance, gray mews louder as if he had found a savior.

(Lanlan, Lanlan, help me! Those dogs are terrible! They're going to eat me. Get rid of them

Embarrassed to wipe a chin gathered sweat, Lin store manager in the other hand was also scared by the dog straight to her arms drilling ash, suddenly feel this scene a little relief.

Still think humans are terrible? Still want to steal away to find freedom?

Oh, I don't know if this freedom has been found. Anyway, the reality of a vicious fight comes first.

"Fengyang, I just saw a snack bar nearby. Can you help me buy some sausages or chicken legs?" Lin Lan asks Cheng Fengyang.

The young man looked at the cat in the tree and the wild dogs over there. Naturally, he understood Lin Lan's intention. He nodded: "Lan Lan, wait for me. Don't pass easily. It's not good to be bitten."

Lin Lan nodded with a smile: "don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

After Cheng Fengyang was separated, Lin Lan began to shout from the leopard cat in the tree: "gray, don't you mean to be free? He ran away without saying a word. Why do you call me to help you now? You don't want me to be a excrement shoveling officer. "

The leopard cat whines even more tragically: "meow, meow, meow, meow, meow" (I don't have it! I didn't want you, LAN LAN! I just ran out of fear! I don't dare any more. I will stay at home in the future. Lan Lan, please help me! I'm also your cat. You've touched my belly. You can't ignore me!)

This mode of begging for mercy is so familiar that Lin Lan can't ignore it. However, the same set of emotional cards can be directly overturned by Lin Lan. The little leopard cat comes out. Manager Lin Just forgive it once.

"You promise not to run away next time?"

I promise not to run

"I promise I won't open the door when I'm not prepared?"

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I'll never jump up to open the door again

"Is it more comfortable to hunt cans in a teahouse, or is it better to hunt outside?"

(teahouse, teahouse! It's terrible outside, whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine! Let you nervous escape from the comfort zone, now or obediently beg to come back? Hum hum.

Cheng Fengyang bought a bag of food and mineral water. Because he was anxious to find the cat, he was afraid to chase further and further. They didn't even dare to drink a mouthful of water all the way. Now they can finally replenish their physical strength and water.

Lin Lan and his wife poured half a bottle of water and ate something. Then they began to seduce the stray dogs with the rest of the chicken legs and ham.

"I'll do it. You're not fit." Cheng Fengyang snatched the food Lin Lan wanted to take. "I have a dog at home. I know better than you, so don't rob me."

His face insisted, Lin Lan had to retreat: "then you be careful."

Cheng Fengyang waved his hand to show that there was no problem. He was directly near there.

"Bang bang, dogs, come and see what this is?"There's no need for Cheng Fengyang to say anything at all. When he waved the unpacked food, the stray dogs who had already smelled the fragrance had already diverted their attention from the cat in the tree and looked at him. They wag their tails. They are eager for food, but they are afraid of human beings. Their claws move restlessly. They dare not come forward to eat.

Cheng Fengyang didn't let them be embarrassed. He shook the food in his hand. Seeing their heads swinging, he threw the food away like a Frisbee. In an instant, the wild dogs ran after the food.

"Well, now the cat is safe." Clapped hands, Cheng Fengyang a face proud, "Lan Lan, you quickly let gray down."

In his heart, the cat can be so agile on the ground tree, down is certainly fast. Results leopard cat did not move, Lin Lan is also a helpless face.

"Fengyang, it's not like that." Lin Lan explained to him, "as for the cat, it can actually go up the tree, but it can't go down."


Cheng Fengyang's face was muddled, and Lin Lan could only say: "if you recall carefully, did you find that some cats climbed high in your memory, and the results were all news or news of artificial rescue?" Seeing that Cheng Fengyang's face changed from stupefied to stunned, he nodded, "yes, it's also afraid of heights."

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