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[1000 into 500.]

One-on-one PK.

Eliminate half of the participants directly?

Liu Qingqing smiled.

This game was pretty cool.

[Your opponent is being randomly matched...]

Soon her cubicle, move.

Face up with another cubicle.

Liu Qingqing took a closer look and saw a big screen between the two.

The opposite was a sweet and lovely pink curly girl with a pair of small tiger teeth and dimples. She looks like a Barbie doll, which makes life not so disgusting.

When she smiled, Liu Qingqing had the urge to buy new clothes for her and let her change!

"Hello, I'm Lena from Gao Yu Technology~"

Even her voice was full of sweet and bubbling sounds.

In terms of appearance and voice, she was not inferior to her cute junior sister in her previous life.

Liu Qingqing hissed.

She suddenly remembered LULU-chan, the best record winner of the year on the radio car yesterday.

If I remembered correctly, this AI artist was in the same company with LULU.

She was lucky enough to be matched with a seed player as soon as she arrived.

"Today, because it is depending on the reward amount, we will basically send you away." Li Mo's emotional voice sounded in her headset, "After all, You only have 100 viewers."

This was her second live broadcast.

Now she was still a little transparent rookie with insufficient credit, and the live broadcast room was limited.

In addition, everyone distrusts the real-person-star, and would rather watched a robot than enter her live broadcast room.

"Even if your family greeted me and told you not to lose too ugly, I can't change the match result."

Liu Qingqing was stunned.

The Liu family really wanted face!

Let her suffered a little, and they would be happy?

"This time, the AI sent by Gao Yu Technology are very popular, and the audience number is more than 1,000. Although this Lena is their newly developed experimental model, it is not something you can win."Li Mo sighed.

"Be mentally prepared."

Li Mo summed up ruthlessly.

100 spectators on one side and 1,000 spectators on the other side compete for the total reward, and the result must be tragic!

"Thank you Brother Li for reminding me~" Liu Qingqing gave a perfect smile.

Li Mo was stunned.

In the main control room, he heard this soft and bubling voice, as if in front of him there was a small white flower on the glacier, blooming in the wind, extremely weak, even the fragrance was faint.

There was a trace of scratch in his heart, and he uncosciously blurted out a comfort, "It doesn't matter if you are eliminated, as long as you accumulate popularity, you can participate in next year's session."

Liu Qingqing twitched the corner of her mouth.

Why are you waiting for next year? Actress, will fight everytime even in day and night!

"If you meet Gao Yu, everyone will lose." After Li Mo finished speaking, he almost bit his tongue.

He was clearly here to attack her, how could he comfort her?!

Li Mo was upset and closed the microphone, "Get ready."

Liu Qingqing nodded but suddenly froze.

If you run into Gao Yu, you will lose?

The words of the novel in my mind floated out again.

Is this Gao Yu who became the strongest entertainment company at the end of the novel?

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The family business of the Gao family had been carried forward in the hands of the heroine of the novel, the genius girl Gao Yueru.

Compared with her, 'Liu Qingqing' was simply a poor comparison group of cannon fodder.

Gao Yueru was the most talented girl in research and development in the interstellar era. All the research and development otakus and outstanding single men in the novel like her.

The AI artist she developed has defeated the Liu family's eldest brother's Mi Jiang and made the Liu family's men madly fascinated by her from top to bottom. Also with the male protagonist who had a broken engagement contract because of her disability.

Liu Qingqing: "..."

The enemy met on a narrow road!

[Game start.]

The screen in the live broadcast room of the game change.

A light curtain appeared in front of Liu Qingqing with a row of buttons on it.

On the left is the item bar, and on the right was the optional weather effect.

There were many daily necessities in the item column, hats, teacups, desks...

Liu Qingqing's eyes lit up, and she immediately selected them with freshness.

And the live broadcast of Lena on the opposite side also started, Liu Qingqing looked up.

It just felt... seductive.

She wore a pink diamond-studded dance dress and danced to the music.

Who could say no to a little cutie?

The reward amount in the live broadcast room had risen to 1,000 energy coins in less than half a minute.

[Lena-chan is the best!]

[I want to live on her skirt~]

[Leave a space for me upstair~]

The barrage is full of excitement.

[The performance of No. 205 ends.]

[The 100th performance begins. ]

The 1,000 people who were originally in the live broadcast room were cleared in an instant!

Many people were kicked out before they could react.

It was not until the sparse number of viewers in the live broadcast room stopped at '100' that the live broadcast room stabilized again.

They only saw Liu Qingqing on the screen.

[Wow, No. 100 is still yesterday's audition girl! ]

[Hello, sister paper, I'm here again, fortunately I wasn't kicked away, scared to death. ]

[Me too, waiting for the sister paper for a whole day! ]

[Last night, my head was full of beautiful pictures of girls crying, and I couldn't sleep. ]

[It's outrageous, why isn't the match broadcast 24 hours a day? I don't want to go out from this room!]

[one-on-one elimination, can the girl win? Lena's performance just now was also good...worry.]

It turned out that a lot of viewers from yesterday were positioned in the room again.

As soon as they entered the room, they were very excited to see Liu Qingqing.

Apparently, they were impressed by the beauty's tears yesterday.

After a night of waiting, I finally saw her again!

It's just that many of them watched Lena's cute performance and were confused about who to support at the moment.

[What's wrong with these beauties? Why am I doing multiple choice questions.]

[Yes, I want to know too! If you have to choose, Lena seems to be a little more cute.]

But after a while, their swiping slowly stopped.

Different from the cute dance of smart artist Lena, there was a bleak cold wind and a drizzle in this live broadcast room.

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Liu Qingqing was wearing a small white dress today, and the corners of the skirt seemed to be patched.

The hem of her skirt was blown up by the wind, and she blushed and held it with her hand.

[I wipe, open the screen to crit!]

[I don't feel right...]

Liu Qingqing's black hair is scattered behind her, fluttering in the wind.

With the barrage howl, the wind speed was getting stronger and the rain was getting denser.

Her bangs were sticking to her snow-white forehead, and raindrops kept falling down her pretty face...

Liu Qingqing shivered, and put her hands around her shoulders, her pink lips gradually turning snow-white.

She didn't stop eagerly until she reached on an umbrella vending machine.

But the purse on her hand shook, and only a five-cent coin fell out.

The longing in her eyes could not help but dim, and finally extinguished with the trembling hand...


[This sad look, I'm dead...]

[The curvature of the eyelashes hits my heart directly.]

[Wait a minute, she is holding an ancient purse?]

[Five points? I remember it was worthless, how much is it in energy coins?]

[Little Pity tortured me to death, the wind was heavy and the rain was heavy, my brother's energy coins are all for you! Get an umbrella now!]

[Reward 200 energy coins, buy ten umbrellas for the girl, and throw nine to play! ]

[The ancients are really interesting. Energy coins are all coins. It seems to be a good feeling to draw money from the wallet. It is more interesting than directly brushing with the brain. ]

[Can I watch this for free? Lena, I'm sorry, your simple cuteness can't make me tempted! I love this more!]

[This is stronger than last year's champion, right? ]

Ten minutes later, the live broadcast time came to an end.

[? ]

[It is stop working? Do not! !]

[Ah, I still feel bad, why is it over? !]

[Are good times always feel so short?]

While the audience wailed, the total reward amount was settled.

Liu Qingqing also pulled away from the performance state, but she was not in a hurry to see the reward results, but first called up a prop, mirror and cosmetic bag.

After wiping her wet bangs with a towel, she looked in the mirror to touch up her makeup.

Professional stars only take off their makeup when they were alone.

Whenever in public, always wore 'combat makeup'.

Liu Qingqing checked and made sure that she was pretty delicate before putting down her - PK success!

"Who do you think will got promoted!? Isn't it from Gao Yu?"

Director Li Mo's surprised voice came loudly.

The proofreading staff was very sure, "No. 100 Liu Qingqing won. She received a reward of 3,950, which is 100 more energy coins than Lena from Gao Yu Company."

Li Mo's neck seemed to be strangled. Was the data wrong?

"A viewer in her room gave 2,000 energy coins."

There were local tyrants at all times.

I see.

Li Mo shook his head helplessly.

Liu Qingqing's voice appeared at the door in the next second, "Brother Li, can I withdraw? Will I be notified of the time for the semi-finals?"

Her small face was radiant and shiny like a crescent moon, showing the freshness of a girl.

Li Mo: "..."

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What else could he say?


This was the first time in many years that a real person had participated in the draft and won against the robot of Gao Yu Technology?

Should I say she is lucky, or should I say she is a dark horse?

Li Mo was a little skeptical, "Sent it to me her Live Channel"

"Brother Li, she's limited to 100 viewers. When it's full, we can't watch it."

"What about the recording?"

"No, it's illegal. "

Li Mo: "..." 

The more I couldn't see it, the more I wanted to see what's going on?

Scratch your lungs.

On the way home, Liu Qingqing logged into the Skynet account.

Her personal account was updated.

[Today's artist income: 3950 energy coins.]

"Hey, does that mean all the rewards from the competition just now belong to me?"

Liu Qingqing suddenly laughed out loud.

One game was ten minutes, and the income was 4,000, which was not bad.

After all, she was a 'little newcomer'.

The facial mask, skin rejuvenation, water light, and anti-wrinkle lift machine of the interstellar era were all worth a lot of money when she checked online, and each model was above five figures.

So she must kept making money!

Of course, the point was that her civilian level was not enough, so she couldn't buy it!

Liu Qingqing visited the Xingwang mall and finally could only buy some cucumbers and eggs that were F-class authorized to eat... She went home and made her own mask.

The express delivery of daily goods was extremely fast to arrive.

When she got home, the unmanned express delivery vehicle had already arrived.


But before Liu Qingqing went to get it, she heard a cold snort.

The fifth sister, Liu Yingjiao, was doing an AI artist running test in the garden.

"Did you get mother's approval for buying so many things?" Liu Yingjiao's experiment was not going well, and the robot failed, making her mood worsen.

The original owner had no human rights at home.

Even her own little sister didn't respect her.

It seemed that because her IQ was not high, she deserved to be the foot-washing maid of the whole family!

Liu Qingqing raised her red lips, "Oh, little sister, you are still sixteen years old with limited ability to act, and you really have to listen to your mother. But sister, I'm eighteen~"

Liu Yingjiao: " have no ability to act! You don't have the ability to act at all! You must be getting that money from begging!"

A bear child.

Liu Qingqing didn't want to talk nonsense with her, "It's not your pocket money anyway."

Liu Yingjiao almost became a puffer fish, "You think I don't know, you're begging someone to give you a reward in the live broadcast room, it's an honor to beg for food!"

Liu Qingqing was too lazy to care and was about to enter the villa when she saw a corner of a lab coat passing through the garden.

She blinked and looked at Liu Yingjiao innocently.

"Xiaojiao, how can you talk about edest brother like that?"

"???" Liu Yingjiao suffocated, "I'm talking about you..."

Liu Yingqin, in a white lab coat, just walked to the garden, he wanted to see the youngest fifth sister,  How to run the program debugging of the robot system, I stopped at the corner when I heard this.

"Our eldest brother made an AI artist. Although most of the income comes from the audience's rewards, you can't say that this is begging."

Liu Qingqing raised her oval face and educated the younger sister solemnly.

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"You said that eldest brother is begging for food every day, which will hurts his heart."

Liu Yingqin frowned immediately and looked at Liu Yingjiao displeased.

Liu Yingjiao was stunned, "I said that the reward is..."

"Yeah, whether it's our big brother or AI, we all rely on hard work and wisdom to win the audience's love."

Liu Qingqing looked at her sadly, "Being rewarded is essentially different from begging for nothing. This is art." 

"Let all the people in interstellar have the highest level of audio-visual enjoyment and the highest level of happiness - this is the greatness of big brother and Mi Jiang!"


He won the Galaxy Ten Outstanding Youth Award ten years ago, and to this day, he still had not slacked off.

I live in the laboratory every day, eat, drink and sleep in it, and I hardly ever went back to the bedroom.

But over the years, this was the highest praise he had ever heard.

——He was benefiting the whole interstellar people...!

"In this family, I admire eldest brother the most." Liu Qingqing said, admiration painted on her fair face.

Her watery eyes sparkled, and she raised her chin as if the other party was extremely tall in her heart and needed to be looked up.

Liu Yingqin took a look and was very moved.

No man could resist admiration from women, even if the compliment comes from his own sister.

It's so comfortable!

It was more pleasant than when he got 10% completion of the research and development progress!

"Xiaojiao, your fourth sister is right. You have to learn more from her and improve your mental awareness." Only then did Liu Yingqin walk out of the corner blocked by trees with his hands behind his back.

Liu Yingjiao stared, "...!"

Liu Qingqing exclaimed, "Big brother, you are here, I just found out."

The admiration in her eyes, like a substantial wave, surged toward him.

Liu Yingqin pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, stood up straight, raised his chest and tucked his abdomen, and nodded gently at her.

"Brother, I got the reward money from the competition today and bought you a shaver, although the model is very old, it's a basic model..."

"Ha! You, it come forty years ago, even grandpa didn't know what to do with it. How do you know the way to use it!"

"Younger sisters!" Liu Yingqin scolded.

Instead, he solemnly looked at the black gift box handed over to Liu Qingqing.

It has a green bow tie.

Obviously, she did it herself, full of respect, and although it was a little crooked, it could be seen that it took her a lot of time.

A trace of emotion flashed in Liu Yingqin's eyes.

It was the first time he had received a gift outside of his birthday.

The second and third brothers had income, but they never bought him gifts.

Still, this sister was the first time.

"Thank you sister, I will use it according to the instructions."

Liu Yingjiao: "??"

Liu Qingqing: You are welcome, that is, the old antique promotion prize that the staff at the competition site gave.

Liu Yingqin pushed his glasses, "As a gift in return, I will use the chips discarded by Mi Jiang to make a learning machine, and ask the housekeeper to give it to you in half an hour."

Liu Qingqing: "..."

He only gave the discarded chip?

Leaning machine? You don't have to be polite!

But there was a stomping sound next to her, "Brother, you said yesterday that it was for me!"

Liu Qingqing: Oh roar, I was instantly satisfied.JPG

"Brother," Liu Qingqing looked over gratefully, "Thank you, but can the learning function be changed according to my request? I don't need to use that chip, just stop the vibration mattress that mother gave to me in the basement made...."

Liu Yingqin's face flashed a trace of doubt.

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