As I observed Leto silently, I noticed that his expression had hardened. Oh, was the acrostic poem too much? I wrote it in a funny way to lighten up the mood.

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But Leto laughed. It was quite a silly smile. The more I thought about it, the more ridiculous and funny this situation seemed, so I covered my mouth with my hand. I couldn’t hide my joy.

Leto, who understood the situation, recomposed himself, but it didn’t matter to me. Having gained confidence, I got up and quietly approached the seat next to Leto. Seeing that he didn’t say anything hateful even as I sat next to him, his anger seemed to have eased a little.

I read a book while waiting for the professor instead of gazing at him. When the class began, I didn’t pay attention to Leto and concentrated on my notes. Seeing that I couldn’t feel his gaze, Leto seemed to be doing the same.

“During magic, it’s very important to make good use of mathematical formulas. How you draw your own magic circle is also very crucial. Starting from today, we will learn about the magic circle formula. Everyone grab a chalk and draw a magic circle on your desk. First up, we’ll use Lumeni, a simple light magic.”

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Following the professor’s instructions, the students in the auditorium took out a chalk and drew a magic circle. I also drew one, but somehow it came out a little sloppy and the shape was crooked. In order to use magic well, it was good to implement mathematical formulas in the magic circle and draw them in perfect ratios. In the end, I erased the magic circle and redrew it, but this time I was stuck on the mathematical formulas.


No matter how much I shouted the magic, the light was only faint and did not radiate. On the other hand, Leto was the first one to achieve a strong light. Motivated by him, I tried again but no matter how many times I shouted the magic spell, the light only faded out and showed no signs of reviving.

As I was frantically calculating the mathematical formula and inwardly frustrated, I suddenly felt Leto’s warm breath.

“That’s not how you do it.”

He still spoke in a blunt tone. Was he trying to help me?

“You have to substitute this here. This formula is wrong. ……I think the whole calculation is wrong.”

He kindly taught me. His explanation was a little complicated and difficult, but I could still understand it regardless. Once I recognised my mistake, I solved the formula with Leto’s help step by step. The proper formula and answer was acquired, so I applied it and recalled the spell.

Light emitted. The yellow glow in front of me naturally made me smile.



“Do whatever you want now.”

I was still touched though. I seemed to be getting closer to Leto again.

* * *

When we arrived at the dormitory after our work was done, Leto and I still hadn’t spoken a word. I thought we had gotten a little closer, but it seemed to be my own illusion. Glancing at the indifferent and cold Leto, I couldn’t decide what to do next.

When I looked at him, he was still taking care of Crunch. Sigh, I don’t know. Let’s take a shower first. I quietly entered the bathroom to avoid disturbing them. I was intending to take off my clothes and underwear without hesitation. When my stomach was exposed, the door suddenly swung open.

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Leto’s eyes met mine. His face hardened. He paused as if he had yet to properly grasp the situation, but soon his face turned beetroot red. Moreover, I was partially naked, so I hastily covered my chest and stomach with my hands. At that moment, Leto finally came to his senses and moved away fleetingly.


The door slammed shut. I was left equally confused. I went in daze but soon noticed that my face and body were getting hot.

However, I couldn’t even scold Leto for suddenly entering the bathroom. I was not fully naked, and what’s the huge deal for women to see each other? I planned to take a shower as if nothing had happened. Doing my best to pretend it was all fine. 

But that didn’t work out well. While I was showering, I kept thinking of Leto’s embarrassed face. He turned out to be very shy in this regard.

After taking a bath, I frantically changed into my pyjamas and carefully exited the bathroom. Then, I noticed Leto sitting calmly on the bed. Why were you sitting like that? I headed to my bed, glancing at him. Leto stared at me anxiously and soon opened his mouth.

“It was a mistake just now.”

There was a slight tremor in his bold words. To be honest, Leto was adorable. I shrugged in response, desperately holding back the laughter that was about to spill out.

“Well, aren’t we both girls anyways?”

As I smiled, he flinched. He seemed to have felt guilty. Since it’s come to this, should I tease him even more?

“We’re roommates anyway. Why don’t you just reveal everything, Leah?”


As expected, Leto blinked his eyes in bewilderment.

“Should I take it off first?”

“W-what are you trying to do? Stop it, Brisse Pierre.”

Brisse Pierre, how formal. I had to change that name.

“Call me Bree.”

“It’s my choice.”

He turned his head away with a face full of remorse. Seriously, how could a man be this cute? I badly wanted to bite Leto. I sneakily approached Leto as I had previously. The only difference now was that this time, I planned to secretly strip my clothes off, but Leto suddenly stood up and grabbed my hand.

“Hey! I told you not to do it.”

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If I went further, I thought Leto’s face might explode.

But what should I do?

“Who cares? We’re both girls.”

“Y-you like women. I know what you were going to do.”

I wasn’t going to do anything. When I laughed out loud, Leto realised that I had been teasing him and frowned slightly. Then, he suddenly walked over to the desk and picked up a piece of paper and a pen.

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What was he trying to do? I approached Leto and looked at what he was writing.

[Compulsory Roommate Rules]

All of a sudden?

“It seems that the other kids have already set their own rules.”

“I don’t think we need to?”

“I need it. If you’re dissatisfied with it, go change roommates.”

No, I won’t! I couldn’t let go of the opportunity to get close to Leto like this. When I reluctantly nodded, Leto responded in agreement and began to write down the rules.

[1. Do not disturb me when I’m studying.]

This worked fine for me as well. I thought the rules were going to be extreme and difficult, but I was satisfied that they were rather natural.

“Second, don’t take off your clothes carelessly.”

Yes, this rule. I knew it would appear. When I was about to protest, I quickly shut my mouth upon Leto’s resolute face. When Leto noticed that I didn’t mention anything, he wrote down the second rule. After the two, the rules began to increase instantly and I began to be restless upon the rest of the rules.

On the other hand, Leto moved his pen without hesitation, as if he was satisfied with the rules he made.

[3. Always knock when someone is taking a bath.]


When I answered, Leto nodded. This way, we can prevent mishaps like before. Fortunately, it was before I was completely undressed, but if I had taken them all off……. I didn’t want to imagine it.

“Fourth, keep your distance. Don’t come near me.”

“No way!”

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“Because you’re dangerous.”

I was speechless at Leto’s words. He was really perceiving me as a threat. Did I push it too far?

“How far is the distance?”

When I asked, Leto suddenly stepped back and moved away from me. This distance was so far away that I couldn’t even sit next to him in class.

“This much?”

How did that make sense? When I shook my head, Leto took a step forward as if he was acting generous. You have a very big heart. As I moved forward with a huge step, Leto flinched, not seeing that coming. I approached forward and stopped until I could breathe alongside him.

I could see Leto’s deep black eyes and red hair.

“This is enough. I won’t yield any further.”

Compared to me staring at Leto, he could barely maintain eye contact with me.


Really? When his permission was granted, I couldn’t help but laugh. Leto quickly avoided me and wrote down the rules on the paper. The rest of the rules were also slowly written and agreed amongst Leto and I. A total of ten rules were created in a way that was appropriate akin to the basic rules amongst roommates.

[1. Do not disturb people when they’re studying.

2. Do not take your clothes off carelessly.

3. Always knock when someone is taking a bath.

4. Keep your distances.

5. Do not bring friends over in the dorm room aimlessly.

6. Use your own soap and bath supplies.

7. Do not be too loud.

8. Do not leave your undergarments unattended.

9. Do not touch or trigger the other person’s Polmions.

10. Do not use magic.]

The established rules were pasted on a visible wall. Leto stood there, smiling as if he was satisfied with the rules he had set.

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“Then what if someone breaks the rules?”

“Let’s pay 2 golds each.”

My mouth naturally widened at the mention of the huge price of 2 gold. With that amount of money, you could buy more than 20 books and eat as much as you want. You could purchase a gorgeous dress at that price, but alas, this rich young master probably thought differently.

“No. You’re the daughter of the Duke of Arsene, but I’m poor so it’s not possible.”

Moreover, the Lexley Academy cost my entire family’s fortune. The tuition I had to pay every time was already heavy, let alone two golds.

Leto pondered for a while, probably considering my position.

“How about a massage?”

When I asked, Leto stared at me as if questioning my response. I wriggled my hands and grinned.

“I’m good at massaging.”

“Have you forgotten? Keep the distance between you and me”.

“That’s a rule. This is when I break the rules. Anyway, I’ll give you a massage. Leah, did you know, I was once called God’s hands?”

“God’s hands?”

Leto asked, appearing to be a little intrigued. 

“Yeah. They say that I could even bring the dead back to life. I can hit every spot perfectly. My hands are able to relieve all the muscles and flesh to make the body move. What do you think? Don’t you want to try it?”

Leto stared at me in disbelief.

“Look, aren’t my fingers long? This is the proof.”


“Of course.”

I replied, confidently. When I was living in Seoul before I was reincarnated in a book, I once massaged a stunned frog on the street and made it jump back to life. 

Leto took the pen and wrote it down on the paper with a neat handwriting.

[If you break the rules, Leah Arsene pays 2 gold. Brisse Pierre gives Leah Arsene a massage.]

For some reason, it felt like a shame to compare 2 golds with a massage. Still, massaging was hard work and my massages are very valuable so I immediately erased my regrets.

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