Chapter 3: Or I’ll Kill You

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The small storeroom was some distance away from the backyard. As soon as Jiang Ran stepped out of the wooden hut, she saw a figure staggering towards this direction from not far away.


The night was foggy, and she couldn't see very clearly. Hence, she contemplated taking two steps closer to say hello.

However, her body seemed to react before her brain did, and when she became conscious of what she was doing, she had already run to the backyard door.

That thing... Jiang Ran could not help but look at the slow-moving and staggering figure again. Her heart skipped a beat. It was a zombie!


That zombie seemed to have caught a whiff of the fresh flesh and blood in the air. It turned its head and finally looked in Jiang Ran's direction.

Jiang Ran was instantly alarmed and pushed hard at the closed back door.


It didn’t budge.

They locked the back door?!

After two hard slams, the back door made a heavy creaking sound, but it remained shut.

"Darned it, these people are really..." There was an injured person in the storeroom, and yet they locked the back door without thinking about that? Jiang Ran sneered angrily. As expected, those people all wished that Jiang Ranran would die soon... Since they all wished that to happen, all the more reason that she couldn’t let them get their way.


The zombie approached step by step.

Jiang Ran took two steps back and sized up the structure of the yard and the small mansion — the outer wall was not too high, and two classical windows were built on the wall as decorations. If she climbed from the window to the wall, how would she get off?

Or... Her gaze fell on the balcony that was connected to the wall, and she made a decision.

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Since she couldn’t go down, she would climb straight to the second floor. Just now, Xie Chengzhi said that dinner was ready. Everyone must be eating on the first floor now.

While no one was around, she could find a few changes of clothes.


   Upon making up her mind, Jiang Ran decisively climbed up to the window and tried her best to climb to the top of the wall.

The moment she hung on the wall, the zombie walked to the corner of the wall and reached out to grab her feet.

"Argh..." Jiang Ran kicked off the shoes which the zombie was clutching, and huddled against the wall. As she watched the hideous corpse move slowly at the corner of the wall, her blood ran cold.


What a close shave. She almost died.

If Jiang Ranran hadn't woken up and left the small shabby hut, she would have been trapped in the hut and bitten to death by this zombie that caught a whiff of flesh...

As Jiang Ran looked at the persistent zombie wandering around in the corner, she picked up a tile and threw it at the zombie’s head.

A thud sound was heard. There was a hole in the zombie's head, but the zombie was still standing.

Jiang Ran, “...”

Jiang Ran leaned against the wall and carefully moved towards the balcony on the second floor.

Her body gradually became numb, and the cold wind seemed to crack the skin on her cheeks. Jiang Ran gritted her teeth and moved her stiff hands and feet. After what seemed like forever, she finally reached the balcony of the room on the second floor.

She climbed on all fours into the balcony.

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Before she could heave a sigh of relief, the glass door connecting the balcony to the room was pulled open, and a tall and straight figure appeared in sight.

The young man was wearing a white turtleneck sweater, paired with smoky grey trousers and a long woollen coat, giving him a clean and neat appearance.

His light brown eyes were clear and bright, reflecting her sorry state.

When he saw her, he opened his eyes slightly wide, revealing a puzzled expression.


"Professor Si, Professor Si, are you there?" At the same time the man spoke, there were knocks on the door of the room, and Jiang Ran heard Luo Rui's voice coming from outside the door. "Professor Si, Captain Gu asked me to come up and tell you that dinner is ready."

For some unknown reason, Jiang Ran suddenly got up and pounced on the young man, knocking him to the ground under his stunned gaze.

She pressed down on him, covered his mouth tightly and threatened in a low voice, "Don't move! Don't tell her I'm here! Or I'll kill you!"

Luo Rui continued to knock on the door. "Professor Si, Professor Si, are you there? Professor Si?" The girl turned the doorknob twice before giving up. "Could he have gone out..."

The sounds of footsteps faded, and while Jiang Ran heaved a sigh of relief, she looked down at the person whom she had pinned to the ground.

The young man maintained the posture of being pressed down by her and blinked innocently.

And then...

Not knowing whether it was intentional or not, he licked her palm.

As if being scalded, Jiang Ran suddenly withdrew her hand and crawled away from him on all fours.

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"I-I'm sorry!" She clasped her hands, lowered her head, and apologized, "I'm not a bad person. I'm a member of Luo Rui's team, but I had a fight with them just now, so I don't want her to know that I'm here. "

"Oh." The young man sat up slowly, and his pair of light brown eyes rested on Jiang Ran without blinking.

He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, but remained quiet.


   Noticing his small movement, the palm he had licked felt hot again. Jiang Ran was on the verge of tears. "I didn't pounce on you on purpose. I just-just..."

Halfway through her speech, she suddenly remembered how Luo Rui addressed him just now.

Jiang Ran, "..." What did Luo Rui call him? Professor Si? This man is...

Her hair stood on end. Jiang Ran stared blankly at the man in front of her and murmured, "You-you’re... Si Xu?"

"Yeah." Without asking how she knew his name, the young man nodded and admitted, "I am."

Jiang Ran, "..." Her body, which was numb from the cold, trembled uncontrollably, causing her to stutter, "Prof-Professor Si, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it! I'm sorry..." Please don’t kill me.

Good grief, had she known earlier that this was Si Xu’s room, she wouldn't have dared to climb in whatsoever.


  Jiang Ran was on the verge of tears.

Was this the so-called fate? She had fallen out with Luo Rui and the others, but she still ended up in the big villain's hands? She even pounced on him... and threatened him... She was courting death!

"Yeah." His reply still sounded cold.

Unable to tell his mood, Jiang Ran continued to apologize, "I'm sorry to have bothered you. I'll leave right away..."

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She'd better get out of here quickly before this strongest fighter took any action.

"Wait." The man who had been uttering only single-word answers suddenly spoke. When Jiang Ran heard his deep voice, it made her shiver uncontrollably.

"Prof-Professor Si, I..." She’s doomed. She’s going to be killed.

How unlucky of her to have somehow transmigrated to this wretched place and become one of the female supporting characters. She was ostracized by her teammates, chased by zombies, and now, she had offended the villain boss –– She wished she could go home. Would she be able to go home after she died? If that was the case... Jiang Ran gave up explaining and said in a choked voice, "Professor Si, just kill me."

Huh? She seems like she’s going to cry? He hasn't said anything yet... Si Xu stood up with a puzzled expression on his face. "Wait a minute."

  Jiang Ran, "..." Wait a minute? Does he have to wait before killing her?! This man is indeed a big villain!

The young man left the room, but before Jiang Ran could heave a sigh of relief, he returned.

He closed the door casually and put a bag of things on the bed. "Change into them."

Jiang Ran said, "Huh?" The girl got up in a daze and walked to the bed in trepidation. She opened the bag — it was a full set of women's winter clothes, from lingerie to down jacket, and from socks to scarf... Everything needed was available.

Jiang Ran was dumbfounded. "... Professor Si?" What does he mean? Isn't he the villain boss? Doesn’t he have unpredictable moods? Didn't he treat Jiang Ranran as a toy and drive her crazy... Could it be that Si Xu isn’t the kind of person she thinks he is?

   "Your clothes are wet." After Si Xu finished speaking, he turned around and stopped looking at her.


His intention was obvious. He wanted her to change her clothes.

   Jiang Ran took the clothes hesitantly. However, when she saw that the man had no intention of going out, she hid in a corner and began to change her clothes.


   Forget it, I’ll change out of the wet clothes first. If he wants to kill me later, so be it!

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