It’s been a few days since he left the house he shared with his mother. Ever since he’d admitted he was a demon, Liel had been plagued by a strange sense of unease.

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So he’d been hovering by Lucy’s side.

As a result, he had come to spend most of his days and nights at the Marquis of Seywint.

He visited the mansion every morning, and the Marquis always welcomed him graciously.

He would then wait for Lucy to wake up and pass the time by chatting with Anise.

After a week or so of this routine, it had become a part of their leisure time.

“I can’t believe that little child who used to run up to Lucy’s room as a child has grown up to keep this old woman company.”

Anise said with a reminiscent look on her face. Then, as shyly as any other grandchild, Liel clutched the tiny teacup in his big hands.

“I don’t know anything else, but I guess I was born with one grandson.”

Liel laughed quietly at Anise’s words. It was nice to sit in front of Anise, who called him her grandchild, and talk about nothing in particular.

It made him feel like he was really part of Lucy and Anise’s family.

“Lucy told me that you, Liel, wanted to start a knighthood in our family…….”

In a casual tone, Anise told him what she had heard from Lucy. It was Liel who tensed up at the natural change of subject.

“If that’s what you want to do, then go for it. Lucy will be the marquis by then, so you can do as you please.”

But despite his nerves, Anise didn’t take the matter negatively.

She had nothing to object to. In the first place, she wasn’t planning to interfere unless Lucy asked for her help the moment she stepped down from her position as head of the family.

“Liel, do you like Lucy that much?”


Liel’s face paled at the unexpected question. He bowed his head deeply and muttered an apology in a low voice.

As if he had committed a terrible sin, he dared not raise his head in Anise’s presence.

Anise’s eyes widened at Liel’s demeanor, erasing her previously nonchalant expression.

“What do you have to apologize for? If you like her, it’s good. You don’t have to apologize to me.”


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“Except, um…….”

She’d lived a long life, and she was adept at picking up on other people’s intentions, and Liel was no exception.

“Once again, you have a tendency to act on impulse sometimes, don’t you?”

Truth be told, Anise could vaguely guess his intentions when she learned that Liel had suddenly gone along with the extermination mission.

She didn’t know the full story, but his impulsive choice must have had something to do with wanting Lucy’s attention.

She knows this because she’s watched him since he was a child.

From a young age, he would pretend to accidentally fall to get her attention, or break down and cry when she let go of his hand.

“……Liel, Lucy is…… a lot slower than everyone else, especially in the emotional department.”

Flinching, Liel’s shoulders trembled. His head slowly snapped back into place.

His face now has a puzzled expression, as if he doesn’t understand.

Anise was just as confused.

She hadn’t thought she’d ever tell anyone this story.

“You know,” she says, “Lucy didn’t even cry when she was born, so I was so surprised, and so was my daughter, and Lucy’s dad was so worried that she was dead.”

But despite their worries, Lucy was healthy and growing faster than her peers.

The problem was that she didn’t smile much.

“She never cried or smiled until the day she got up and walked on her own.”

It was the opposite of the Lucy Liel knew. Even if it was the story of a child who hadn’t yet formed a sense of self.

That’s why the “Lucy” that came out of Anise’s mouth felt so foreign to Liel.

“Luckily, once she learned to talk, she cried and laughed straight away, but……. Sometimes there are kids like Lucy, who are slightly slower to express their feelings.”

Anise laughed softly.

“Ahem, hm…….” 

After a short cough, Anise cleared her throat and continued.

“So, Liel……. I don’t want you to be too impatient.”

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Maybe Lucy just doesn’t know how to feel beyond friendship.

Anise thought.

She just can’t keep up with Liel because she doesn’t know.

“Now that everyone is singing your praises, you must have grown up a lot, but Lucy and I will still worry about you, so you should take care of yourself.”

Anise hoped Liel wouldn’t make the mistake of cutting into her flesh in his impatience.

Lucy was too worried to show it, but Anise was worried about Liel, who was still a student.

“I’m sorry.”

Liel’s tone turned stiff again.

His words sounded partly like he was sorry for worrying her, partly like he was sorry that he couldn’t give her an answer.

Anise clicked her tongue inwardly.

She wonders if he’s stubborn.

After taking a sip of the tea Sarah had poured for her, Anise said quietly.

“So, can we stop talking about the complicated stuff now?”

Feeling the need to lighten the mood, Anise clapped her hands together.

Hearing her clap, Liel smiled bitterly.

Still, he didn’t stop apologizing.

I’m sorry.

Liel muttered to himself.

I’m sorry that I, a demon, dared to want your grandchild, he never finished telling Anise.

[Lucy’s POV]

The day of my return to the academy drew near, but my steps did not come easily.

Grandma’s physical condition had worsened.

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“Grandma, are you sure you’re okay?”

I held onto my grandmother’s hand as she lay in bed.

“I already said I’m fine. It’s normal for people to have weakness when they get older, so don’t worry too much. Liel is waiting for you, so go on.”

“And of course, my lady, I’ll take care of the Marquis as best I can!”

Sarah said, nodding eagerly.

“Oh, and don’t worry too much, Lady Dioletta said she would also be visiting today.”

I felt slightly relieved to hear Dioletta unnie’s name. I nodded reluctantly, let go of my grandmother’s hand and stood up from my seat.

“Grandma, I’ll send you a letter.”

So you need to get well soon, okay?

At my words, my grandmother waved her hand in a knowing way and smiled.

The academy’s winter vacation ends two days before the entrance ceremony.

That’s because before that, the graduation ceremony for students graduating from the academy is held.

It was such a noteworthy event that the shrine sent a priest to celebrate.

As I entered the hall where the ceremony was taking place, I noticed brooches emitting a faint glow. These were brooches filled with divine power that the temple gave to graduates.

‘I wonder if I’ll be wearing one of those when I graduate.’

I frowned, dazzled by the soft glow.


As I frowned and looked around, I heard Bella’s voice not too far away.

I turned my head to look at Bella, who was also wearing a glowing brooch.

I turned away from it and ran to her.

“Senior, congratulations on your graduation!”

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She beams at me.

“Thank you for the well wishes. Even though I’ve only known you for a year, I wanted to see you one last time.”

She pulled me into a wide hug. At the same time, I felt a shallow pain above my collarbone. It was her brooch.

It didn’t hurt much because it was small.

“I know it’s a bit far, but you can always come see me!”

She took a step back and grabbed both of my hands, shaking them up and down. Senior smiled and nodded.

“By the way, Lucy.”

Suddenly, Senior’s eyes widened.


I replied, my eyes widening to match hers.

“Do you see the third year behind you, the one with the bangs? He’s not wearing a brooch, by the way.”

A third year with bangs?

I didn’t have to turn around to realize who it was.

“Duen? I know him because he’s there every time I go to the library.”

“Yeah? Well, you’re interested, aren’t you?”

Bella whispered, leaning down slightly from her waist to accommodate me, who was shorter than her.


I asked, scratching my head, unable to understand her cryptic words.

“You know, he hasn’t shown his eyes since he got here.”


“I think today is the last time, so don’t you want to take a look?”

Come to think of it, I didn’t remember seeing Duen’s bare face either. Even if I had, I wasn’t as curious to see Duen’s face as Bella was.

“Usually, boys like that are handsome when they show their faces.”

Was there such a thing?

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