Episode 55

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Academy Ghost Commotion (3)

“I will be back a little late in the future. They said that all the first years will need to go through special training……I don’t know when exactly it will end, so just go to bed first.”

Leto told me as I was eating my soup in the cafeteria. Leto’s expression didn’t look good, feeling as if the special training was bothersome. Right, when I first went to see his training, the intensity of the training was so intense that it couldn’t even be compared to the tests we took, so I opened my mouth.

The cricket tournament was just around the corner. It seems that the cricket team was going to completely train the inexperienced first years, though it felt as if they simply made the tough training even more difficult. Once again, I felt fortunate that I wasn’t selected as one of the main cricket players.

“It’s alright, I’ll be late too.”

“You’re going to study again?”

At Leto’s words, I hesitated before nodding. Fortunately, Leto didn’t suspect anything and simply moved on. I was slowly putting the soup in my mouth when I felt someone’s presence from above. At the same time, Leto’s expression completely hardened, so I thought it was Kazen, but it turned out to be none other than Senior Jimbo.


“……Same old face.”

Unlike me, Leto muttered loud enough for anyone to hear. Senior Jimbo patted my head habitually and looked at Leto.

“Don’t forget today’s training.”

“When have I ever forgotten?”

“Bree, come watch Leah’s training today.”

When Senior Jimbo smiled, Leto’s expression hardened.


“When you came, the kid would practise more passionately than anyone else but would slack off when you aren’t around.”

Leto glared at Senior Jimbo at his frank remark. Then, Leto hurriedly turned his head away and feigned ignorance. You can’t hide it anymore!

“Really? Then, I’ll go watch you today, Leah.”

When I said that with a smile, Leto had a troubled yet joyful expression for some reason.  

“You said you were going to study.”

“Then should I not go?”

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“No! Who told you not to come!”

Leto suddenly became furious. As I grinned, Leto, realising he had been tricked, pursed his lips. He silently ate his soup, glaring at Senior Jimbo and me.

*  *  *

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After lunchtime, classes would be over after two more subjects. The students were busy preparing to either go back to the dorm or head to the library. I was also packing my bag when Leto came up and waited for me with an impatient look on his face. Despite what he said earlier, it appears that deep down, he was looking forward to me coming to the training field.

When I finished packing my bag, he silently dragged me to the field. Holding my wrist tightly, Leto told me to wait for a moment before he went to the locker room and changed into his training gear. Leto was prettier than anyone else in his school uniform, but in his neat training suit, he looked cool and brave. Feeling my gaze, Leto turned his head away and headed towards the field.

“Don’t wait until I finish. Just leave after watching for a while.”

As we neared the field, Leto opened his mouth. When I nodded, he glanced at me with a look as if he had something to say, but then swallowed his words.

“You have something to say, right?”

When I asked, he didn’t deny it. 

“What is it?”

“……You’ll think that I’m narrow-minded.”

“No, I won’t.”

“You will! It’s just, I……I just don’t like it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that senior, Nimbo or Jimbo.”


“I know.”

He remembered, but pretended not to. For some reason, I could feel that he was deliberately calling senior’s name wrong, and not by accident.

“Right, I was wondering about that too. Why do you seem to hate senior? He’s a good person.”

When I said that he was a good senior, Leto’s face grimaced.

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“Do I need a reason to not like him? I just don’t like him.”

“That’s weird.”

Senior Jimbo was a person that everyone liked and admired. At my response, Leto stared at me and eventually sighed.

“Nevermind. I’m going to go train, you can watch me from here.”

“Okay, I’ll keep my eyes on you!”

Leto smiled contentedly. Until someone let out a laugh.

“Will you keep an eye on me too?

I was talking to Leto when someone came up beside me. It was Reze, a face I haven’t seen in a while. He held onto the cricket and hung his arm around my shoulder. Reze, who I haven’t seen since I first watched Leto’s training, was holding a cricket in one hand and seemed like he was attending the training today.

“Hands off.”

Leto, who immediately drop his smile at Reze appearance, glared at him fiercely.

“Eeek, so scary.”

“Why are you here?”

“I think you’ve forgotten, but I’m also a main player.”

“I thought you were removed since you skipped training so much.”

“Ah, if I didn’t attend today, they were really going to remove my name. That’s why I’m going to work hard from today. By the way, how come my best friend Bree is here?”

Reze smiled and looked at me. I swatted his arm off my shoulder and hid behind Leto. The moment I did, Leto immediately intervened between me and Reze.

“What’s your problem?”

“She doesn’t like it.”

“Anyone who sees this would think you’re dating.”

When Reze said sarcastically, Leto hit his knee with his foot. Reze, who was hit hard on the knee without any time to dodge, inadvertently knelt down and frowned.

“What are you doing? You think I’ll let this slide because you’re a girl?”

“Since when have you ever?”

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I was actually quite scared when Reze, a guy with a large body frame, got angry. Unlike the frightened me, Leto intended to hit Reze’s knee once more, regardless of whether he was fuming. At this rate, a real fight would break out. I hastily hugged Leto, to stop him from raising his leg.

“Don’t! Stop it!”

“……Damn it.”

After Leto lowered his foot down at my words, he glared at Reze fiercely. At the cold gaze, the notorious Reze cowered. 

“Hey, hey!”

I was worried that it was going to turn into a big fight, but fortunately, I heard a voice from the field calling for Leto and Reze to come quickly.

Reze and Leto glared at each for a moment, before looking away at the same time and ran towards the field. Even as they went to the same place where the seniors were gathered, the two did not end their fight. I thought they were going to hit each other with the cricket they were holding, so I was nervous. 


Fortunately, the training began without any incidents. Sitting on the bench, I quietly watched Leto train. Contrary to what senior said, Leto was passionate and active during training. With his long hair tied up, he not only directly caught the ball that was flying his way, but also scored more points by running faster than anyone else when he became the batsman.

Leto, who kept glancing at me, was playing harder than anyone else to the point where I couldn’t believe Senior Jimbo’s words that he slacked off during training when I wasn’t around. And every time, I would wave my hand. Leto smiled and went back to training. Other than Leto, Reze would occasionally wave his hand at me, which made me embarrassed, but apart from that, it was a good training session.

“You may go now.”

During every break, Leto would approach me sitting on the bench. He sat down, keeping his distance from me in case I smelled his sweat.

“I want to watch more.”

“……Is it fun?”

“Yeah, seeing your face and training is fun.”

“What’s with that?”

Leto chuckled and gulped down his water.

“You don’t have to watch the special training, so go back to the dorm first.”

After saying that, Leto ran back to the field.

*  *  *

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Stars began to appear one by one. While the seniors were gradually leaving the field, the first years still remained. Noticing that the special training had begun, I rose from my seat and stretched. When I glanced at the clock tower, it was time to meet Senior Jimbo.

On my way to the library, I saw someone in the distance. Professor Hartz, who I have not seen outside of classes these days, was entering the library. Why was he going to the library when the lights were about to go out?

‘Was he going to manage the library instead of the librarian instead?’

Professor Hartz and the librarian seemed quite close.

‘How in the world did the librarian get along with Professor Hartz?’

Anyhow, after pacing around the library for a while, I headed to the library entrance when it was time for the appointment. In front of the library, with all the lights out, I saw Senior Jimbo with damp hair. I could smell the scent of soap from Senior Jimbo, probably because he had just washed up.


“Sorry, I was in a hurry so I couldn’t dry my hair.”

He looked at me and hurriedly brushed over his hair with his hands. When the water from his head splashed on my face, I instinctively backed away. Noticing this, Senior Jimbo stopped his gesture and looked at me absent-mindedly.

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s alright.”

“No, it got on you.”

Senior Jimbo wiped the water droplets on my cheek with his hands. My body stiffened at the touch of his hand. Senior also felt something strange, so after wiping the water droplets, he immediately removed his hand. I observed senior’s face.

Senior body was trembling, perhaps due to feeling cold as he couldn’t dry his hair properly. Moreover, senior’s normally curly hair drooped down enough to cover his eyes. And when the water dripped, it fell on senior’s face.

“This won’t do. Here, let me dry your hair.”


“Sit over there.”

I pointed to the bench in front. Senior Jimbo hesitated for a while before he sat down on the bench without a word.


I drew a wind magic circle I learned during class. I was nervous that I got it wrong, but thankfully, the formula worked well and a gentle breeze came out of my hand. Using the wind, I started to dry Senior Jimbo’s hair. As I touched and brushed Senior Jimbo’s hair to dry it in every corner, senior made a small smile as if the touch felt nice.

“Feels great.”

At senior’s words, I smiled and made the wind stronger.

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