I Cant Miss !!!

Chapter 150: 150

We were losing by 14 points with one of their star players out, China still had confidence they could win, but I had other ideas as I received the ball and brought it down. An hovered all over me, but I didn't care as I did a step back and took the shot from the three-point line. 

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An also came down with the ball and made the same move and hit the three. The crowd was getting hyped as we traded buckets back and forth, but I couldn't afford to trade buckets with this guy since we were down, and I had to whittle down the score before we got to the fourth quarter.  

Any move I pulled, An would do the same thing, so I had to start thinking outside of the box and come up with a move that he couldn't steal from me. I used my golden eye ability a few times to get a steal from him utilizing that opportunity to close their lead. By the time the third quarter was over, we were only down by nine points, and I had gone to the bench for two minutes. 

I still had to pretend as if I was tired; that way, they wouldn't be suspicious of my other abilities, especially An who was as sharp as a nail. After resting for a bit the fourth quarter started, I needed to bring my A-game to close this lead. 

With all my starters in the game, they knew what the plan was, and that was to let me have a go at it every play since we needed to win this game. I pulled out all my abilities from GoldenEye to time freeze, even did a few acrobatics to avoid Li the center in the post. 

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An was also killing it as he was making all his shots, but sometimes he would mess up by stepping on the line for a two-pointer, which caused him to miss the bucket. Still, Li would always be there to grab the rebound and dunk it back up. 

By the time 2 minutes was left of the game, An had been taken out due to fatigue, and we're only down by three points since I had been abusing my time freeze and GoldenEye ability. With An out of the game, I was able to cut the lead and take the lead. 

The time whittled down as my team started to celebrate, we were up by 10 points, and the bench was playing trying to hold up the rest of the game with one minute left. 

China also put in their bench, so they were going back to forth trying to showcase their skills, and by the time the clock hit zero, we were only up by 4 points, which scared Coach Andre because he thought he would have to put me back in the game. 

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Coach Andre now knew how bad our bench was because they gave up a 10-point lead to only four points. If An were still in the game, they would have been able to catch up and take the lead, but that didn't happen as we started celebrating. 

The whole crowd was quiet except for the little Americans that were there. They were cheering as hard as they could, and since the China supporters were completely quiet from the shock of losing a game to us, the worst team in military basketball. 

Paige came and hugged me as she was in tears saying, "thank you." Boa, on the other hand, looked at me with hateful eyes, while An signed and said he knew this was going to happen there was no way they were going to beat Americans number one rookie player. 

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After celebrating with my teammates for a little bit, we all went to shake the hands of the correspondent team. Boa refused to shake my hand as he left without even shaking a single hand, and An the other hand shook all of our hands and also pulled me away to tell me about a unique project that was coming up in a few years. 

An asked me whether I'll be interested in it, I asked him when this item will be ready, and he told me between 10 to 15 years it should be prepared. It was still going through the testing stages as of now, and it will be a worldwide sensation once it's developed into something useful.

I couldn't wait for it to come out as I was pretty excited about it. An told me not to disclose this information to anybody shocking me as I asked why was it a guarded secret? An nodded his head saying yes, only a few people know, so the fewer, the better for now, and the amount of money you can make from it could be up to billions. 

I was surprised by this as I thought since when could something like that make you billions, but I did not want to talk about it since it was a guarded secret. I thanked An for the information and the opportunity to join in this project. 

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We exchanged numbers, and after I stepped out to get some fresh air. I saw China's players boarding their bus and saw Boa limping towards the bus. I called out to him and waved at him; he gave me the finger and turned around. 

I laughed when I saw this and said," get better soon, buddy, I hope you can have kids after that." An was so furious after hearing that but kept his cool and just got on the bus ignoring me. Paige came and joined me outside; She said: ``That was a great game. Thank you for putting those guys in their place, they've been bullying our team for many years, and getting this win has made history for us." 

I simply nodded and said, "well, next year, hopefully, you guys will be able to do better because my contract with the Army ends after this summer." Paige was a little sad to hear that I would be leaving the Army after this. 

Still, she knew I had to do what I had to do and that I was a great talent, and I didn't belong to the military but belonged in the NBA, that's when she told me that she saw on a website that the army would be drafting me into the NBA as the number one pick this summer. 

I was shocked by this news as I had never heard anything from anybody. Frankly, I didn't even have an agent. Rasta was the closest thing to an agent to me than anybody else, and I had hoped that he had taken classes to become an agent seriously so that he can represent me in the future.

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