Chapter 17: Don’t Get Up Earlier Than Me

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“What should have happened to me?” Seemingly puzzled, Si Xu walked into the room from the balcony and closed the balcony door casually. “I'm going to turn in for the night. Why are you still here? If you won’t go out...”

“Huh?” Was this person dim-witted? The blond guy was amused by Si Xu’s words. And then he thought, this person was only a superhuman with space-type abilities. He wasn’t afraid of this guy, so he straightened his back. “I heard from Brother Lei that you’re quite cocky. Today, I’m going to...”

Before he could finish talking, there was a crisp sound next to his ear. It sounded like the crisp sound of broken bones. His entire vision was spinning, and when he regained his thoughts, the door which should have been behind him was in front of him.

The blond guy heard the man calmly finish his interrupted words.

“If you won't go out, you’ll die.”

“Ah, ah...” The blond guy really wanted to refute and scold him. His mind was filled with curses for the man, but when he opened his mouth, he could only utter an incoherent single sound.

The door opened, and his body flew out of the room uncontrollably, hitting the corridor with a loud thud.

Before he lost consciousness, he saw the young man walk to the door and gave him one last look before he closed the door.

It was a cold gaze without a trace of human emotion that he had never seen in his twenty years of life — it was as though he wasn’t taking the life of a human being but a life of little importance.

Oh, was he going to die? How could that guy not let him finish his cool-sounding words? Previously, superhumans who were invited into the base by Brother Lei could not move after they were knocked out by the drug, and their faces would pale with fright after hearing what he said.

He thought that today would be no exception — he had already dealt with so many superhumans. One more superhuman wouldn’t have made much difference. He had long been used to it.

However, why was this man alright? Why was he able to break his neck so... so calmly?

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After Si Xu closed the door, the door of another room opened. The man's robust body fell to the ground with a snap like a kite with a broken string. He was lying in a row with his buddy.

Gu Yunqing walked to the door, yawned, looked down at the terrified Lei Tang, and said with a smile, “Brother Lei, I treated you like a brother. It's really unkind of you to plot against me like this.”

“You, you, you, you, you, you can still move?!” Lei Tang’s body was subdued by an invisible air current and he could not move. He stammered, “You aren’t drugged?!”

No way, he obviously ate those dishes and drank the wine!

“You mean the drug you added in the dishes?” Gu Yunqing squinted and smiled. “You’re also a superhuman. Don’t you know that ordinary drugs are useless to superhumans?"

“That’s impossible!” Those superhumans who passed by here before were all...

“Of course it's possible. It's just because your ability is too low.” Gu Yunqing smiled sarcastically, glanced at the corpse not far away, and tsked twice. “You sent that guy to Si Xu's room? Poor guy.”

At Gu Yunqing’s reminder, Lei Tang turned his head to look at the other side of the corridor and blurted out, “Xiang, Xiang!” No way, this was impossible. Xiang was a superhuman with second-level abilities. How could he have died at the hands of a superhuman with space-type abilities?

“Sigh, you’re lucky that you weren't the one who went into Si Xu's room, or you would be the one lying there now.” Gu Yunqing finished talking with a smile and clapped his hands. “Okay, okay, Song Rong, get two people to deal with them. Those who are on the next shift, move it. Those who should rest, go and rest. It’s rare to find such a good environment. Don't let it be wasted.”

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Ran woke up from her sleep. When she moved slightly, she noticed the unusualness next to her.

Si Xu had put one hand on her waist. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow.

She stared at him blankly for a long time, then carefully removed his hand. She climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

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She slept very well last night and had a dreamless night. However, her head throbbed a little after she woke up. Could it be that she had slept too soundly?

Hearing slight movements, Si Xu opened his eyes and sat up slowly.

The person in his arms was gone...

His mood turned bad.

He looked around, but didn't see the girl.

His bad mood became more obvious.

Without thinking about the reason for his bad mood, the man lazily got up and changed his clothes.

When Jiang Ran came in with the breakfast prepared in the kitchen, she happened to see Si Xu taking off his pajamas and getting ready to get dressed.

Hearing the movements, Si Xu looked back at her and casually threw the pajamas in his hand on the sofa...

Jiang Ran, “...”

Looking away calmly, Jiang Ran put the tray on the table, put her hands to her mouth and let out a breath. “The snow has stopped, but it's cold outside. It’s even colder than yesterday.”

“It's really strange. When I went to the kitchen, I heard from the auntie who was preparing breakfast that Lei Tang and several others were missing...”

“Oh.” His response was still lukewarm.

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This person was never curious about things he was not interested in. Jiang Ran put aside the news she heard in the morning and asked Si Xu, “I don't know what you like to eat. Auntie prepared steamed buns, steamed twisted rolls, and millet porridge.  I took some of each.”

Si Xu sat down at the table. “I'm not picky about food.”

“Yeah.” Jiang Ran served him the millet porridge and put the plate with the buns in front of him.

“Aren't you going to eat?”

“I ate in the kitchen.” The girl said with a smile. “I also went outside for a walk. The first footprint on the snow was mine — I’ll be blessed with good luck!”

Not knowing what that meant, Si Xu ate quietly without talking.

Thinking that he was not interested in such a topic, Jiang Ran changed the subject. “Si Xu, have you encountered any other survivors in Shenmu City?”


“Yeah. After all, it's been half a year. There hasn't been a base established there. The superhumans must have left there long ago. Ordinary people... probably have no chance of surviving.”


“Actually, if it wasn't for Xie Chengzhi and Luo Rui, I might have died a long time ago.” Jiang Ran rested her chin on her hands, looked at Si Xu, and said to herself, “In retrospect, I'm still a little grateful to them...”

When Si Xu heard what she said, he frowned. So, what did she want to express? Was she trying to tell him how nice those two brainless people were to her? Or did she still think that he wasn’t nice enough to her... Am I still not nice enough... to her?

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While the man was doubting himself, Jiang Ran continued to mutter, “After all, without them, I wouldn't have had the chance to meet you...”

Si Xu, “...” That was true — from this point of view, those two idiots had done something that suited his wishes.

However, did this woman not realize that she had done something wrong? It was rather interesting to listen to her idle chatter, but he still needed to remind her of the matter that put him in a bad mood.

“Jiang Ran.”

Jiang Ran was puzzled when she suddenly heard Si Xu call her name, “Huh?”

“In the future...” After a pause, Si Xu put down the small spoon, looked into the girl's dark eyes, and said plainly, “Don't wake up earlier than me.”

“Oh...” Jiang Ran blinked her eyes and became more puzzled. “Why?” If he slept until noon, would she have to stay in bed until noon too?

“It’s because it puts me in a bad mood.” Yes, he was very upset when he woke up to find that the hand warmer in his arms was gone.

Jiang Ran, “...”

Si Xu, “...”

Jiang Ran nodded in comprehension and accepted his request. “Oh, I got it.”

Si Xu was a possessive pervert —— Jiang Ranran's evaluation was probably right. This guy even controlled when she slept and woke up. Good grief... No wonder he didn't win Jiang Ranran’s heart in the end.

But then she thought about it. No, Si Xu never wooed Jiang Ranran at all — to him, Jiang Ranran might only be a plaything to kill time. As long as she didn’t push her luck, he couldn’t be bothered with her. Even if she really angered him, he could also ruthlessly beat her up and throw her into a group of zombies.

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