Vol. 2 Chapter 1: Call.

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Common Honorifics:
-san: A polite suffix, but not excessively formal.
-kun: A common suffix among friends and younger people.
-chan: A common suffix among people you’re close with, mostly used for feminine nicknames and girls, since it’s cutesy and childlike.
-senpai: A common suffix and noun used to address or refer to one’s older or more senior colleagues in a school, workplace, dojo, or sports club.

T/L: Vol 2 starts!

“As a result, Makabe has been suspended from school for a month. I know you guys may not agree with it, but please give me a break. Well, it’s a fair punishment considering all the looks around you afterward.”

Sometime after the case was solved, Asakawa and I were summoned by our homeroom teacher, Ms. Kotoriyu. With a husky voice, she crossed her legs and reported Makabe’s punishment after all the evidence.

“No, thank you, teacher. That’s fine with you too, right Miyamoto-kun?”

“Mhm. Thank you very much. Your permission to stay after school really helped, too.”

“I like movie developments like these, but don’t take it up a notch, ‘kay?”

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The way she corrected me while adjusting her glasses was exactly like one of those teachers in movies. Regardless, I’m really indebted to her. Not in a weird way, of course: without her permission, I wouldn’t have been able to capture the moment of Makabe’s crime. That’s why I can’t be mad at the teacher who listened and was flexible with me.

“That’s about it,” the teacher continued. “Asakawa, you can go back. Miyamoto, stay a little longer.”

“Okay, excuse me. Miyamoto-kun, I’ll go first,” Asakawa bowed slightly and left the staff room.

The teacher should have no particular business with me, so I wondered if I’d messed up in any way.

“Teacher, did I do something wrong?”

“No, you didn’t. That’s not what I’m talking about… Ah…” She trailed off, choosing her next words carefully. It was as if she was about to trail some difficult subject. Hmm, I don’t know what it is, but I can tell she’s just worried about my well-being.

“I’ll be fine, teach. I’ve been through a lot lately, but I got a heart of steel, so most things don’t damage me,” I tried to reassure her.

“That’s what I’ve been thinking recently… Well, to put it bluntly, what’s going on with you? Are you going through something difficult?”

Ah, that’s what she meant. She might have heard through rumors that I’ve suddenly changed after summer vacation, that Makabe harassed me, and that I’ve made Asakawa cry. Due to all of that, I presume, she’s worried about me.

“It’s not hard. In fact, I feel great now that I’ve solved a lot of problems.”

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“Is that so? Then it’s fine… Well then, if you’re ever in need again, talk to me. Maybe I failed to notice you were in pain, but next time I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

She uncrossed her legs and beckoned me further. Her serious eyes peeped from behind her lens, and I was momentarily overwhelmed by her power. Thanks to her underlying kindness, though, I wasn’t afraid.

“Why are you doing so much for me, teacher?”

“…It’s because you’re my student. I don’t need any other reason.”


I think she’s really trying to face her students. Even though she’s our homeroom teacher, she couldn’t always keep eye on all of us, so it’s only natural she didn’t get any of what happened between Asakawa and me. She could sense our relationship has changed, though.

I believe Ms. Kotoriyu, who kindly tries to solve her students’ problems, is a reliable teacher. To put it in a “secular” way, her title of the most popular female teacher wasn’t just for show. She had a sharp gaze like Asakawa’s and wore glasses. Some students think she’s stiff, but in fact, she’s quite flexible and able to hold her own while talking to some particularly rebellious students.

According to her, her ponytail was only to keep her hair out of the way. From the boys’ perspective, though, it was a bit of an eye-opener. She’s the ideal female teacher according to the modern male student. Uh, I haven’t collected any statistics, so I’m not sure about that one.

“This is the end of the story then. You can go back to your classroom now, Miyamoto.”

“Okay, thank you very much.”

I bowed slightly and left the staff room.

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“Miyamoto-kun, are you done talking?” Asakawa seemingly waited for me right outside the office, and I wondered if she had something to do. Well, she was stylish as ever, and though she was just standing there, I could feel her exude the aura of a model. I envied her very much.

“Yeah, I’m done. Why were you waiting for me?”

“For no particular reason. I just wanted to spend a little more time with you.”

“O, oh, really?”

Seems she really didn’t need a reason. Since that night, whenever she found time to spare, she’d come to me. And although she doesn’t talk much when Kurosaki is around, I still have to bear witness to a fight between the two biggest players in our school. It happens about once every three days, and I have a special seat to watch it all.

“Did the teacher say anything?”

“Nah, nothing. She was just worried about me,”

“Ah, sure. You’re popular with the girls, Miyamoto-kun, so I’m worried you’ll get stabbed someday.”

“Oh, am I going to get stabbed?”

I was told a scary thing without a shred of hesitation. Well, the only girls who ever talk to me are Kurosaki and Asakawa, so I wonder if any of the two are after my life.

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“You won’t stab me… right, Asakawa?”

“O, of course not. But if you can look at me with that kind of look, I’ll just keep my answer vague,” she looked… happy at my stern gaze.


I really wonder when she became m*asochistic. Frankly, I don’t get why her cheeks only flush at times like this, even though she wears a poker face most of the time.

—Back to the topic, if I had to choose between Kurosaki and Asakawa… Asakawa is the one most likely to stab me. Hmm, no, I think Kurosaki also has the potential to. I mean, she’s surprisingly possessive. I thought back to her convincing me to put that polaroid we took on the back of my phone. In the end, we settled to put it in my wallet.

In that light, the danger to my life won’t come from Asakawa, but from Kuro—

“Miyamoto-kun, are you thinking about other girls?”

“…That’s impossible.”

“…I hope so.”

Her glare was the tip of an iceberg, a prelude to winter. I take back my previous statement, both were dangerous.

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