I Cant Miss !!!

Chapter 95

Flashback (this was when Eazy was single)Stacy came and sat down next to me as she was looking at me with stars in her eyes. I just asked her if she was ok and if she needed any help. She said "no" and started to stutter because she was overwhelmed with happiness to be finally in my face. Just when I was starting to get a little creeped out by her and was about to walk away she stopped me. She introduced herself as Stacy and was dressed like a typical nerd with glasses, unkempt hair and baggy jeans with a hoodie. I couldn't tell if her body looks good within all those clothes but I was very curious as we started to talk. She told me that she had been following my career since a young age and she has been my number one fan for years. I was surprised by all of this and asked her for more details as she told me shyly. Stacy wanted my autograph and a picture with me after talking for so long. I was shocked because I was still in high school and I already had a super fan, I wasn't expecting it until I reached the NBA and on top of that, she was an African girl. They tend to not like basketball sports so it took me off guard to see a girl interested in this sport. I gave her what she wanted because I didn't want to let her down. We talked for a while before she invited me to her room because it was getting late I rejected her and she looked quite sad breaking my heart. I could tell she was beautiful under all that nerdy she was using to cover up. I looked up at the security guards that were stationed all around the place and asked her how she was going to get me into her room and asked her whether she had any roommates because back in my previous life we all had to have roommates. She told me that she has a roommate but she's probably not in the room because she sneaked out to go to the club. I was shocked as I asked her why didn't she go with her and Stacy simply said "it's not her cup of tea" causing me to laugh and say "i can tell". I told her to leave the door open and I'll sneak in after her so as soon as she got in her room I used the time freeze ability to run past the guards that were near her room and dived in before the three seconds were up. Stacy saw me dive into her room and shut the door. She laughed and took off her hoodie she had only a bra on and the shape of her body shocked me, under all those clothes she was a very well-shaped girl. She laughed when she saw my reaction as she said "no one has ever seen my body after my uncle tried to rape me once when he came into my room while i was changing, lucky for me my screams were heard so he stopped and laughed it off before telling me he was going to finish what he started. I called the police on him after and it turned out he was a pedo with a warrant. My family didn't treat me the same after and said i snitched on my own family and didn't believe in what i told them about my uncle so we all pretty much stayed in our own lane after that. Now that I have my crush here and in my senior year I'm ready to lose it all here". My brain buzzed as i told "her that we are not doing it I just came up to relax" but before i could get out advice about saving it for her future husband she had already pounced on me ripping all my clothes off while serving me a good time. After we finished and were laying in bed exhausted we laughed and she thanked me for not turning her away. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything until I said:" but you know we can't be together right"? She shrugged and said" i lost my virginity to a future NBA Hall of Famer let's just say I'm very satisfied and could die happy now" just when i was going to tell her to keep it on a hush her roommate came in to find Stacy playing with my pole. She was surprised Stacy had such a fine man in the room and started complaining that Stacy is so lucky and that sharing is caring, all the guys at the club she went to were lames and that i was her type as she ran up to me and started sucking my pole while undressing herself to help herself to some dinner. Gina had a pretty fit body as i could tell she works out. After doing it with Gina I was beyond tired and had passed out. Stacy couldn't say anything because I wasn't hers to stop her roommate for enjoying me too they both just looked at each other and laughed. Her roommate was called Gina and was in her third year of college so she had more experience than Stacy, so she helped Stacy wash away some blood and told her what to do and what not to do after losing her virginity. Stacy was very grateful for Gina's help even if they were not cool before. The time they spent with me brought them closer as they both came and slept by my side. I got a call from Ivy which woke me up as she asked me where I was a little annoyed she didn't get some from me last night as I told her I'm on my way back now. I quickly slipped away from the ladies and made my way back to my suite. I freshen up and took the family to go have breakfast before the afternoon sermon started. I happened to see Stacy and Gina at the sermon as they waved at me. Ivy smirked as she immediately knew where i was all night as she said: ``I guess you had some fun last night and not with one but two". I rolled my eyes and told her to mind her damn business. After the sermon, we decided to go out and look around Minnesota for something to do. Stacy and Gina joined us as we went to a wolf center.

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