I Can Talk to Cats

Chapter 9: 9

Dad's private money is very clever. There are holes on the front and back of the latex pillow. What he puts is the hole on the back. He can't hurt himself when he sleeps. Even if Mom cleans up the room, she can't find it and hide it here.

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But he forgot that he would change the pillowcase after sleeping for a long time, even if it was latex pillow.

Look at the hole that filled most of the pillow area. My father's money has not been saved for a day or two. Now, once found, not only the Treasury is empty, but also he has to face the unknown storm.

No, no, Dad loves her so much, she can't let him fall into such a tragedy!

"Mom, what..." Lin Lan opened her mouth carefully, trying to use words to ease her mother-in-law's mood, for fear that she would suddenly break out in silence and rush downstairs to find her father to settle the accounts, "this money..."

Wang Xiuzhi looked up at her daughter and then laughed: "do you think I will fight with your father?"

"No, no..." Lin Lan denied it awkwardly.

Wang Xiuzhi is an old God. She puts the pillow core on her knee and picks out several small holes. In a flash, four or five pieces of grandfather Mao are folded together and put into the pocket. The rest of the pink note didn't move. Not only did she not take it away, she also picked up the pillow case she had left aside and put it back on.

This set of operation let Lin Lan completely confused, and listen to his mother continue to command: "Lan Lan, ah, pillow case and sheet is not dirty, we do not wash, change a quilt cover on the line."

As she spoke, she repositioned the pillow at the head of the bed.

Lin Lan was completely confused by her unexpected reaction: "Mom, don't you take them all away? Why... "

"Silly boy." Wang Xiuzhi looked back at her and saw her daughter's confused face, laughing even harder. "Men, if they don't have any money on hand, they will always be in a panic. If they want to hide, let them. As long as the bottom line of principle is not involved in getting married, it's nothing to turn a blind eye to some things. "

Hearing her mother say so, Lin Lan thinks that although her parents always quarrel, the real red face quarrel rarely happens. She can't help nodding her head. It seems to be this principle. If husband and wife haggle over everything, they are really tired. As long as they don't go too far, they can live in harmony.

This is the wisdom of the past. The more Lin Lan thinks about it, the more he admires his mother. At the same time, he is also happy for his father to escape.

Just as he wanted to smile and compliment, he heard his mother say in a low voice: "you have to pretend you don't know this kind of thing. You can only take a few pictures every few days like this to keep flowing. If a nest is served, it will be gone. "

At the end of the day, she stretched out her index finger to make a sign of silence, and then spread the sheets that she had planned to wash. When someone came back and saw that the covers had been torn down and replaced, she would not think that the coffer had been found, and then she would quietly put money into it again. Anyway, after a long time, her husband's not delicate character could not remember her once How much is one or two.

Seeing this set of mission impossible operation, Lin Lanmu was stunned. It was terrible to my mother.

A morning, so "in a trance" in the past.

Lin Lan stood on the balcony, staring at the opposite high-end community, while unconsciously touching the leaves of cat grass with her right hand, she was slapped back by her mother.

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"Don't you mean to cook cat rice for snowflake?" Wang Xiuzhi, holding a spatula, handed over an apron. "Today, I'll give you all the work."

Most people are very enthusiastic about the new things that they want to contact for the first time. Lin Lan is no exception. Four years ago, she brought back snowflake, which was the first time that she wanted to have a cat, but she spent a lot of time on it.

For example, some big brand cat food in the market, such as some people like Wang and Wang, also bought it. They really raised snowflakes well when they were novice, but later they became more and more proficient in raising cats. After being brainwashed by the frugal thought of "it's more expensive to eat than others, so it's better to buy your own food to make it", my grandmother and mother began to cook cat food by themselves.

Snowflake is an ordinary Chinese garden cat. She is good-looking but not picky about food. Instead, she has a homemade cat at home, which makes Lao Lin's family, who is also the first time to have a pet, feel very good.

Making cat food is also one of her best skills. When she was a college student, she often ate the cat food she made in winter and summer. After graduation, she had no time to go to magic city to work, so she could only make a meal occasionally.

In the kitchen, mother has prepared all the ingredients for cat rice, such as chicken breast, fish, chicken liver, cooked eggs and broccoli. Lin Lan can directly process them with a kitchen knife.

She cut and minced the chicken and fish on the Liuli platform, baked and ground the chicken liver to make it into a natural food attractant, and then added other nutritional powder to stir it together. Wang Xiuzhi also stood by and watched. The girl's complicated cat meal made the middle-aged women frown "No wonder that little thing like to eat snow you do, this step is not so careful for people to eat."

Although Wang Xiuzhi also uses these ingredients to make cat food, the delicacy is not as good as that of her daughter."After all, it's a cat. The stomach can't be compared with people." Lin Lantou also did not respond, "pay attention to the cat meal, snowflake body is better, better than sending pet hospital to spend money from time to time?"

“…… That's true Wang Xiuzhi thinks of a little girl on the fourth floor who also has a pet cat. She is still a valuable blue cat. Doctor Liu from the pet clinic downstairs said that the cat's appearance is at least 5000 yuan. The cat looks very fat and has a big round face. But she can always see the little girl running to the clinic with the cat in her arms. She doesn't know how much money she spent to cure the disease. "Cats are more sick than people I can burn money, thanks to snow is a native cat, seldom sick to support

Although the family can live well by the rent of the small building, it's not so bad after the day.

Lin Lan had no choice but to smile when she heard her mother's murmur. Her parents and grandmother came from hard times, so even though the rent had increased several times by the economic take-off, the family conditions were good, but they still kept the habit of saving.

Therefore, although Lin Lan is also a second-generation house, he is not very different from ordinary children. At most, when he wants to buy something that is not too much, his parents will give him more money. When she grows up, her values are shaped. Even if her parents give her a lot of living expenses every month, she will not squander. She only likes to plan shopping and consumption.

The only crazy and wayward is to break up with my ex boyfriend last month.

One breath, spent nearly 70000, in addition to renting cars and hiring people to act, the big head is all in the limited luxury windbreaker.

The purse crematorium.

The fragrant family's windbreaker will be sold on the second-hand Internet in a while. It is said that luxury goods with limited amount can sometimes be sold at a higher price than the original price, which means that it may be able to make up all the previous losses.

While thinking about things, Lin Lan has made five days of cat rice at one go, poured out part of what he ate today, and sealed the rest in a box and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

At the end of her cat meal, Wang Xiuzhi also came to make lunch for the whole family. By the way, she instructed her daughter to continue to help. The mother and daughter worked together, and a lunch was soon ready.

At mealtime, Lin Youyu and granny Lin went home on foot.

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"Oh, steamed perch made today!" When Lin Fu saw the dishes on the table, he suddenly narrowed his eyes with a smile. "It's very kind of you, mother LAN, to cook my favorite dish today!"

"Hum." Lin Mu just snorted and laughed, "you eat and it's over."

Lin Lan, who was holding chopsticks next to him, looked at his father subtly. The quilt cover on the balcony was still hanging outside in the sun. He didn't think of anything at all, and he didn't know which one of the pillows the fish was bought by grandfather Mao.

Granny Lin sat down and couldn't wait to share what she had seen and heard when she came back: "I just passed by Xiao Liu's clinic and saw Xiao Qian carrying her cat. She was very anxious. I heard her push the door and shout inside. Dr. Liu, my girl has a high fever and vomits and coughs blood. Please help me to have a look! I don't know how much this trip will cost. "

"Is Qian Xuan's cat sick again?" Lin Lan smell speech a Leng, "seem I last time from evil all come back to hear, her a blue cat got pass abdomen, very not easy just save back."

"Yes, that girl spent seven or eight thousand a month just to cure the abdominal transmission." Wang Xiuzhi followed to reply a, "the rare cat is really cannot raise, too expensive also too burn money."

"Blue cat has good physical fitness." Lin Lan immediately said, "many people who have pet cats love to choose this breed. It's a kitten that has passed the market test."

"That is to be cheated by the cat dealer and buy the sick one back." Lin Youyu also casually said, "little girls like you are the easiest to be cheated."

Illusion? I always feel that there is something in the old father's words. However, Lin Lan didn't respond to his casual appearance. Instead, she subtly changed the topic: "maybe she was negligent in other aspects. If you want to talk about the golden cat, the most popular one is the puppet cat. It's beautiful but delicate. It's said that it's still a glass stomach. Any one of the purebred ones has five digits. "

"Hum, it's better that snowflakes can catch mice." Granny Lin scorns this. All the cats that can't catch mice in the old man's heart are not decent cats.

Lin Lan didn't say a word. According to the information she saw on the Internet, the puppet cat can't get into the eyes of the old people except for its good looks.

But it's really nice.

In the age of beauty first, just look good.

After lunch, Lin Lan was never caught by her mother again. For example, she was asked to clean the table and wash the dishes. Xuehua, the little cat of AI Lang, didn't come back until dinner. When she had nothing to do, she thought of Qian Xuan's blue cat and went downstairs to the pet clinic.

The pet clinic was opened here three years ago. The owner of the clinic, Dr. Liu, is a young man under 30 years old. When he goes to work, he wears a white coat, thin frame glasses and a polite look. If it wasn't for his pet clinic, people would have believed that he was a doctor.

When Lin Lan pushes open the glass door and goes in, he sees that Qian Xuan really hasn't left. It's just that her blue cat has been put into her pet bag and is talking to Doctor Liu."It's acute gastroenteritis. After anti-inflammatory injection, don't feed it for at least 6 to 8 hours. Its stomach is very fragile now. What it needs is rest rather than food. When you go back, you should keep warm. If you have an electric blanket, you'd better use it and lock it up for a rest. " Doctor Liu is giving orders to the family members of the sick cat, saying very carefully, "after 8 hours, if he doesn't vomit, give him warm water and liquid food that can supplement energy. After that, you can feed it with the whole intestines ointment to regulate the cat's intestines and stomach If you have any other questions in the meantime, you can come to me right away. "

"Okay, okay!" Qian Xuan grasped the cat bag tightly, nodded like garlic, and said with gratitude, "thank you, Dr. Liu. I was really scared to see it vomit and cough up blood. It's only a few months before Ming Dynasty I've paid close attention to it. "

At the end of the day, this 20-year-old girl looks depressed.

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"Some things can't be avoided by careful attention." Doctor Liu can only comfort him so much. When Yu Guang from the corner of his eye saw Lin lanlai, he suddenly changed his tone, "but maybe it's Qian Xuan who raised the cat too delicately, which caused it to have low immunity. Maybe you can learn from Lin Lan's cat raising. Her snow is very good. It's hard to get sick all the year round. "

After hearing this, Qian Xuan frowned subconsciously: "but snowflake is a native cat, and her constitution is different from my Niuniu."

Lin langdun was not happy. His lips were straight and he was about to open his mouth. Dr. Liu, who quickly noticed that something was wrong, had already said: "don't say that. Both Chinese Garden Cats and British short haired cats are slim animals and good family partners of human beings. Snowflake's temper is really very good among the cats I've seen, and its appearance is also very beautiful. If it's not too common in China, it's also a very excellent pet cat. There is no way to measure the company value of a pet cat with money. If the one who is expensive is the best, the seal puppet in the cage over there may despise all the cats here. "

She said euphemistic words, but the meaning was also very clear, and she realized that Qian Xuan, who had not spoken properly, was blushing at the moment. The girl was straightforward, so she immediately apologized to Lin Lan: "I'm sorry, Lin Lan. I'm quick to say something unpleasant. I, I don't mean to look down on snowflakes, that is... "

"It's OK, I understand." Lin Lan held out her hand to stop her explanation. "It's always true that monks from outside are good at chanting scriptures. I also like the little kittens, which are really not as easy to raise as my family's snowflakes. Compared with the native cats, their physique is weaker. It's normal. You're right

Qian Xuan was even more embarrassed. She said sorry again. Lin Lan was polite and said with a smile that it didn't matter. She turned to Dr. Liu and said, "I just heard from my grandmother, and Qian Xuan's Niu Niu was ill again. I wanted to come and inquire about the situation. Now it's OK, and I'll leave. Doctor Liu, you are busy

With that, she turned and left, leaving Qian Xuan with a friendly face.

People came specially to care about the kitten's condition, but as a result, the owner of the kitten got angry and ran away.

Doctor Liu was also helpless to shake his head: "originally, I wanted to introduce you to Lin Lan's house to get a Scripture. Her homemade cat food is quite good. Maybe your Niu Niu may have less disease after changing the cat food."

Qian Xuan just understood the doctor's meaning, but she was still thin skinned and couldn't pull it down. She muttered: "maybe snow is in good health."

Doctor Liu said nothing more this time. He said hello to the girl and continued to do his own business. Although his clinic is small, he still has a good life. There are many pet owners in the high-end community opposite the village in the city. Some of them are willing to pay for their pets and go to him.

But said the clinic's Lin Lan, a turn of the head will be with a fake smile face pull old long.

Pooh! What happened to the native cat! If you eat your rice and drink your soup, it's very expensive. I really think it's noble!

Qian Xuan will have to bear the pettiness of her family in the future!

Looking back at the clinic, Lin Lan heard Niu Niu's weak voice in her cat bag. Even if she was sick, she was still very arrogant. "Slave, you let that human give me an injection again. It hurt me to death! I'll drop your favorite cup when I get home! " Lin Lan doesn't feel the same at all. He likes his master very much. Let's continue to love and kill each other.

It's better for her family!

It turns out that some kittens don't talk about it. Lin langang plans to go to the grocery store to talk to his mother. By the way, he complains to his mother about what happened just now. His good intentions are not well rewarded. A snow-white shadow emerges from the roadside green belt and rushes over.

"Meow (LAN LAN!)

When the cat calls out to her, Lin Lan is startled and looks at it. It's her white cat that's screaming at her.

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"Snowflake, what's the matter?" Just listen to the tone to know that something bad must have happened, Lin Lan quickly squatted down to talk with it.

"Meow, meow, meow --" (LAN LAN! There, there are kittens over there! I'm dying! LAN LAN, help it

Snow run in front of the road, Lin Lan trot after it, across the road, arrived at the opposite district. She thought snow wanted her to go in, but she saw white cat turn a corner again and run around the green area outside the community.As a high-end community, in addition to the beautiful scenery inside the wall, there are also quite good green parks outside the wall. Besides the runways and rest pavilions provided by runners, the scattered green is also indispensable.

Lin Lan finally found the "dying kitten" in snowflake's mouth in the bushes of one of the small morning exercise parks.

"How small!" She was even smaller than when she first picked up the snowflake. Maybe she didn't have it for two months. She was dirty and had ugly cat moss. Her hair was tangled and she was lying there powerlessly. She could only hear the faint cat barking.

"Mi Mi... " (mom Mom...)

The immobile kitten is calling the mother instinctively, but

Lin Lan left and right to see, there is no female cat, and it does not look like it just ran out of the nest.

"Meow -- meow --" (Lanlan, it has no mother! I smell it. Its mother died long ago!)

Five minutes later, I went back to my pet clinic.

"The situation is not very good. This kitten has been malnourished for about a month and a half, with weak intestines and stomach. In addition to cat moss, there are also symptoms of cat nose branch. Look at its breathing. It may have pneumonia Doctor Liu gently grasped the kitten and frowned, "the specific diagnosis needs further examination."

"Well Can it be cured? " Holding his own snowflake, Lin Lan is also worried.

"I can't guarantee that." Doctor Liu shook his head, "but one thing is for sure. It costs a lot of money to treat it. Four figures are for sure."

This is what pet doctors usually ask in advance.

A stray kitten picked up by hand is ugly and dirty, and it can't be cured. Is it worth it?

In the past, Lin Lan might have hesitated, but now

"Mi Mi... " (mom Mom...)

Lin Lan can't help holding the snowflake in her arms: "Zhi! Spend money to cure! "

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