I Cant Miss !!!

Chapter 120

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We were finally going to get off this island and I couldn't wait, the chopper had come back and picked us up. Bob had to blindfold us once again which still didn't make sense to me but it was a small matter. In a few hours, our blindfolds were being taken off as we were back to where we started when we made our oath. Bob told us to settle down and that we will be at this campsite for at least a week and we'll see all of our old mates that we started with. We simply nodded as we saluted and were dismissed. We immediately went to the cafeteria to grab something to eat after eating potatoes for so long we craved something else. We noticed a lot of the guys that had started with us but we ignored them. One of the guys came up to our table where we were eating and said:" I remember you guys, why are you guys dressed up in all black outfits like you guys are some kind of elite squad"?  We all shrugged at the same time causing the guy to get annoyed as he said" are you guys the weak squad or something? Is that why you didn't participate in the training with us? you guys probably had to do some sissy training somewhere else". This caused all of my team to laugh as we said "sure"! we didn't want to argue with this guy and we weren't allowed to speak on our training either after we signed a contract, so all we could do is give them short answers causing them to be irritated. This annoying guy would not stop bickering as he challenged my team to a duel, he said: "anything is up for grabs and put $1,000 on the line saying if you guys can beat my team of five guys I'll give you 1000 dollars, my team, my brothers and I are undefeated in everything".  We simply smiled and said "sure " causing him to be annoyed once again because we were all saying that at the same time. My team was so bonded that we were able to think as one as we didn't pay these cadets any mind because we were on a whole different level from them. Since we agreed he brought up the sports soccer, basketball, flag ball, hand to hand combat, and target shooting. My team all laughed when they heard that we were using sports to compete with these guys. Rex could only shake his head saying " I'm about to earn some easy money" but this didn't go unnoticed by Mod the leader of that team. My team knew they weren't aren't going to win a single match, as my team-mates all looked at me they realized what I was thinking and shook their heads while grinning. Mod told us all these matches were going to be five on five $1,000 is on the line if we lose we have to cough up $1,000 if they lose they have to cough up $1,000. In my head, I'm thinking this money won't do me any good but I'm sure my team would love it so after agreeing to the time and place we got one of the officers to officiate the matches as everybody got pumped up. The whole base was excited to see these matches and couldn't wait to start betting on them. Most of the bets were going towards my team as some people felt like we were Elite's not to be messed with while the others were betting on the other five because they knew them and they were the best of the best from their training camp. The team will be facing are respectively called Mod, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Mod is the guy that has been provoking my team while 5 is the biggest guy among them standing at 6'5. When my team and I got back to our rooms we all laughed about how much we were going to crush these guy's the next day. We went out that night to go grab some drinks, the taste of beer and alcohol was very welcoming and most of all the taste of real good food. When we got to the restaurant I ordered almost all of the menu, I kept eating and eating I was eating a month's worth of food at this point because I missed the taste of seasoned food so much. I don't think I ever want to see bread and potatoes again, that training camp had ruined it for me and had traumatized me as I never wanted to eat another loaf of bread or potato again in my lifetime. We all enjoyed each other's company as we laughed, ate and drank, after eating till I dropped, they all had to carry me back to my room as they all laughed about it. I was finally able to get to a phone in order to contact my family. Isabella was crying as she said," I missed you Daddy!! when are you going to come home"? I told her not anytime soon but she should be a good girl and keep practicing her moves until I come back. I talked to the rest of the family as Rasta told me everything that was going on with the building. It still was not done yet and Rihanna was around to help him out. Flo was not around but I was able to talk to Opal who told me about Isabella's training. Opal asked me if I cried during the boot camp because she heard it was quite difficult I laughed and said "no way". After talking to my family I called Sandra and Rihanna as I called Sandra. She connected Rihanna as we all talked three ways because they were both not around and I wanted to get them both on the line at the same time. They were crying saying "have you been shot? are you dead yet"? I shook my head and said," if I was dead how could I be talking to you ladies over the phone now unless you guys get calls from the dead"? This caused them both to laugh as they said "yes he is still alive, he still has his humor! I shook my head at this as I asked whether they thought I was going to become a robot. After laughing with them they told me about their daily life happenings after I hung up on them and went to go get some rest next days games

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