Not A Lonely Festival (6)

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He came. He was out of breath as if he had run in a hurry. Upon discovering us, Vivian’s eyes widened and he soon burst into tears that he had been holding back. The three of us stiffened at the sight of his tears. Did Reze harm him in our absence? If so, then I really wouldn’t hold back and will throw a punch in his face.

“W-Why are you here? I thought you’d left the stadium……”

“No, that……we waited for you.”

Vivian’s face slightly shifted as I blurted that out. I wondered if I had said something wrong, so I got up and approached Vivian. He was startled by my movement, before he remained still and wept sadly. I gave Vivian a big hug. So did Leto and Bona. The people around looked at the four of us hugging each other with a confused look, but my hand that was comforting Vivian did not stop.

How hard must it have been? I observed Vivian’s face crying sadly. Looking at his painfully distorted face, I couldn’t even fathom how hard it had been for him.

Vivian’s trembling body calmed down as I hugged him as tightly as I could. Vivian’s hand, which was hesitating to hold me back, soon wrapped around me. I repeated ‘It’s okay, it’s okay’ in Vivian’s ears over and over again when he stop holding back and cried. The sound of Vivian spitting out the emotions he had endured penetrated my heart.

It wasn’t just me. Bona and Leto must have felt the same way. Otherwise, they would have not come over and silently hugged Vivian. Tears flowed out before I realised it. At first, I tried to hold it back, but my heart ached at the emotions Vivian let out. I also buried my head in Vivian’s shoulder and cried. It was a moment where we embraced and comforted each other.

*  *  *

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After we stopped crying, the four of us sat alone in an empty playground. Vivan and I sniffed and eased down, while Bona and Leto calmly waited until we calmed ourselves down. Light magic was lit up in the dark playground.

The four of us were silent under the light that lit faintly, and then Vivian cleared his throat.

“Sorry for being late…”

I shook my head at Vivian’s words, who was spitting out an apology. On the contrary, I was grateful that he came even if it was late. Even if he hadn’t come, I would have understood. I’m sure it wasn’t just me, but also Leto and Bona next to me. I could tell how much he hesitated before coming here.

It took courage, and since he didn’t want to regret it, he took action. I wanted to appreciate his courage.

“I was scared and afraid that you guys would be ashamed of me.”

“We would never.”

“I know.”

At my response, Vivian smiled and replied. Vivian’s fist clenched each time he uttered a single word as if he was still nervous about it. I quietly placed my hand on his clenched fist. Vivian paused slightly, glancing at me before lowering his head again.

“And I keep thinking to myself that I didn’t fit in with you guys……”

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We quietly listened to him. Vivian continued.

“Leah is pretty and bold, and she’s also popular with the students since she was selected as a regular member of the cricket. And Bona is always confident. No matter what happens, she never gives up and is always full of confidence.”


“And Bree……You always shine.”

Vivian’s warm words made me shut my mouth. Vivian’s hand, which I was holding onto, squirmed. It seemed to be an action he did without realising.

“Cute, pretty and always bright. You always have a lot of friends around you and all the professors like you. You always smile, change the minds of kids who didn’t like you, and you don’t hesitate. But unlike the three of you, I have nothing.”

“Why do you think so?”

Bona, who was listening to Vivian’s words, couldn’t help but say.

“I determine my worth, and you are reducing yours, Vivian.”

Bona’s tone was a little sharp as if she could not understand Vivian’s low self-esteem.

“I don’t understand. You’re a student at the prestigious Lexley Academy. And, as you said, you have a good friend by your side. So why are you undermining yourself? What more do you lack?”

Vivian opened his eyes wide as if he was quite surprised, before he soon burst into laughter. As expected, Vivian was prettier when he smiled than when he was crying. He still looked like a pretty boy. He may be short and small, but his face was still pretty and cute.

Every time I passed by him, I liked his sweet scent and his soft tone was pleasing to hear. Whenever I received his kindness, a smile was drawn naturally, and I was grateful every time.

“I’ve been bullied since I was young. I was small back then too. At first, they teased my height, but when they found out that my family owns a milk factory, they teased me for smelling like milk.”

“Mean rascals.”

Bona said without hesitation.

“One of them was a close friend of Reze. He noticed that I went to Lexley Academy and was in the same class as Reze. So he told Reze about me……”

I expected that Reze would have bullied Vivian, but I didn’t expect there to be a mastermind. Reze, who was the leader of the class, probably took the initiative to make fun of Vivian, and because of that, Vivian was alienated without being able to get close to anyone. Even if he tried to get close to any of his classmates in the first place, it wouldn’t have worked out well.

Vivian smiled bitterly and recalled what had happened so far. Still, he said that the bullying, which was not severe at first, had recently gotten worse over time.

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He said the bullying from last month, which had only been from his classmates, gradually spread to other classes. The other classmates didn’t bully him, but they sometimes glanced at him and whispered among themselves whenever they saw him in any liberal arts classes.

Last month was when Leto and I were busy with the cricket test. I could understand why we weren’t aware of Vivian’s situation.

“What about reporting? Didn’t you think of reporting them?”

Vivian shook his head when Leto asked.

“Most people attending Lexley Academy are aristocrats. Wealth determines all ranks. Even if it becomes an issue after reporting it, how can I, the son of a milk factory, beat the Fedwinder family?”

There was a point in what he said. I remembered the stalker who followed us around last time.

If he was in a higher position than the Arsene family, or if he was related to the imperial family, he would have buried it quietly. It was a bitter reality.

“Then why didn’t you borrow my name? You should have used the Arsene family.”

“Or the Bellion family.”

Bona and Leto presented their strong families. The mere mention of their family names reassured me.

“……I guess, the Pierre family too.”

When I added in, Vivian lifted his head.

“But…I don’t hang out with you guys……”

“Well then, let’s make it clear from today.”

Bona suddenly rose from her seat and held out her hand. We were all taken aback by her sudden action.

“What are you doing?”

“Just hold out your hand!”

When Leto asked, Bona urged him to put his hand over hers. At her words, we hesitated but eventually placed our hands on top of Bona’s. Bona grinned contentedly at the gathered hands.

“Okay, from now on, we’re friends.”

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Leto’s face grimaced at Bona’s words as if he was unwilling.

“You must swear! Or that stupid Vivian will say ‘I don’t hang out with you guys…’. He’ll continue to make the same excuse.”


Leto let out a deep sigh. It was a little silly, but as Bona said, the effect was certain.

“What am I supposed to do here?”

When I asked, Bona groaned and pondered, before opening her mouth as if she had an idea.

“Let’s raise our hands. Friendship forever! What do you think?”

“You crazy?”

Leto made a look of disgust.

“Alright, let’s do it.”

“……I’m crazy.”

At my words, Leto reluctantly raised his hand again. Bona said let’s do it on the count of three, and soon the numbers came out of her mouth. One, two, three.

“Friendship forever!”

*  *  *

Please do not repost. Read only at Dropped Inks.

I headed to the dormitory in a more relaxed state. When we arrived in front of me and Leto’s dormitory, Vivian hesitated to say something.

“Hey, let’s go first.”


Upon noticing this, Leto pushed Bona’s back and entered the dormitory first. Before I knew it, Vivian and I were the only ones left. He had a much brighter face than before and suggested we take a walk for a while. Nodding, I headed to the small park behind the dormitory.

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“I used to regret it. Why did I confess to you……”

Vivian brought up the story of the beginning of the semester. The memory came back to me.

“To be honest, it was my first confession, so I was embarrassed.”

“First? You’re lying.”

I had to convince him a few more times that he really was. However, Vivian, who did not believe until the end, changed the topic of the story again and continued.

“Anyway, the reason for falling for you was simple, Bree. I knew you were pretty and popular, but that’s not why I fell for you……I happened to see you at the cafeteria.”


“Yes. At that time, you were thoroughly enjoying my family’s milk. I actually fell in love with that sight.”

I see.

“I really like your family’s milk.”

“I know. But now I think of you as a friend. You don’t have to feel pressured.”


“And you like someone else, right?”

His words startled me.

“What? Me?”

Who is it? Did he misunderstand that I liked Senior Jimbo? If he wasn’t judgemental, he might think it was Leto. At the sight of my confused look, Vivian smiled brightly.

“So I wanted you to be treated better with the person you like.”

“…No, I……”

“It’s late. Let’s head back now.”

I stared blankly at Vivian’s back, who was leaving first. Who on earth did I like?

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