I Cant Miss !!!

Chapter 98

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Terps roster 


Pg Take

Sg Lance

Sf Ben

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Pf Kent

C San





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The guys on this team were great and cocky. They had a reason to be because in my previous life they won eight straight games before taking a lost and Coach G was also a legend but his age had made him a little soft. Coach wanted us to run a quick game benchwarmers verse starters. I didn't even start with the bench team which showed how little those guys respected me but I didn't care because I wanted to focus on my studies anyways. 

The game went underway as the benchwarmers were getting crushed. Tim was surprisingly not bad at running the point when I was watching the game. Coach came besides me and started making conversation with me, asking me if the bench was good enough to run with me in the final minutes. This surprised me because I thought coach didn't care about what I thought so I told him" it doesn't matter who runs with me as long as they pass me the ball we are going to win everytime". 

Coach G laughed and said he likes my confidence. The game went on us the bench had lost badly while the starters had their confidence boosted up even more thinking that they were undefeatable. I didn't want to come in the game and destroy that hope because I wasn't planning on playing that much minutes in the first place so I needed them to win their games. After the game the starter's seem to be staring at me with mockery under eyes. 

I simply ignored them as we continued to practice until the end. I had a book in my hands the whole time reading and learning for the next class. Tim asked me why I didn't come play with them and if I had played they would of won but I told him that I'm simply not ready to play yet. Tim could only shake his head as everyone left to go freshen up and go back to their rooms to get ready for the next day. 

The Terps football team was playing their first game so Sandra invited me to go watch it with her. It was cold that night so we were all bundled up as we went to find our seats. I was able to get VIP seats with a good view. The starters from the basketball were there too and when they saw my girlfriend some couldn't believe it and some were jealous especially Lance who hated me with a passion. 

They approached Sandra and I, as soon as I saw them coming towards us I knew they were coming to do something stupid so I waited until Lance came and asked Sandra why was she with a loser like me and started bragging about how he was a starter and I was just a bench warmer for the bench warmers and that I would never see a single game until next year. 

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Take pushed Lance away and started flirting with Sandra. Sandra was beyond pissed my own teammates were disrespecting me and my woman but I calmed her down and told the guys if they want my girl they would have to beat me in a one on one game but in order to play me they would have to put $1k on the line winner takes it all. They cringed after that statement because none of them had that kind of money to be putting on a simple game.

Lance didn't care as he asked them all to put in for this match and they were going to have their center San play me since he was the best on their team. I couldn't believe they agreed to a game so we scheduled it for the next day in the evening and there was going to be a crowd. I told them if they win I will give them $2k if they make it one vs two. I wanted Lance to play too so I could put him in his place so he would leave me alone.

They got excited after hearing what I said and agreed because Lance was apparently a great shooter so it will make it official if they had an offensive and defensive force playing against me. They left us alone after as Sandra got mad and asked why I did that and I simply told her they have been bugging me for a while so I just want to put them in their place. I was honestly considering their feelings until they disrespected my girl and myself so now I'm going to embarrass them in front of a crowd.

Sandra couldn't wait until I got them back so we just got comfortable and started watching the game. The game commenced and surprisingly our football team was winning. I saw the coach was going in and out trying to find out what was going on with some of the players because some of them started acting a fool on the field. This issue cost them the lead for some time, but they were able to finally come back and win the game.

The place was extremely loud and I just felt like going back home to study and relax and maybe have some fun with Sandra because it's been awhile since we hooked up. I whispered in her ear after the game that we should go back to my place causing her to blush as she slowly nodded. We made our way back to my place when the starter's saw us leaving and a blush on Sandra's face, they were extremely jealous that they could not have a beautiful girl like her.

I remembered the match that they were going to be playing tomorrow evening and thought that if I lost they would be able to snatch Sandra away from me but they were in for a rude . She got back to my place as we cuddle for a bit and slowly made our way to the bedroom for some fun and games.

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