I Cant Miss !!!

Chapter 139: 139

With 10 seconds left and the Ground Force down by one point, the Navy thought they had this in the bag as the ball was in their possession Ron quickly took off as he passed it to his shooting guard and the shooting guard passed it back to him. I had no idea they were going to set me up with a slick move as the shooting guard tripped me when I was going to guard Ron. 

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I didn't want to time freeze as Ron sped past everyone on my team and laid it up to give them a three-point lead. There was only one second left after the last play Ron did was over. Everybody on the army side felt sad and gratified that the game was so close; they knew that I was a force to reckon with, and the Navy was already cheering for their victory. 

I shook my head as I told Blackpool to pass it to me as soon as he passed it to me, I caught it, turned around and tossed it up. Ron and his team started cheering up and down until they heard the net make a sound as the ball went right through the basket, tying the game and going into overtime. 

Everybody was so shocked that I had made that half-court shot. They all came and picked me up as if we had already won the game. Ron had his mouth wide open as he was in shock at how I was able to make that half-court shot. Coach Andre decided to keep the bench in to play the last 2 minutes of this game. 

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I hadn't gone into overtime in a long time, so it was quite fun to do that. We did another jump ball as the overtime went underway. Garett had won the tip-off and tipped it off to Chris, Chris passed it to Sheila as Sheila brought the ball down to set up the play. Ron was checking me but was too tired at this point, so I quickly faked him out and got open behind the three-point line. 

Sheila tossed it to me, and I shot it, giving us a three-point lead. The game continued as the Navy didn't score again until the last buzzard. We were up by 20 points as I kept making it rain from downtown. Ron was so depressed after playing against me. Ron couldn't even be mad at the game I played and said that he has to get better. 

Ron shook my hands as I thought he was a good player, and usually, players would get mad at me for coming back like that and wouldn't even show any sportsmanship, but Ron was the man. Ron shook my hand and said that we should go out for a beer one day. I nodded in agreement as I said," whenever," he quickly stopped me and said, "We should go out tonight,"  he knew a banging club in downtown Japan. 

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I declined his invitation and told him that I got to hang out with my teammates, which was a damn lie, but I didn't want to hang out with the enemy squads. The whole team came and picked me up as they cheered for giving them their first win in almost two years. Paige came and gave me a huge kiss, shocking everybody because they had no clue about our relationship. 

All the guys were either admiring me or very jealous of me as I was able to bag the very fine and beautiful Paige. After the game, since we hadn't won a match for almost two years, Coach Andre decided to take us out to celebrate. Coach took us to this local Japanese joint, where they had a bunch of foods in the middle of the table. 

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We had to collect it and cook it ourselves, and it was quite an exciting experience as they had the boiling soup in the middle. I was dipping the meat in there making it soak in, and I also learned how to use chopsticks as one of the servers a cute little Asian joint was helping me out and teaching me how to use it. 

I could tell she was flirting with me hard. Still, Paige noticed it and shot her off immediately. I laughed and said to her that I'm not hers to be loved alone. Paige smiled and said, "we are dating now!"  I was confused and asked her,"  when did I ask you out?" Paige replied," you didn't have to, I asked you out, and now you're mine.

This caused me to laugh, and I didn't repeat anything after that as it seemed like we had come up with a mutual agreement. After leaving the restaurant, Paige decided to come home with me as she wanted to check out my dorm. I told her the bed wouldn't probably fit us both, but she insisted and came to my spot. I could tell she was horny as hell after she saw me play basketball seriously. I had that effect on women, so she came through; she was shocked at how small it was. 

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Paige said, "your room is probably smaller than my room during my rookie year." I laughed and said," probably, they treated me like shit over here." The night went on as we got into some crazy shit due to not having enough room we had to maneuver and adjust as the night went on. The neighbors next door to me were pretty angry at me the next day as they told me that they couldn't sleep due to all the banging, yelling, and all kinds of crazy shit. 

I apologized and told them and told them next time we'll take it back to her place. One of the guys grinned and said, "how good was it, man? Everybody fantasizes about being with Paige". I told them that it was great and that I couldn't wait to start round two tonight. After talking to the guys for a little bit, I left and got settled down in my room. It was the weekend, so I didn't have anything to do, and they didn't require me to work either, so I just relaxed.

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