Episode 43

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How To Remember Someone (7)

“Thank you for your help.”

Professor Hartz didn’t say anything to my gratitude. The place where I am right now was Professor Hartz’s office. The dull interior was clouded with strange potions. The furniture was all dark red, which made the background look even more gloomy.

It was suited as Professor Hartz’s office. Unlike when he helped us earlier, he was reading a book without even listening to me. Leto simply glanced at Professor Hartz and said that we should just leave the room. His expression was grim.

Although the matter was solved well, he was probably ashamed to receive Professor Hartz’s help, so his expression didn’t look good. I poked Leto’s side with my elbow.

“Say thank you, Leah.”

Without Professor Hartz, I couldn’t imagine how cunning the woman would have been. But how did he feel when Professor Hartz showed up? The woman, who dropped her tail at the mention of McTiner, surprisingly apologised to me and Leto.

She had to forcefully spit out the words, but it was still a lot better. It ended so lukewarmly.

“You handled it so weakly. It’s very frustrating.”

Professor Hartz, who was reading a book, took a glance at us. Leto was about to lose his temper at his words, but I quickly stopped him.

“It’s the first time that’s happened.”

“Only this once.”

He said he would never help even if something like this occurs again. I also had no intention of receiving help from Professor Hartz more than once.

“I owe you guys something.”

Professor Hartz’s words reminded me of the things I had forgotten. It was about forbidden magic.

“You’re not asking us to bury it, are you?”

“Why else would I help you guys?”

“Professor, you’re so shameless.”

I let out a small sight at Leto and Professor Hartz’s dispute. This is why they don’t get along well. It was particularly difficult for Leto to express his thoughts without hesitation in front of people he didn’t like. I stabbed Leto on the side even harder before the situation got even worse.

At my action, he glanced at me and when I glared at him, he immediately shut up. Professor Hartz closed his book and approached us.

“Don’t worry, I’ll stop bothering you with it.”

With what?

“I’m going to give up now.”

The professor’s face darkened slightly. It was the first time I had seen the professor’s bitter smile, as though he was giving up everything. Perhaps because of this, Leto no longer picked a fight. And Professor Hartz, instead of carrying out his plans, wanted us to keep it a secret that he had used forbidden magic.

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I agreed, but I wondered how Leto would respond. Leto was staring at Professor Hartz. He looked troubled.

“It doesn’t matter if you tell the truth. It’ll just be a bit of a hassle.”

Now, the professor doesn’t seem to care whether he was exposed or not. He must have thought that we’d report such an act after witnessing it.

“Then, I have a question. Can you tell me?”


Professor Hartz replied to my request in exasperation.

“You said you were from the McTiner family. Is that true?”

“Miss Pierre seems to have been deceived.”

“Your last name is different from Senior Jimbo’s. Senior Jimbo is a Sergani.”

It was something I had been curious about ever since Professor Hartz said he was from the McTiner family.

Leto seemed to have noticed my words and he let out an ‘Oh’.

“It’s nothing. That’s Jimbo’s mother’s last name.”

“……His mother’s last name?”

“Jimbo has taken his mother’s last name since he was young. That’s why he was accepted into this academy without any problems.”

Now that question has been solved.

“Sergani would be the confectionery company…right?”

Leto interjected, seeming to know about the Sergani family. Professor Hartz nodded.

“It was founded by my brother.”

“Your brother?”

“My brother has been making sweets ever since he was young. It was his dream to feed young children delicious sweets. There was a lot of opposition from the family. As you know, we’re the McTiners.”

Hearing that there was opposition and pressure from the family, Leto became solemn.

“But to make matters worse, his lover was pregnant with a child while he was attending the academy. However, my sister-in-law hid this and decided to part ways with my brother. My brother had even told her all the recipes and ingredients of the confectionery he had made so far. He passed on the formula and passed away.”

I became silent from the depressing story. I never expected to hear such details. Of course, there must have been a lot more behind that story, but I could roughly guess what his brother had to deal with. Professor Hartz ended his story, sat down and remained silent.

“I told you my secret, so it’s fine now, right?”

He looked at Leto. All that’s left was his decision.

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“…Fine. Just this once.”

Professor Hartz smiled faintly, as though Leto’s answer was satisfactory.

“If you have nothing else to talk about, leave now.”

‘How cold.’

As soon as the negotiations were concluded, Professor Hartz kicked me and Leto out. Before leaving, I glanced at Professor Hartz. The figure of Professor Hartz, which seemed to be thinking deeply about something, was reflected in my view. Was it possible to forget an older brother that he missed so dearly?

“I’ll be monitoring him for a few days.”

Leto said quietly.

“Even if he says that, he might use forbidden magic again.”

“You don’t trust Professor Hartz?”

“Don’t tell me you believed him?”

Leto looked at me as if he was convinced.

“That’s not it, but…”

The door to the professor’s room closed.

*  *  *

When I stepped out of the academy, darkness had already spread in the sky. There was almost no cloud in sight, and the building lights lit one by one. It was time for the study group. Leto and I sat on a bench in front of the library to pass the time we still had left.

The whole time we were sitting, Leto said nothing. Whenever I said something, only a short reply was returned. I looked at him, wondering if he was angry with me, and Leto let out a deep sigh.

Leto tucked his long hair behind his ears and looked at me.

“I didn’t manage to say anything because I didn’t have time to mention it, but I think you’re too reckless.”

Leto’s words were unexpected. Reckless? When I tilted my head, Leto looked at me as if he couldn’t believe I didn’t know. Was it about when I hit the guy earlier?

“The rumours must have gotten out of hand.”

Leto was more concerned about my reputation than the fact I had beat someone. It was the same thing. Looking at Leto worrying for nothing, I couldn’t remain still. Unlike me, Leto was troubled as though he was taking this seriously.

I flicked Leto on the forehead.

“What was that for?”

I was dumbfounded when he asked sharply.

“You care too much about me. Why are you even doing that?”

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“…I’m scared that your reputation will be ruined because of me.”

“So what?”

When I asked persistently, Leto groaned and struggled to open his mouth.

“You have a good reputation…You’re also popular with friends. Don’t you care?”

“You don’t care about it either. Your reputation.”

“But you’re different from me. I wasn’t liked from the start, but you…”

I flicked Leto on the forehead again.

“Why are you hitting me again?”

“Because I’m amazed.”


Leto looked at me as if he was innocent.

“I don’t care whether my reputation is bad or not. You don’t think bad of me.”


“And that’s enough.”

When I grinned, Leto’s expression relaxed.


After a while, when I continued my words, Leto’s shoulder became tense.

“I’m scared. I’m afraid that what I’m doing is burdening you. I was stabbed when the stalker confessed to you earlier. Because…because I was no different. I liked you so much at first sight. I didn’t hide it and chased after you, just like him, but I followed you even though you didn’t like me.”

There was a lot of reflection. Leto didn’t say anything to me. Leto, who had been absent-minded for a while as if he was thinking deeply, finally burst into laughter.

“I did.”

I was taken aback by his laugh.

“Because if I really didn’t like it, I would have rejected you very hard.”

His trivial words made me tilt my head. You mean you didn’t actually hate it?

“What does that mean?”

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“I like you.”

Leto’s sudden remark left me speechless. What did I just hear? Could this be a confession? Noticing my stiff face, Leto suddenly turned red and waved his hand.

“I, I mean. As a friend!”


“As a friend. Really as a friend! Don’t think of anything weird.”

To be honest, I was a little disappointed, but soon I was relieved. Being treated as a friend means that my hard work paid off.

On the contrary, I felt so happy that I kept on smiling.

“Stop smiling.”

Leto covered his red face with his hands and avoided my gaze. He was the one who said it, but turned a little shy so he didn’t want to make eye contact with me. I stared at Leto and smiled for a long time before nodding.

“Yeah, that’s enough for me.”

I got up from my seat.

“I can’t believe that’s enough.”

There was some disappointment on Leto’s face.

“But it means that you still think good of me.”

“……I guess I was worried for nothing.”

“I like you too, Leah.”

When I said that, Leto’s shoulders trembled visibly. He turned his head and murmured.


He pretended to be fine, but I could see how embarrassed and shy he was. I like Leto Arsene’s honest expressions.

“Let’s go now. It’s almost time for the study group.”

At my words, Leto opened his mouth as if he had something to say, but then stood up.

*  *  *

She was the complete opposite of me. Briseis Pierre. When I first saw her, she was always the centre of the class. From a cute and pretty appearance, to an easy-going personality. There was no kid that hated her for her pleasant appearance. 

It was only natural that she attracted my attention. To be honest, I might have even admired her. I had never imagined that she liked me. And without knowing that her confession may completely turn my academy life upside down.

‘I like you!’

That’s why I couldn’t resist her.

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