I Cant Miss !!!

Chapter 144

We checked up the ball once again; I did another step back pretending like I was about to shoot it and this time he was sure I was going to as he jumped up in the air to block, but as soon as I came down I brought the ball back down and moved it to the side and blew by him once again and went in for a 360 dunk. 

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The whole gym was silent after witnessing that dunk; they thought it was magical as some of them had never seen anything like that. After a few seconds of silence, the gym erupted in cheers; even the Marine side started cheering due to the respect that they had for that move. 

The dunk was so powerful it had caused a small shock wave knocking my opponent down. The Marine that had challenged me had no more confidence in beating me as he quickly gave up, saying that I won this game. 

I shook my head and went the humble route by saying," you're a dominant player; thank you for the match," as I saluted him and walked away. The Marine saluted me back with happiness in his eyes as if he had just met his favorite hero as he replied, "strong respect the strong." 

A lot of people within the crowd had shining eyes looking at me as if I radiated excellence, as I walked off the stage. Some of my teammates came up, hugging me in excitement; they were all excited about the match that I had just won. I had to go into the locker room to get changed; I wasn't going to take a shower there since some of my teammates also liked men. 

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I wasn't scared of them, but I still remember the first day when I joined the team and when one of the guys came and reported me to the ladies saying that I was packing pretty good. After that, I never showered around my teammates again. After Coach Andre talked with us and congratulated us on this record-breaking history game, he dismissed us all as we all went back to our rooms with happiness.  

I went to freshen up by taking a shower, and I got dressed because I was supposed to meet up with Paige. After all, we were heading out to this new club that had just opened. That night was crazy as we partied all night long celebrating the first time the army beat the Marines in a game of basketball. 

On top of that, we won the bonus one-on-one game causing the whole team to come out. Blackpool was the freshest person within the club. I was digging his gear, rocking the shiniest gold necklace on his neck with his silky black shirt, which hugged his body, showing his perfect abs, causing all the ladies to blush whenever they saw him. 

I automatically knew this guy was going to be taking some tail home tonight, maybe several of them. When we got to the club, we ordered a couple of drinks, courtesy of Paige and her loaded accounts. I don't remember half of what happened that night, but all I knew was I had a couple of bottles. 

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The next morning I woke up to a room full of naked people. I was shocked by this as I looked down and saw that a random girl had fallen asleep with my pole in her mouth; at the same time, Paige was sleeping butt naked on my chest. I was beyond shocked by this as I held my head in pain. 

I had no clue what had gone down yesterday, but judging from the pole in the girl's mouth, I knew it was crazy. I continued to look around as I noticed Blackpool had several ladies around him, certainly beating my numbers. I smirked and said, "man, this guy was smooth with his crazy outfit." 

I pushed Paige away so I could get myself up slowly, trying to pull my pole out of this girl's mouth, causing her to move and close her mouth. I had gotten scared because I thought she was going to bite it right off. Still, she had woken up and gagged on it before she noticed that she still had a pole in her mouth. 

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She looked at me and smirked as she started bobbing her head up and down, my pole got hard once again as she massaged my family jewels. It felt so good that I had almost burst until Blackpool woke up in shock as he said, "Wow, what a way to wake up," which caused the girl to stop and scream, "What are you doing in his room"? 

It seemed like everybody had blacked out last night and had no clue what had happened. I quickly told her to stop what she was doing and said to her that my girlfriend is sleeping right here. It was then that they looked around and realized that they were not in their rooms. 

They all started to growl as they lifted themselves to return to their rooms. I looked and was shocked as everybody there was utterly naked. Blackpool and all his glory were standing up in front of me as he stared hard at Paige's backside. I frowned and told him to back off, and he laughed and said: "hey, I've always wondered how Captain's body looked like, and today I witnessed all her glory." 

Blackpool laughed as he ran out. I told him I'd get him back later. After everybody left, I felt somebody grab my pole and pull it towards their mouth. I looked and saw that it was this strange girl, she was once again going at it, blowing me till my eyes rolled back. 

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After a few minutes, I unloaded in her mouth and asked her who she was; I didn't even know her name. She laughed and said that she was a friend of Paige's, and she always wanted to meet me, Paige's boy toy, the infamous Mr. Eazy. I smirked as I said as long as Paige knows you're here and doing whatever it is that you're doing, then I have no problem with that. 

She said yes, I enjoyed myself but it's time for me to go, she quickly put on her clothes. I finally noticed her beautiful body. She was a little bit slim with a flat ass and some not so big but not so small bust. She was Caucasian and slightly taller than Paige, who was extremely short. 

I waved at her saying goodbye and quickly forgot about that image, right after I felt a sharp pain in my back. Paige had pinched my back as she whispered in my ear, "did you enjoy her? That's a very good friend of mine, and I've always told her about you and after meeting you at the club last night she was very impressed and wanted to spend some time with you and me. 

I was in shock as I asked:" Is she your lover"? Paige nodded her head, saying that she was a bisexual. Paige asked me if I had a problem with that, and I said: "hell no, I don't, my girlfriend got a girlfriend, I don't mind at all." Paige laughed as she helped me blow another load before we went to get packed up for our trip to China.

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