I Cant Miss !!!

Chapter 17

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During the coming weeks Sandra and I were always together even her girlfriends were starting to get jealous. I got her a cell phone too so we could always talk and text each other. On the weekend we would always go out together on dates to the most random places. Life was good and the family was good. Rasta signed up for some classes and Flo also went back to get her masters.

As time passed it was finally basketball season, I've been working with coach on the off season to select good starters and reserves. The only old person I knew from middle school who followed me was my big buddy Momba who was going to be our starting center. After all the classes were done Sandra joined me to go check out the try outs. She did indoor track and field so her try outs were a little bit later the month so she came to cheer me on which made me happy.

Coach didn't even need me to try out I was already on the team but wanted my opinion on the guys coming in to tryout. When he told me that I rejected that notion and told him I will try out because these other guys need to see what we expect from them and he was convinced and happy I was so mature to think of something like that.

The coach had us running up and down the court for the first trial suicides style. My skill was active so I didn't get tired but there was some guys who passed out from being tired. The coach quickly had them go to the nurse's office and told them to try again next year. There was about 20 people left so we started the next trial which was free throws. We all took turns we had to make five out of ten. We all made those except for two guys and the coach once again told them off.

The next trial was for only point guards, shooting guards and small forwards. We had to take ten shots from the three point line and make five. I started of first and activated all five of my perfect shots and the made three more before I missed the last two. Out of five point guards two were able to pass and the shooting guards three passed out of five and the small forwards two passed out of three.

Coach was impressed and said this year JV team has good potentials, Coach congratulated all those who passed and sent the rest home and went on to the final trials for the power forwards. Since there was only two centers he decided to keep both of them. He needed only two power forwards but there was three left so he had them shoot for the positions and after they were done the one that lost left. So this was the JV roster for this year.

Point Guard

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Starter: Iso

Bench: One

Shooting Guard

Starter: Eazy

Bench: Two, S two

Small Forward:

Starter: Breeze

Bench: Three

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Power Forward

Starter: Flex

Bench: Four


Starter: Momba

Bench: Five

The following week the team could be seen running down street in the cold as Momba is cursing left and right about being tired but I quickly tell him that this nothing compared to running up a mountain tied to Rasta dragging him in a wagon. He quickly thinks about it and gets more energy and runs in front of the whole team. I laugh at this guy and tell him that's the spirit.

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When we got back to the gym coach tells us that he got a practice match for us at the end of this week and we get excited and ask who are playing and he tells us that our varsity team agreed to a match. The whole team gets scared and ask why aren't we playing people in our age group and they have two players that are taller than Momba so it won't be a fair match but I quickly tell them that it's a practice match and that if we play against them and lose we still get to experience the next level of play before we even get there so we should take this opportunity to learn from them and grow strong.

They quickly agreed and got excited about the thought of learning new moves to better bring value to the team. Coach looks at me and says thank you with his eyes. The rest of the practice went well and I headed home after. The next day at lunch I ask Sandra if she wants to come over to do some homework and that I feel like skipping practice today and she gets excited and agrees.

So during pe class I pretend to be sick and tell coach I won't make it to practice today and he tells me to get some rest and be prepared to work extra harder the next day. After school we headed to my house no one was home so we went up to my room. Sandra gets ready to take out her homework but I stop her and quickly land a kiss on her lips causing her to be shocked because this is the first time we kissed and she blushed as I inserted my tongue into hers shocking her even more.

Due to my age so I tried not to take it too far just little by little by starting with a kiss. I rub on her growing breast causing her to shake in this new feeling she had never felt but than she pushes me away when I pinch them a little saying that hurt. Sandra has a B cup now but I know they will grow to be at least a D cup in the future because most of the girls her age had A cups.

I ask her if she wants to see what's inbetween my legs causing her to blush and say no not yet it's too early and I agreed so we went back to kissing before we both got tired and decided to do our home work. Later when we were done I had a cab come pick her up and send her home. I laid on my bed thinking off what age would be perfect to move on to the next level and fell asleep.

Next day whenever Sandra saw me she would blush and avoid me, maybe it was too soon to do such things I decided to apologize to her in which she accepted. After school during training Momba ask me for a match and I accepted it. We started a game with me getting the ball as soon as I took the shot momba jumped right up and grabbed the ball and went up to dunk it to get the first one point. I had forgotten he knew all my moves from middle school so he had checked the ball to me and backed me up until I was under the hop and than he dunked it on me. I was pissed and told him I won't let him do that again.

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We continued to play he had five points and I had zero so while he was about to score again something snapped in my mind causing time to stop but I had not noticed time had stop but I still went for the steal and made a layup. Momba was confused and asked me how I got the ball when time returned to normal. I told him he slacked off so I took the ball and I laughed and berated him for letting me easily take the ball but then I noticed a number at the bottom of my sight next to the perfect shot ability saying two out of three.

I got excited and noticed that time freeze for three seconds was finally unlocked, Momba was a little scared after he saw my face go through multiple changes, so we continued the game. I did a couple of pump fakes, crossovers and step back rainbow shots to win the game. Momba was still surprised I came back from that match. " I thought I would finally be able to beat the great Eazy but it seems like it was just wishful thinking".

I laughed of his comment and went to go clean up before heading home. On my way i checked the message again and it showed that I really did unlock the time freeze and it only allows me to use it three times a day which sucks but I'm grateful for any cheat on my journey to the NBA.

The practice match with our varsity team finally came up. We were warming up when the two star players came up to us and asked us if we were ready to lose. I quickly told them no and we going to come at them harder than a moving train causing them to chuckle and leave back to their team to warm up.

After a hard fought battle with the varsity team we won by one point thanks to me. They all had on ugly faces when they saw me grinning at them. We thanked them for the match and for the opportunity to learn more from our seniors but in my mind i said ya right.

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