Episode 68

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Not A Lonely Festival (8)

Oh my god. I was delighted to see Leto, holding the ball and smiling brighter than ever. I stood up and jumped in place, chanting out Leto’s name among the screaming people in a trance.

Before we knew it, the three of us were clapping and singing the Lexley school anthem passionately among other students. As soon as the Magics department’s victory was confirmed, fireworks exploded loudly to congratulate the winner. All the main players of the Magics team that were in the waiting room rushed out of the stadium and hugged Leto, who performed an excellent defence. They even lifted him and chanted for him.

Seeing Leto happy, my heart was filled with joy. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to be hurt, rather he looked light enough to be flying. My body was itching to hug Leto. It was good to see Leto embracing other students and sharing the joy of the celebration. He looked happy.

Soon, my eyes met Leto’s. Leto lifted the ball to me and smiled like a child. I also greeted him with open arms, but the students around me passed by and chanted out Leah, Leah!

An award ceremony was held. The headmaster and a man known as the Archmage came out and handed the trophy to the Magics department. Fireworks exploded loudly for a second time behind the Magics team as they raised the huge trophy that was the size of their bodies. It was truly a thrilling moment.

*  *  *

Please do not repost. Read only at Dropped Inks.

Tonight was Leto’s night. Every student I passed mentioned his name.

Every time Leto passed by, the students began to cheer and chant his name enthusiastically. Leto frowned and ignored it each time, but the excited students soon dragged him and expressed their joy. Or they would give Leto drinks, chocolates or snacks.

We were going to have a nice dinner for Leto. But with everyone passing by being excited about Leto, it was impossible to have a normal meal. Eventually, each of us bought a bottled drink and headed to the small park behind the academy dormitory.

“I heard that they will give out the award certificate tomorrow morning. I think they’re going to announce the MVP, Leah. I think you’ll be the MVP this time.”

At Vivian’s words, Leto shrugged as if he didn’t expect much.

“Good for you, becoming so popular.”

Bona was jealous of Leto’s popularity. Leto chuckled quietly and continued to drink his juice without saying a word. We bombarded him with questions about the game, asking how he managed to catch the ball last time.

I wanted to hear the details of that situation from Leto, but he didn’t speak much.

“I just caught it since I saw it.”

As usual, Leto spoke frankly. We continued to talk for about two hours before it became dark and we had to part ways. Shortly after, only Leto and I, the roommates, were left.

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I thought it would continue to just be the two of us, but as soon as we entered the dormitory, the students inside applauded as if they were waiting for Leto. The kids from the Swordsman department, the opposing team, also blew a whistle at him as though they admired Leto.

I was happy, as though I was the one being congratulated. On the other hand, Leto already got tired of it, he dragged me by the wrist and quickly went up to our room. Ignoring the students calling for his name, he hurried into the room and slammed the door.

It became silent in an instant. Leto let out a long sigh and looked at me.

“What’s got you so happy? You’ve been smiling since earlier.”

I wasn’t sure either. My body just felt a little strange as if I had a fever since earlier. Was it because I’m in a good mood or that I’m excited? Feeling something odd, Leto approached me and sniffed.

“Smells like alcohol…”


Come to think of it, I took the drink someone had given to Leto earlier and gulped it down. I thought it had tasted a bit bitter, but I guess it must have been alcohol. As I was smiling and giggling, Leto held onto me as if recalling the past when I was drunk.

“Wake up.”


Leto paused as I slurred my words. Seeing Leto like that, I laughed out loud for no reason, holding my stomach.


Then, Leto’s face turned red as I shifted my clothes. It appears that my top had rolled up to my belly button from tossing and turning on the bed. But it was hot. I wanted to take my clothes off. Leto lowered my clothes, but I raised my arm to take them off.

“W-What are you doing!”

“It’s hot…”

It was way too hot. Leto was taken aback by my words, but hurriedly stopped my actions.

Then, he rose up and opened the windows, and meanwhile, I quickly threw my clothes off. As I unbuttoned the remaining buttons one by one, Leto, who finally noticed my actions, grabbed my wrist with a flushed face. He stared at me blankly, then glanced at my clothes, which were almost removed.

“Sigh, damn it.”

In the end, he rolled the blanket around me. I was dying from the heat under the blanket. As I tried to wiggle out of the blanket, Leto pinched my cheeks.

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“Stop. Are you playing with me?”

“I’m not playing with you……”

“You’re doing it on purpose because I’m embarrassed, right?”

“No, no.”

When I shook his head, he immediately took off his coat with one hand.

“I’m hot now because of you.”


“What now?”

Leto said curtly, no longer surprised.

“You’re so cool.”


“Absolutely, the best.”

I spoke calmly with sincerity. When he caught the ball and led the Magics team to victory, I felt a sense of distance as if I was a stranger for some reason, but he was still cool.

I just wanted to give him a big hug. I got up from my position when Leto’s hand relaxed. The blanket that rolled around my body slid down. My half naked body was exposed and Leto immediately turned around and put his coat on.

I opened my arms and hugged Leto. Before Leto could say anything, I placed him in my arms and patted him.

“……I wanted to hug you for doing well.”

“Am I a child…”

Leto murmured softly.

“So you don’t like it?”

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When I looked down at Leto, he was startled and shook his head. It meant that he didn’t hate it. I smiled and hugged Leto more tightly. Perhaps he gave up, he let go of my wrist.

“You……make people think weird.”


Drowsiness was pouring down on me, I couldn’t hear him well, but I nodded my head in daze. Then, Leto raised his head and stared at me. My view was filled with Leto’s black eyes. I like it. I smiled and held his cheek with one hand. My heart trembled strangely. I instinctively sensed that it wasn’t from the heat.

“I want to kiss you……”

Leto’s words made my eyes widened. What did I just hear?

“Can I?”



He asked persistently. What is going on?

But I was out of my mind too. I stared blankly at his lips and my body heated up again. I was sleepy but I also wondered what it would smell like and how it would feel when I touched those lips.

Yeah, Leto and I were very drunk.


“Stop, I’ve gone crazy.”

It was when Leto belatedly realised what he had said and pulled himself back. I leaned over to him and pressed my lips against Leto’s white cheeks. Leto’s body stiffened from the clear sound. He looked at me with his eyes wide open, as if he was very shocked. I didn’t stop and continued to kiss Leto on the cheek several times before hugging him tightly again.


I heard him call me, but I was completely sleepy now. My eyes slowly closed.

*  *  *

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Please do not repost. Read only at Dropped Inks.

I woke up without recalling what happened last night, and had a splitting headache. Instinctively, I could feel that what I drank yesterday was alcohol. I was afraid something had happened, but Leto greeted me casually, and fortunately I realised that everything was fine. But why was Leto’s ears so red?

After I got all ready, I went outside and met Bona and Vivian. It was now the time for the award giving ceremony. The three of us sat side by side and looked for Leto, who was neatly dressed in his training suit. Soon, all the names of the players from the Magics team were called, and Leto was awarded a certificate. 

“And I announce the MVP of this tournament.”

At the host’s words, we all looked at Leto.

“Leah Arsene!”

As expected, the result did not disappoint. As soon as Leto’s name was called, he rose to the podium. Leto was standing at a position where no one else could climb. I was wondering what he would talk about. It was the same with everyone, they all stayed quiet to hear his voice.

“I’ll talk briefly and keep it short.”

At Leto’s words, the students groaned. Leto went on calmly, regardless.

“First of all, I would like to thank the main members who led us to the championship together. There were occasional biassed judgements, so I hope that this can be improved. The third test to select the main players was a mental test that brings up past trauma, but I really don’t understand the need for this. Personally, I think it’s best to terminate this.”

If Senior Jimbo gave a touching speech last year, Leto was plain and honest.

“I would like you to take this opportunity to request a reconsideration of the testing method again. And finally……I thought my academy life would be boring. I was not interested and just wanted to graduate quietly, but I want to say thank you to my friend, Briseis Pierre, who made me have fun and also lowered my test scores.”

At his words, all the students’ eyes turned to me. I never thought he would mention my name on the podium.

“And……Bona Bellion, who I’m not as close as Briseis, but is quite fun to be with. I hope you stop arguing with me in the future. And Vivian Rawol, a timid but good friend, please pretend to be friendly with me.”


The students smiled as they looked for me, Bona and Vivian, whom Leto had mentioned. Bona grumbled inwardly, and Vivian seemed to be wiping his tears away. I also drew a big smile on my face.

“And lastly…….”


“I’m glad I made it to this position as myself, not as an Arsene. Thank you.”

He lifted up the weight of Arsene, which had been in his mind the whole time. Then, there was a big round of applause from the audience. Leto gave his last thanks and stepped down from the podium.

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