Chapter 12

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How to naturally get along with the male lead (7)

Leto’s shoulders trembled at my soft call. Oh my god, it’s really Leto. If it was actually him, I wanted to see his face. He had a blunt and deep voice. I wonder what your face looks like? When I halted in my steps, Leto hastily turned his head away in panic. His reaction was so fast that I couldn’t see Leto’s face properly. I took another step closer to him.

Flinching, Leto took a step back and became nervous. I was afraid he would run away at any moment and I wouldn’t be able to see his face properly. So I hurriedly grabbed his wrist and reached for his face.

“What are you doing……!”

Leto’s eyes finally met mine. In front of me, stood the real Leto…..

Leto’s real image, which I had only read in the book, appeared in front of my eyes. With his short red hair and a more toned and structured face than I had imagined. Leto’s words that claimed he was more handsome than Kazen were not a lie. His beautiful face seemed to be a finely carved sculpture.

Even those black eyes were perfect. When I stared openly, the face turned completely red. It was definitely Leto.

“W-What are you doing? No, what do you think you’re doing?”

He hurriedly changed his usual tone to an intimidating one when he couldn’t remove my grip.

“…..Nothing, you just look like the person I like.”

I quickly organised my thoughts and replied. In response to the word ‘person I like’, Leto turned his head away, unsure what to do. Such Leto was so adorable that I laughed unconsciously.

“…..I saved you. Now, you’re being rude.”

“I didn’t ask you to save me.”

“Those nobles, earlier. They’re all famous people. In a bad way……”

I thought so. Why do I only attract strange bugs?

“Thank you for saving me.”

When I smiled, Leto shut his mouth. After he heard my thanks, he didn’t seem to have anything else to say. However, I didn’t want to part ways yet. He glanced at me and soon coughed.

“Why are you looking at me like that……”

“It’s just so amazing. You really look like my friend.”

I said it on purpose to tease him. And each time, Leto became startled and avoided my gaze. But, he was truly good looking. Leto’s face was sculpted to perfection that even Kazen was incomparable to him. Like a doll that was crafted carefully, stitch by stitch, moving gracefully by itself. I was amazed.

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In fact, as Leto stood here, I could feel many people in the room glancing at him.

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“……Y-You have no idea who I am.”

He spoke threateningly, but it only appeared cuter.

“You look like the person I like. They’re a good person. I bet you are too.”

Leto’s face turned even redder at my words. Cute, cute.

“……Let’s just say so.”

“It’s true. Beautiful red hair and discrete black eyes. Even your pale skin looks really similar. Are you siblings? They are also beautiful, too.”

“……Stop it.”

When I gushed softly while staring at Leto, he covered his mouth in embarrassment. God, I really felt like I was going to fall for Leto. He gives such a good reaction every time I talk, so wouldn’t I actually fall for him?

I couldn’t understand the Arsene family who abused and harassed this cute creature. I was barely holding myself back from the urge to hug Leto tightly. At that moment, Kazen could be seen from afar. He was still chatting, surrounded by women, and looked quite troubled.

He had saved me earlier, so I thought I’d return the favour now.

“Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?”

Leto’s eyes flashed. When he found Kazen at the end of my gaze, his face hardened.

Still, I had to be loyal and as I was about to go save Kazen, Leto grabbed my wrist.


“Don’t……Don’t go.”

He stuttered shyly, avoiding my eyes.


“You’re going to that guy, right?”

He said, pointing at Kazen with the tip of his chin. When I nodded, he sighed deeply and opened his mouth.

“He’s handsome on the outside, but he’s also a dangerous guy.”



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“Trust me. I……You said I resembled the person you like. Then, believe me.”

……What should I do when you say that with a face like that? I was troubled.

I couldn’t pretend not to recognise Kazen, but that didn’t mean I could leave Leto either, who was holding onto me pitfully. I had to choose between the two…..

Think of the better option. I looked at their faces alternately and chose the more handsome Leto-….No, I meant I decided to choose Leto, who was closer to me. When I nodded, Leto smiled and dragged me away from Kazen.

Please do not repost our translations. Read only at Dropped Inks.

It was a vacant area. The lights were dim and the surrounding felt warm. The place was filled with flowers and was quite far away from the crowd, so the buzzing sound could be heard faintly. The only downside was that I could barely see Leto’s face. I wanted to see his face as a man a little longer.

“You seem to like that person a lot.”

At Leto’s question, I smiled widely.

“Of course! Otherwise, would I have followed you without even knowing your name?”

That was a lie.

“……I see.”

“Don’t worry. I like you, too.”

Leto’s body reacted as if he was surprised by my words. I couldn’t observe his face in detail, but I thought it must have turned red.

“You’re a kind person.”

“You….you are a person who falls in love too quickly.”

He said in a slightly subdued way.

“Maybe, but believe it or not, I really like them. And it’s the first for me. At first, I was just curious. There was also a sense of responsibility. But as I got to know them, I discovered a new side to them. Isn’t that really interesting?”

So Leto, you can be loved.

“……What if that’s not really how they are?”

Leto’s voice became heavier than before.

“Even if that’s not their true self, I can still love them for who they are. That’s love.”

Just on cue, the wind blew softly. Leto’s red hair fluttered. At the same time, the moonlight hidden between the clouds shone towards us. Leto’s face glowed faintly. But, he wasn’t smiling. He had a sad expression on his face. With a face that looked like it was about to burst into tears at any moment, my hand naturally went to his cheek.

As I was about to touch his cheek, a song played. The people around had already stopped talking and started dancing. Dropping my hand down, I looked at him and bowed slightly in greeting.

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“My name is Briseis Pierre. May I have this dance?”

What if he rejects it? Then, I’d smile awkwardly and leave, but Leto accepted my hand. He led the dance without introducing himself. Leto, who was educated with aristocratic etiquette from a young age, danced well.

Please do not repost our translations. Read only at Dropped Inks.

Leto’s hand that touched me became warmer and warmer. My warmth lingered in his hands. I held his hand tighter. Leto trembled, but soon got used to it and smiled faintly. When he was a woman, Leto had narrow shoulders, small hands and was a little shorter. But, Leto as a man was clearly different.

He had larger hands, broader shoulders and was even taller that I had to look up. It was a little unfamiliar, but he was still Leto.

It was perfect.

When the song gradually ended, Leto let go of my hand.

“Can you tell me your name?”

When I asked, Leto hesitated. I want to hear your name. His real name with his own lips. Leto’s lips slowly opened in my view.



An infuriated woman’s voice could be heard from afar. Leto’s shoulders flinched and he turned his head towards the woman. His expression turned pale.

I immediately realised who that woman was. She was Leto’s stepmother and one of the main culprits who abused Leto.

“Rainier. That’s my name.”

Leto said, hastily. Rainier? That was Leto’s older brother’s name, not his.

“Come here this instance!”

At her command, Leto passed by me and ran towards her. I could only watch him leave without saying goodbye. Leto gave me one last glance. When I waved my hand, he curled his lips awkwardly and gradually disappeared. 

And just like that, I was left alone again. I had nothing else to do, so I thought I should leave soon.

* * *

As I was about to head to bed after sending a letter to my mother regarding the ball today, the door opened. I turned my head and saw Leto breathing heavily with a book in his hand. He stood there with his uniform unkempt, and when he noticed me, he entered the room and feigned innocence.

“Returned from the ball?”

I nodded while holding back my laughter.

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“What about you? Have you been in the library the whole time?”

“……Yes, that’s right.”

You’re really bad at lying, Leto.

“How was the ball, today?”

When he asked, I lied on the bed and opened my mouth.

“I met a kind and cool person.”


“If it’s possible, I really want to meet them again.”

“……Really? Good for you.”

“Don’t worry, Leah. I still like you the most.”

Leto was startled at my words and shortly removed his capelet and grabbed his pajamas.

“Stop spouting nonsense.”

Leto entered the bathroom with red ears. As usual, he was cute.

“……I had fun today, Leto.”

I whispered and slowly closed my eyes.

* * *


Leto entered the bathroom and dropped his pajamas. After leaving the ball, Bree’s smile kept appearing in his mind. Her breath, her warmth and every single word she spoke ran through Leto’s head.

Yes, to be honest, Bree who he met at the ball today was insanely pretty. The purple dress she wore was beautiful. It was different from the usual uniform she wore at school.

Leto hurriedly looked in the mirror. His face was red on the verge of exploding.

“You’re crazy.”

No way. That’s ridiculous. Me?

No, that can’t be true. It’s impossible.

This was insane. He’s lost his mind. Leto slapped his cheeks hard. Even then, he couldn’t calm himself down.

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